From Being Grandpa

Chapter 903: 903. Mr. Zhang is not angry?


When Jason made his choice, the outcome was already determined, because it was impossible for the Swiss Bank to refuse such conditions.

And this time it wasn't too difficult for them to do, at least they didn't offend the Rhodes family to death.

The current Rhodes family still has the idea of continuing to cooperate with them.

Of course, it is impossible to say that Jason and the others do not blame Swiss Bank, but now they dare not offend too many people. Zhang Ran has already made them miserable, and now all their energy is focused on Zhang Ran On the body.

The rest can be put aside.

This matter seems to be a complete loss for the Rhodes family. They have to recover the corporate bonds and lose the shares issued by Nan.

It can be said that he suffered a big loss.

But this is not actually the case. Although the oil bond issue is unavoidable, it is actually a benefit.

That is to recover these bonds, which is equivalent to solving a considerable part of their company's liability problem.

Without these liabilities, they can re-make some loans. I believe many banks will be interested.

Of course, this also has a premise, that is, they have enough cash to recycle these oil bonds.

Otherwise, those banks will not only refuse to lend, but will even question their ability to repay.

So Jason sold part of the shares in Nanfang. This part was also crucial. Not only did he collect enough money, he also blocked the Swiss Bank in front of Zhang Ran, temporarily blocking Zhang Ran's attack on Nanfang. pressure.

This is also a matter of killing two birds with one stone. It can be said that in this matter, this choice is already the best.

If Jason is not ruthless and decisive enough, he will face even greater losses.

... ... ... ... ... .

Zhang Ran didn't expect Jason to be so decisive, so when he received a call from Osto on the third day, he was a little stunned.

Early in the morning, Osto called Zhang Ran and simply said that they agreed to Zhang Ran's request, but the details would be discussed later.

Zhang Ran didn't refuse. Originally, he thought that the Swiss Bank would be delayed for a while, so he was already prepared for this.

Zhang Ran originally thought about launching public opinion from Asia. In fact, this was not only to create pressure on Swiss Bank, but also to prepare for some things on his side.

He has not forgotten that Huaxia still has a banking license. Although it has not been given to him yet, judging from the current results, it is already a certainty.

This is just making some preparations in advance.

But Zhang Ran didn't expect that Swiss Bank would make a decision so quickly this time and agree to his request, which actually surprised him.

But now that it has happened, Zhang Ran doesn't think about it anymore. Anyway, this is a good thing.

Soon Osto arrived at Zhang Ran's home.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhang Ran went straight to the point and said, "I really didn't expect you to make a decision so quickly this time."

Zhang Ran wasn't pretending. At this point, there was actually no need.

Ostow smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Zhang, let alone you, I actually didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

If we can achieve such efficiency every time, then I can guarantee that the company's profits will be greatly increased. "

"Haha, the risk has also increased a lot." Zhang Ran smiled.

There are good and bad aspects to this kind of delay. The good thing is that although it takes a little longer, it can fully examine the feasibility of the plan.

You can even use this time to observe whether the operation of some things is appropriate.

After joking, Zhang Ran asked curiously: "I'm really curious, why did you reach an agreement so quickly?"

Ostow looked hesitant and said with a smile: "If there are any company secrets involved, just pretend I didn't tell them."

"That's not true, and Mr. Zhang will probably know about it soon." After a little hesitation, Ostow became calm.

After the matter is actually implemented, Zhang Ran will definitely get the news. After all, Zhang Ran is also a shareholder of Nanfa, and he is also a shareholder with a strong say.

"I'm all ears."

Ostow said: "Mr. Jason of the Rhodes family sold 2.5% of Nan's shares to our Swiss bank."

Zhang Ran was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then he laughed immediately. This Jason was really capable and could actually make such a decision.

In fact, Jason's guess was correct. Zhang Ran wanted to use Nanfa to involve all their funds and a large part of their energy.

In this way, it will be easier for him to do many things.

But now it seems that Jason has not failed to see it, and he has enough determination.

"Isn't Mr. Zhang surprised?" Osto asked.

Zhang Ran said: "It was a little unexpected, but that's it. It seems that Jason has indeed grown a lot over the years."

As he spoke, Zhang Ran felt a little emotional, thinking that the young man who followed him back then was already quite scheming now.

"Mr. Zhang, is there anything you want to say?" Osto said.

"What did you say? Do you still want me to congratulate you?" Zhang Ran glanced at him and said.

Osto smiled and said: "Of course not. In this case, all Mr. Zhang's previous plans would be in vain.

Now I am not afraid to reveal some information to Mr. Zhang. This time the Rhodes family does not need to spend a penny to redeem the oil bonds. "

In fact, Osto was still a little proud. Although he did not make this decision, he was still very happy to be able to defeat Zhang Ran.

Who made Zhang Ran be so disrespectful to him these days? Although Osto didn't mind on the surface, he was still very unhappy in his heart.

When the opportunity came this time, he wanted to laugh at Zhang Ran.

Of course, on the surface, Osto was still very polite, at least he couldn't really piss off Zhang Ran.

Judging from past situations, Zhang Ran is a very emotional person. If Zhang Ran is angered, Osto is not sure whether Zhang Ran will end up fighting with their Swiss bank just because of this small problem. knock.

Zhang Ran could see Osto's thoughts, but he didn't care, "Since I achieved my goal, then I have nothing to be angry about?"

"Huh?" This time it was Ostow's turn to be confused. Has Zhang Ran achieved his goal

If you insist on speaking, it can be counted, but in fact, Zhang Ran did not complete anything this time, and he also allowed the Rhodes family to get out of the quagmire of Nanfa.