From Being Grandpa

Chapter 975: 975.New Year


Zhang Ran's family and Prince Haiman's family suddenly made the already lively Spring Festival even more noisy.

Especially the four little guys have added so much joy to this home.

I don't know why, but Zhang Ran now likes to see such a scene, which makes him feel very comfortable.

At this time, Zhang Ran would really relax, watch a group of people laughing, and join in from time to time.

Chatting with Prince Heyman is like doing whatever you want.

From time to time, some old men and women would say hello to each other as they passed by, and some old men would stay and chat together.

"Come on, come on, it's time to eat." Following Liu Lu's greeting, everyone came to the dining table.

There are not so many red tapes, and the whole family is eating quickly. There are no New Year's greetings, just enjoy the meal.

Watching this year's Spring Festival Gala, although it wasn't that funny, everyone watched it with gusto.

After eating, the four children played with fireworks in the yard. Of course, they were not large fireworks, just small ones for children.

It doesn't make much noise, and it won't disturb people.

While eating and drinking, when it was almost twelve o'clock, everyone went outside to watch the fireworks.

After staying outside for almost half an hour, Zhang Ran and the others went back, and then went back to rest.

However, Zhang Ran and Prince Heiman came to the small bar in the basement to drink.

"What are you planning to do next year? According to you, are you planning to deal with the Rhodes family next year?" Prince Heyman asked.

Zhang Ran took a sip of wine and said, "I have this idea."

"If there is anything I can do to help, just ask." Prince Heiman said with a serious expression.

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I won't be polite to you."

"That's good. I'm really afraid that you'll be polite to me." Prince Heiman said.

"Haha, you are underestimating my shamelessness."

The two of them didn't drink for long. When it was almost one o'clock, Zhang Ran and Prince Haiman went back to rest.

When I woke up the next day, it was the usual New Year's money distribution.

But after this year, there are five of them. Except for four children, only Burt has one. Who makes Burt younger

There are always the same number of red envelopes regardless of size.

... ... ... ... ... .

Prince Haiman stayed with Zhang Ran for almost half a month before leaving. After Prince Haiman left, Zhang Ran also started his own plan.

The first thing is to formally establish Zhang's Holding Company. Although it has been registered, it has not yet been fully integrated.

As for Zhang's Holding Company, they landed in the Magic City, and many people worked hard to compete for them.

The registered capital alone is 100 billion. What does this mean

It’s not like they don’t know it, and they understand even more what Zhang’s Holding Company represents.

Let’s not talk about the tax revenue it can bring, which is definitely a lot. The key is that as long as Zhang’s holding company is on their side, then which city will definitely have greater development in business, even the capital and magic city. All are no exception.

Because everyone knows what Zhang Ran is best at, and that is controlling the overall future situation.

And Zhang Ran also likes to invest in various small companies that are just starting out.

The vast majority of small companies will die in the early stages, and the biggest reason is funding problems.

Especially at this stage, without financial support, it will be difficult to maintain the status quo, let alone become bigger and stronger.

This is not the past. In the past, there were various opportunities and everyone was on the same starting line.

And for many things in the future, everyone actually doesn’t know where to go.

But things are different now. Now everyone actually has a certain direction in mind. Once a good project appears, either you will be merged, or the big companies will directly use funds to crush it.

When the time comes, let alone becoming bigger and stronger, it will not be easy to survive.

This is actually the concern above, and the word monopoly has gradually appeared in China.

In the past, the monopolies were all state-owned enterprises and they were all strategic resources.

And although state-owned enterprises have various shortcomings, one thing is irreproachable, that is, state-owned enterprises also bear relatively heavy burdens.

In most cases, private companies move in the direction of profit. As long as there are no profits ahead, they will not think about moving forward.

But state-owned enterprises are different. As long as the task targets are issued by the superiors, they must complete them even if they lose money and even if it does not benefit them at all.

In terms of social responsibility alone, state-owned enterprises have no problems.

Therefore, no one has any feelings about the monopoly of state-owned enterprises. After all, the state still controls it.

In the vast majority of cases, there is no impact on people's livelihood.

But private companies are different. Once private companies establish a monopoly, it will be a devastating disaster for the industry, at least for those with ambitions.

Because their roads are blocked and they want to make progress? Don’t even think about it!

And this will also slow down the development of this industry, because once they are monopolized, they can use a technology that can only make money in one year to make money in ten years.

These nine years have been wasted and have greatly hindered the development of this industry.

In fact, there are already many phenomena at this stage, but they are just temporary, and it is not easy for the higher authorities to intervene.

They also tried to adjust, but the result was that many wealthy people moved their assets and people emigrated.

Now Zhang Ran is finally brought to the table, which stabilizes the situation and makes the situation better.

But this monopoly situation must be resolved.

The person who solved it was Zhang Ran.

It's not that Zhang Ran is really noble, but Zhang Ran's work here really makes everyone feel at ease.

Because from now on, no matter which industry it is, Zhang Ran has no intention of monopolizing it.

If Zhang Ran really had such thoughts, then Zhang Ran would not have cast such a wide net before.

Not to mention other things, it seems that McKay Supermarket is not particularly important now. If Zhang Ran really wants to, based on Zhang Ran's previous strength, it is really possible to build China's Wal-Mart.

Although Wal-Mart is not a monopoly, it actually has a large say.

There is no need to say more about other aspects, especially the Internet. If Zhang Ran really has such thoughts, then he will not let other people become bigger.

These are one of the reasons for the above decision.

What he wants is for Zhang Ran to support the development of small businesses and make the industry competitive.