From Being Grandpa

Chapter 960: 960.The head office still lacks a deputy director


Situations like Lingkai Machinery Factory are actually not unique among various group companies.

If you develop in this city and various preferential policies are given, you must pay something.

Especially in some development periods in the early and mid-term, this is inevitable.

When it gets bigger, it's not easy to sell off these industries, as that will offend a lot of people. After all, they still need all kinds of support to continue developing here.

Without saying much else, let’s just say one thing: local protection is actually very important. Sometimes, a large company may survive because of this policy and avoid many dangers.

The retail group Mackay Supermarket is no exception, and in some aspects, it is even more needed.

Just like if Shangguo Supermarket enters the base camp of Mackay Supermarket, it will have a shopping attitude with Mackay Supermarket.

Sometimes, all it takes is a slight policy deviation or change to change the situation.

These are the reasons why it is difficult for Mackay Supermarket to sell these non-performing assets.

But if these subsidiaries are merged into the head office, things will be much easier.

Because then Mackay Supermarket will have no decision-making power. If there is any trouble, go directly to the head office.

After all, no one would really break up with Mackay Supermarket or the head office because of this matter.

In addition, everyone has reached a certain level and can still live in harmony.

And everyone also understands this. Some people have excited expressions, but some people have strange expressions.

Because it also represents some interest groups.

Don't think that these people have not been in charge of Mackay Supermarket for a long time, so they don't have many intricate entanglements of interests.

As long as there is interest, many things will form a new interest group in a short period of time.

Zhang Ran was also aware of this situation, but as long as he offered some benefits, no one would reject such a plan.

Even if he had the intention to refuse, he would not dare to do so at this time.

Because this only represents the interests of a certain group, not the whole, so as long as it is beneficial, no one will follow them.

"Mr. Zhang, I agree with this plan. Now some subsidiaries of Mackay Supermarket have indeed become a burden.

To say it's useless is a compliment, but we can't really get rid of these burdens, otherwise the impact will be even greater.

If the head office could come forward, things would be much easier to handle. "Jiao Zhen began to express his position.

With Zhang Ran and Jiao Zhen's statements, many things that follow will be much easier to handle.

"Okay, what follows is some simple discussion, I won't get involved, you can discuss it with Zhang Sicheng and the others.

If you two reach a certain agreement on these matters, then there will be no problems on my side. "Zhang Ran said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Mackay Supermarket subconsciously looked at Zhang Sicheng and the others. Of course, they had all heard about the Huamei Group.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ran would also implement it in their Mackay Supermarket.

You must know that the Huamei Group has taken away a lot of benefits from Zhang Sicheng and the others.

Suddenly, everyone became excited and looked at Zhang Sicheng and the others with burning eyes.

Zhang Sicheng and the others were not to be outdone and did not flinch at all.

Zhang Ran looked at this scene and smiled without saying much.

“The first topic is the cash flow issue of Mackay Supermarket, which I am not prepared to interfere with in principle.

After all, cash flow is also very important to you, but you all know that the cash and the repayment of some goods are a huge amount.

The head office also needs to carry out certain supervision, which is good for everyone, but you can discuss how to supervise it specifically. "Zhang Ran said.

Zhang Ran's words also made many people feel relieved. After all, they were just supervising, not extending the hand of the head office.

If these huge sums of money are restricted, it will be a big problem for Mackay Supermarket.

Zhang Sicheng and the others' eyes lit up, and they were ready to start fighting. They were all gearing up.

They had suffered a lot of losses at the hands of Huamei executives before, and now they wanted to get it back from Mackay Supermarket.

However, the senior management of Mackay Supermarket is a little different from the senior management of Huamei Group.

That is, the senior management here are generally a bit young. Although the youngest is almost forty years old, they are much younger than those of Huamei Group.

Moreover, this age is when the energy is the strongest, which refers to the energy in career.

When Jiao Zhen was recruited by Zhang Ran, those who could follow him were all people with a certain degree of enterprising spirit.

And these people are definitely not very old. If they are really in their fifties or sixties, why are they still following Jiao Zhen

They don't want to fight anymore. At this age, they should enjoy happiness. This is the best.

After Zhang Ran finished saying these words, he signaled to Zhang Sicheng and others that they could start. Zhang Sicheng and others, who had been prepared for this, immediately started firing.

They had already made some plans, and now they decided to take the lead. No matter what, they first stabilized the momentum.

When they were in the Huamei Group, their momentum was slowly lost, and some people even began to doubt themselves, thinking that their plans were indeed not that correct, which put them at a disadvantage.

However, the people at McKay Supermarket were not easy to mess with, so everyone started arguing fiercely at this time.

"Brother Jiao, do you have any ideas here?" Zhang Ran asked with a smile.

Jiao Zhen was stunned and didn't understand what Zhang Ran meant, "Me?"

"Yes, the head office lacks a deputy director. Brother Jiao, are you interested?" Zhang Ran asked.

Jiao Zhen didn't expect that Zhang Ran would suddenly talk about this and invite him to serve as the vice director of the head office.

Although the level is certainly no different from now, some of the powers have changed.

From being the chairman of just one group, he became a deputy director in charge of so many group companies and subsidiaries.

Although there is no direct management power, this does not mean that the power has been reduced, but has become larger.

Jiao Zhen sighed and said: "I originally planned to work for another three to five years to stabilize the group, then train a person to succeed me, and then retire.

Looking at you like this, are you going to let me retire and work for you all my life? "

"Haha, brother Jiao, what are you talking about? It's not because of your strong ability that I can't bear to let you leave." Zhang Ran smiled.