From Being Grandpa

Chapter 901: 901. Are you willing to take over the shares issued by Nan?


I have to say that Ostow was really excited when faced with the 300 million US dollars, but that was all.

Although his heart was beating, Osto was still able to control the greed in his heart.

One of the most important reasons why he is able to achieve this position is that he can see himself clearly.

There are things that I can barely hold, and there are things that I shouldn’t touch.

Moreover, these 300 million US dollars can be regarded as buying his future, so Ostow is still very cautious when it comes to such matters.

Otherwise, he would not have lowered his attitude so low immediately after rejecting Zhang Ran. Even though there were countless slanders in his heart, there was nothing wrong with Osto's face.

This is Osto's way of life, and it also allows him to avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Thinking of this, Osto sighed deeply and said, "I have to say, your price makes me very excited."

These words did not make Jason and Qiao Silin happy. On the contrary, both of them looked a little unhappy.

Sure enough, Ostow said next: "But I really can't promise you this matter.

You still need to rely on your own efforts. As long as you can convince others, there will be no problem with me. "

Ostow still didn't want to take the risk. For him, this matter was somewhat beyond his capabilities.

In other words, once he failed, the price he had to pay was somewhat unbearable.

Ostow loves money, otherwise he would not accept bribes from the Rhodes family, but he loves power even more.

As the CEO of a Swiss bank, he has great power, and this power fascinates him.

With this status, he is a member of the top society, and most people will give him face.

If he didn't have this identity, then he would just be a rich man, and he wouldn't have much respect for him.

So Osto can still carry it clearly.

But Osto finally said: "Don't worry, no matter what, I will buy time for you in the end."

This can be regarded as a good end to the cooperation between the two parties for so many years. Anyway, Ostow really has no intention of getting involved now.

In fact, Osto also understood that the Rhodes brothers and sisters had not convinced those shareholders, otherwise they would not have bribed him with 300 million US dollars.

After all, not everyone is like Zhang Ran and uses money inappropriately.

Maybe the Rhodes brothers and sisters really convinced one or two, but they were unable to affect the overall situation. The threat given by Zhang Ran was too great.

No matter how angry the Swiss banks are, they dare not risk losing the Asian market and suffering pressure from Europe and the United States.

So it is very clear how to make a choice.

The reason why no decision has been made yet is actually because most people are unwilling to do so.

When did they receive such treatment

Of course, such treatment still exists, but it is for a behemoth like a country, not an individual.

But now, Zhang Ran made them surrender just by relying on his own personality. Obviously, these people were still unwilling to do so.

Facing such a result, the Rhodes brothers and sisters felt their hearts sinking, but no matter what they did at this time, it would be useless.

They have been able to do as much as they can.

Just when Ostow was about to get up to see off the guests, Jason suddenly said: "If we sell you 2.5% of the shares of the Development Bank of South Africa, will you take over?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Ostow, but also Qiao Silin was stunned for a moment.

But soon, there was something strange in Qiao Silin's eyes. Was her old brother back

Osto was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses and looked at Jason carefully, as if to see if he was lying.

The current market capitalization of the Development Bank of South Africa is approximately US$300 billion, and its 2.5% shareholding is approximately US$7.5 billion.

But if you include some special functions of the Development Bank of South Africa, this value will definitely increase. In any case, 2.5% of the shares can be sold for 8 billion US dollars.

Similarly, the Rhodes family oil bonds held by Swiss banks are approximately US$8 billion.

Such a deal already seems obvious.

And Jason also understands that from now on, no, since Zhang Ran persuaded people like Han Jing Group, the Rhodes family no longer has much say in Nanfa.

After all, according to Zhang Ran's character, he will definitely use various means to cause trouble for them within Nanfa.

It is better to sell it directly now and get a good price.

What's more important is that the shares issued by their family in the south are almost 4%. Although this may seem like a small amount, it is actually not a small amount.

Nanfa is actually a collection of wealthy people. Using Nanfa to unite these people can play a greater role.

After so many years, it has been very effective.

It's just that now the Rhodes family can't play anymore. Nanfa, because of Zhang Ran, there is no room for them to play.

The reason why I didn't sell everything was because I wanted to come back one day. After all, if I really sold everything, it would not be easy to get back into the market later.

Even if Zhang Ran re-entered the market, it cost a lot of money. In addition, it was just the right time to complete the re-enter.

Another point is that the entry of Swiss Bank into the market is actually a restriction for Zhang Ran.

In any case, this incident is a shame for Swiss Bank, being forced into this by Zhang Ransheng.

If UBS enters the market, it will definitely confront Zhang Ran. This is obvious.

Unless Zhang Ran will give a price that is difficult to refuse from the Swiss bank.

But if Zhang Ran wanted to give it, he would have given it long ago, so why make such a fuss

Qiao Silin really didn't expect that Jason would become so decisive now. It seemed that her words before had really had an effect.

In the past, especially when facing Zhang Ran, Jason was actually a little hesitant no matter what he did, and he did not have the kind of decisiveness to treat others.

But now, Jason has such decisiveness again.

This made Qiao Silin feel relieved. In fact, during this period, she was also under a lot of pressure, especially when Jason was unable to shoulder the responsibility. It's just not shown.

Osto looked at Jason deeply. He was also a smart man and could see Jason's purpose immediately.