From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 107


The house Su Hui rented was surrounded by workers. The owner of this house had a house that was taken up, but now the country has returned. Because the house was bigger, the whole family moved back there. I rented it out to subsidize my family.

Housing in the capital is in short supply at this time, especially after the children of educated youths have come back one after another. Those who went to the countryside in their teens and returned in their twenties and thirties, many of them got married and started businesses. How to live

There are about ten people living in more than ten square meters, and the average is one person per square meter. There are necessary furniture and luggage at home. Tools such as cooking can be placed outside. If you sleep, you sleep on the floor on the floor. In this way, it is difficult to live down.

The accommodation is very poor.

Relatively speaking, Su Hui lives alone in a space of five square meters, which is a very comfortable thing in the eyes of the people around her. The average size of everyone is so small. She lives alone in such a spacious space, so she is naturally very envious Jealousy, but because of her official job and the fact that she has four college student sons, everyone around her knows that they all admire her at this time and are generally friendly to her.

When the four sons finish their studies, there will be four cadres.

There are also many people who will take the initiative to show their favor.

Some educated youths did not find a job after returning to the city, and had no shifts to pick up. They ate and drank freely at home, and could only put their hopes on the next college entrance examination, and would come to Su Hui to ask questions.

Instead of asking Su Hui, but the four brothers, if they are here, someone will always come with books and notebooks.

Even if they are generally older than the four brothers, they can come over with a thick skin.

In the university, everyone races against time. Everyone works very hard. When they leave the campus and see such hard-working and motivated people outside, the four fraternities will try their best to give them convenience.

Su Hui watched from the side. If it is not prohibited at this time, the brothers and sisters can start a short-term tutoring class. I believe that with their names, they will definitely attract many people.

After school started, Su Hui's librarian job was very leisurely, really leisurely. She works two days a week, and at work she just sits behind the counter, and there are temporary workers who are always responsible for putting the books back where they belonged.

Su Hui was going to work, and the temporary worker who finally found a job would not let her go. She had to keep busy, otherwise she would feel uneasy.

Then Su Hui sat behind the counter with a book and read with peace of mind.

This book was borrowed from Capital University with the help of Zhang Weiguo and the others, and it was impossible to find it outside.

It is a foreign journal about machinery.

At this time, most of the domestic labor is used, and the proportion of machinery imported from abroad is small. This is the country's weakness.

Some high-tech things are hard to buy.

Su Hui read the book here for a while, and also figured out the surrounding situation.

The library is really all related households. Before the summer vacation, she only met one colleague. Now that school starts, they are all together. They are very lazy. She still comes here honestly to work two days. A colleague, who only comes here occasionally to show his face, and doesn't come at other times, leaving all the work to temporary workers.

At this time, there is no way to dismiss the regular workers, only transfer.

This has made many people lazy. They don’t want to make progress, just get along, and they can get so much without hard work. Why work hard

Therefore, after the decline in efficiency, there will be such a big wave of layoffs later.

Su Hui took advantage of this time to read books here for a while, and at the same time, she also got a general idea of the situation of those people near her rented place.

The house closest to her is the one on the left. They are workers in a woolen factory. The husband and wife are dual-career workers. There are two sons and a daughter below.

The one who went to the countryside was the daughter.

Now that she is back, her mother will let her daughter take over her job and retire by herself.

It is also to make up for the years of youth that my daughter spent in the countryside.

But the disputes within the family not only did not subside, but intensified.

After staying in the country for so long, the two sisters-in-law are strangers to this sister-in-law. When she comes back, the family is only so big, so they have to squeeze again to find a place for her, and they have to eat and drink from their own mouths. Squeeze out, now this is solved, because there is a job, but this is a formal job that can be passed down to the family.

In this family, only her parents and her eldest brother are regular workers, and the others are temporary workers.

Her mother gave her this job, and the two daughters-in-law were very dissatisfied. They had long been staring at this regular worker position.

Temporary workers are very different from regular workers.

