From Being Grandpa

Chapter 986: 986. Surrender not accepted


After Zhang Ran finished handling the matters here, he returned home and said to Liu Lu: "Xiao Lu, if you feel uncomfortable living here recently, go live somewhere else."

Liu Lu said: "It's okay. People may be a little curious at first. It will be fine in a few days."

After finishing speaking, Liu Lu said: "Well, Dad, I want my parents to live in Nanhai for a while.

Today, many people from my parents came here, and most of them are people from the county government and the city government. "

In fact, not only these people are here for the Liu family, but many of their relatives are also here. It's just that the Liu family can dispatch these people themselves, but it's hard for them to dispatch the people from the government.

In fact, they know very well that their daughter is enjoying happiness now, but they cannot really let her do everything as a matter of course.

That will only make the relationship between the two parties slowly fade away.

And they don't ask for anything, which is a good thing. I don't see that their family basically lacks everything now.

If you want money, you have money; if you want work, you have work.

Although they are not the kind of rich and powerful, they are already very satisfied.

Zhang Ran said apologetically: "I'd like to apologize to my in-laws and me. It's me who has implicated them."

"It's okay, Dad, these are all small things, and you have already helped our family a lot." Liu Lu said quickly.

Zhang Ran said: "Let's go to Nanhai. You can send them directly to play abroad. I will make arrangements for them when the time comes. You don't have to worry about safety.

Now they have nothing to do at home, so they just want to travel and see the world. "

Liu Lu thought about it for a while. Her parents had never left the province in their lives. Now that she had some money, it was a good choice to travel around the world.

And with the help of their father-in-law, they don’t need to worry about safety or do anything else, they just need to play.

"Okay, thank you dad." Liu Lu said.

"It's okay, we're all a family. You can just make the decision on this kind of thing from now on." Zhang Ran waved his hand.

After talking for a while, Zhang Ran continued to be busy.

In the next period of time, Zhang Ran came back less often because he was too busy with work.

Just as people in the community thought before, housing prices in the Urban Garden Community have skyrocketed in a short period of time.

At the same time, the place where Zhang Ran lives was also exposed.

But this time, many people have become more fond of Zhang Ran. Zhang Ran is so rich and still lives in a place like this.

Although the housing prices in Urban Garden are also super expensive, this is mainly due to the location.

The urban garden is at a medium level in the Magic City.

Such Zhang Ran's family gave the public a sense of intimacy, so for a while, the comments about Zhang Ran became better and better.

Zhang Ran didn't pay attention to this aspect, and he didn't really want to pay attention to it. The main thing was to focus on the company.

After a month of sorting out, Zhang's holding company is finally on the right track, and most things can be done according to procedures.

In this way, Zhang Ran relaxed.

But Zhang Ran just doesn't need to focus all his energy on the company, he has other things to do.

Soon, China will have a friendly visit with the United States regarding new energy issues.

Zhang Ran also wanted to go with him.

But this time Zhang Ran took the title of the richest man in the world, and he got it from the legendary man Aili.

At the same time, Ai Li also publicized that he would also attend the meeting, which means that the new and old richest men in the world are about to meet.

This immediately made many people excited, and this was also big news.

If the world's richest man keeps changing his money, not to mention changing it every year, but if he changes it every three to five years, no one will be fine.

After all, this is considered normal operation, and they are all familiar people anyway.

But it's different now. The richest man in the world hasn't changed in more than ten years. Now he suddenly changed. Everyone wants to know what it was like when these two met.

And compared to Aili, Zhang Ran is even more legendary.

No one knows how many things Zhang Ran has done in the past, and some people are discussing whether Aili can always occupy the position of the world's richest man if nothing happens to Zhang Ran.

This may not seem to need discussion, but in fact, the Internet is going crazy on this issue.

At the same time, the Rhodes family.

Jason and Qiao SiLin both started to get nervous. They felt that Zhang Ran was actually coming for them this time.

And Zhang Ran's momentum now is completely different from before. He has just become the richest man in the world, and he has surpassed so many.

Coupled with the spread of Zhang Ran's previous incidents, Zhang Ran's reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

Some new rich people are also full of fear of this person.

Now when it comes to going against Zhang Ran, most people will think about it.

In the past, if you wanted to go against Zhang Ran, most wealthy people would be willing as long as the benefits were good.

Just like this time in Nanfa, the benefits are almost there and there are many people on their side.

But it's different now. Now, if you want to be Zhang Ran's enemy, unless the benefits are too great, most people will consider it carefully.

"What should we do?" Jason asked.

Qiao Silin took a deep breath and said: "What else can be done? There is an old saying in China: When soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the earth will cover it."

"We can't always be so passive, right?" Jason said anxiously.

Since Zhang Ran decided to deal with them, they have basically never been idle, and they need to deal with it with all their strength every time.

Qiao Silin said: "What else should we do? Take the initiative to attack Zhang Ran now? Have you found the direction?"

Jason stopped talking. If he had found a way to deal with Zhang Ran, he wouldn't be like this.

"Don't be too impatient. Zhang Ran probably wants to take us down in one fell swoop this time, but this is also an opportunity for us. He is here for new energy. He is not just against our family. He is here to fight against us." Sometimes as long as we do well, some people will deal with him." Qiao Silin said.

Jason sighed, "That's all."

They thought of this immediately. Could Zhang Ran not think of it

Obviously, Zhang Ran must have thought of it, but he still did it. According to their understanding of Zhang Ran, this shows that Zhang Ran should have been prepared for a long time.

Otherwise Zhang Ran would not do this, and Zhang Ran has great hopes for his victory.

