From Being Grandpa

Chapter 964: 964.Zhang Ran’s arrangement


Hearing this, the Zhang Sicheng brothers and sisters thought for a moment and said, "Yaotian Pharmaceutical is pretty good here. We didn't find too many mistakes or omissions."

This is inevitable, or else do you really think that Zhang Ran's first two purges were a joke

"However, the atmosphere here at Yaotian Pharmaceutical is a bit impetuous. I feel that management needs to be strengthened." Zhang Siyan said.

Zhang Sicheng did not notice this. After all, his Biaoxue Company and Yaotian Pharmaceutical were still far behind, both in terms of scale and number of employees.

But Kang Shilan is similar to Yaotian Pharmaceutical, so Zhang Siyan was able to discover this problem.

Zhang Ran nodded and said: "Well, there is nothing we can do about it. The first two cleaning actions were too big, and it is inevitable that some people will be impetuous."

Zhang Ran didn't care much about this.

After chatting some more, Zhang Ran asked them to leave first, "You guys continue to watch these days. I have some things to be busy with, so I won't do it for the time being."

... ... ... ... ... .

Zhang Ran found Jiao Zhen and others, but this time it was Zhang Ran who took the initiative, which made many people confused for a while.

What is Zhang Ran going to do

Wasn't it fine before

What's the matter with bringing them here now

Moreover, we have just arrived at Yaotian Pharmaceutical now, and it is still too early for the real integration. Why did it suddenly change its mind

The most nervous one among them must be Feng Hui. Who told him to be with Yaotian Pharmaceutical again this time

He still remembers the events of the first two times clearly!

So when he received the notice from Zhang Ran, he kept thinking about it, secretly sighing in his mind why he was so unlucky

Are you on your side every time something goes wrong

But what is supposed to come will still come, and no matter how uneasy you are, you can't pretend to be sick.

When Zhang Ran saw Feng Hui, he saw a worried look on his face. If he really didn't know what happened, he would start to examine himself now.

Zhang Ran didn't mean to scare him. When the people were about to arrive, he said directly: "I'm coming to see you this time. It's not about integration, but about other things to discuss with you."

Zhang Ran used negotiation. After all, the sudden emergence of such a big company was still a matter of the future, but these people still needed to be appeased.

Jiao Zhen and others looked at Zhang Ran curiously, while Feng Hui suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't care about these things. He just thought that he was fine now.

Zhang Ran talked about the fourth telecommunications company, and also talked about the shares.

These people are considered to be my core team, and they still need to help with some things.

After hearing what Zhang Ran said, several people immediately stared at Zhang Ran with wide eyes, and did not come back to their senses for a while.

It’s not that they don’t have concentration, it’s that this matter is so big that they can’t digest it in an instant.

But after all, they were all big guys. After being silent for a while, they finally came to their senses.

"Mr. Zhang, is this true?" Zhao Lifeng couldn't help but ask.

He immediately reacted and said quickly: "I'm not doubting Mr. Zhang, but this matter is too big."

Zhang Ran understood what he meant and said with a smile: "I have actually received some news a long time ago, but this matter has only been confirmed recently. I believe it won't be long before the superiors will announce this."

Zhang Ran said this, which was equivalent to telling them that this matter had been completely settled and there would be no repetition.

Jiao Zhen and others also understood what Zhang Ran meant.

Jiao Zhen was a little happy when he heard this, "This is actually a good thing, both for Mr. Zhang and the country.

Although it is a bit unkind to Mr. Zhang to say that he would buy horse bones with thousands of gold, that is what he meant. "

Jiao Zhen thought of this immediately. After all, he had worked in a state-owned enterprise for so many years, and he still had an extremely keen sense of smell in this area.

Zhang Ran said: "That should be the case. In fact, these are what I should do."

"But it is precisely because of this that the higher-ups made such a decision. If Mr. Zhang was just a speculator, then nothing like this would happen." Jiao Zhen said solemnly.

Compared to others, Jiao Zhen has far stronger feelings than anyone else in this regard.

In fact, what Jiao Zhen said is right.

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If Zhang Ran was just a speculator and only did it for profit, then the higher-ups would not have made such a decision.

Although Zhang Ran has a pivotal position in China's business community, he has not reached the point where he can't live without him.

It was precisely because Zhang Ran didn't think about using this to get benefits from the above that the above made such a decision.

Although it is said that children who cry can be fed by milk, even if they cannot cry, parents can see what the child does and will not really wrong the child.

Zhang Ran is just a child compared to the country.

"Brother Jiao, I came to you this time to confirm things. As I told you before, you will remain the vice director of the head office, but I need you to take care of this aspect in the future." Zhang Ran Said solemnly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jiao Zhen with strange eyes. They really didn't know this before.

Jiao Zhen said quickly: "I can't do it. I don't know much about this. No, I don't understand it at all."

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "But you have been working in a state-owned enterprise for such a long time, and you know how to deal with state-owned enterprises.

As for specific tasks, they can be left to others. We have no shortage of people in this area. We will just recruit some when the time comes. Brother Jiao, you just need to grasp the overall situation.

And if I'm not wrong, in the beginning, you, like Brother Jiao, would probably have meetings every day, and it would be difficult to distract yourself from specific matters. "

As soon as these words came out, Jiao Zhen stopped talking. According to his understanding of state-owned enterprises, this was indeed the case.

In fact, Zhang Ran did this for a reason. Jiao Zhen himself was one reason, and the other was because of Zhang Sicheng.

At that time, Zhang Sicheng will definitely not be allowed to directly serve as the general person in charge here. Instead, he will start from the middle level and learn from experience step by step.

Of course, Zhang Sicheng's promotion speed is definitely unmatched by others. It is normal to get promoted one step a year.

In Zhang Ran's plan, Zhang Sicheng will be given five years. After five years, Zhang Sicheng will succeed Jiao Zhen, and Jiao Zhen will no longer be in charge of this aspect of the business.

Zhang Sicheng spent five years learning this, and coupled with his own accumulation in Biao Xue Company, he should be qualified for such a position.

These were all taken into consideration by Zhang Ran.

Although Zhang Ran didn't say it clearly, Jiao Zhen seemed to understand what Zhang Ran meant. After thinking about it, he didn't say anything more and just nodded silently.