The two daughters-in-law were staring at that job, and neither of them wanted to let go. They never thought that they would give it to this daughter. This is going to be married off, and it will belong to someone else's family in the future. Naturally, they have big opinions in their hearts.

Although there are quarrels with her family, but she has a job, which is not bad. Some visit relatives here, and they don’t go back to the countryside, but they don’t have a job, the family has changed, and they don’t have their own place. My younger sister will say that this is not my big brother/big sister, let him/her go or something like that, she will be shorter than others when she goes out and walks on the street.

Sometimes I can't wait to go back to the countryside, at least I can stand up there.

But after thinking about it, I am not reconciled. I have finally come back, and I have to go back to the countryside. How can I see the end of this day

Many factories are trying their best to recruit people, and regular workers cannot be found, and temporary workers with reduced benefits can squeeze out some jobs no matter what.

But no matter how much it increases, there are still a few, and it cannot be increased blindly. However, more and more educated youths have returned from Xinjiang, Yunnan and other places. They wandered the streets without finding a job, and used various methods to make ends meet.

Some go to the countryside to collect vegetables and farm products, and then sell them to passers-by, and some go to collect eggs and poultry. This is more popular, and if you buy it in the city, you need a ticket...

There are doorways, and there are doorways from farther places to get things, and they will be snatched up as soon as they appear, which feeds some people to some extent.

But this kind of thing can only be concealed.

If you're unlucky, it's fine if you just get confiscated.

But it is unrealistic to catch all of them, because there are too many people.

There are not enough job placements, and there is no way to support themselves. One or two are arrested and they still talk about killing chickens and respecting monkeys. What can we do now

The people above have not yet discussed a specific charter, so they can only do it in a half-black and half-baked way.

The neighborhood Su Hui lives in is okay. There are educated youths who have come back from the countryside, and they can live on in the noise. Two streets ahead, there is a family there. He came back from the countryside, and his family has long since disappeared The location and household registration can’t be linked back. His younger brother is afraid that he will fight for the house. When he comes back, if there is no house, the person he is talking about marriage will be gone.

It's hard for his parents too. After all, they care about both ends, and they can't care about both ends. It's still because his wife's family can't stand it. Let them write down the papers to ensure that they won't come to fight for the house of his wife's family. Hang the account with them.

If he lives here, he will still live with his parents. First settle the household registration, and then find a way.

His wife's family helped her find a job of pasting matchboxes and sewing buttons, and dealt with it first. He couldn't find a job here, so he set off in the middle of the night every day, and got up early to go to the countryside to collect some dried vegetables and radishes. Such work can subsidize the family to some extent.

There are many people here who have taken care of his "business" and bought things that are better than usual and at a more affordable price, but they all speak with contempt, sympathy, and contempt.

Su Hui didn't mix these things on her face.

Instead, he changed the identity of a man to act as before, which is more inconspicuous and convenient.

She supplies some people from time to time.

The location is still easy for her to find.

After she disguised herself, she looked like an ordinary-looking middle-aged man.

At the beginning, she produced rice and cornmeal, but later, more people bought goods from her, and she brought out more and more types of things, adding sugar, flour, fruit, wine...

They are all produced in her mustard space.

There are many more good things in the capital than in the previous place, and the historical and cultural backgrounds are not at the same level.

She also specially made a batch of medicinal wine for those who are physically damaged and need to replenish their bodies.

The applicable people are old people like Wenxueqing who have come back from the countryside. During these years of labor, there are many people who have lost their health. There are still a small number of people like Wenxueqing who can come back safely without much loss. Most of them wear a suit back from the pain.

Generally, such people would not come to do business with her. They have a common mentality, once bitten by a snake, they will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

Basically, she doesn't have the guts to do something out of the ordinary, and Su Hui's target is not them, but those "downstream" who spend a lot of money.

She is the "upstream" of the supply, and they will naturally be the "downstream" of the goods, although once they change hands, they will soon become the "upstream" in their supply chain.

With them, these things will naturally be sent to those who need them through various legitimate channels.

