From Being Grandpa

Chapter 908: 908.Group picnic


When only Zhang Sicheng can apply for the batch number, the other party can no longer decide the price.

After all, without Zhang Sicheng, they would not be able to enter the Chinese market, so the initiative in negotiations was completely handed over to Zhang Sicheng.

Zhang Sicheng has been busy with this matter recently. When his father said he would have a picnic this Sunday, he subconsciously refused because he was really busy after all.

But when he heard his father talking about his sister, he felt a little complicated. He was not only talking about Zhang Siyan, but also him.

Now he spends less and less time with Taotao, especially recently, when he comes back most of the time, Taotao falls asleep.

We met briefly in the morning, said good morning to each other, then went to school and went to work.

It will be even worse when they have rest on Sunday, because at that time, Taotao will sleep in, which means that he will not be seen in the morning.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sicheng stopped talking and just ate in silence.

As for Liu Lu, she had no objection at all. Instead, she said happily: "Dad, do we need to prepare anything? My barbecue skills may not be very good. I have never done barbecue."

Zhang Ran said: "Just prepare a little bit and leave the barbecue to Dayong. Dayong's barbecue skills are outstanding.

But you can buy some sweet potatoes and prepare them when the time comes, and we will roast them and eat them. "

No matter what, He Yong will definitely go with him, which is something Zhang Ran can't help but now.

"Okay, I'll go prepare it tomorrow." Liu Lu immediately wrote it down.

As for what Zhang Ran wanted to buy sweet potatoes for, she didn't ask much.

Of course, the happiest ones among them were the two little guys. When they knew they were going to have a picnic, the two little guys almost jumped up with joy.

Then he kept asking about this and that, making Zhang Ran almost regret having said it.

It was even more so when it was time for Zhang Ran to tell them stories in the evening.

He kept pestering Zhang Ran to tell them about the picnic, and the questions kept coming, which made Zhang Ran feel a little upset.

After finally coaxing the two little guys to sleep, Zhang Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the next two days, he realized that it was a little late for him to relax. Every day, the two little guys would pester him with questions.

He also asked if he could bring his friends over to play.

Especially Susu, whose big eyes were full of expectation. How could Zhang Ran have the heart to refuse

You must know that this is the first time Susu brings friends over to play. This also proves that besides Zhang Xiaotao, Susu has real friends.

So Zhang Ran immediately said that there was no problem. In order to make Susu happy, and to encourage Susu to make more friends, Zhang Ran also called the parents of Susu's friends and invited them to participate in the picnic.

Originally, Zhang Ran really wanted to have a family picnic, but when Susu's problem came up, everything had to make way for this.

Zhang Siyan was also very happy, but at the same time she felt a little guilty. Susu had a new friend, but she didn't even know it.

In the past, Susu would have told her immediately, but she only knows now.

So Zhang Siyan also began to seriously reflect on herself.

In fact, if you think about it, Zhang Ran's requirements may not seem high, but in fact they are a bit scary.

It is necessary for Zhang Sicheng and the others to make some achievements, be able to stand alone, and even be able to take on his huge business empire.

It is actually very difficult for them to take care of their families.

If it were easy, there wouldn't be so many cases where work breaks down family relationships, let alone so many things where family delays work.

But who made him the father, so Zhang Siyan and the others could only listen and work hard to complete it.

And no matter what, all Zhang Ran's starting points and purposes are for their good.

At 7:30 on Saturday morning, while Zhang Ran was still sleeping, he heard someone knocking on the door.

Zhang Ran woke up instantly, and then sighed secretly in his heart, knowing who it was without having to guess.

After all, in this family, only two little guys dared to knock on his door like this, especially when he was sleeping.

Sure enough, when Zhang Ran opened the door, he saw two little guys looking at him eagerly.

Zhang Ran looked down at the two little guys who were neatly dressed and even washed. For a moment, he really didn't know what to say.

"Grandpa, when are we leaving?" Susu asked immediately after seeing her grandpa.

Zhang Ran could only say: "We will set off after dinner."

As soon as these words came out, the two little guys knocked on Zhang Sicheng's door like the wind.

According to their previous plan, they were going to set off at nine in the morning, arrive at their destination around eleven, then have dinner between twelve and one o'clock, and then play all afternoon.

So Liu Lu didn't get up early to make breakfast today, and planned to take a nap.

But she couldn't sleep. How could she still sleep with two little guys here

After breakfast, Zhang Ran called their friends and parents respectively under the expectant eyes of the two little guys.

Taotao was accompanied by two classmates this time, and both of their parents were with them. After all, the parents were worried about handing their children over to others.

And today is also a rare rest day, so being able to go out for a picnic is also a good choice.

Just in time to relax.

Susu has only one classmate, a cute little girl named Feng Qingguo. Every time Zhang Ran picks up the two children from school, he can watch her and Susu walk out of school together.

The parents over there probably didn't expect them to be so early, but fortunately, their children are not fuel-efficient, or it may be said that these children discussed it.

So they woke up very early and had no chance to sleep in.

After agreeing on where to meet, Zhang Ran hung up the phone, packed up and was ready to leave.

This time they were still driving an RV, and He Qing did not come with them. She also had her own things to do.

He Qing was tired from studying and working for such a long time, so he just took advantage of this time to relax a little.

Her way of relaxing is also very simple, that is, going shopping.

Maybe this is the nature of women. When He Qing was poor in the past, she would save money even on buying some daily necessities, let alone crazy shopping.

But now that I have money, I no longer have the same reluctance to shop as before. I just buy what I like.

Zhang Ran wouldn't say anything about this situation. Since there is no shortage of money, there is no need to keep saving.

Along the way, the two little guys were like sparrows, chirping non-stop without any intention of stopping.