From Being Grandpa

Chapter 997: 998.Ask for help


If Zhao Hu was just using Zhang Ran's reputation to do business, then Zhang Ran wouldn't care too much. After all, he was someone who had been with him for many years.

Although they made some mistakes, as long as they were not the kind that Zhang Ran couldn't tolerate, there was still some friendship left.

In addition, Zhang Ran himself is a passionate person, so if Zhao Hu is just like this, then Zhang Ran will just turn a blind eye.

Everyone has feelings, especially when Zhang Ran was just rising, Zhao Hu was not without any efforts.

Zhao Hu also fought for Zhang Ran back then. After all, at that time, many domestic businesses were not so easy to do.

Zhang Ran needs to seize the opportunity and accumulate strength, otherwise even if Zhang Ran knows the general trend of future development, it will be difficult to gain much in many things.

Therefore, sometimes, Zhang Ran would act aggressively, which would offend many people. People like Zhao Hu had many fights because of this back then.

Coupled with the situation at that time, many things, even if they happened, even if they knew that those people violated the law, they could only resist like this.

Therefore, Zhang Ran is also tolerant towards Zhao Hu.

This is why after Zhang Ran met Zhao Hu, although his words were very harsh, in fact, Zhang Ran vaguely meant to take care of him in every aspect.

Although Zhang Ran did not do it or say anything in person, without Zhang Ran's acquiescence, He Yong would not have paid attention to Zhao Hu.

He Yong was concerned about the brotherhood with Zhao Hu, but if he was asked to make a choice between brotherhood and Zhang Ran, it would definitely be Zhang Ran.

Zhang Ran is not only He Yong's boss, but also his brother.

So Zhao Hu asked He Yong for help on many things, and He Yong always spoke harshly, but in fact he helped.

But now Zhao Hu has violated Zhang Ran's taboo. Zhang Ran never interferes in some things. Even if someone extends an olive branch, Zhang Ran pretends not to see it.

As for some of the cooperation between Zhang Ran and the above, it was only limited to business. Zhang Ran had never interfered in any human affairs.

In fact, it is precisely because of this that the superiors gave Zhang Ran such great support.

Many times, no matter what you do, after reaching the top of an industry, you will definitely need to have contact with the top.

But some people couldn't control themselves, or they saw a more convenient and faster way and jumped into it directly.

Just like Zhao Hu, he might just give it a try at the beginning, or he might want to get more benefits.

But when he felt that it was much easier to get benefits here than with Zhang Ran, his mind changed a little.

At this time, Zhao Hu started to call worriedly.

"Brother Yong, you must help me this time." Zhao Hu immediately begged.

He knew that if He Yong didn't help him, then he wouldn't have any chance.

Although he is very prosperous now and has his own power network, in fact, these things are very fragile at all. At least he is a very fragile link in it.

It's the same with or without him.

If Zhang Ran spreads the news, or directly tells those people that Zhao Hu has nothing to do with him, then Zhao Hu will be abandoned immediately, and may even arouse the anger of these people, thinking that Zhao Hu has deceived them.

He Yong frowned when he heard Zhao Hu's words. He was at his hometown at this time. When He Qing returned to his hometown, he fell seriously ill.

After that, my father and mother were busy for a while, but they didn't tell him for fear that he would be distracted.

Finally, He Qing showed signs of improvement, but my mother was sick again. Old people are no better than young people, so He Yong took the initiative to ask for leave from Zhang Ran for the first time.

"What's going on?" He Yong frowned.

Zhao Hu did not dare to hide anything and immediately told everything without hiding anything, because he knew that no matter what, He Yong would come to verify it himself.

If it is known that he lied, then none of the people who originally helped him will stop helping him.

After hearing what Zhao Hu said, He Yong suddenly felt angry. He had been in a bad mood for the past two days, and now Zhao Hu had done something like this again.

"What did I tell you? Don't you know what Brother Zhang is taboo about? What's the use of begging me now

If I had known you were going to do something like this, I would have broken your legs a long time ago. "He Yong said angrily.

Zhao Hu was wrong, but at this time he could only say: "Brother Yong, I know I was wrong. Please help me once. I promise, there will be no next time."

As Zhao Hu begged again and again, He Yong also softened his heart for a while. After all, he was a little old.

In addition to the old man's illness this time, although he is getting better now, he can also see that he may have to leave at some point.

So He Yong is a little more soft-spoken towards his former friends.

"Hey, I really don't know what to say to you, but I won't plead for you in this matter." He Yong said.

When Zhao Hu heard this, he immediately became anxious and begged quickly: "Brother Yong, if you don't help me, I will really be finished this time. Mr. Zhang is really angry this time."

"You know Brother Zhang is angry and you still do it?" He Yong said loudly.

Zhao Hu didn't know what to say. In fact, he knew, but he thought that his current level was too far away from Zhang Ran, and it was impossible for Zhang Ran to know.

The main reason why Zhao Hu has such confidence is that he will not do anything that is too illegal or disciplined.

Some people have approached him before, but as long as it involved too much, he ignored them.

Even being a middleman is not enough. This is why Zhao Hu is not worried. After all, as long as nothing big happens, the possibility of Zhang Ran knowing about it is very small.

But who would have thought that Zhang Ran would suddenly bring his grandchildren over for fun today? What's even more coincidental is that he himself came over and said those words, leaving him no room to turn around.

Zhang Ran could basically guess what Zhao Hu was doing just by listening to what he said.

"Forget it, let's do this. You first write a report on everything you have done in the past few years. As long as there is nothing that violates the law, then I will give the report to Brother Zhang for a look.

Also, no matter what, after this time, you must cut off contact with those people, let alone do anything in the name of Brother Zhang, otherwise, forget about Brother Zhang, even I will not let you go. . "He Yong warned sternly.

Zhao Hu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, knowing that He Yong had actually agreed to help, otherwise he wouldn't have said this.

Zhao Hu said quickly: "Brother Yong, don't worry. From now on, I will definitely do business honestly and will never make mistakes. Please also ask Brother Yong to tell Mr. Zhang and ask him to give me another chance."