The people who came to her to get the goods were all dressed up in disguise, without any obvious features on their faces, hats, collars, scarves... using various means to cover themselves.

For Su Hui, this clumsy cover-up is futile.

She can recognize people by their different breaths.

This is a basic lesson for every monk.

Among these people, all are men, with one exception, she is a woman, but she is disguised as a man to get the goods.

The educated youth Wu Shenghai at the intersection of two streets in front of Su Hui's rented place was also brought here.

He doesn't have much capital, the amount he takes is very small, and his mentality is not stable, but his eyes are very firm.

Some young educated youths joined in, and gradually, some of them were very generous, and they wanted to take over all the big households. What they could bring to Su Hui would definitely not lose to that intelligence dealer in the provincial capital. What can be produced, the people here can produce more.

At this time, the productivity can't keep up, and everyone who knows the good things she brings out knows it.

She is also in the sauce business, but unlike before, she only makes two kinds of sauce now, one is miscellaneous sauce, which is sweeter, and the other is spicy sauce, which is salty.

The miscellaneous sauce has been improved, and the taste is a little different from the previous one.

Spicy sauce has never been sold in the market before, even if someone tastes it, there is no way to connect the two together.

This time the sauce is more expensive, and minced meat and diced meat are added in it.

Sauce is sold according to the jar, ten catties per jar, fifty yuan, which is five yuan per catty.

In the pork market, the price is 70 or 80 cents a catty. If it is game, it will vary depending on the variety of game. Of course, the price of meat on the black market will be more expensive, especially the good parts, such as fatty meat. Pork belly and more.

The meat Su Hui uses is her own, and she doesn't need to buy it. For her, it's very simple to go to the mountain to hunt a few prey. On the way, she can also go to the mountain to look at various ingredients. If she wants to eat, just catch it.

Her footsteps are fast, and it doesn't take much time to go back and forth.

When these sauces were first launched, few people bought them and asked a lot. One bought a jar and tried it when he went back. After that, he became a regular customer.

After he went back, he found a good bottle and packed it. When he came to visit on business, he brought such a bottle. It looked inconspicuous, but whoever ate it would know, and he couldn't stop it.

Those who eat spicy food can’t let go of spicy food, and those who don’t eat spicy food can’t let go of miscellaneous sauce.

And because the meat used is different, the taste of each jar is somewhat different, so you won't get tired of eating it often.

Su Hui also saw miscellaneous sauce mixed with water and other things at Wu Shenghai's place.

This kind ranges from fifty cents a can to one yuan a can.

There are more audiences. Although the fragrance has been reduced a few times, they don't know how delicious it is, and they like this very much.

Su Hui heard several people say that Wu Shenghai's sauce is delicious, the price is not too expensive, there is meat in it, so it is considered meaty or something like that.

Su Hui was a little funny when she found out. It turned out that the sauce she made also contributed a small amount to solving the livelihood of the educated youth.

As Su Hui stayed in the capital, the crops in the mustard space grew one crop after another, and there were a lot more things in it, and the types of medicinal materials and fruits in it also increased.

Antiques are cheap these days.

She has searched a lot, but now she is a picky person, unlike before, now she only takes what looks good, otherwise she thinks it will take up space.

She planned to sell these for money in the future.

Now that the cost is so low, it will be a huge profit if you sell it in the future. Why not do such an affordable thing

Xie Rui and Lin Jingnan were very satisfied. When the educated youths were ordering, they ate with the sauce made by Su Hui. After they came back, they had a lot more choices, but limited by the times, they would still be the same when they came back and forth. It was easy to get bored. Sister Su's sauce is much more delicious.

They were too far apart before, and if they sent them by parcel, they couldn’t send too much at one time, and it was easy to bump into problems. Now it’s all right, they’re all in the capital, and it’s very convenient to ask her to make sauce, just because of this situation Only then did Su Hui decide to make two other sauces and sell them.

She doesn't want people to associate the two identities together.

Su Hui made a fortune here silently, and on the other side of Li Village, she also slowly accepted this reality.

