From Being Grandpa

Chapter 926: 926. Beat


Zhang Ran got up early the next day, and then took Zhang Sicheng and his sister to the Huamei headquarters.

He didn't do any private interviews on private servers. If he really wanted to do this, there was no need for him to notify him in advance.

After talking to the front desk, they went directly to Huang Lin's office.

Huang Lin also received the news, so when Zhang Ran and the others arrived, Huang Lin stood at the door of the office to greet them.

"Mr. Zhang." Huang Lin called respectfully.

This was an expression of attitude. Zhang Ran also smiled and said: "Don't be polite, Mr. Huang, let's go in first."

After Zhang Ran and the others walked in, the atmosphere of the entire company became different with the news of Zhang Ran's arrival.

There have been rumors in the past few days that this mysterious big boss is coming, so the company's disciplinary issues have been emphasized.

It's just to emphasize that as long as people haven't arrived yet, then they won't really take it to heart and will still be more relaxed.

But now that people have arrived, they will subconsciously become nervous no matter what, and I heard that the big boss seems to have something important coming this time.

In addition to the things Zhang Ran did before, many people were frightened. Most of these people were middle-level people.

I don’t know the specific information, but among the ranks that Zhang Ran attacks every time, it can be said that they are a very miserable group.

So they were more careful, and by the way, their employees also felt some tension.

"These are the information I compiled. Mr. Zhang, please take a look." Huang Lin said standing in front of his desk.

At this time, his desk naturally belonged to Zhang Ran.

"Well, sit down and don't be nervous. It's not like you don't know what my purpose is this time. Why are you so nervous?" Zhang Ran smiled.

Huang Lin smiled bitterly, this was almost a subconscious reaction.

Zhang Ran read some detailed information for about half an hour, then stood up and said: "In this case, you take me around the company."

He didn't say much else about the information, of course, mainly because he only had a brief glance at it.

With so much information, it would be impossible to study it in detail within a few months.

Huang Lin nodded, and then he took Zhang Ran and the others to stroll around the company, introducing some of the company's situation.

Zhang Sicheng and Zhang Siyan followed behind silently, without speaking, as if they were transparent people.

But Huang Lin didn't dare to treat them as if they didn't exist. He also understood Zhang Ran's purpose of bringing the two of them here this time. This was to show his mentality.

"This is the sales department, the most important department of Huamei. This is the sales manager Wang Cheng." The first place Huang Lin brought Zhang Ran to was the sales department.

Their Huamei Group started out with sales, and now it is mainly engaged in this business.

Therefore, the sales department is their most important department. In fact, the sales department of most companies is basically the main department.

There is no way, no matter which company, they all need orders and sell their products.

Wang Cheng was slightly nervous, but it was not visible on the surface. "Mr. Zhang, may I introduce to you our sales department?"

Zhang Ran nodded and said: "Then I'll trouble Manager Wang."

"You are too polite." Although Wang Cheng was surprised by Zhang Ran's politeness, he did not dare to relax at all.

"The performance of our sales department this year is very good, with a year-on-year increase of 30%. At the same time..." Wang Cheng began to talk endlessly.

He had prepared these in advance and had memorized them several times, so he didn't have any trouble talking about them at this time.

Zhang Ran listened quietly without interrupting Wang Cheng's words.

In the past, Huamei's business was declining year by year. It had no choice but to be affected by the impact of the Internet and its failure to keep up in time, so its sales channels also suffered a big blow.

However, since Zhang Ran took over again this year, Zhang Ran has invested some resources.

The online shopping channels of Fengli Group have opened the door to convenience for them, so the sales performance has increased so much.

But Zhang Ran didn't say any of this, and just listened to Manager Wang's story.

When Manager Wang had finished speaking, Zhang Ran turned to Zhang Siyan and said, "Siyan, how do you feel?"

Not only Manager Wang was stunned, but even Zhang Siyan was stunned. They didn't expect that Zhang Ran didn't express his opinion, but asked Zhang Siyan.

Seeing Manager Wang stunned, Zhang Ran introduced with a smile: "This is my daughter Zhang Siyan. You can meet her. She is now the chairman of Kang Shilan. It is estimated that there may be some cooperation in the future."

"Hello, Miss Zhang, you are indeed a tiger father and a dogless daughter." Manager Wang quickly flattered her.

Zhang Siyan was also polite, and then answered Zhang Ran's previous question, "The sales department of Huamei Group is indeed an elite. We all know this as a channel manager.

I also admire him very much. After what Manager Wang said, I also learned a lot. "

After all, Zhang Siyan has been practicing for such a long time, and she still speaks out in these scenes without any delay.

Zhang Ran smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Siyan has been talking about the good things about Huamei Group's sales department, but avoids talking about some not so good things.

After Zhang Siyan finished speaking, Zhang Ran said to Manager Wang: "I also know that you are all elites, but as far as I know, you still have some imperfections.

I won’t go into details. Manager Wang will take care of it and make some rectifications. After all, a company, especially the sales department, is better to be streamlined. "

Manager Wang's expression changed, but he was relieved when he heard that Zhang Ran had no intention of rectifying it himself.

He also knew what Zhang Ran meant. Their Huamei Group's sales department was a bit bloated. Indeed, as the most important department, plus the sales department, they must have more people.

But at the same time, there are also many people who are soy sauce, and there are even people who are on free wages.

Manager Wang is not on the hook for free, it’s just that his subordinates are in such a situation.

"I will make corrections immediately." Wang Chengna responded directly without saying a word.

Zhang Ran just said it casually and stopped mentioning it, but it made Wang Cheng feel a chord in his heart.

When Huang Lin saw this scene, he sighed in his heart. This was Zhang Ran trying to beat Wang Cheng. After this, Wang Cheng would probably not dare to speak loudly, let alone oppose the company's integration. .

This is also Zhang Ran's purpose, very clear and obvious.

He didn't hide it, it could be said to be quite straightforward, but no one dared to take it seriously.