From Being Grandpa

Chapter 92: 92. Liu Lu’s cousin


The next morning, Liu Lu wore a slightly plainer-looking dress. Although it was expensive, it didn't look so conspicuous.

The shoes and bags were also bought yesterday, but they were all the kind that didn't look particularly conspicuous.

Liu Lu also figured it out overnight. Since she already had money, and her father-in-law had already spent money to buy these, it would be a waste to not wear them and keep them at home.

However, Zhang Sicheng did not put on the clothes he bought yesterday, but still wore the previous clothes.

While eating, Zhang Ran said to Zhang Sicheng: "In the past few days, take a good look at the game plan and think about how to develop and run it. It is best to develop this game after you take over the company."

"I understand, by the way, who designed this game?" Zhang Sicheng asked.

Last night, he watched the game plan all night, and the more he looked at it, the more surprised and delighted he became. Now he can't wait to develop this game.

"Don't worry about this. Anyway, the copyright is fine." Zhang Ran said.

Zhang Sicheng did not ask carefully. Now he has slowly become accustomed to his father's operations. Although he does not understand many things, he knows that his father will not harm him and everything he does is for his own good. .

And just like the demolition matter, Zhang Sicheng believed that Zhang Ran would tell him when the time comes.

Although Zhang Sicheng now feels that Zhang Ran is becoming more and more mysterious, this mystery does not make him feel strange to Zhang Ran, but makes him feel more and more real.

Because this is what he imagined his father to be like.

When he was a child, he had been wondering what his father was like, and Yu Qingwan's subjective indoctrination made him once think that his father was a superman.

Now, although Zhang Ran is not a superman, the sense of mystery is the same as that of his imagined father.

After dinner, Zhang Ran said: "Sicheng, you go find Mingxuan later and talk to him about the company. Besides, you can also discuss the convenience of the game and other things with him."

"Okay." Zhang Sicheng responded directly.

Afterwards, Zhang Ran took the two little guys for a walk, while Zhang Sicheng went to find Meng Mingxuan. As for Liu Lu, she had nothing to do, and Ning Qing came to her door soon.

Ning Qing took Liu Lu to practice driving today, and at the same time, he also got closer to each other.

Ning Qing is a very smart woman. She knows that her family's business will eventually be handed over to her eldest brother, not her.

Even if he can get some shares, he will never become the core person. Ning Qing has always understood this.

But despite this, the family atmosphere in their family is still quite good. She and her eldest brother also have a good relationship, and there is no unpleasantness over the issue of property inheritance.

But Ning Qing is also a person with a competitive spirit, or a desire to do something great.

So she made friends with people like Meng Mingxuan in order to help her career develop smoothly.

After such a long time, she was almost ready.

But when she was about to start her own business, she discovered Zhang Ran.

Although she didn't find out anything from Meng Mingxuan, through these days of insinuations and the occasional ambiguous words from her father, she knew that Zhang Ran was not a simple person.

And the fact that Zhang Ran asked them to set up a game club a few days ago also made her even more interested.

Although she could see something temporarily, she always felt that Zhang Ran's actions were not aimless, but had a very clear purpose.

So she wanted to make friends with Zhang Ran, but at the same time she also understood that it seemed that she couldn't make friends with Zhang Ran directly now. Zhang Ran was not a rich second generation like them, but a member of her father's generation.

After thinking about it, Ning Qing was ready to start from Zhang Siyan and Liu Lu.

The best candidate was of course Zhang Sicheng, but she had no intention of doing so. She accidentally failed to grasp the right balance. According to what Meng Mingxuan said, she was not sure that Zhang Ran would be able to spare her lightly.

Zhang Siyan has been busy with things recently and doesn't have much time. In the end, Ning Qing set her sights on Liu Lu.

She was very smart and knew some of Liu Lu's previous situations, so at the end of the day, she didn't go to any particularly high-end places, just some places where ordinary white-collar workers spent money.

Beauty treatments and haircuts are not very expensive.

However, it also changed Liu Lu's whole image a lot. Originally, Liu Lu gave people a gentle and virtuous feeling. Now, after being decorated by professionals and high-end clothing, this gentle temperament is even more revealed.

Liu Lu almost couldn't recognize herself when she saw herself in the mirror. Although she didn't make much change, she looked like a different person.

In the afternoon, Liu Lu was completely familiar with the car, and the two came to a coffee shop to sit and chat.

I have to say that Ning Qing is very sociable. In just one day, Liu Lu and her have developed a very good relationship. The two of them really look like best friends who have known each other for many years.

"Sister Lu, I'm going to set up a gaming club. Do you have any ideas? Do you want to join a share?" Ning Qing asked casually.

Liu Lu was stunned for a moment and said, "Game club?"

"Yes, this was brought up by Uncle Zhang. I am planning to establish a women's game club. Nowadays, there are many women playing games, and..." Ning Qing expressed her thoughts about the game club. .

She is not going there for results, but for fame. She plans to recruit some beautiful game players and use some resources to promote it. I believe her fame will definitely increase greatly.

And she also has other plans that can complement this plan, and the results should be very good by then.

"I don't know how to play games." Liu Lu said.

"I'm not asking you to play games, but to invest and be a boss. This time, many of us are planning to enter this industry together, and it's easy. Sister Lu, if you are interested, you can definitely work with me." She was preparing. The reason why Liu Lu was brought into the group was not for the gaming club, but for other considerations, and also to bring her closer to Zhang Ran.

But obviously she still overestimated Liu Lu. Liu Lu's thoughts are still stuck in the past. Although Zhang Ran's words yesterday gave her a strong impact, habits cannot be changed all at once.

Ning Qing was not disappointed when she saw Liu Lu's refusal. Then she did not mention this matter and just chatted with Liu Lu about some gossip.

Until Liu Lu answered a phone call, "Xiaohui, are you coming to Magic City? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Where are you now? Okay, you wait over there, I'll be there right away."

... ... ...

On the side of the road somewhere in Shanghai, two girls were sitting blankly on the curb, staring blankly at the passing cars. They were obviously college students who had just left school.

"Liu Hui, what should we do? Not only did we not find a job this time, but we were also defrauded of 20,000 yuan. If my mother knew about it, she would have killed me." The girl on the right had a cry in her voice.