From Being Grandpa

Chapter 892: 892.Your face is so big!


Letting them do this now is tantamount to saying that their Swiss bank has broken its promise.

Although the Rhodes family and UBS did not say anything, in fact everyone knows that UBS also received huge benefits from this oil bond issuance.

This is one of the reasons why they are willing to do this.

So it is obviously impossible for Zhang Ran to make them give up now, especially since it will also damage their credibility.

Are Swiss banks really big

In fact, this is not the case. Compared with some big banks, their size, value or business are actually nothing.

But their reputation is great, and many wealthy people are willing to deposit money in their banks.


Just because they have a good reputation, they will take their reputation very seriously.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know if there is any misunderstanding between you and the Rhodes family. If possible, I will be the host and you guys sit down and have a chat. Isn't there a Chinese saying that it is better to resolve enemies than to end them?" Os. To said with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhang Ran didn't know what to say. He could only say, "You have such a big face!"

Zhang Ran used this sentence in Chinese.

Although Osto understands some Chinese culture and can speak a few Chinese words, he still cannot understand such words that are similar to slang.

But Osto realized very clearly that Zhang Ran was not praising him.

"Mr. Zhang,..." Ostow's face darkened and he was about to speak.

However, Zhang Ran did not give him this opportunity, "There are many things that outsiders cannot interfere with. We in China have a saying, don't persuade others to do good without suffering others' suffering.

Do you know what the grudge is between us? I dare to say such things without fear of flashing my tongue. "

Zhang Ran has always hated people who think they have a lot of face. What do you know? Just mix it in the middle

"Okay, since Mr. Ostow is not willing, I have nothing more to say, so everyone can do their own thing." After Zhang Ran said this, he said goodbye and left.

Although I didn’t come with much hope this time, it would be the best if I could succeed.

But it is obvious that most people just want to take advantage and do not want to pay, even if they pay, they may get more.

Zhang Ran returned home and informed Huo Zhiyuan how things were prepared.

Huo Zhiyuan said: "Everything is ready."

Zhang Ran nodded and said: "Okay, let's set off."

After speaking, Zhang Ran and his group went directly to the Swiss Bank. He needed to see how much of the things he had saved.

As long as one thing is missing, then for him, this is an opportunity.

As for really nothing less

Zhang Ran really doesn't believe this. There are really very few people who won't be tempted when they know that the owner of the thing is gone.

And even if the people above are not tempted, some employees who know the situation may not be tempted.

Although these things have strict storage systems, no matter what system, there are actually flaws.

Especially when it was not so strict before, there were actually many loopholes that could be exploited.

After some negotiation, Zhang Ran and the others were quickly taken to your living room, where the manager came to receive them.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, my name is Gustav. I am the manager here. How can I serve you?" Gustav had a professional smile on his face.

Zhang Ran didn't hide his identity, and since he was here, he probably couldn't hide it either. People who open banks are quite familiar with rich people.

These are all their big customers, especially Swiss banks. A large part of them are actually doing business for wealthy people.

Of course they know Zhang Ran's identity, the third richest man in the world, and he is still rushing upward at a rapid pace.

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "Hello, I want to take away some things that I used to have here."

He didn't have any carelessness, he came up and spoke directly.

Gustav looked at what Zhang Ran brought over, nodded and said, "I'll make arrangements for you right away."

Zhang Ran was no longer anxious at this time. He was sitting in your living room, drinking coffee quietly.

Although he doesn't like coffee very much, he has to say that the coffee here is really good.

Although he likes tea more!

But it's still nice to drink it once or twice now and then.

Gustav didn't know what was going on inside. He just followed the normal procedures. There were quite a few things that Zhang Ran left here.

No fewer than ten safes were opened alone, several of which were anonymous.

"Mr. Zhang, we are ready here, please come with me." Gustav said with a smile.

Zhang Ran nodded and followed the others. As for letting only one person in, this was obviously not a requirement for people like Zhang Ran.

In fact, Gustave was a little excited, knowing that Zhang Ran had stored something with them, and it had been for such a long time.

He has actually thought of a very good publicity method.

You must know that the competition among banks is becoming more and more fierce now. It takes a lot of energy for them to keep some rich people's money with them. ,

Especially in recent years, there have been an endless stream of rich people in China, which is also a big piece of fat.

If the news that Zhang Ran also kept something with them and kept it for thirty years could be leaked, it would probably attract many Chinese rich people.

Just as he was thinking about it, Gustav opened the first cabinet and motioned to Zhang Ran to check the contents inside.

Zhang Ran just took one look and knew that there was no problem, and motioned for him to continue.

When he reached the second cabinet, Gustav's face turned pale, but Zhang Ran just smiled.

There is nothing in this cabinet.

"Mr. Zhang..." Gustave wanted to explain something.

"Don't rush to explain, continue." Zhang Ran said with a smile.

As this cabinet was opened, Gustav's mood was no longer the same as before, and he immediately opened another cabinet. This cabinet was the same as the first one just now, and there was no shortage of things in it.

The fourth cabinet is intact.

... ... ... .

The contents of the seventh cabinet are gone.

"If I remember correctly, there should be US$100 million in bearer bonds." Zhang Ran suddenly said.

At this moment, Gustav's legs were going weak. This was a major mistake!

At this time, he had completely lost his previous thoughts. He was now more anxious than Zhang Ran.

Of course Zhang Ran won't be in a hurry. No matter what is missing, Swiss Bank will have to compensate. Not only compensation, but also other costs.