From Being Grandpa

Chapter 961: 961.End of Mackay Supermarket


In any case, the head office still lacks a mature and prudent person, and from now on, there is no one more suitable than Jiao Zhen.

Jiao Zhen has been the leader of a state-owned enterprise for such a long time. Whether it is official connections or other aspects, he is very suitable for Zhang Ran.

The moment the head office was established, what it faced was not the following trivial matters, so no one was more suitable than Jiao Zhen.

Jiao Zhen also understood Zhang Ran's thoughts, but he had never thought about it before. The reason why he agreed to Zhang Ran's move from a state-owned enterprise to Mackay Supermarket was because of his previous friendship.

Jiao Zhen actually felt that he was getting old and wanted to relax completely in a few years, so Jiao Zhen didn't want to agree.

But when Jiao Zhen was thinking about how to speak, he saw his son talking.

Jiao Zhen was stunned for a moment.

He is different from some other bosses. He has been working in state-owned enterprises for many years. Although his salary is not low, he has never engaged in crooked ways because he is a decent person.

At least he hasn't done it himself, so his money is basically his salary, so it's good to have other extra money.

Even if I later joined Mackay Supermarket and received some share rewards, they were very few. This is compared with those CEOs of the same level who started their own businesses.

Jiao Zhen didn't feel anything bad before. After all, he was able to provide his children with the best he could.

But when he saw his son among Zhang Sicheng's group, he suddenly had a feeling, especially when he saw his son striving to make progress, he was stunned for a moment.

If he could become a deputy director, he might be able to provide better help to his son.

Zhang Ran also saw Jiao Zhen's eyes and smiled without saying anything. He knew what Jiao Zhen was thinking, but if he could convince Jiao Zhen, then everything would be worth it.

... ... ... ...

For several days, Zhang Ran watched Zhang Sicheng and the others quarreling and recorded some of the points worthy of attention.

At Mackay Supermarket, Zhang Ran spent a little more time than Huamei Group, but the results were much better than Huamei Group.

Jiao Zhen has been thinking about it and has not given Zhang Ran a definite answer.

Waiting until the day Zhang Ran was about to leave.

Last night, Zhang Sicheng and the others also discussed some matters to the end. Zhang Ran also followed his previous promise and directly agreed to the results of these discussions without asking any further questions.

"Mr. Zhang." Jiao Zhen didn't know how to speak.

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "We're not in the company now, just call me Zhang Ran. Today is just a chat between friends. No matter what questions you have, you can tell them."

Jiao Zhen looked at Zhang Ran, sighed and said, "Then I won't be polite."

After he finished speaking, his expression became much more solemn, "Zhang Ran, you also know that at my age, I estimate that even if I serve as the vice president of the head office, I won't be able to work for long. In this way, will it be a bit difficult? ... ..."

Zhang Ran knew what he meant and said with a smile: "Don't worry about this. I need you to stabilize the situation for me now. You also know that when the head office is established, all the things that need to be faced are major events. .

It is also necessary to contact some people above, whether it is various policies or some decisions of the head office, it all requires help from someone like you, Brother Jiao. "

"As for the length of time, it's almost time. If Brother Jiao is ready to retire, then the initial chaos will be over. Relatively speaking, it will be simpler."

"I'm sorry, you just use me as a transition." Jiao Zhen seemed a little dissatisfied.

Zhang Ran said with a smile: "If you are willing, Brother Jiao, I have no problem with you working in the company until you die."

"Go away, you guy knows how to curse me. I still have many years to live." Jiao Zhen cursed with a smile.

Zhang Ran was still very polite to Jiao Zhen. No matter in every aspect, Jiao Zhen was okay with Zhang Ran.

When Mackay Supermarket was in danger, Jiao Zhen didn't say a word and led his team away from Shangguo to help him.

Later, when Zhang Ran dealt with some people, Jiao Zhen didn't make any unnecessary moves and silently supported him.

So no matter from which aspect, Zhang Ran hoped that Jiao Zhen would agree.

"It seems that I am quite important to the company." Jiao Zhen said with a laugh.

Zhang Ran nodded in agreement and said, "That's necessary. No one can do without you, Brother Jiao."

In fact, Jiao Zhen had already made up his mind since he came to find Zhang Ran.

If Jiao Zhen really didn't want to work anymore and just wanted to run Mackay Supermarket well, train his successors, and then retire, then he wouldn't have to come to Zhang Ran today.

Coming to Zhang Ran now means that he wants to continue working.

Maybe it's also for his own son.

It's not that he uses the head office to seek benefits, but with such rights, he can always maintain his personal connections. No matter who he is, he will give him some face, and at the same time, it will also give his son some convenience.

After Jiao Zhen really pulls it off, he will be just a rich man with some spare money. People may help him a little because of their previous relationship, but if they don't give him face, there is nothing he can do about it.

Although Jiao Zhen is capable, he is not the kind of indispensable talent.

If it's like some high-tech masters, such as biology, or chips.

So even if Jiao Zhen retires, he can already maintain quite a good influence.

Because such talents are really rare, especially those who can lead the company to a better place.

But who makes Jiao Zhen just a talent in supermarket management? Such talents are not too many, but not too few.

After chatting with Jiao Zhen for a long time, Zhang Ran also gave Jiao Zhen some guarantees before sending him away.

When Jiao Zhen left, Zhang Ran also breathed a sigh of relief. There were no major problems with the general structure of the head office.

Although there are still some shortcomings, it is generally fine.

Zhang Ran left after talking about the matter. This time he went to Yaotian Pharmaceutical. Here, Zhang Ran may have less or more things to face.

After all, Yaotian Pharmaceutical was purged twice in a row by Zhang Ran, and each time it was a big fight. Not to mention the top management, even the middle management was purged. ,

So when they knew that Zhang Ran was coming, the entire Yaotian Pharmaceutical became nervous. Everyone was thinking about whether they had made any mistakes recently and whether there was anything they had not done well.

It wasn't that they were dissatisfied, but Zhang Ran's cruelty before had really frightened them.