From Being Grandpa

Chapter 930: 930.Zhang Ran’s teaching


Zhang Ran started his own teaching. In the past, Zhang Ran mainly let them learn and let them grow on their own. After they had some of their own ways of thinking, he would then truly teach them.

Now that the time has come, both Zhang Sicheng and Zhang Siyan have truly matured and have their own research on shopping malls.

"If their interests are inconsistent with ours, then it proves that we and them cannot get along. Rather than doing this, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. It is better to resolve it as soon as possible." Zhang Ran continued.

Zhang Siyan didn't know what she was thinking when she heard these words.

After thinking for a while, he finally sighed and said, "But many of them are Aunt Huo's old people. If I do this, I will be sorry for Aunt Huo."

Zhang Siyan thought she couldn't do this. Huo Zhiyuan did a lot for her, and even personally fired some people who stood in the way.

Now, for her own good, to truly gain the upper hand, Zhang Siyan really can't do it by using means to cleanse a group of Huo Zhiyuan's old men again.

These are the real reasons why Zhang Siyan has been hesitant.

She couldn't act ungratefully. Although these shares originally belonged to the Zhang family, could everything Huo Zhiyuan have given really be taken away with just one sentence

it's out of the question!

Zhang Ran laughed when he heard this. He was not angry because Zhang Siyan was so indecisive.

It is said that those who do great things do not stick to trivial details, but that also depends on what is going on.

If Zhang Siyan was unscrupulous in such matters, then Zhang Ran would really feel a little uncomfortable.

"Haha, don't worry, your Aunt Huo won't think too much about it, and you can definitely do it in another way." Zhang Ran said.

Huo Zhiyuan asked curiously: "What method?"

“You can spin off some businesses and let them do it separately, which separates them and allows you to expand the business.

If they do really well in the future and make the divested business bigger and stronger, this will also be a good thing for you.

At worst, we can just give them some share rewards in the future, and after some time, even if they object, they will not be able to object in the future. "Zhang Ran explained his method.

Zhang Siyan thought for a while and said, "Then what business do I need to spin off?"

"This is something you need to consider yourself." Zhang Ran will not solve everything. He will only provide a general idea. Zhang Siyan still needs to operate the specific things himself, so that it can serve as a training.

Zhang Sicheng listened to what his father and sister said, and had his own thoughts in mind. Seeing that his father and the others had finished their discussion, he said directly: "Dad, do you think my Biao Xue Company needs to split up some businesses?"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Ran explained: "Our company's development has now entered a bottleneck period.

And I found that many capable people are actually not willing to join my company, even if the annual salary I offer is higher than their current salary, and according to my opinion, my company obviously has much potential than theirs. . "

After saying that, he seemed to feel that something was wrong. After thinking about it, he changed his words and said, "It's not that I think it. This should be the view of most people. They also admit it, but they still don't want to come."

Zhang Ran thought for a while and said: "I understand what you mean, Biao Xue just can't recruit suitable talents now?"

"That's pretty much what it means. The main reason is that it is difficult to recruit senior management. As you know, our company is developing very fast, and the growth of employees within the company cannot keep up with the growth of the company, so recruiting from outside has become inevitable. " Zhang Sicheng explained.

Zhang Ran nodded and said: "I understand, do they feel that there is no room for development in your company?"

"How do you say this?" Zhang Sicheng was puzzled.

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "You just thought of the key to the problem, why are you still asking me?"

"You mean to split the business?" Zhang Sicheng seemed to understand. He just had some ideas, and the details were not very clear.

"It's not about splitting the business, but delegating the rights of some businesses, such as the promotion of the company's games. This business is also your top priority. Are you in charge of it now?" Zhang Ran asked.

"Yes, it's me, Mr. Wang, who works together, but Mr. Wang rarely interferes." Zhang Sicheng said.

"That's it. It's not that he doesn't want to intervene, but that you have intervened and he is embarrassed to intervene. Once there is a disagreement, will he listen to you or him?" Zhang Ran said.

"If I listen to you, what's the point of doing this? If I don't listen to you, you are the boss."

Zhang Sicheng understood, "You mean I need to delegate power?"

"That's right, it means delegating power, real delegating power. As long as there are no problems in this business, you should not interfere. This is what you need to learn most now.

But decentralization does not mean that we really don’t care about anything, but that we manage selectively, and even if some problems arise, they still need to be solved in the right way.

It’s not about denying or punishing directly. "Zhang Ran talked a lot and shared some of his experiences.

Zhang Sicheng's current situation is actually the same as that of most entrepreneurs, even though Zhang Sicheng's business went too smoothly.

But it may be precisely because of this that Zhang Sicheng feels that the company can't do anything without him.

He is also a bit reluctant to delegate power.

Zhang Sicheng may not even be aware of this, it is a subconscious behavior.

Zhang Sicheng didn't think about how to take over the Zhang family's huge business empire, but it didn't mean that he really took power so lightly.

It can be said that Biao Xue was developed by Zhang Sicheng. It used to be a company worth 30 million, but now

So it's normal for him to be reluctant to let go.

Some companies have grown into companies worth tens of billions, but the bosses are often unwilling to delegate power.

Many of the veterans and capable people were forced to leave because of this.

If you don't give people the right to display their abilities and you don't give them the space to realize their self-worth, of course they won't want to stay in the company.

Talent is scarce everywhere.

There are many such things, and it is not unusual.

Zhang Sicheng seemed a little embarrassed by what Zhang Ran said. He argued: "It's not that I don't delegate power, but that I'm afraid that they won't do well."

"Why are you afraid that they won't do well? It's not like you can't afford to fail? Or are you so proud that you don't want my money?" Zhang Ran finally teased.

He would not have said this before, because he was really afraid of irritating Zhang Sicheng's heart, but today he knew that it would not irritate Zhang Sicheng.