Su Hui has found a job in the capital, and she will not come back after staying there. She will come back after the winter vacation and move her household registration.

This is a topic that is enough for the villagers to talk about for a year or so without getting tired of it.

I think she is really great.

For them, this is a carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

Some people would laugh at Li Manfen, who didn't know her attitude towards this daughter-in-law before.

But now, seeing her is the best life.

The four children all went to college, and they all went to the capital to get a regular job. A regular job, even in their town, is amazing, let alone at the feet of the emperor. From now on, they will breathe with the chairman A piece of air, look at the same sky.

Some would urge Li Manfen and the others: "Although you are living with the boss, occasionally you can also exchange feelings with other children."

"At that time, I will also go for a stroll in the capital, go to the Great Wall, and go to ***."

"Yes, yes, in a few years, when those grandchildren graduate from college, they will be blessed."

Others would say: "What kind of blessing does she enjoy? It is also a bit of blessing during the New Year and holidays. If she lived with her second child back then, that would be a blessing."

"If the family is separated, then there are two families. Although the grandpa and grandma should be filial, can a separated family be the same as a non-separated family?"

Speaking of this, I have to look at Li Manfen's face, it really changed, and persuaded the speaker: "Don't be like this, you can do it, don't you also prepare for the next year's college entrance examination? You can enjoy the same blessings if you pass the exam next year." .”

Li Manfen was heartbroken by what she said.

Zhang Jinhua failed the exam again last time. He decided to repeat the exam for another year. He was only a little bit short.

He worked so hard, how could they disagree

So next year Zhang Jinhua will take the college entrance examination together with Zhang Fenghua.

Zhou Xiaoqing has given up, she will not take part, and she has lost confidence in the college entrance examination.

She became the primary school substitute teacher before Su Hui left. After Su Hui stayed in the capital, she has been taking over. Obviously, if there is no accident, she will continue to substitute. This job is actually not bad.

Logically speaking, she should be satisfied with such a life. Compared with the time when she worked in the fields for a whole day and earned less than ten work points, the work of a teacher is very easy. She can take care of the family while attending classes.

But when compared with Su Hui, it is easy to compare her to the mud, and people can't help but resent, why is this world so unfair.

Their family is no longer in the village. The things that should be dealt with in Su Hui's house, when Su Zhong came back, he dealt with the things according to Su Hui's letter, distributed what should be distributed, and took away what should be taken away, and then he was arrested. Lock.

Speaking of it, I don't know if Su Hui knew about it beforehand. She took away the valuable thing at home—the radio.

Did she know there was a job before

Zhou Xiaoqing couldn't be sure, maybe she was afraid that asking others to help keep it would damage it, or maybe it might be occupied.

After a period of time, the heat of Su Hui's family's affairs dropped a little, and it became popular again because of a package.

There were three letters in the package, one for Zhang Gen, one for Su Qianming, and one for Zhang Chengye.

The three letters all stated the time period when she would come back, and the household registration relationship would be transferred there.

This is the main purpose of this letter, and the rest is ordinary gossip.

When Li Manfen saw the letter, she was a little ready to move, and she held her breath in her heart.

For this second daughter-in-law, she doesn't like her, and has always disliked her. Even though she gave birth to her so many good grandchildren, she still has prejudice against her. There is no way to change it in the future, and now seeing that her life is getting better and better, she is still the same, and her eldest grandson is still being hit hard. She still treats the daughter-in-law here in the same tone, but there is nothing she can do.

And it's useless for her to have opinions, Zhang Gen is very satisfied, thinking that the second child was very lucky to marry such a daughter-in-law.

Look, it is their Zhang family's blessing to live a prosperous and thriving life this day!

Soon Su Hui will come back to change the registered residence, and the three grandsons also said that they will try their best to find time to come back with them. He is very happy, but he is also a little bit disappointed. If you take root in the capital, you may not be able to come back once a year. Now students can say that they have winter and summer vacations. How can they have so long to go home after work

See you once less.

After being dazed for a while, Zhang Gen quickly thought about it. This is a great thing, but it is rare to see it a few times.

