From Being Grandpa

Chapter 920: 920. Tour the country


In fact, the reason why Zhang Ran said this now is because he got some of the answers above.

Why Zhang Ran was just talking before and didn't really start to operate? It was because he didn't get a definite answer.

When he reaches this stage, many times he cannot take too many risks, such as this time when he integrated the company group.

Once Zhang Ran really makes the decision, there will be basically no room for regret on Zhang Ran's part. He will really make the company completely rooted in mainland China.

Although Zhang Ran has always thought this way, such things also require certain guarantees. After all, this is for the sake of his descendants.

"But there is no rush to do anything now. I will give you three days to deal with the company's affairs, and then follow me to inspect the company and industry under my name." Zhang Ran said.

This paved the way for them in advance, and also made preparations to merge the company's shares into Zhang's holding company.

Although these shares are all in Zhang Ran's name, if you want to do all these things quickly, you need some cooperation.

Also, Zhang Ran needs to have a deep understanding of these things. This nationwide inspection is a very good opportunity.

"Dad, what do we need to do here?" Zhang Sicheng asked.

"Look more, think more, speak less." Zhang Ran said.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Ran thought that there seemed to be something he had not said, and then he patted his head and said: "By the way, and your shares are based on your market price. Siyan's Kangshilan has a premium of 2%. Ten acquisitions, Sicheng’s Biaoxue Company acquired it at a 50% premium.”

As soon as these words came out, both Zhang Sicheng and Zhang Siyan understood their father's intention, which was to start formalizing the family industry.

In the past, no matter if any of them had problems, lacked money or skills, they could just ask their father for it.

There is no need to pay any money or shares, and Zhang Ran will never do this with them.

But now Zhang Ran has converted all their shares into cash, and according to the normal market price, this shows Zhang Ran's attitude.

Neither Zhang Sicheng nor Zhang Siyan had any objections to this. This was actually what they wanted to see.

Although it is said that it remains vague, it is actually the best for them. After all, they only need to make a request.

But they are no longer in the same state of ignorance as before. If a family business wants to develop, it must become formal.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong later, it will really be a big trouble.

So formalization is a must, and they are ready.

"At that time, I will not send anyone to supervise your company for the time being. If something goes wrong, you will be responsible for it yourself." Zhang Ran said.

Now the companies under his name are all supervised by the Supervision Department. With the reputation of corruption last time, Zhang Ran easily issued this appointment.

Basically, they didn't encounter any obstacles. First, Zhang Ran's prestige was here, and second, they didn't dare to go against Zhang Ran at this time.

As for Zhang Sicheng and Zhang Siyan, Zhang Ran had no such idea. After all, these were his daughters and sons, and they still needed to be treated differently.

However, Zhang Siyan had some different opinions on what Zhang Ran did, "Dad, I hope the Supervision Department can be established in Kang Shilan."

Zhang Ran looked at her with some surprise, "Don't think that the Supervision Department is just showing off. They cannot interfere in any business operations, but on some matters, their authority is still very large.

When they really find out some problems, I won't be able to just ignore them. "

The Supervision Department cannot have problems, especially in the early stage, so once some problems are found on Kang Shilan's side, Zhang Ran also needs to take them seriously.

If we leave it alone, no one will take the Ministry of Supervision seriously in the future. This is absolutely not allowed.

Zhang Siyan obviously has her own ideas, "I know, but the advantages of introducing the Supervision Department now outweigh the disadvantages for me.

There are many people who I don't like to touch at all. Once I do it, the reaction will be huge. It will be different if it is the Ministry of Supervision.

At most I will be punished by then, but it won't cause me to lose my position as chairman. "

Zhang Ran looked at Zhang Siyan's serious look and couldn't help but feel a little happy. His daughter was really sensible and knew what choice was best for her.

Indeed, as long as it is not a huge mistake and an irreparable mistake, no one can shake Zhang Siyan's position as chairman.

"Okay, but in this case, your prestige may also take a hit. After all, they are also employees under your name. If you can't protect them, some people will definitely be dissatisfied." Zhang Ran smiled.

Zhang Siyan said: "I know, but I don't have much reputation in the company, so it doesn't matter."

Seeing how determined she was, Zhang Ran didn't say anything more. He just nodded and said, "Just think about it yourself."

Zhang Siyan looked at her father and sister, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

In fact, he didn't want the Supervision Department to enter Biao Xue Company, because then some of his things would be under supervision, which would cause a lot of trouble in doing many things.

But now that my sister has said so, it would be a little bad if he didn't let the Supervision Department come in.

Zhang Ran saw his confusion and said with a smile: "Si Yan's situation is different from yours, so you can forget about it for the time being. When your Biao Xue Company becomes bigger, I will let the Supervision Department move in.

Just like Meng Mingxuan's company, I have no plans to let the Supervision Department enter, so you don't need to worry about anything. "

They are all companies that are growing rapidly. If the Supervision Department is really introduced, for them, it will be like putting shackles on their hands and feet.

It is not conducive to the rapid development stage of the company.

After all, in the early stages of the company, especially when it was developing rapidly, many things were not so formal.

Not to mention anything else, in terms of finance, there must be additional processing. If a project fund cannot be reviewed for a month and a half, the day lily will be cold.

This is also Zhang Ran's idea.

Zhang Sicheng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, nodded and said, "I understand. When it's about time, I will take the initiative to report to the Supervision Department and let the Supervision Department enter."

"Okay, as long as you understand, go back and prepare first. After three days, come with me to inspect our Zhang family's property." Zhang Ran smiled.

Both Zhang Sicheng and Zhang Siyan knew that this was an introduction to their brother and sister, and it was also a way to prepare for their future.