At this time, Jason actually no longer had the confidence he had before, but things had reached this point. Even if he wanted to admit defeat, Zhang Ran would not accept it.

The fifth meeting

Although Zhang Ran was said to have come with people from China, he was not actually there.

In the negotiations between the two parties on new energy issues, people like Zhang Ran only served as commercial supplements.

Because no matter what, everything needs to be commercialized.

Of course, the most important thing is not Zhang Ran and the others. They are just a supplement and need to wait until both parties are almost at the same level.

However, in a public meeting between the two parties, Zhang Ran directly became the protagonist.

Not only him, but also Eli.

In fact, the main purpose of Zhang Ran coming here this time was for Aili. Although he had only met a few times and it was a long time ago, Zhang Ran also admired Aili very much.

This is admiration from the bottom of my heart. Aili may be a real business genius, and he is not the kind of genius who only focuses on making money.

In fact, to put it bluntly, business is a means of exchanging what is needed, and it is not essentially about making money.

At the beginning, Ai Li might have been obsessed with making money, but when Zhang Ran saw him for the second time, this man who was already a little wealthy was no longer obsessed with making money.

If Aili had been obsessed with making money, not to mention doubling his current wealth in these years, but at least he could have increased a lot.

Now many of Aili's assets are actually invested in some companies with development prospects. Although many of them are large companies, these large companies have indeed been advancing at a high speed and have not rested on their laurels.

This is what Ai Li thinks. Business prosperity cannot rest on its laurels, let alone just because it is a little ahead or occupies most of the market, so it cannot use this advantage to extract money crazily.

This was never Eli's idea.

This is also the reason why Ai Li has been very popular with everyone over the years, although he rarely does charity.

Aili has never tried to monopolize an industry.

A monopoly in an industry will bring huge profits, but it will also hinder the development of the industry.

Many people, especially in Europe and the United States, many rich people are actually doing this kind of business, because this kind of business has low costs and high profits.

As long as they have a monopoly, the pricing power is in their hands.

Over the years, these rich people have been sued for anti-monopoly, and many of them have been fined, and all of them are huge fines.

Although these fines are certainly not worth mentioning compared to the profits they earn, they are still a warning.

Aili has never been sued for monopolization. How can such a person not make people like him

Even in the business world, most people have very good senses about Aili. This is not only the reason for Aili's wealth.

Getting back to the topic, Zhang Ran and Aili have become the focus of the audience at this time.

"Mr. Zhang Ran, is this your first time meeting Mr. Aili?" a reporter asked excitedly.

None of the other ignored people present expressed dissatisfaction. In fact, they had already guessed this situation.

After all, reporters wanted to know more about Zhang Ran and Ai Li than they did.

Zhang Ran glanced at Ai Li with a smile and said, "No, this should be the fifth time we meet, right? If I'm not wrong."

Aili smiled and nodded: "Yes, this is indeed the fifth time. I didn't expect that it would be so long ago."

Now the reporters are even more excited. From the looks of it, the relationship between the two parties seems to be pretty good? There must be something inside.

"How did you meet? Have you had any communication before?" the reporter asked impatiently.

This time it was Aili's turn to answer, "Mr. Zhang Ran and I met at an entrepreneurial dance, but I had heard of Mr. Zhang Ran's name before."

"Then, Mr. Zhang Ran, how did you feel when you met Mr. Aili for the first time?" the reporter asked again.

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "Of course, in Chinese terms, the first time I saw Mr. Ai Li, I had a feeling that he was extraordinary."

Some Chinese people who understood the meaning of Zhang Ran's words almost couldn't help laughing.

However, this does not affect everyone's continued questioning, "So, what impact will this meeting have on you two?"

Zhang Ranxian said: "The influence is definitely there. At that time, Mr. Aili had an extremely keen business sense, and he had an extraordinary grasp of the emerging industries in the future.

This was the first time I saw such a person. From that moment on, I truly believed that there was such a genius in the world. "

Zhang Ran was telling the truth. In the past, he also believed that the so-called successful people and business geniuses had really achieved great things. In fact, they had achieved it step by step, after countless failures and countless attempts. Only then did we get to this point.

But Eli really surprised him.

Aili smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang is too polite. I have never denied that I am a genius, but compared with Mr. Zhang Ran, I am still a little behind. The current results also prove this."

Zhang Ran couldn't help but smile when he heard this. He didn't say anything. He knew his situation and didn't explain it.

Listening to the two people talking to each other as if they were talking about business, some people had weird expressions on their faces.

In fact, in their opinion, today's meeting may spark some sparks between the two. After all, they are the old and new richest man.

And many people are actually ready to ask some pointed questions. As long as one of the two people can't answer it well, they will be able to write a big book about it.

But the two of them were like this, so they didn't know what to do for a while.

Zhang Ran and Aili seem to have a good relationship, but they are not very familiar with each other

Aili ignored them and continued to speak, "Actually, the first time Mr. Zhang Ran and I met, Mr. Zhang Ran was trying to point out a way.

Most of the reasons why I am able to do what I am today should be caused by that meeting. "

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "Mr. Aili is too polite. This is because you have such thoughts. I just said a few words too much."

But Ai Li shook his head seriously and said, "I'm really not being polite. If it weren't for Mr. Zhang Ran's guidance at that time, I really wouldn't have found the path I'm on now."

At this time, the entire venue had quieted down, and everyone was listening carefully to the conversation between the two. At this time, they discovered that there seemed to be some big news about to come out.

Not only them, but also the main force in the negotiations between the two parties looked interested at this time.

None of them expected that there was such a relationship between Zhang Ran and Ai Li.