From Being Grandpa

Chapter 988: 989.Visit Eli


The conversation between Zhang Ran and Aili surprised many people. In the past, many people thought that these two people should not know each other.

After all, Zhang Ran disappeared for such a long time, and it was also during this time that Aili really started to show his prominence internationally.

But now Ai Li and Zhang Ran are telling everyone that they have known each other for a long time. Not only that, Ai Li has also been greatly influenced by Zhang Ran.

Although they didn't get any news about the conflict between the old and new world's richest men as they imagined this time, such news also made them excited.

News like this is actually more interesting than the conflict between the two. There is so much to write about.

Many things that followed unfolded with these two people, and for a while they completely became the protagonists.

By the time the meeting ended, all the reporters were excited, and some had already drafted the news and started sending it to their companies.

Zhang Ran, on the other hand, left after talking to some people. In the evening, Zhang Ran came to visit Ai Li at his home.

Some things are still not suitable to be said in public, such as Zhang Ran's purpose of coming to find Aili this time.

Aili's family had been waiting at the door to greet him early. They watched Zhang Ran get off the car with sincere smiles on their faces.

"Mr. Zhang, welcome to my home." Aili said with a smile.

Zhang Ran also had a smile on his face, "It is also an honor for me to be a guest at Mr. Aili's home."

It was inevitable for the two of them to exchange polite words, but soon they stopped being so polite and slowly became like chatting with friends.

"Mr. Zhang, I have long heard that you have an extraordinary understanding of children's education. I wonder if you can tell me about it?" Aili asked curiously.

Next to him, his son Feynman had been looking at Zhang Ran curiously, but when he heard this, he looked a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Ran smiled and said: "This is all normal education. Children's future still depends on themselves. As parents, no matter what we do, we can only provide guidance."

"Hey, this boy in our family is not very good. He does things too willfully and does not consider everything comprehensively. And..." As he said this, Aili began to complain about his son.

After listening to this, Zhang Ran said with a smile: "Feynman is actually very good. Don't be too demanding, otherwise it will be a pressure on the children."

He also knew that Feynman, although not famous, was actually very capable.

Moreover, Feynman rarely made any news, and he never did anything illegal or disciplinary based on his family's wealth and status.

Overall, Feynman gave Zhang Ran a good sense.

Ai Li also had a smile on his face after hearing this, but he quickly stopped and continued to talk about some dissatisfaction with his son.

Next came the time for the two richest men to exchange their educational experiences, which left many people stunned.

They never expected that the private meeting between Zhang Ran and Ai Li would turn out like this.

Although Zhang Ran said it was a private visit this time, he actually brought some people here, including Ai Li.

Because everyone knew that Zhang Ran came here not just for a visit, but there must be something important.

After eating and chatting for a while, Ai Li invited them to the conference room. Ai Li did not live in the same place as Zhang Ran and liked to live in a community.

His place occupies a huge area. Not to mention one conference room, there are easily ten.

"Mr. Zhang, I wonder why you came here this time?" Aili said with a smile.

Zhang Ran didn't hide it and said directly: "I came here this time just to cooperate with Mr. Aili."

"Cooperation?" Aili asked.

Zhang Ran nodded and said: "It's cooperation."

"How to cooperate?"

"Since Mr. Ai Li has already guessed it, why bother asking?" Zhang Ran said with a smile.

Ai Li also smiled. Of course he had guessed it. After all, Zhang Ran had always been open about it. If he knew a little bit about the situation, he could guess it.

"Mr. Zhang wants to cooperate with me in new energy?" Aili asked.

Zhang Ran nodded and said: "That's true, but we also need cooperation in old energy and oil."

"Oh? Can you tell me in detail?" Aili asked with interest.

He just guessed that Zhang Ran would cooperate with him in new energy. After all, he also knew about the Rhodes family.

In fact, the Rhodes family also has investment in new energy, but it's just not big.

The trend of new energy is already obvious, although because of oil and the inherent old forces, they will definitely resist new energy.

But this does not mean that they really do nothing. Although people like them are annoying, they still have to do what they should do.

Be fully prepared for anything.

So Aili thought Zhang Ran was going to attack the Rhodes family with him, but he didn't expect Zhang Ran's ambition to be so big.

Zhang Ran said: “The development of new energy requires time and technology, and it also requires support from all aspects.

Now is not the most appropriate time from any aspect, so cooperation in oil still must be done.

In this way, we can expand in this market and have our own market. On the other hand, we also need to win over some supporters. "

Aili was not moved by Zhang Ran's two words, but he did not beat around the bush and said directly: "Mr. Zhang, if it is just cooperation in new energy, I am very interested. As long as there are no big problems, cooperation is no problem."

At this point, Eli paused and said: "As I said before, I have been deeply influenced by Mr. Zhang in this regard. The development of new energy is the progress of science and technology and the development of society. These are all A good thing."

"But in terms of oil, if Mr. Zhang doesn't have a necessary reason, I think I might not get involved." Aili is also blunt.

Zhang Ran was actually very happy about this. This kind of negotiation was the best, and it saved a lot of time on suspicion.

Zhang Ran nodded and said: "I understand this. Since I said it, I am actually ready."

"Mr. Aili actually understands the purpose of my doing this. Although I also have the intention of pulling Mr. Aili with me, in fact, if you can really gain a foothold in the oil industry, you don't need to be very big. Then wait until new energy When the time comes, everything we do will be worth a hundred times.

Moreover, I believe Mr. Aili also knows what the biggest obstacle is to promoting the development of new energy. This cannot be solved by technology, and if we are part of it, it will be relatively easy to persuade and get some support. "Zhang Ran said.