From Being Grandpa

Chapter 915: 915.What does Zhang Ran lack most?


Professor Zheng was undoubtedly very excited at this time, because he learned from the principal that he had won!

This is undoubtedly great news for him now.

You must know that just yesterday, the principal looked at him with a very cold look, and the reason why Professor Zheng signed the military order before was also due to the principal.

Although the academic world is said to be relatively clean, in fact, the strife within it is not weak at all.

It's just that in academia, in many cases, one's own ability is the foundation, but when this fundamental gap is not very big, then the competition and pressure faced by it is not at all smaller than that of other industries, or even more to some extent. Some.

Professor Zheng was not actually on the principal's side before. Don't doubt it. In universities, these siding issues are actually quite serious.

It’s just that Professor Zheng didn’t have too much trouble with the principal before, but there is no doubt that on many things, no matter what Professor Zheng thinks, as long as it does not violate some bottom lines, Professor Zheng must do it for him. People on one side think about it.

The reason why the principal forced Professor Zheng to sign the military order had many benefits. If Professor Zheng won, that would be great.

After all, he is the principal and Professor Zheng's direct superior. Professor Zheng has made achievements, and he is also a meritorious leader.

And if he fails, Professor Zheng's professor title will be taken away, and this professor title is equivalent to being in the hands of the principal.

This can bring great benefits to the principal.

The title of professor in a school is very precious and cannot be given to just anyone.

Not to mention that you can get it if you have sufficient academic ability or qualifications. There are countless people waiting in line across the country.

Of course, if your academic ability is really strong and you are so strong that you don't care about the professor's reputation, then it will be no problem.

But when that time comes, there will also be higher professional titles waiting for you to obtain them.

Professor Zheng was actually a little dazed at this time. Such good news, coupled with the hangover from last night, made him unable to react at this time.

But no matter how confused he was, he still knew how to deal with some things.

"Haha, what, I don't actually know Professor Anderson, he is just an old friend of mine. I didn't want to trouble this old friend before.

Principal, you also know that people like us don’t have many years left, and the rest of our days are just to live happily.

If you go to ask him, it would be equivalent to being inferior to others. This... Hey, but now that things have come to a point, there is nothing you can do, so you can only go to this old friend. "Professor Zheng pretended to be emotional.

The principal's eyes flickered, and the smile on his face was enough to make people feel the warmth of the sun. "Old Zheng, who is this old friend of yours?"

Professor Zheng waved his hand quickly and said, "He is not from academia."

"Huh?" The principal looked at him with some suspicion. Not from the academic world? How could Anderson be asked to come forward

How could a Nobel Prize winner in biology, and a person like Anderson who has always been at the top of biology for a long time, not be a member of the academic community

In fact, there is barely a hierarchy for Nobel Prize winners, although as long as they win the Nobel Prize, they are undoubtedly the world's top scientists.

Except, of course, the Peace Prize.

However, some Nobel Prize winners have less time to devote to scientific research, and their output will naturally be less.

Some of them have been on the front line of scientific research since then, and their status will naturally be higher. Although the higher ones are limited, in general, there is still a little difference.

Anderson is such a person. Since winning the Nobel Prize, his biological laboratory has directly received a large amount of funding. Over the years, it has become the world's number one biological laboratory.

Therefore, Anderson's appearance means that Professor Zheng wins. This is the effect of a person's reputation.

No one would question such a person!

Since Anderson has recognized Professor Zheng's research results, as long as Professor Zheng is not committing academic fraud, the research results belong to him.

Professor Zheng had completely come to his senses at this time, and said with a smile: "I didn't lie to you, Zhang Ran, do you know?"

He had no intention of hiding it. At a time like this, it was obviously much better to tell him directly than to hide it.

And this is equivalent to telling the principal that there is someone behind him, and he is also a powerful person.

To be honest, Professor Zheng has actually regretted very much these days as to why he was so excited at that time.

The price was something he couldn't bear.

Of course, Professor Zheng understood better that the main reason why the principal dared to do this was because he had no real backer behind him. ,

He has a special support, but this is not enough to make the principal afraid. Even if the two sides really encounter an opportunity, they will kill him, just like him this time.

When the principal heard Zhang Ran's name, he became confused.

Zhang Ran

Who is this

Why haven't I heard of it

Which scientific research branch is the leader

Well, until now the principal has not believed what Professor Zheng said. It is really difficult to recruit a Nobel Prize-level player like Anderson.

Mostly it was because everyone was in the same position and had good friendships that we were able to invite them.

"Principal, I already told you that Zhang Ran is not engaged in scientific research. He is the richest man in China." Seeing the principal like this, Professor Zheng gave the answer directly.

"The richest man?" The principal reacted instantly.

He still knew something about the legendary richest man in China. After all, it was difficult not to know about such a legendary thing.

There are basically endless jokes about Zhang Ran on the Internet now, and everyone is extremely curious about such a legendary experience.

In fact, even the principal gossiped about Zhang Ran at the dinner table at home. Of course, it was just a small internal joke within the family.

"He knows Anderson?" The principal was still a little doubtful.

Professor Zheng smiled and said: "That's not true, Zhang Ran doesn't know Anderson either."

"That?" The principal was completely confused, but if he didn't figure out the relationship, he would feel a little uneasy.

This was also the reason why he ran over immediately after hearing the news.

In fact, if Professor Zheng can invite Anderson, the benefits that Professor Zheng can bring to him will be immeasurable.

Not much else to say, just arrange for some students to enter Anderson's laboratory for internship, which is also an extremely dazzling political achievement.

"What does Zhang Ran lack most?" Professor Zheng was now in a better mood.