From Being Grandpa

Chapter 978: 978. Unify the employee system


A lot of reporters had gathered outside the door of Zhang's Holding Company. These were the people who had learned some inside information.

Zhang Ran wanted to keep a low profile, and he did, but it was simply impossible to keep a low profile.

There are quite a few people who know about this. How is it possible to keep it airtight

And not to mention that people like Zhao Lifeng appeared in the Magic City at this time. Everyone knew that something must have happened.

"Hey, do you know what happened?" A male reporter asked the female reporter next to him.

The female reporter was stunned, "You don't know? Then what are you doing here?"

The male reporter didn't know why and said: "I just saw many colleagues rushing this way, so I followed them."

The female reporter suddenly didn't know what to say. This guy must be so lucky.

You must know that in order to get this task, she also asked her father to find the editor in person, and then she took the task into her hands.

Otherwise, such a big thing would never be her turn.

The female reporter didn't want to answer the male reporter's words, and the male reporter wasn't discouraged. Anyway, he knew that something big must be going on, so he asked someone else.

... ... ... ...

Zhang Ran didn't know what was going on outside, he was just talking about his arrangements.

"Starting from today, all subsidiaries and group companies need to unify their employee levels." Zhang Ran said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts moved, knowing that the topic was coming.

Zhang Ran only talked to them briefly before, but did not tell them in detail.

The meaning is also obvious, he has acted arbitrarily on this matter.

No one has any opinion on this.

Zhang Ran continued: "Let's talk about normal management employees first. I divide them into eleven levels. The first level is a supervisor with a starting salary of 150,000, the second level is a manager with a starting salary of 35, and the third level is a senior manager with a salary of 550,000. Starting from level 4... Level 10 is the chairman of the group company, level 11 is the chairman of the head office, and at this stage, that's me."

This employee level allocation seems unnecessary. After all, what Zhang Ran said does not have much impact on the current employee wages.

Because this is their salary situation.

But this is extremely important to the head office. Through this employee-level agreement, employees in these sub-groups will truly begin to treat these group companies as one family.

At least it can be treated as one company, rather than like now, which looks like one on the surface, but in fact, no one thinks so.

Once this employee system is truly implemented, everyone will subconsciously substitute themselves into other group companies.

When I meet employees from other group companies, I will subconsciously ask them, and then I will naturally feel a sense of identity in my heart.

This is what Zhang Ran needs, and it is also the reason why he acted arbitrarily this time. Only in this way can the head office really play its role.

And when the head office makes some coordination and adjustments, the resistance will be smaller.

People like Zhao Lifeng have also thought that this kind of employee system is indeed the most appropriate now.

"That is to say, from now on, all subsidiaries' internal rating systems will be invalidated. I hope that within a month, all subsidiaries will run this system." Zhang Ran said with a serious expression.

Zhao Lifeng and others did not speak. Meng He was the first to speak: "No problem, I will definitely let this employee system sink in one month and complete the transformation of the company's employee system."

Zhao Lifeng and others looked at each other and answered accordingly.

Zhang Ran nodded and continued: "There is another technical system. In this technical system, it will be more detailed."

"In the technical staff system, Z1-Z3, technical assistants, each company has its own salary, Z4-Z5, technical engineers, the salary starts at 30,000, Z6 is equivalent to the first-level supervisor of ordinary employees,... ... ... ... "

The technical staff required by each company are different, and Zhang Ran's requirements are actually also quite different.

Given enough rights for a subsidiary, like Mackay Supermarket after all, what kind of technical staff do they need

It is difficult to finalize this. After all, this is not one company, but the integration of so many group companies.

After Wu Ying listened, he whispered to Zhang Sicheng: "Master, what level do you think I am corresponding to now?"

Zhang Sicheng smiled when he heard this: "You? You are only a second-level manager. This is because our company has better development prospects and is classified as a second-level subsidiary. Otherwise, you would probably be the first-level manager." .”

Of course, he has known about this employee system for a long time, and he has already started to divide his company.

I believe that after this meeting, he can arrange everyone's levels when he goes back.

Zhang Ran finished talking about things at the employee level, and then started talking about other things.

Although most things have already been discussed, these things need to be discussed again to be truly settled.

The meeting lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon, and during this period, they all ate here.

And by 5 p.m., the meeting had not really finished. If we want to really finish it, we still have to wait a few days.

Zhang Ran had no intention of letting everyone work overtime. When it was almost done, he asked them to go back and rest first.

The reporters outside were waiting here and there, but there was no one there.

When they saw people coming out, they found that they were all high-end commercial vehicles and they had no idea who was inside.

So I didn’t dare to stop the car casually.

And everyone who can come here to get the news knows some of the situation, and no one dares to stop the car at this time and force an interview.

As for those who came here by chance, seeing that so many colleagues were honest, they would not be stupid enough to stop the car.

As for the bold ones being able to get big news, that also depends on the timing.

There are so many colleagues here who haven't made any movement at all. They would only jump out at this time unless they were stupid.

But no matter what, they still have to keep waiting, otherwise their arrival will be in vain, and they will not be part of such a big news.

Zhang Ran rubbed his brows a little tiredly. There were still many things waiting for him to deal with.

When he really solves the matter here, it will be time for him to solve the Rhodes family.

Everything he had done before was to prepare for this moment.

When Zhang Ran and the others were meeting, the entire Chinese business community seemed a little dull. Everyone's thoughts were focused on this, and they all wanted to know what the final result would be.