From Being Grandpa

Chapter 921: 921. Prepare individually


Beijing, Huamei Headquarters.

Huang Lin looked at the message sent by Zhang Ran with a wry smile on his face. The day had come.

Ever since he chose to admit defeat, he knew that this day would come sooner or later.

In other words, this day is already more than 20 years too late. If Zhang Ran had not had any accidents back then, Zhang Ran should have integrated these industries long ago.

Instead of working independently like now, if Zhang Ran hadn't forcibly joined forces, neither would have liked the other.

There is no doubt that doing this will be of great benefit to Zhang Ran. As long as the integration is completed, Zhang Ran can truly integrate these forces and at the same time have a strong binding force on them.

On the contrary, this is a very bad thing for Huang Lin and the others. It is equivalent to having a housekeeper on their head for no reason.

Not only that, there will be a lot of troubles in the future, instead of just dealing with Zhang Ran and the Supervision Department like now.

Although they will definitely still have a certain degree of autonomy in the future, it will not be as easy as now.

For example, in terms of finance, although Zhang Ran is more strict now, in general, there is still a lot of leeway, as long as you don't go too far.

For example, if Huang Lin knew about the expenses of a general manager's business trip, many people would make false claims.

For those at the manager level and above, the total annual salary will be at least several million.

Zhang Ran didn't care about these things before. After all, he couldn't control them even if he really wanted to. They were basically invisible.

But if they are integrated, there is no need for Zhang Ran to really intervene in this aspect, and the holding group will automatically intervene.

Because this is their right, and if they don't fight for it, then their rights will be dispersed.

This is definitely something that employees at the headquarters don't want to see. Anyone who wants their rights to be divided by others wants to take all the rights into their own hands.

This is a natural contradiction, so as long as this holding company is established, Huang Lin and the others will automatically confront these people.

Of course, if Huang Lin can become the chairman of the holding group, then he will naturally confront the future chairman of Huamei Group.

It's the butt that determines the head.

Huang Lin didn't have much time to think, so he quickly called all the company's senior executives over, and those who were not at the headquarters also held a video conference.

When everyone arrived, Huang Lin explained the matter without saying anything.

"What do you think? Let's talk about it." Huang Lin said calmly.

After his words fell, there was a moment of silence. No one spoke first. How could this be said

What Zhang Ran did before is still vivid in his mind. Who dares to speak out against it at this time

Of course, it was not impossible. After all, this matter involved the interests of all of them, so after waiting for a while and seeing no one speaking, someone still took the initiative to speak.

But this man was also cautious, "Chairman, let me tell you something, Mr. Zhang must have made up his mind to do this.

But actually I feel like I’m a little anxious to do this. Why don’t I ask Mr. Zhang to wait? "

When he spoke, he thought carefully before speaking. He was really afraid of Zhang Ran. Of course, the main reason was that he actually had something wrong in his heart.

As soon as this person spoke, the others seemed to be relieved, and then they all said: "Yes, this matter is too urgent, and we are not prepared.

The establishment of a holding group is not that simple. There are many things that need to be done.

Let’s not talk about other things, where do the personnel of the holding group come from? We can’t all recruit people from society, right

If this is really the case, then we will be in trouble in the future. They don't understand the company's operations, so if they ride on our heads, they will definitely cause a lot of trouble. "

This is true. If you want to manage a company, you definitely need to know something about it.

Otherwise, relying on paper talks will really ruin things.

No one wants this kind of thing to happen, but now that Zhang Ran has given the order, they also want to fight for it.

"I believe Mr. Zhang has considered this. I know Mr. Zhang and he will not let people who don't understand manage the company.

Unless you really piss him off, and even then, if you look at McKay Supermarket, Mr. Zhang is the right person.

Although there was some trouble, it was over quickly. At this point, everyone still needs to believe Mr. Zhang. "

Huang Lin began to comfort everyone. He didn't know if there were Zhang Ran's people among them. No, there definitely were.

If he doesn't appease everyone this time, but follows everyone's wishes and provokes them, then Zhang Ran will definitely make him look good in the future.

So even if Huang Lin was unwilling to do so, he could only do this.

Huang Lin actually figured it out. Since Zhang Ran had said this, he would definitely not delay it.

So he needs to seek greater benefits for himself.

Although Huang Lin said before that he was only optimistic about Huamei Group for Zhang Ran, he could resign with just one sentence from Zhang Ran.

But that was just talk, or just what he had in mind during that time. If Zhang Ran no longer had such thoughts, Huang Lin would naturally not ask for trouble.

Although there is less money and fewer shares now, the power and influence in his hands are not much less.

This sentence cannot last forever. After tasting this feeling, few people are willing to give up.

"What do you mean, Chairman?" someone asked.

Huang Lin said: "According to my understanding of Mr. Zhang, he will definitely transfer some people from within each branch to the holding group.

This is the best way. It doesn't take time to understand the company's situation, and the candidate is likely to be one or several of you here. "

As soon as Huang Lin said these words, some people's eyes suddenly flickered. If this is true, then this may not be a good opportunity.

Although they are now the bosses of the same department and are quite powerful, it would actually be a good thing if they could be transferred to the head office.

The rights will definitely be slightly affected at the beginning, after all, the management rights of a department will be lost.

But think about it from another perspective. If you achieve results yourself, you may be transferred to someone else.

At that time, it will no longer be a simple department manager issue.

After the holding group was established, everyone knew one thing. If you want to be a senior executive of a branch, you will basically have to go to the head office in the future.

It is rare for someone to be promoted from within. Even if he is promoted, he will be allowed to enter the head office for some training and management.