From Being Grandpa

Chapter 966: 966.Promises and warnings


After Zhang Ran explained these two things to them, he discussed it for another two days and finalized some details.

During this period, Zhao Lifeng also completely made up his mind to integrate Fengli Finance into the future banking system.

This was also a difficult decision for him, but Zhao Lifeng also understood that this was actually the best choice.

As for how to operate after returning, you still need to take your time.

After all, it will take some time for Zhang Ran to obtain a banking license, and it will not be achieved overnight and will require various preparations.

"After you go back, re-integrate the company's business, and at the same time reserve sufficient liquidity. In the past few years, I have been in urgent need of money. Everyone knows this, and I hope everyone can understand." Zhang Ran finally said said.

This is also the reason why Zhang Ran came to them. In the future, whether it is a bank or a new telecommunications company, it will require a large amount of capital investment.

Especially in the early stage, since Zhang Ran took so many shares, he naturally had to shoulder so many responsibilities, and money was the most important among them.

Everyone nodded.

Jiao Zhen said: "It just so happened that I started preparing to choose a successor in the past two years, and I also took the opportunity to stabilize the company. Funding is not a problem."

"Thank you for your understanding, brother." Zhang Ran said with a smile.

"Haha, we all work for you. If you, the big boss, say you want to do this, how dare we go against you?" Jiao Zhen laughed.

The others also laughed, but a few of them were also thoughtful. Jiao Zhen was warning everyone.

Zhang Ran has always been the big boss. Although Zhang Ran is just discussing with everyone now and his tone is very gentle, if he really confronts him, no one will get the good results.

... ... ... ...

After sending Zhao Lifeng and the others away, Zhang Ran began to speed up the pace and held a meeting at Yaotian Pharmaceutical the next day.

This time Zhang Ran seems a bit stronger than the other two group companies, but in fact there is no difference.

In other group companies, everyone may object to some of Zhang Ran's regulations because their own interests have been affected.

But nothing like this happens in Yaotian Pharmaceutical.

The previous two times were all vivid in their minds, and they didn't want to be purged again, otherwise the point of them climbing up would be gone.

However, strength is strength, and Zhang Ran still made a lot of promises, and he did not really treat Yaotian Pharmaceutical badly.

After all, Yaotian Pharmaceutical has always been Zhang Ran's pocketbook, and many of the funds Zhang Ran needs are drawn from Yaotian Pharmaceutical.

Zhang Sicheng and the others are still doing their own things, and their growth is obvious to all.

These three negotiations and three business integrations at such a high level are rare and valuable assets for any of them!

If they missed this time, they would probably never have such an opportunity in their lives, so they cherished it.

Whether it is Zhang Sicheng or Zhao Xiaoyu, everyone cherishes it very much and will not waste any time.

During this time, none of them slept more than five hours a day! Most are completed within five hours.

This is also the time when they are young and can officially fight.

"Feng Hui, I won't say much else. In fact, you have been doing very well here, but you are tied up in some aspects." When leaving, Zhang Ran called Feng Hui over alone.

Feng Hui nodded anxiously. He really didn't expect Zhang Ran to praise him.

Zhang Ran continued: "You also know the next thing. Yaotian Pharmaceutical has always been a very important source of funds for me. Once Yaotian Pharmaceutical is missing, many things will not be that good for me. It’s smooth.”

"These are what we should do." Feng Hui quickly said modestly.

Zhang Ran said: "You don't need to be so nervous. I still say that as long as it is not your responsibility, then I will not be involved."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. What I mean is actually very simple. From now on, Yaotian Pharmaceutical will have to take responsibility. Whether it is telecommunications business or banking, they are in urgent need of a lot of money. Yaotian Pharmaceutical You have to be prepared.”

"If Yaotian Pharmaceutical does a good job, I won't treat you badly in the end. Haven't you always wanted to develop internationally

If you do a good job by then, then I will fully support you and I will also come forward to open up some relationships. "Zhang Ran gave his promise.

As soon as these words came out, Feng Hui suddenly became excited.

They are indeed very famous now, and even the domestic market in China is already huge.

However, their reputation and products basically only remain in China. Only the health product 'Yong Ge' has become famous internationally.

This is the result of Zhang Ran's efforts in all aspects, otherwise it would not be so easy.

Feng Hui has long understood that he is no longer qualified to compete for the position of chairman of the head office, so now he only thinks about how to develop Yaotian Pharmaceutical.

As long as Yaotian Pharmaceutical becomes bigger and stronger, he will have no less power and reputation.

What lies before him now is how to open up international sales. Medicines are nothing else. There are many rules and regulations.

Moreover, the relationship with various countries is also a very important part. Otherwise, no matter how good your medicine is, you will not be able to appear in this country.

Now Zhang Ran promised that as long as they do a good job this time, then Zhang Ran is willing to fully support them to compete internationally.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Although Zhang Ran is the absolute majority shareholder of Yaotian Pharmaceutical, Zhang Ran would not fully support them in doing this in the past, and most of them still had to rely on themselves.

Because a lot of Zhang Ran's relationship energy may be wasted here at Yaotian Pharmaceutical.

Now that Zhang Ran takes the initiative to speak, this is a good thing.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, we will never let you down." Feng Hui assured immediately.

He was full of energy at this time.

Zhang Ran nodded, but finally said: "No matter what, we must strengthen safety construction. There is no mercy in this regard."

Feng Hui nodded cautiously and said: "I understand that I didn't do well before, but from now on, there will never be any problems in this regard."

Zhang Ran said: "I believe you. If there are problems in other aspects, everyone can still discuss it, but if there are problems in safety, then there is no room for negotiation at all."

Well, he said that he believed it, and finally couldn't help but warned Feng Hui, but Feng Hui didn't care at this time.