From Being Grandpa

Chapter 891: 891. What good things are you thinking about?


The plane landed. After Zhang Ran and the others got off the plane, they did not rush to the Swiss Bank, but took a good stroll here.

Things are not rushed.

Zhang Ran actually rarely has the opportunity to hang out like this and experience different customs.

No matter before or now, Zhang Ran has always been busy. He always rushes by here or other places.

Taking this opportunity now to take a good stroll here is also a good experience.

A group of people were chatting and laughing while strolling on the street, and from time to time they bought some small things, such as hats, scarves and other local-style things.

Others didn't know it, but Huo Zhiyuan had a great time, and the smile on his face never stopped along the way.

... ... ... ... ... .

The next morning, Zhang Ran was not in a hurry to check his things. There was no rush. No matter what you do, it is a good thing to be polite first and then attack. This makes people polite.

If the Swiss Bank is very cooperative this time, then Zhang Ran will not deliberately embarrass them. If there is really something missing, they will just ask them to compensate.

So he first went to visit Ostow, the chairman of UBS.

This time Zhang Ran only brought He Qing and Yin Long with him, and the etiquette on the surface was very thorough.

"Mr. Zhang, I have long admired your name." Ostow knew a lot about Chinese culture and started chatting with Zhang Ran from the beginning.

He seemed to be very familiar with Zhang Ran, but in fact, Zhang Ran had never even met him.

"Hello, Mr. Osto." Zhang Ran greeted with a smile.

"Please take a seat."

Both sides were very polite.

"Mr. Zhang, how about trying the pastries I made?" Osto said with a smile.

Today he was resting at home and happened to make some pastries. Zhang Ran quite appreciated this aspect of Westerners.

Work is work and life is life. Work and life are rarely confused.

People like Ostow seldom make things by themselves in China, and spend most of their time busy at work.

Zhang Ran picked up a piece of pastry, took a bite, gave it a thumbs up, and said, "It's very good."


After a little chatting, Osto also knew that Zhang Ran must have something to do when he came here this time, and he almost guessed it.

After all, what Zhang Ran did in Nanfa could not be hidden from these people.

It was very easy for them to inquire, or there was no need to inquire at all. At this time, Zhang Ran's affairs had been widely spread.

Basically everyone with some connections knows about it.

"Mr. Zhang, you're here not just for fun, right?" Osto said with a smile.

Zhang Ran nodded and said: "As you said, there are indeed some things that I want to ask Swiss Bank for help."

"If there is anything we can do to help, please let Mr. Zhang speak. As long as we can help, we will not refuse." Osto seemed very enthusiastic.

But everyone knows that his words are actually just an excuse.

Zhang Ran said: "I know that Swiss Bank has a large number of oil bonds issued by the Rhodes family. Now these bonds have expired. I wonder what your bank's plans are?"

"As expected." Ostow sighed secretly.

However, he said with a puzzled smile on his face: "Of course there is, but the Rhodes family's oil bonds were originally issued by us, and the profits have been very objective over the years. I wonder what Mr. Zhang means?"

He is just pretending to be confused.

Zhang Ran didn't give him a chance to pretend to be confused, and said directly: "That's it, I hope your bank can let the Rhodes family redeem their bonds, after all, the bonds have expired.

Of course, I will also provide some other resources in exchange at that time, and maybe we can also cooperate at that time.

Mr. Ostow also knows that my stall has accidentally expanded into a large one, so I am short of money. I hope your bank will lend a helping hand when the time comes. "

Zhang Ran said it beautifully, but in fact it was an exchange of interests.

And Osto is also a little excited in his heart. He has no choice but to let Zhang Ran have it in his hands. At least on the surface, these industries are sunrise industries, and each one has great potential.

Not much else to say, the telecommunications business we just won in the UK, as long as it is completed, will definitely make a lot of money.

And one thing is actually worth pondering, that is, whether Zhang Ran can also obtain such business authorization in other European countries.

Once it is won, this business will become a hot commodity.

"I also very much hope to cooperate with Mr. Zhang. As long as Mr. Zhang opens his mouth, we will provide the greatest help.

We have a lot of business dealings with some countries in the EU, and the relationship is quite good. If possible, we actually have a very good basis for cooperation. "Osto said with a smile.

But he never mentioned oil bonds.

Zhang Ran smiled, what does this old guy want to do? Just want to get benefits and don’t want to work? What are you thinking about

"So Mr. Ostow agreed?" Zhang Ran said with a smile.

"Of course, what do you call such a thing in Chinese terms, a match made in heaven? Am I right?" Osto also showed off his Chinese culture.

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "Okay, we will cooperate happily."

Osto stretched out his hand and said, "We enjoy working together."

However, Zhang Ran did not shake hands with him, but said: "Mr. Ostow, when will you announce that the Rhodes family will take back the bonds?"

What is this old guy thinking

Osto's expression froze, then he recovered, he retracted his hand calmly, and then said seriously: "Mr. Zhang, I don't quite understand what you mean?"

"Huh? Mr. Osto, do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand? The basic premise of our cooperation is this, and now you are telling me that you don't understand? Are you kidding me?" Zhang Ran sneered.

This old guy has installed it here. He just wants to get benefits and doesn't want to pay. Why don't you flatter him to death

Osto said seriously: "Sir, these are two different things. We have a very good foundation for cooperation. As long as we can cooperate, I believe that many businesses will actually have good room for development."

"I know." Zhang Ran said expressionlessly.

"That's not as good as..."

"But I want you to agree to let the Rhodes family take back the oil bonds." Zhang Ran said.

Osto didn't know what to say. It was impossible for him to agree to this condition, which would damage the credibility of their Swiss bank.

Since they started issuing bonds for the Rhodes family, they have actually become partners and guarantors, although time has passed now.

But in fact, many institutions will keep them because of the face of Swiss banks.