From Being Grandpa

Chapter 663: 663.My brother is a super rich man


Wang Chao looked through the photos of Warehouse No. 12 absentmindedly. The scene just now had a big impact on him.

At this time, he saw the people at the police station again and seemed to turn a blind eye to He Yong and the others' behavior of holding guns and shooting.

After just checking and asking some questions, I didn't ask any more questions. Next, I guess I just need to go to the police station to make a record or something.

"Zhang Ran, you had enough fun." Taylor said with a laugh.

He had long known that Zhang Ran was coming, but Zhang Ran said he was here to play with his friends, so he didn't bother him too much.

After receiving the call from He Yong this time, he rushed over immediately. After all, the police station might not know Zhang Ran's identity, and they might not believe what He Yong said.

But if Taylor comes forward, everything will be much simpler.

Zhang Ran sighed and said: "It's not bad. I had a lot of fun before, but my mood was ruined today."

"Tch, I know everything. You made a lot this time, right? Are these diamonds?" Taylor heard Aidan's account just now, saying that he was jealous of money, so he wanted to rob Zhang Ran.

Taylor knew that Zhang Ran had obtained valuable diamonds.

Zhang Ran threw these things to Taylor casually and said: "It's just a gadget. If you like it, pick two."

Zhang Ran didn't care about this.

Taylor smiled and said: "So generous?"

"When have you ever seen me stingy?" Zhang Ran said angrily.

After saying that, he ignored Taylor and took him to find Wang Chao and the others. He introduced them to them by the way: "This is my friend in the United States, Taylor. These two are my good brothers, Gong Nan, Wang overtake."

Taylor first greeted the two of them, and then said to Zhang Ran with some dissatisfaction: "Zhang Ran, you make me a little sad like this. What is a friend? Am I not your brother?"

Zhang Ran suddenly shivered when he saw Taylor's "jealous" look, "You're disgusting me."

"Haha." Seeing Zhang Ran's appearance, several people laughed, and Wang Chao also smiled.

"Is this the warehouse you photographed?" Taylor said, looking at the warehouse.

"Yes, you know too?" Zhang Ran asked curiously.

"Of course I know, but I haven't played it yet. By the way, can I join in?" Taylor said enthusiastically.

Wang Chao nodded and said, "Of course."

Immediately, several people began to search inside, and Aidan and others were quickly taken away. The other onlookers did not dare to watch at this time, and basically stayed away.

As for those who had some evil thoughts just now, they all shuddered at this time. Fortunately, they didn't really do anything, otherwise their end would probably be miserable.

Wang Chao and Gong Nan were not as lucky as Zhang Ran, and they basically lost money.

However, neither of them was disappointed, after all, it was just for fun.

Soon it was over for Zhang Ran.

"Come on, come to my place for a drink?" Taylor invited.

Zhang Ran looked at Wang Chao and the others and said, "What about you? Are you going to have fun?"

Before Wang Chao spoke, Gong Nan said: "No problem, we have nothing to do anyway."

Wang Chao thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

It is estimated that this Taylor has something to do with Zhang Ran. If they don't go, Zhang Ran won't go. It's obviously not Zhang Ran's style to leave his friends aside and go have fun by himself.

However, when Wang Chao arrived at Taylor's house, he was still stunned. Although he was a little mentally prepared, he was still stunned when he came to the most luxurious and luxurious residential area in New York.

"Xiaonan, what is Brother Ran..." Looking at Zhang Ran and Taylor chatting in front, Wang Chao couldn't bear it anymore.

He could tell that Gong Nan was not surprised by Zhang Ran's performance. He probably knew about it a long time ago.

Gong Nan smiled and said, "Brother Ran, didn't I tell you earlier?"

After he finished speaking, he reminded: "Don't be angry. Brother Ran didn't hide anything from you. He already told you about the situation before."

Wang Chao was a little dazed at first, but he quickly came to his senses and opened his mouth in surprise, "You mean..."

"Yes, Brother Ran is Zhang Ran, the boss of Galaxy Capital and the ninth richest man in the world." Gong Nan shrugged.

Wang Chao completely stopped talking. He just stared at Zhang Ran's back blankly.

His little friend has actually become a super rich man, and even he has heard of Zhang Ran's fame during this time, and even knows some of the things he has done.

Because of Wang Ya, Wang Chao had heard about Zhang Ran's situation, and Wang Ya often talked about it in front of him.

Many people are now studying Zhang Ran's investment philosophy.

Zhang Ran is now more famous in the investment community than many people imagined.

In fact, many of the industries he invests in have extremely high rates of return. Although there are times when he fails, in summary, his direction is right, but the company does not pay.

Moreover, Zhang Ran also had investments in the United States. It was someone here who blew the whistle, but the company has closed down.

But this company was also a hit back then, but was overtaken by latecomers. Later, due to the company's management and other circumstances, it went bankrupt.

This also shows more and more how forward-looking Zhang Ran's investment is.

Wang Chao told Wang Ya that Wang Ya often studied some of Zhang Ran's known investments.

"Chao'er, Xiaonan, walk faster." Zhang Ran said with a smile as he watched the two of them muttering behind him.

"Here we come." Gong Nan pulled Wang Chao and followed quickly.

But when they arrived at the place, both of them seemed embarrassed. They had no choice but to do it. At some point, a group of supermodels and beautiful women gathered here.

Zhang Ran was also stunned. He looked at Taylor and said speechlessly: "Are you so impatient?"

Taylor smiled and said: "I prepared these for you. You have to have fun while playing. Besides, what fun is there for us grown men without women?"

After saying that, he looked at Wang Chao and the others, "Two brothers, you are Zhang Ran's brothers, that is, my brothers. Play as you like, don't be restrained."

Seeing this group of beauties dressed in bright and cool clothes, Wang Chao and Gong Nan subconsciously looked over and then avoided them.

Seeing their appearance, Taylor burst out laughing, and then motioned to the beauties to entertain the two of them.

"Don't be ridiculous, they all have families and families." Zhang Ran reminded.

Taylor said nonchalantly: "What does this mean? And don't worry, they are all clean girls. Don't worry when I do things."

Zhang Ran complained: "I'm so relieved."

However, although Gong Nan and Wang Chao looked embarrassed, they seemed to have no intention of refusing and stopped talking.