From Being Grandpa

Chapter 889: 889.Two little guys who left early


Zhang Ran looked at Susu's pitiful little appearance, and suddenly felt distressed, and quickly comforted her.

After he was almost comforted, Zhang Ran asked what happened.

The thing is very simple, the two little guys actually skipped school.

I don’t know who started it, but the two little guys chose to leave early during the fourth self-study class in the afternoon.

In addition, the head teachers were all summoned for a meeting, and they didn't find out after school.

It would be okay if it was just like this, after all, no one noticed, but who knew that these two little guys went crazy playing outside and actually forgot to come back.

Liu Lu didn't pick them up when she went to pick up her two children from school. She didn't care at first. Maybe she went back by herself. After all, their home was not far from the school.

When we were busy in the past, the two children would go back by themselves.

But when Liu Lu returned home and found that her child had not returned, Liu Lu wondered again if she had gone to a classmate's house.

They waited until dark and still didn't come back. Now Liu Lu became anxious and asked Zhang Sicheng and Zhang Siyan to come back.

The family searched everywhere.

After calling the teacher and asking classmates, they found out that the two little guys had left early. Now the family became even more anxious.

I almost called the police.

Just when they were anxious, the two children came back with happy smiles on their faces.

But soon, they were no longer happy.

First, Liu Lu didn't say anything. After finding out that the two children were not injured, she picked up the broom nearby and made a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots.

Liu Lu was cruel this time, and Zhang Xiaotao was beaten so badly.

When Susu saw this, she immediately wanted to run away, but this time Zhang Siyan was also frightened, so she was cruel and gave her a beating.

After the beating, I asked the two little guys what the reason was, but the two little guys just didn't say anything, and then they were beaten again.

But this time the two little guys seemed to have become determined after eating the weight, and they refused to talk about life or death.

In the end, Liu Lu and the others had no choice.

After listening to Liu Lu's explanation, Zhang Ran couldn't help but laugh or cry. Of course, he was also a little scared.

Although the two little guys were looking for Grandpa's help, Liu Lu and the others were also nearby, which made them really uneasy.

However, he did not ask the two little guys why they left early. Although the children are small, they still need their own space and secrets.

"Okay, don't blame your mother. You did it wrong in the first place. If something happens next time, you can talk to your mother.

Look, if you do this, how anxious will the family be? "Zhang Ran opened his mouth to console him.

The two little guys actually knew they were wrong, but children also want to save face. When Zhang Ran said this, they both admitted their mistake.

Then Zhang Ran was telling some truths to the two children. Although they might not understand, they would understand one day.

You cannot think that they are just children and just educate them according to your own ideas without saying anything.

Although Zhang Ran doesn't know much about children's education, he has been a child for two lifetimes.

So I have my own understanding in this regard.

Although children are young, they also have their own ideas. Their ideas may be wrong or extreme, but they cannot be ignored.

Repeated neglect may cause problems in the child's growth.

Children do not understand some principles of life, but this does not mean that they do not remember them.

For example, people should be helpful and kind.

In fact, do children as old as Susu and the others really understand the meaning of doing this? Do you really know that this is a good thing to do

The good thing

In fact, they don't know this. They just let them know something through the words and deeds of adults and teachers. This seems to be right and can be recognized by adults.

And when they grow up and have formed habits, and then think about these things again, they will be able to discover the truth.

Zhang Ran was also like this at this time, but he did not have the form of preaching, but instead had a hint of discussion in it.

Zhang Siyan and Zhang Sicheng were also listening on the side, but they just didn't leave the country.

In fact, they are also afraid that their father will educate their children because they beat them.

After all, they could see how much Zhang Ran loved these two children in the past. If Zhang Ran tried to teach them a lesson, they wouldn't be able to talk back.

Fortunately, Zhang Ran did not do this.

Listening to Zhang Ran's careful teaching, Zhang Siyan and Zhang Sicheng both felt the same way in their hearts.

It's hard to express this feeling. To be more specific, it might be... envy

If nothing had happened to Zhang Ran before, then they might have enjoyed such treatment when they were children, right

Zhang Ran talked a lot and stopped talking when both children were sleepy.

At this time, Zhang Sicheng and the others were still awake.

"You did the right thing this time. If your child does something wrong, he will naturally need to be taught a lesson. Don't be soft-hearted when it's time to hit him," Zhang Ran said.

As with some of the principles mentioned earlier, children at this age cannot remember things and they cannot understand the principles.

If they make more important mistakes, they still need some corporal punishment to let them know that they can't do such things in the future.

After Zhang Ran finished speaking, he paused and said, "But from now on it will be when I can't see you."

Zhang Siyan and the others were a little bit dumbfounded, but Zhang Ran was still a little distressed.

"What's going on specifically?" Zhang Ran didn't ask the two children carefully, but it didn't mean that he really didn't care.

"I'm not sure yet." Zhang Sicheng shook his head.

Zhang Ran said: "Then you can check it out tomorrow, but there is no need to tell the children."

"Okay, I'll do it tomorrow." Zhang Sicheng said.

"By the way, have you called the teacher? Did you say that the child is back?" Zhang Ran said.

Zhang Sicheng was stunned for a moment, then slapped his forehead, "I forgot, I'll tell you right now."

Then he made a call and found out that the teacher was still outside looking for him.

Zhang Sicheng apologized immediately and also sent a big red envelope to some parents in the parent group to thank everyone for their help.

Some parents who had nothing to do came out to help with the search, but Zhang Sicheng and the others had been educating their children just now, and their mood suddenly changed from extremely nervous, worried and scared, and they didn't think of this for a while.

Zhang Ran ignored Zhang Sicheng and said to Liu Lu: "Xiao Lu, I will arrange a few people here. You can watch it then."

Zhang Ran also arranged bodyguards for his children and Liu Lu before, but it was because of the whale shark incident.

After the whale shark incident, he withdrew. Now it seems that he still needs one or two bodyguards to help watch.