From Being Grandpa

Chapter 914: 914.Nobel Prize Winner Platform


After Zhang Ran settled the matter, he basked in the sun leisurely again, and guided the two little guys on their homework from time to time.

Compared with those business matters, things like this give Zhang Ran a sense of accomplishment.

Especially watching his juniors grow up step by step under his guidance, this sense of accomplishment makes him very satisfied.

However, Zhang Ran was satisfied, but Professor Zheng was not so relaxed.

"Old Zheng, don't be so gloomy. Zhang Ran has helped. With his influence, he should be able to invite some people to help with the platform." Qian Zhengkun consoled him.

"Yes, Lao Zheng, there is no need to be so pessimistic, and didn't Zhang Ran say that in the worst case, you will go to work in Zhang Ran's laboratory from now on.

With his financial strength and the unique things in his laboratory, you will come up with an even more shocking project to slap them in the face. "The people on the side also comforted.

Although the current results are much better than before, Professor Zheng still can't really feel relieved until the final results come out.

Professor Zheng watched his old friends comforting him one by one. The original worries in his heart were slightly dissipated, and he felt a burst of warmth at the same time.

"Thank you." Professor Zheng said softly.

Qian Zhengkun laughed and said: "How can you thank us? We have been old friends for so many years, and we will have to buy our graves together. Why are you so polite?"

Indeed, they have actually agreed that they will all be buried together from now on, and they can still be neighbors even if they die.

Old professors like Qian Zhengkun used to come from rural areas, but after so many years, their hometown has forgotten them.

They can't go back, and if they want to go back, people probably won't recognize them.

So in the end, they decided to buy a tomb and forget about it on the spot. There was no need to keep stressing about the fallen leaves returning to their roots.

"Haha, Lao Zheng, stop talking about this. Let's go have a drink. It's been so many years since we had a real drink. Let's take this opportunity to have a good drink." Someone suggested.

Professor Zheng knew that his old friend wanted to get drunk and relieve his worries, so he thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's go, I'll treat you."

After saying that, several old men came to Professor Zheng's house with great energy. They had no choice but to do it. After all, they were old and it was better to drink at home. At least there was someone to help watch.

If you drink outside, if you drink too much and are not careful, you may fall, and then the problem will become bigger.

Professor Zheng's wife also knew about their affairs, so she cooked some good food and bought good wine, but did not stop them.

However, Professor Zheng's wife still called Qian Zhengkun and his wives, and within a short time, these people also came.

However, they didn't stop their men from drinking, they were just a little uneasy.

Professor Zheng didn't know how much he drank. Anyway, he wanted to get himself drunk, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sleep.

Although this incident only happened about half a month ago, the impact it had on him was huge.

Because once he fails in the competition, it will have a huge impact on him, especially his reputation.

Taking advantage of this drunkenness, Professor Zheng had a good sleep.

I don't know how long it took before Professor Zheng woke up with a headache and suddenly felt that his whole body no longer felt like his own.

After all, at my age, such a hangover is still a bit too much to bear.

Fortunately, there was already a hangover soup on the bedside table, and it was still warm. It was obviously prepared by my wife.

His wife could also guess what time he would wake up. After all, after living for so many years, Professor Zheng had been drunk a lot before.

It's just that in recent years, due to physical reasons, there has been less.

After drinking the hangover soup and lying on the bed for a while, Professor Zheng finally recovered a little.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly got up and got dressed.

But as soon as he walked out of the bedroom door, he heard his wife talking to someone, and it was an old man's voice.

"Principal, why are you here?" Professor Zheng saw the principal of the school sitting on the sofa.

"Why can't I come?" the principal said with a straight face.

When Professor Zheng saw him like this, he seemed to think of something, and bursts of bitterness filled his heart. Did he lose in the end

"Hey, principal, I accept the punishment. I am willing to take all responsibilities. I will write a resignation application tomorrow." The more Professor Zheng said, the more bitter he became.

I had decided to retire in the past, but in the end I still had no time to spare and wanted to do a good project before retiring.

But he didn't expect such an ending, which made Professor Zheng feel very uncomfortable.

The principal also looked serious, "You really deserve to be punished."

Hearing what he said, the corner of Professor Zheng's mouth became more and more bitter, and his head, which was already a little dizzy, became even less energetic at this time.

But he didn't see a smile on the principal's lips, "But it's not a resignation report."

"Huh?" Professor Zheng looked at the principal with some confusion. He had already accepted his punishment, so what else could he do

"You said you knew Anderson, why didn't you tell them earlier? With such a relationship, why didn't you contact them earlier? At least our school could establish a cooperative relationship with them," the principal said.

"Anderson? Which Anderson?" Professor Zheng didn't respond.

"Who else could it be? Of course it's the Anderson who won the Nobel Prize." The principal said.

Then he said suspiciously: "Are you hiding something from me?"

"Principal, today you... No, what is the result?" Professor Zheng seemed to have reacted at this time.

The principal stopped pretending at this time and said with a smile: "What else can you do? With Anderson's intervention, of course you will win.

No matter how much, top journals need to give face to a Nobel Prize winner. "

"I... I won?" Professor Zheng seemed a little unbelievable. He won in just one night

And he thought he had lost before, but he didn't expect the flip to happen so quickly.

"Of course, since you invited Anderson, there must be no problem. I'm still a little curious, how did you invite Anderson?" the principal asked.

In fact, this is the issue he is most concerned about. Professor Zheng has not been able to really move him. Even if Professor Zheng fails in the competition, it is only a small problem.

But the friendship of a Nobel Prize winner is indeed very important, because it represents a lot of meaning.

Professor Zheng was still a little confused at this time, but he reacted quickly. He didn't know Anderson, or he knew Anderson, but Anderson didn't know him.

Then the result is obvious!