From Being Grandpa

Chapter 929: 929.Divide and conquer


After Zhong Yu said this, seeing the expressions of Zhang Ran and the others, an expression of relief suddenly appeared on his face.

If Zhang Ran can't be satisfied this time, then he really doesn't know what to do.

"Manager Zhong, if you are allowed to enter the headquarters of the holding group, how will you adjust the problems of each company?" Zhang Ran suddenly asked.

Zhong Yu's relaxed mood became tense again, but this time there was a little more excitement in it.

Not much else to say, as long as this holding group is established, the group headquarters will definitely have great power, much greater than it does now.

This is not just a Huamei Group, but also Yaotian Pharmaceutical, Mackay Supermarket, Fengli Group, Consilan, etc., and even Galaxy Capital.

Everyone would be excited by such a scope of rights.

It's not that he didn't know, but he was shocked. Zhong Yu didn't expect that Zhang Ran's business empire was so huge, and if he really counted, Zhang Ran still had many industries abroad.

However, Zhong Yu quickly came to his senses and wanted to answer, but when he opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say.

This question does not seem particularly difficult, because such questions only require answering some high-level questions.

For example, we can combine the advantages and disadvantages of each company to carry out effective management, and at the same time let them complement each other.

In this case, Zhong Yu could say a lot without repetition, but Zhang Ran obviously didn't want that.

When Zhong Yu was asked to tell something specific, he really didn't know what to say.

But Zhong Yu didn't want to give up this opportunity, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know about other companies yet, but I know what we should do here at Huamei."

Zhang Ran asked with interest: "Tell me about it."

Zhong Yu took a deep breath and quickly organized his thoughts: "What Huamei does is sales, which is also the main thing. We only need to improve the channels, then the company will not have problems.

The era when channels were king has never passed, it has just changed a bit. No matter what product, it must be sold. "

“It is not only difficult to re-establish a channel, but also requires a lot of money, and ordinary companies simply do not have this strength.

Even strong companies may be directly dragged down by this, so most companies will choose to cooperate with channel providers. "

Zhong Yu first talked about some of his understanding of the channel, so that he could have more time to think about how to answer.

He quickly got into the topic, "Our best partners in Huamei are Fengli Group and Dahe Express."

"They have been a family for a long time." Zhang Ran suddenly said.

Zhong Yu was suddenly stuck. Of course he knew that, but in the minds of these people, they were still two families.

Zhao Lifeng has no control over Dahe Express, and Dahe Express does not have much influence on Fengli Group.

So it looks like one family on the surface, but it's actually two families.

But since Zhang Ran said so, Zhong Yu could only say: "Yes, it is the Fengli Group family."

After a pause, Zhong Yu continued: "We must first reach a strategic cooperation with Fengli Group. The main thing is that we are responsible for offline, and they are responsible for online.

Dahe Express can make our express delivery service better. For us, this is a win-win situation for both parties. "

"And many of our partners can also use this..."

As Zhong Yu talked, he became excited and couldn't stop the car at all. Zhang Ran didn't interrupt him and just listened to Zhong Yu keep talking about his opinions.

By the time Zhong Yu finished speaking, it was already half past six in the afternoon, and some people had left work.

"Sorry, Mr. Zhang, I forgot the time." Zhong Yu said with an embarrassed look.

Zhang Ran waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, Manager Zhong's idea is very good."

After saying this, Zhang Ran didn't say anything more, which made Zhong Yu feel more and more uneasy, not knowing whether what Zhang Ran said was true or false.

"Okay, the tour is almost over. I'm hungry too. Let's go eat." Zhang Ran smiled.

Immediately, he took the people and left the Huamei headquarters, as if he was really here to visit today.

But Huang Lin knew that most of Huamei's senior executives probably had no intention of resisting just because of today's visit.

This also made him have to admire Zhang Ran. Even though things seemed very difficult, Zhang Ran was able to simplify them.

Just a few big cakes have trapped many people.

Ever since Zhang Ran entered Huamei Headquarters, he has not really promised anything. He only used the tone of "possibility".

rather than giving a definite answer.

Looking at these people now, who is not looking eager to try, and who is still thinking of resisting

However, Huang Lin didn't have much thought about this. After all, from the beginning, he never thought about confronting Zhang Ran.

From the previous failure, he was no longer qualified. Now he does still control the Huamei Group, but if Zhang Ran is willing to pay some attention, it is not impossible to eliminate these effects.

So Huang Lin is very knowledgeable.

After having a meal with Huang Lin, Zhang Ran went home. The first thing he did when he got home was to ask Zhang Sicheng and Zhang Siyan what they thought.

"I don't have any thoughts, I just feel so complicated." These are Zhang Sicheng's words.

Zhang Siyan said: "Actually, the situation is similar to that of our company. Everyone has their own thoughts, but I am not as good as you."

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "There is nothing good or bad, and there is nothing complicated or uncomplicated. In fact, in the final analysis, it is a matter of benefit distribution.

You must know that although these companies belong to our family, it does not mean that we can really do whatever we want.

Everyone needs to have their own value, and they must also consider their own interests. To put it simply, if their interests cannot be protected, who do you think is willing to pay for the company and us? "

What Zhang Ran said was simple and straightforward, and it was indeed the case.

Zhang Ran's purpose today is to give those people some guarantees for their interests. With these guarantees, the next thing will be much easier to deal with.

Zhang Siyan said thoughtfully: "Then I treat our company the same way? But some of their interests are in fundamental conflict with mine."

Zhang Ran asked, "Then why do you still keep them?"

"Only when interests are consistent can we come together, just like some of the pie I drew for them today. Do these prospects harm our interests? No, they just combine our interests with their interests. "