On the bright side, when they settle down, he can still move his old bones, and maybe he can go to the capital to have a look.

There is nothing valuable in the package, just some souvenirs, which are not very valuable in the capital.

With this package, someone asked Li Manfen and Su Hui how much her salary was.

Li Manfen also wanted to know how much, he was a salaryman, and he was so stingy, sending these worthless things over.

Ask her when they come back.

Somewhere, Yan Yi was on a mission, and when he heard the news, he read a newspaper carefully, turning the pen in his hand, as if he was thinking about something.

Unexpectedly, she actually raised all four children to be college students, went to the capital herself, and found a job. Although this is because of help, if her own conditions are not good, even if there is help, it will not be easy to find a job.

Speaking of which, is Zhang Ping's daughter-in-law like this in my previous impression

He didn't have any impression, but he should be an ordinary person who is not out of line. Thinking of this, he hesitated, and called someone in: "You go ask him to help me find out..."

After spending a semester leisurely in school, Su Hui, who was full of joy of harvest, harvested a large amount of things and accumulated a lot of capital. Su Hui was obviously in a good mood.

It's not yet the time, let's secretly accumulate capital and contacts, and then we can show our talents.

Now, too.

Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo did not pursue double degrees. Compared to Zhang Weiguo, they finished their final exams ahead of schedule. When they came back, they saw their mother with a smile on her lips and a cheerful atmosphere. There was smoke from the kitchen in front of her.

Mom is making soup, look carefully, mom is whiter than before, her hands have become softer, and her complexion has also improved. Mom has adapted well during the time in the capital.

Putting down his schoolbag, Zhang Anguo immediately went over to help. Most of them burn coal here, using a coal stove with earthen pots or iron pots for cooking or frying things.

Coal is quite convenient in comparison, but it has a disadvantage, that is, it will blacken the wall, and the wall where the coal is burned is obviously different from other places.

Su Hui boiled a pot of fish head tofu soup, made another pot of tofu stew, and finally boiled a cabbage, and it was almost done.

This five-square-meter hut, though small, has everything you need, including a bed, a cabinet, a dining table, and stools...

Everything you need.

After finishing all the meals and bringing them to the table, Su Hui asked, "Have you finished the exam?"

Zhang Anguo: "The exam is over." You can breathe a sigh of relief: "We can go home when the second brother finishes the exam, but it's a pity that the elder brother doesn't have a vacation so soon, he can't go back with us." The elder brother's winter and summer vacations are shorter than theirs , The time to go home is too long, there is no way.

Even when they go back, they come and go in a hurry. They can only stay at home for two days, but they have been out for more than half a year. He thinks about the land where he grew up and the people he is familiar with. It would be good if he can go back for two days.

Su Hui nodded: "Let's eat."

Eating the smooth, fragrant and soft tofu, Zhang Anguo thought of the food in the dining hall, big pot rice, which has nothing to do with delicious food, only small stir-fry is delicious, but small stir-fry is expensive, most of them are teachers who have spare money, and students eat big pot rice. many.

College students have subsidies, money, and food stamps, which are basically enough for expenses. Like those female students who eat less, they can save a lot by picking a little from their mouths and sending them home to subsidize their families. Boys with long bodies are basically the same, and their brothers belong to the kind that cannot be saved.

Still smoking, no matter how much he eats, he can't eat enough. Sometimes he will wake up hungry in the middle of the night. He obviously ate a lot at dinner, and he will get up hungry in the middle of the night to eat, otherwise he will be too hungry to fall asleep. Because of this, his dormitory has always been Have some dry food.

It has been several hours since they ate at noon, and the exam consumes a lot of energy for them. They are already hungry, and they feel more satisfied after eating what their mother made.

Regarding the cabbage tofu, the brothers didn't ask, they all knew it well.

My mother’s job is leisurely, but it’s not as good as the wages of ordinary workers, and she doesn’t have a registered permanent residence, so she can’t receive the supplies. All she can get in a month is money, and the benefits in the unit are almost nonexistent. There are only a few tickets during the festival. That's all.

