From Being Grandpa

Chapter 958: 958.Idealization


Zhang Ran looked at the report sent by Liu Lu, smiled, and put the documents away.

In fact, Tang Jing did these things because she did not have such a subjective intention, otherwise it would not have ended so simply as Liu Lu said.

As for those people who plotted against Liu Lu, Zhang Ran would certainly not let them go so easily.

It's just that Zhang Ran no longer needs to take action personally for such matters. He only needs to give instructions and someone will naturally help solve it.

Although these people also have various relationships.

They all belong to the same circle, and when these people unite, they also have tremendous energy.

This is why they are not afraid.

But when Zhang Ran really got serious, no one was willing to fight Zhang Ran for these people.

If there really were such people, then Zhang Ran wouldn't mind fighting them.

In fact, many people now understand that Zhang Ran has already achieved success. No matter what situation he is given, few people in China will cause too much trouble for Zhang Ran.

Of course these refer to business matters.

None of Zhang Ran's industries involves monopoly, plus Zhang Ran has some relationships with the above.

In addition, Zhang Ran had no intention of transferring the funds, and there were many, many other factors.

As long as Zhang Ran doesn't commit suicide, basically no one in China will take the initiative to trouble him.

Of course, in business matters, it all depends on who has the most ability. As long as it doesn't violate the law, no one will care about it.

And Zhang Ran is certainly not afraid of these legitimate competitions.

After putting this matter aside, Zhang Ran also looked at Zhang Sicheng and the others.

After a day of inspection at Mackay Supermarket today, they all had some ideas. Although they were a little tired, they were more excited.

This is the age when they want to make some achievements.

And what could be more fulfilling than integrating so many large groups

So no matter how tired these people are, they will never complain at all.

Even if it is a complaint, it is just a way of saying good things. If they are really allowed to rest, they are still not happy.

"Tell me, do you have any ideas?" Zhang Ran said.

This time it was Meng Mingxuan who spoke first, "Uncle Zhang, I took a look and got a general understanding of the information on Mackay Supermarket. I think the most important issues for Mackay Supermarket are suppliers and cash flow. "

"Well, keep talking." Zhang Ran said nothing.

“That’s right, product suppliers naturally don’t need to say much, this is the lifeblood of Mackay Supermarket.

Therefore, I feel that the head office needs to strengthen the constraints on Mackay Supermarket in this regard. In this way, McKay Supermarket cannot ignore the opinions of the head office at any time. "Meng Mingxuan said.

Zhang Ran said: "Then have you ever thought about it, this will also increase some expenses, which is unnecessary.

And those who engage in retailing, to put it bluntly, are to simplify all links and reduce costs, so that they can expand their advantages in the competition. "

Meng Mingxuan had obviously thought about this problem for a long time. Hearing this, he said: "This is completely solvable, and increasing restrictions does not mean increasing costs.

We can definitely make a fuss about the supplier's repayment. "

Perhaps it was because he had no fear of Zhang Ran, but Meng Mingxuan's words were also very direct.

“We can ask Mackay Supermarket to make all reimbursements from suppliers go through the head office. This will only increase the labor cost a little bit, but it will have no impact at all.

But for the supplier, whoever pays is the boss. In this way, the head office has enough say in Mackay Supermarket. "Meng Mingxuan said.

Zhang Ran laughed, "If Jiao Zhen and the others heard what you said, they would really want to kill you."

"Hey, I'm doing this for your own sake, Uncle Zhang." Meng Mingxuan chuckled and said flatteringly.

Zhang Ran said: "Okay, I can tell you the answer to your suggestion now, no."

Meng Mingxuan didn't react at all, and just gave a simple sigh.

This actually made Zhang Ran a little suspicious, "Could your kid have been bribed by Jiao Zhen and the others? Did Jiao Zhen ask you to test me?"

Meng Mingxuan said quickly: "How can it be possible? I am..."

Zhang Ran looked a little creepy, Meng Mingxuan stopped talking, and then said with some embarrassment: "Actually, Uncle Jiao asked me to test it out through my dad."

Zhang Ran nodded. In fact, he could understand that it was strange that Jiao Zhen had no reaction at all about such a big matter.

And in fact, neither Jiao Zhen nor Meng Mingxuan had any intention of hiding anything, otherwise they wouldn't be so direct.

"It won't happen next time." Zhang Ran said this.

Then he thought about it and said: "As for the suppliers, I am not going to set up obstacles for Mackay Supermarket anymore. Let them do everything by themselves. The head office will not interfere."

This was a reassurance for Jiao Zhen.

"However, some of their warehouse management and some logistics require some negotiation with the head office." Zhang Ran said.

Then he ignored Meng Mingxuan and asked others for their opinions.

Next, Zhang Sicheng and others spoke one by one and expressed some of their thoughts.

Some ideas are good, but some are too idealistic.

This is actually quite normal. After all, they are still young, and idealism is the most normal thing.

They are all following their own ideas and want to change the operation of some rules. This is the instinct of young people.

Talking about changing the world may be too vague now, but it is still possible to change the operating rules of some companies, especially those that are too cumbersome and old in their eyes.

Zhang Ran commented on these ideas one by one, even those that were too idealistic.

No matter how unrealistic their ideas seemed to him, Zhang Ran did not show any contempt at all. Instead, he solemnly gave some explanations.

This has benefited people like Zhang Sicheng a lot.

No matter how unrealistic their ideas are, their fundamental purpose is to enable the company to run better and develop better.

So these ideas are worth encouraging.

This discussion lasted until early in the morning. When everyone was too sleepy to bear it, Zhang Ran asked them all to go back to rest, while he continued to look at the documents.

There were too many things to do and they were too important to allow him to relax.