From Being Grandpa

Chapter 987: 988.Mr. Zhang Ran has a profound influence on me


"Mr. Aili, can you tell us in detail what's going on inside?" A reporter asked anxiously. At this time, they were all a little anxious.

How can such big news make them settle down

Eli smiled and said, "Of course."

After finishing speaking, Ai Li seemed to be lost in his memories, "When Mr. Zhang Ran and I first met, I already had a small fortune. Not to mention a lot, I still had 50 million US dollars.

Some people who know me may know that, yes, I met Mr. Zhang Ran after I started my first business. "

Many people who heard his words were speechless. It was the first time to start a business. Didn't you just start a business once

Yes, Ai Li was very successful when he started his first business. At that time, he was still a man who had just entered college.

Ai Li ignored everyone's thoughts and said to himself: "After I succeeded in starting my first business, I understood that it is actually very simple to make money."

These words made many people really hate him, but they had to admit that what Eli said was true.

"Actually, at that time, after I indulged for a while, I felt a little confused, because I was really excited when I first succeeded, and I felt particularly comfortable when I first indulged.

But as time went on, I realized that such success and such indulgent life were a bit too boring. "

"At that time, I was a little confused and didn't know what I should do. In fact, I knew that I could make money no matter what I did, as long as I made money.

But I slowly discovered that this kind of life was not what I wanted. I didn’t want to make money just for the sake of making money.

But I don’t want to enjoy life like this all day long. To me, this is a waste of life.

So I'm confused and don't know what to do. "

Aili's narration made many people fall silent. Although they may not understand Aili's state of mind at the time, they understood that what Aili said was true.

And this kind of Aili seems to be the Aili in their hearts.

If Aili was purely trying to make money, then Aili would not have his current status.

Aili ignored them and continued: "At that time, I attended an entrepreneurial dance. At that time, I thought it was just to relax, but that time I met Mr. Zhang Ran."

As he spoke, Aili chuckled and said, "Actually, I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes. I had heard Mr. Zhang Ran's name before. Mr. Zhang Ran was well-known in the investment circle at that time."

"At that time, I actually looked down on Mr. Zhang Ran, thinking that he was just a common man chasing wealth."

These words once again made many people twitch at the corners of their mouths. Aren't they just such people

Zhang Ran also made a sound of failure. No wonder Aili was a little resistant to him at that time. Zhang Ran was thinking of investing in Aili back then.

After all, Ai Li's report card is too good, and his grasp of the future is also quite accurate.

But when he went to find Aili, he was directly rejected by Aili.

Ai Li's attitude improved a lot after that, but Zhang Ran didn't know the reason. It turned out to be because of this.

Ai Li looked at Zhang Ran and smiled, and nodded towards Zhang Ran with some embarrassment. He was too young and energetic back then.

Even though he realized his mistake later, he didn't say it out loud.

It was also because of his youth that although he wanted to invite Zhang Ran to work together at the time, he was too embarrassed to open his mouth because of the previous misunderstanding.

As for Zhang Ran, he had been rejected once, and he refused forcefully. Although the relationship became much better after that, he did not make similar requests again.

After all, for him, the environment at that time could be said to be full of gold. It just depended on where to pick it up.

So Zhang Ran didn't take this matter to heart.

Aili smiled apologetically and continued: "But after I talked with Mr. Zhang Ran, I realized that I had misunderstood Mr. Zhang Ran.

Mr. Zhang Ran actually has his own ideals in everything he does.

Mr. Zhang Ran said this at the time. He likes money and makes money, but he doesn’t like purely making money. If he can help or promote the development and progress of the industry on the way to making money.

This kind of money is the most comfortable and enjoyable to make. "

Ai Li said it very seriously. Even Zhang Ran probably couldn't remember this sentence clearly. It might even be what Zhang Ran said back then to deceive Ai Li.

But Aili remembered it clearly.

“So I had a goal after that. My goal was actually to make money, but it was no longer the previous kind of making money purely for the sake of making money.

While I am making money, I also need to consider the future of this industry, and it is best to promote the development and progress of this industry. "Ai Li finished what he wanted to say.

He didn't hide anything, so his prestige has declined because of this? He didn't care about that, and it was all true.

Zhang Ran laughed and said: "These are all things Mr. Aili has figured out himself. I admire what Mr. Aili has done very much."

Some reporters stopped talking at this time. Everyone seemed to have thought of what the two people had in common.

Neither of them has engaged in monopolistic behavior in an industry, and the industries in which they participated have made considerable progress and development.

Zhang Ran may not be able to record it well due to a lack of time. Although many people know the inside story, there are actually some things that are not easy to fully publish because it involves too many things.

However, everyone knows about Aili's situation. Everyone knows that Aili did not lie. This is what he has done for so many years.

It's just because his business vision is so good that even by doing this, he has already made a lot of wealth.

However, he earned the money with peace of mind and without any psychological burden. Everyone also believed that he deserved the money.

Some reporters wanted to ask questions, but found that they did not know what to ask. At this time, they all had feelings about the affairs of the two richest men, the old and the new.

Compared with other people, these two people have something different.

They are both the richest people in the world. Logically speaking, many people who hate rich people should be very dissatisfied with them.

But in fact, there are really not many people who are dissatisfied with these two people, especially in the business world.

Compared with some investment groups, many people are actually willing to accept investment from these two people, even if they get less shares, especially those who have just started their own business, because these two people will not destroy it for money in many cases. Lose an industry.