With a salary of eighteen yuan, if you don't do something else, it's easy to live a tight life.

After all, there is no ticket, so you can only spend money to buy high-priced ones.

But the agricultural products brought by the educated youth are different, they are fresh and not expensive.

They also know that their mother has some contacts with Brother Xie, they help make some sauces, and collect some ingredients to subsidize the family.

Both of them are well-behaved, and they don't talk about it outside. Although such a small "business" probably no one wants to take care of it, they can't handle it.

Some people sold it to their school before, but in the end there was nothing wrong with it.

But they can't slack off, this house is rented, and their family doesn't have their own house here, so they still have to work. After working, their family can save money to buy a house.

There is no sense of security without a house.

"Is your grandfather Wen still in school?"

"Yes, he is the teacher who needs to invigilate the exam and correct the test papers." He was even more busy.

After Zhang Weiguo also finished the exam, they set off. Before they set off, they even bought gifts.

It's not worth much, because they don't have any source of income now. The money is not left over from the school's subsidy, but the reward they get when the college entrance examination results come out.

Both, Zhang Weiguo has a lot, and the twins also have dozens of yuan. Like Zhang Weiguo, Su Hui let their brothers keep it by themselves.

At this time, there is no large army of Spring Festival travel, and there are only a few places that can go back and forth, and a letter of introduction is required wherever you go.

The winter vacation is a little more than a month, and I can’t spend the New Year here. School starts on the tenth day of the new year, and I have to take the train back before the year.

When will the speed of this train improve

Su Hui was also a little helpless about this.

Compared to before, they traveled lightly this time, carrying only a few things with them.

After arriving, she went back to her home and opened the lock. She had prepared this lock before. She had the key and could go in directly.

No one has lived in it for half a year, but there is not much dust inside, and someone helped take care of it in advance.

Pack up your things first, and then go to Zhang Gen to say hello first.

At this time, the farming is slack, and the work is very easy. When they went to the old house, only Zhang Quan and Zhao Laidi went to work, and the rest were at home. When they saw them coming, the expressions on the faces of the group were very complicated. , There is joy, there is envy, and there is jealousy.

Su Hui didn't pay attention to their eyes: "I'm back, and everyone hasn't gone to work in the fields."

Zhang Weiguo and the others took the initiative to say hello: "Grandpa and grandma, long time no see."

Zhang Gen was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "How many days can you guys come back this time?"

Zhang Weiguo: "The car was delayed for a while. We will get on the car early in the morning the day after tomorrow. Grandpa, these are the candies and canned fruits we bought in the capital. We don't have this kind of fruit in the south. It's delicious. Let's try it. "

All eyes immediately focused on these things.

After talking for a while, Su Hui stood up: "Is the captain at home? I'll go find him first." She came back this time to change her household registration, and this matter is the most important.

"After I talk to him about something, I'll come back and talk about it, Wei Guo, you can talk to everyone here first."

Zhang Weiguo also stood up: "The third and fourth brothers are here, I haven't seen the captain's uncle for a long time, I also want to talk to him."

When Zhang Chengye found out that Su Hui and the others came to look for him, the expression on his face became complicated for a moment. Someone came to ask him about her changes over the years, and the point was whether there was anything suspicious about her.


Why do you ask.

What's wrong with her? Is it a spy, a spy, or what

Maybe it was because of the few children that made her doubts about her resume

In the previous guesses, Zhang Chengye couldn't think of any reason. How many talents did Hua Guo cultivate as a spy

What kind of new age spy is this

Zhang Baoguo and Zhang Weiguo often train with him, as do the two younger ones, and he has never noticed that they have any wrong ideas.

He watched several children grow into this step by step with his own eyes. If the children are like this, what problem will the mother have

He tried his best to answer the letter truthfully without any bias. This time she came back, Zhang Chengye tried a few words, and said some things that happened before. Su Hui had the memory of the original body, so she answered after thinking for a while.

