From Being Grandpa

Chapter 946: 946. Take charge of your own business


"Okay, let's not express our opinions for the time being and let them argue on their own." Zhang Ran smiled immediately when he saw Huang Lin like this.

Huang Lin looked at Zhang Ran and finally sighed: "We will reach an agreement. I estimate that both parties will make some concessions."

"What do you say?" Zhang Ran asked.

Huang Lindao: "This is the first time Sicheng has formally proposed a motion. No matter what happens, everyone needs to give some face."

"You mean Sicheng is a bit messy?" Zhang Ran said with a smile.

Huang Lin felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Zhang Ran's expression, "Can you please stop being like this? It's not like you don't understand what I mean."

Huang Lin felt a little uncomfortable. Zhang Ran smiling like this gave him the impression that nothing good was going on.

Zhang Ran stopped teasing him and said: "I understand what you mean, and I actually agree with it, but in fact this is not the real purpose. No matter what opinions the two parties reach, there will definitely be a lot of shackles on such conditions. .”

This is certain. No matter who it is, they don’t want to really give up these rights. If they want to completely exceed their rights, they will need more complicated procedures.

The two of them were discussing quietly on the side, and it also reached a relatively relaxed stage.

As Huang Lin said, this is the first proposal today, and it is also the first formal proposal made by Zhang Sicheng.

So no matter what, Huamei must give some face.

This is the young master's family now, and we can't really lose face.

The discussion continued until lunchtime, and the two parties temporarily reached a relatively consistent idea.

If the head office has definite evidence and shows that someone at the top is involved, or that the other party is prepared to run away in advance, then it can exceed its authority.

There are many rules and regulations, and it is not as simple as one sentence.

Such a proposal seems to be Zhang Sicheng's proposal, but in fact, there are not many changes.

But even so, Zhang Sicheng's face was maintained very well.

At least in terms of performance, Zhang Sicheng's face is completely acceptable. This is the shrewdness of these old people.

At this time, Zhang Sicheng and the others slowly came to their senses and realized that compared with these old men, they were still far behind, especially in terms of experience.

However, they are not discouraged. There is still a tough battle to fight in the afternoon.

We also gave them a break at noon today. It was not like yesterday. They continued after eating.

However, the break was only for an hour. Before the employees went to work, this group of people started again.

This time it was Zhang Sicheng who came forward to propose a plan, which was also discussed yesterday. After all, Zhang Ran is here, and what should be used still needs to be used.

Doesn’t the result in the morning mean that this method is feasible

Otherwise, these people would have started to curse a long time ago. They can curse at will, but not people like Meng Mingxuan.

When there are no other disputes and they are just discussing some interests of the company, these old people can only accept it when they call them little brats or something like that. ,

Even Huang Xunzeng was like this.

Only when Zhang Sicheng comes forward can these people restrain themselves in this regard.

Don't underestimate this, it's actually very important. It's hard to retaliate when you're scolded, but it's very frustrating.

The mentality will definitely be unbalanced by then, and these people have already realized this.

"The following is about the future investment rights and interests of Huamei Group. At this point, we believe that internal expansion of the group with an investment exceeding 1 billion requires the consent of the head office, while external expansion exceeding 100 million requires reporting to the head office." Zhang Sicheng said .

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the senior executives of Huamei jumped. This was a very important matter. They didn't expect Zhang Sicheng to take it out now.

No one replied, but all looked at Zhang Ran.

Zhang Ran was actually a little surprised. He didn't expect that Zhang Sicheng would actually move this matter to this time.

You know, Zhang Ran was originally planning to have specialized people come over to discuss distribution issues in this area.

Now it seems that Zhang Sicheng also wants to show his ability to stand alone in front of his father, and Zhang Ran will not refuse.

Looking at Zhang Sicheng, Zhang Ran smiled and said: "Okay, don't look at me. Since it was Sicheng who proposed it, it can be settled as long as the discussion comes to an end."

After thinking for a while, Zhang Ran added: "But for the time being, we can only stay at Huamei Group."

Zhang Ran is still a little uneasy, this matter is also of great importance.

After Zhang Ran's words came out, all the senior executives of Huamei suddenly felt as if they had been given a shot of blood.

Such an opportunity is rare.

"Mr. Zhang, this is a bit difficult for others. The expansion of the group company has many aspects. Sometimes, some expansions may seem meaningless, but in fact they can solve the very important shortcomings of our group company.

One billion investment

A billion investment in the group can only be considered a medium investment. If such a small matter requires the approval of the head office, it will be delayed by an incredible amount of time. "Someone spoke first.

"Mr. Zhang may not know much about the operation of large companies, just like you, you need approval from the head office.

After half a year, we have inspected everything and are ready to invest. However, if we go through the approval of the head office, it may take half a year or even a year. This time is wasted on a billion-level investment. , the day lily has long been cold. "You're not polite here either.

Face was already given to him at the beginning, but now as long as he has some virtue in his words, it will be okay no matter how much he fights with her.

No one dared to scold Zhang Sicheng in front of Zhang Ran. That would be asking for death.

"The head office will set up a special investment department, and the approval process will definitely be very fast." Zhang Siyan said.

Since you say that Zhang Sicheng does not have management experience in a large group, let me say that I do.

Zhang Siyan is indeed qualified to say this.

"But it's impossible for the head office to understand Huamei as well as we do? If the head office does it again, not to mention some other aspects, it is the goal we need to achieve. The head office may not understand." These are just small goals. If The general direction of the group must be agreed upon with the head office.

Everyone knows this, and no one really wants to make the group company completely independent. If this were the case, Zhang Ran would not integrate it.

Therefore, everyone wants more independence, and the investment amount is a very important point.

"Then this requires the group company to make a detailed plan. I believe that as long as a detailed plan is made, everything will go quickly.

Moreover, in this way, the group company can be fully prepared for the project and have a deeper understanding of the project. "Meng Mingxuan said.