From Being Grandpa

Chapter 990: 991.Everyone performs his duties


“A pleasure to work with.”

Zhang Ran shook hands with Aili. This time it was actually Zhang Ran who came to ask for help, but in fact, Zhang Ran was not at any disadvantage in the negotiation.

Both parties also achieved what they wanted.

... ... ... .

Early the next morning, news about Zhang Ran and Aili spread throughout most countries. Many people were quite interested in these two people.

After all, this era is all about money. Everyone wants to be rich, and Zhang Ran and Ai Li are the representatives.

Especially Zhang Ran, his deeds are more legendary than Aili's.

Coupled with this publicity, Zhang Ran's reputation became even louder.

For a time, Zhang Ran almost became a celebrity all over the world, eclipsing those celebrities, but Zhang Ran was rarely exposed.

And as long as he is outside, Zhang Ran is always wearing makeup, so these will not affect Zhang Ran.

Even at this time, their home community had stopped.

As long as everyone understands one thing, if Zhang Ran really moves away, then the housing prices in their community will immediately drop.

This is not said casually, their own family members know their own affairs.

Their community is just an ordinary community. Maybe the greening in the community will be better? But it's definitely not much better.

The school district is also a normal elementary school. The house prices have skyrocketed during this period. It must be because of Zhang Ran.

If Zhang Ran's family moved away due to their own reasons, that would be something they didn't want to see.

Now that Liu Lu is back home, everyone is a little more enthusiastic at most, and they will bring some fruits and vegetables over from time to time.

But everyone knew it, so they didn’t bother them too much.

It is worth mentioning that Fuyuan Primary School is now well-known, but Zhang Xiaotao and Susu are not well known for the time being.

But many families know that the grandson of the world's richest man seems to go to Fuyuan Elementary School.

Because Zhang Ran didn't wear makeup every time he went to pick up the children, so no one recognized him.

Coupled with the school's confidentiality, no one knew the identities of the two little guys.

Those who know will not go out and talk nonsense.

Especially in Fuyuan Primary School, both the teachers and the principal have made repeated announcements about this matter.

Some children may know a little bit, but they don't care about these things. They are just children.

Children of the same age as Susu and the others were only seven or eight years old at this time. It didn't matter whether a child of this age was the grandson of the world's richest man.

If you dare to mess with me, I will still beat you.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiaotao was also beaten before. It was just a minor conflict between classmates and they were quickly reconciled.

At that time, their head teacher was frightened, and even the principal was shocked.

But when they told Zhang Ran and the others the news, Zhang Ran had only one attitude. As long as he didn't mean to cause harm, school bullying or the like, it was so casual.

This also made the principal feel relieved.

Now the school receives a lot of donations from the Yuanran Charitable Fund every year, as well as some specially established scholarships and poverty grants.

It seems that those who can go to school here should not be poor students

In fact, this is not the case. Fuyuan Primary School also has some extra places every year to recruit some children who do not have household registration.

Although these children are definitely more demanding in learning than other children, this is also a great benefit.

This was what the principal strongly requested. For this reason, she had argued with him not only once or twice.

Fortunately, her reputation is high enough that no one would really fall out with her because of this matter.

... ... ... ... ... ..

With the publicity, Zhang Ran and the people around him were gradually affected, which is inevitable.

After Zhang Ran really steps down, the publicity intensity will be reduced, and many things will slowly fade away.

Just like Eli.

He has been publicized for such a long time. In fact, if Zhang Ran hadn't made such a fuss, no one would pay much attention to him.

There is no way, I have been hanging on this all the time, there is no point in paying attention.

So Zhang Ran only needs to wait a few years, and then things will slowly calm down. In the end, even if Zhang Ran still carries the name of the world's richest man, everyone will pay less attention to him.

It seems that Zhang Ran has considered these things, but it just takes time to complete them slowly.

... ... ... ... ... .

For the next period of time, Zhang Ran attended various meetings, which were also a way to make connections.

Especially what Zhang Ran needs to do next is to make connections.

Although Zhang Ran also has his own connections, some of them are not used for this, or to put it bluntly, they are unable to contribute to this matter.

But those you make now can be used by then.

However, as Zhang Ran receives more and more attention from the country, he needs to be more cautious in what he does.

For example, in the past, Zhang Ran could generously donate money directly to politics, and everything could be put on the table.

Even if it is not done openly, Zhang Ran can still do it quietly.

Anyway, things will be much easier to handle, but it's different now. He can't do these things now.

Although he has always regarded himself as a pure businessman, in fact, how can there be any pure businessman in the world

Not at all.

Maybe, but that's just not to a certain extent.

When it reaches Zhang Ran's level, no, it doesn't even need to reach his level, it is already inseparable from many things.

It's just that Zhang Ran has always avoided getting himself into it.

Now Zhang Ran is like this, but he is also subject to some restrictions.

However, Zhang Ran will naturally have his own way of doing these things. He doesn't take any money himself, or even accumulate connections for himself.

He directly asked Aili to come forward. Since the last time the two reached an agreement, all subsequent matters have been left to the people below to discuss.

Anyway, generally speaking, they have reached cooperation.

So at this time, Eli needs to come forward. As an American, he has his own connections.

Coupled with some of his connections, he is the most suitable candidate for this matter.

Moreover, taking his money would be good for everyone, and it would be easy to get the money over there. If Zhang Ran gave it to them, they might not dare to take it so generously.

These things were all kept silently, and Zhang Ran also mentioned them a little bit in a private conversation with the person who led the team this time.

As expected, they didn't care. After all, it was best for Zhang Ran to do this, and no one could say anything.

And if Zhang Ran's side is really completely restricted, that's not the original intention.

Everything needs to focus on the future and not retreat.

After staying in the United States for almost half a month, Zhang Ran returned to China.