But Su Hui was thoughtful, what did he mean by saying these things all of a sudden

Not long after, Zhang Gen and the others also came over to see what to do together.

Migrating accounts is a big deal.

From now on, Su Hui and the others will be from the capital.

Zhao Xialan got the letter, came over, pulled Su Hui and was unwilling to let go: "You are finally back, how is life in the capital? Congratulations, I didn't even say congratulations to you personally, tell us, you are in the capital How did you find the job? How are you doing?"

Su Hui was a little dumb, but Zhao Xialan was still the same as before, and she really missed it.

Zhang Chengye was very talkative, and he helped to complete the formalities very quickly. He had already done some things in advance when he got the letter.

Zhang Chengye is a good person, and he has a heart to protect the villagers. He is knowledgeable and capable. Su Hui and the others have been taken care of by him a lot.

So Su Hui also gave him some materials this time.

There are also some discussions in newspapers about the process and output of household contracting in a certain place.

Looking at this thing, Zhang Chengye couldn't pull his eyes out.

The household contract is to distribute the land to the villagers, and they are responsible for everything, except for the income that is handed over to the state, the rest is all their own.

Zhang Chengye took a deep breath when he saw that his production surpassed the total output of the past three or four years in that year.

Everyone works together, and laziness is unavoidable.

The situation in their village is not bad, he catches them strictly, and if the laziness is serious, the work points will be deducted. The work points in their village are valuable, and no one is willing to be deducted, so it can be regarded as hardworking, but there are always some mouse shit, and there is a phenomenon of foreign labor Repeatedly.

Even if you are diligent, you can't take good care of the field as your own home. Just look at the sweet potato production in the same field compared with private plots.

There are more or less other things to be planted on the private plots, but the output is still higher than that of the public land.

He has to think about it and think about what he should do.

"What do you think is the best way for our village?"

Su Hui didn't answer, and Zhang Chengye didn't need her to answer, he fell into deep thought.

Su Hui: "If I see relevant reports, I will send them to you."

"Okay, thank you very much."

Su Hui also took the three of them to Su's house.

There is no way to come here during the Chinese New Year, so I must come this time.

As soon as they came here, Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo called out: "Grandpa, grandma, here we come!"

In the Su family, only Tian Siyi was at home, and everyone else had gone out. Seeing them coming, she hurriedly asked the neighbor's children to run an errand to call the others back home.

"You are back, take a seat, when did you come back, when did you get on the train?"

She looked her daughter up and down.

The clothes my daughter was wearing were new from top to bottom. They were new clothes, her shoes were shiny, her complexion was rosy, and her hair was neat. It seemed that she was having a good day.

Look at the three grandchildren, all three are so much taller than her in the blink of an eye, and they have all grown up.

The clothes on his body are new and old, and there are patches, but very few, and he is full of vigor, which makes people like it when he looks at it.

"It's all good, you are all good, this is all right, are you thirsty? Do you want some water? Grandma has honey and milk powder here."

"Grandma, we want honey water."

"Grandma, we bought you a present."

"It's biscuits and candies bought in the capital, as well as a piece of cloth, specially picked."

"Grandma, long time no see..."

The three took turns to fight, coaxing Tian Siyi into a smile.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw this scene. Su Qianming smiled and coughed, indicating that he was back. Sure enough, there were more people around him the next moment: "Grandpa, you are back."

"Grandpa, where did you go just now?"

"Grandpa, you..."

I had a meal here, from noon to afternoon, and there were other people who came to see the excitement, making this place look like a market. Seeing that it was getting dark, Su Hui and the others left under Tian Siyi's reluctant eyes .

Zhang Anguo waved his hand at grandma: "Grandma, we will write letters often, and you should also write to us frequently!"

Come and go in a hurry.

Before dawn the next day, I set off to catch the train and embarked on the journey back to the capital again.

Su Hui watched the receding scene outside the window. Slowly, the green would slowly turn yellow, and then turn into branches.

From south to north.

Winter in the south is full of greenery, while winter in the north is covered with snow.

Winter is over, can spring be far behind

Her spring is also coming.