From Being Grandpa

Chapter 911: 911.Qian Zhengkun visits


A group of people have a lot of fun here, both adults and children are extremely relaxed.

This is especially true for adults.

After working continuously for five days or more, I now have such a free time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, the warmth of my family, and the chats with my friends.

Days like this are really nice, especially when we haven’t had them like this for a long time.

This time passed so quickly that no one could react, and the sky was gradually getting dark.

When we parted, several people were still a little reluctant to leave.

"Is there any chance we can come together?"

"Of course, I'll treat you when the time comes."

"Haha, okay, we will give you a good meal then."

A group of adults were chatting and laughing, but they also knew that such opportunities would rarely come around in the future.

Life is like this. Even if you know that such a time is comfortable, it is difficult to replicate it.

It doesn't mean that there will be no changes after arrangements are made. There are too many surprises in life.

It's like making an appointment with friends to go out for fun. The plan has been completely made, and even the tickets have been bought.

But on the day of departure, you realize that everyone has something to do except yourself.

... ... ... ... ..

Zhang Ran and the others returned home, washed up, and then went to bed. They even ate a little hastily for dinner.

The two children were also very tired and fell asleep in the car. They were forced to wake them up for dinner and then force-fed them a little.

This is also because the two children will wake up hungry at night and have nothing to eat.

... ... ... .

The next day, Zhang Ran lay in the yard and drank tea leisurely. After resting like yesterday, he suddenly felt that it was so comfortable to rest like this.

In the past, he always said not to be too busy and to take time off, but in fact, Zhang Ran had many things to do and rarely had time to really take time off.

So now he enjoys this time more and more.

The two children may have been playing too crazy yesterday and were rarely quiet today, but it may also be because they had too much homework.

At this point, Zhang Ran didn't say anything. It was only natural for students to do their homework.

As long as you don't deliberately make things difficult, no matter how much homework you have, it's normal.

Unless they are the kind of true super genius who can understand everything at a glance, most people's learning depends on constant repeated practice before they can master it skillfully.

Zhang Xiaotao and Susu actually both have pretty good IQs, especially Zhang Xiaotao, who ranked first in the class several times in a row and among the top ten in age.

But this only proves that Zhang Xiaotao is barely a little genius and still needs constant practice.

Just when Zhang Ran was enjoying such time, someone came to the door.

"Brother Qian, why are you here? Please come in." Zhang Ran looked at Qian Zhengkun and the others with some surprise.

Although Qian Zhengkun sometimes interacted with the Zhang family, most of the time it was Zhang Ran or Zhang Siyan who came to see them, and they themselves rarely came.

This may be the kind of aloofness or stubbornness inherent in cultural people.

The current wealth of the Zhang family is definitely the best in the world, so Qian Zhengkun doesn't want to run away from the Zhang family because he is afraid that others will think that he is trying to flatter him.

This time not only Qian Zhengkun came, but also Lao Zheng and the others, those who developed 'Brother Yong'.

Of course, this is mainly because the conditions provided by Zhang Ran are too good.

"Zhang Ran, I came here without warning, sorry to bother you." Qian Zhengkun said a little embarrassed.

He wanted to call Mr. Zhang, but Zhang Ran corrected him every time. Qian Zhengkun also knew that Zhang Ran was not polite, so he called him Zhang Ran now.

"Where are you? It's not too late for me to welcome you." Zhang Ran said with a smile.

Then he poured tea for everyone, "How about you try my tea?"

Although he could see that Qian Zhengkun and the others were involved in something, he was not in a hurry.

Although Qian Zhengkun and others were a little anxious, they could not wait any longer.

"Mr. Zhang's tea is really good. Just this cup is probably worth a lot of money, right?" Old Zheng said with a smile.

"That's it. If you like it, Professor Zheng, I'll have someone send you some later." Zhang Ran said with a smile.

Lao Zheng looked at Zhang Ran, then laughed and said: "Then I'm not polite, there are not many opportunities to beat the rich."

"Haha, what you said is that as long as you want to drink, just tell me when the time comes and I will ensure you have enough control." Zhang Ran laughed.

After joking for a while, Zhang Ran changed the topic. He knew that these people were looking for him again.

"Brother Qian, Professor Zheng, are you here for something?" Zhang Ran asked.

Professor Zheng suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but Qian Zhengkun said: "There is indeed something I want you to help with."

"If you have any questions, just ask me, as long as I can help." Zhang Ran said grandly.

"It's like this. Because of some of your funding, Lao Zheng has rekindled his research mentality, and he has made a lot of achievements, and his school has begun to strongly support him.

Not long ago, he achieved a very good result. Let me tell you the details. " Qian Zhengkun said.

Zhang Ran waved his hand and said: "It's better not to say anything specific. I don't understand it even if you say it. Just tell me what it is?"

This time, instead of Qian Zhengkun speaking, Professor Zheng said hesitantly: "It's like this. I made a research result some time ago, but it overlapped with the results of a foreign research team, and the time of the research was also the same. almost the same.

Even the time of publication is consistent. "

"You mean they copied your research results?" Zhang Ran said. He didn't know much about academia, so he guessed after hearing this.

According to Zhang Ran's idea, there is no such coincidence in the world, and now that Professor Zheng and the others are looking for them, it should be that the other party has plagiarized Professor Zheng's work.

As for how it was copied and at the same time, this is not what Zhang Ran needs to worry about.

Upon hearing this, Professor Zheng immediately waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, that's not the case. They did not plagiarize my results, it's just that we studied the results at the same time."

"Huh? Is there such a coincidence?" Zhang Ran asked curiously.

Professor Zheng nodded with a wry smile and said: "It is indeed a coincidence, but such things are not uncommon in academia. Many topics are actually out there for everyone to study, and the only ones who are aware of them are the research directions.

We were working on it at the same time, but it took a little longer for their project to be established than for us. "

Listening to Professor Zheng's explanation, Zhang Ran gained a little understanding of the academic world.