From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 118


Su Hui's plans, she had vaguely mentioned before.

Regarding this point, the focus of the four brothers is: Mom wants to separate from them!

They don't care too much about property, their mother is very rich, and they all know this at present, but they are a bit arrogant, they don't need to rely on their mother for a living, in their current situation, let's say Zhang Weiguo, He went to practice, and the person who took him had already revealed to him that if there is no accident, for them, the salary and the house have also been mentioned. They will be assigned a house after work, as long as their working hours are satisfied. After two years, the house will be assigned to their names.

They have no shortage of houses.

With a job, at this moment, there is no need to worry about the future at all. Now those workers and cadres, the most worrying thing is that they can’t be allocated a house. It depends on the length of service. As for them, they will be allocated as soon as they go. Yes, they have unlimited confidence in the future.

They work, and under normal circumstances in their village, they are the breadwinners of their families, and they should pay respects to the elderly at home every month.

Only those who are worthless will count on the help of the elderly at home. The reason is there. When they work, they should be the ones who can support themselves.

Mom raised them so hard, so they should enjoy a good life. When they all come out to work, mom can do nothing, but mom likes to do business, and they can't stop it. If it wasn't for the money mom earns now Many, the few of them don't want a house.

But there is one thing that makes them a little bit happy, because in Li Village, most of the old people live with their elder sons, and a small number of them live with their younger sons.

Now my mother treats everyone equally, does not follow anyone, and lives alone, which means that they also have a chance, especially after the eldest brother becomes a soldier, he will spend less time with them and leave more, and their chances will be even greater.

They checked it carefully, whether it was the gap between the tiles or the corner of the wall.

Su Hui: "If you can't live for a long time, you can still rent this place out. There should be people who want to rent this place. Even if the place is too big, the price will go up, and most people can't afford it."

Zhang Anguo shook his head: "No, we haven't lived yet, so why let others live here?"

Su Hui nodded: "It's yours, if you give it to you, it's yours."

Turned around and came out to show off. Those who want to be lazy dare not be careless, the wages have not been settled yet.

After that, they continued to go for a walk. At this time, the breakfast was almost digested. Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo found that fortunately, the two brothers got up early every day to go for a run. If someone else came, they might not be able to keep up with their mother's speed , no wonder Dawei looks exhausted every time he comes back from going out. He finds a place to lie down and doesn’t want to move anymore. His emotional and physical energy is exhausted outside. After that, if he works, he can’t stop exercising. Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing to be left behind by my mother when I went out for a walk with my mother.

This is Su Hui's normal pace. She walked slowly just after breakfast, waiting for digestion. Now it's almost done. If you don't want to slow down, just go at a normal pace... Well, in fact, she slowed down on purpose Otherwise, it would seem to others that she was trotting all the way, and walking fast now is still within the normal range.

When she "walks" and the twins "walk quickly" and encounters interesting things, such as juggling performances, they will stop and watch silently.

Now that it's the Chinese New Year, there are more jugglers and performers. Su Hui would give a tip if he saw something exciting.

In the past years, they disappeared, and now, regardless of this, they popped up again.

Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo took it very seriously.

They have many programs that they are watching for the first time. They had them before, but they are not as rich as they are now.

Maybe it will become richer in the future.

They also saw two blond-haired and blue-eyed foreigners among the crowd. Now the country has more foreign population than before, because it is in the honeymoon period with a certain country, and the school Zhang Dingguo is applying for now belongs to this country.

Seeing it, he listened attentively, and when he heard what they were discussing, Zhang Dingguo naturally went up to talk to them.

He got enthusiasm from both of them as soon as he opened his mouth.

Language is a big problem. Apart from their companions, there are too few foreigners with whom they can communicate.

The two of them are college students, and they came here specially to experience the New Year in a foreign country.

Zhang Anguo can also say that he often practices oral English with Zhang Dingguo and communicates in English. His level is not as good as Zhang Dingguo's, but it is not bad, and general communication is no problem.

Su Hui was fine. The two college students didn't expect to meet three people who could communicate with them in one go. They were very excited and asked a lot of questions.

"They swallowed this sword. Is there no problem with his mouth and esophagus? This is amazing."

"And this big broken stone in the chest, how did he do it? He didn't break a bone!"

"This monkey is very well-behaved and obedient, so cute. How did he do it?"

They had a lot of questions they wanted to ask, and for Zhang Dingguo, they were foreign language training partners who came to his door, and he also wanted to find out more about foreign universities, so the two hit it off.

"I invite you to taste our country's delicacies, how about we find a place to have a good chat?"

"Don't worry, you will never be disappointed."

So the group of them went to the food street, found a shop with a better environment, and then did all kinds of shopping.

When you come to their country, how can you not taste the food of their country

"This is really delicious, is it actually made of pig skin!"

"Spicy, fragrant! Delicious!"

"What is this made of, I can't eat it..."

"You know a lot."

"Yes, we like..."

It was also this time, when the twins looked at their mother who was so enthusiastic about talking with them, they felt a little enlightened, no wonder their mother was able to make such a career and earn so much money.

Because they didn't address each other, the other party misunderstood their relationship, thinking that the three of them were siblings, and asked if Su Hui was single.

Zhang Anguo: "???"

Zhang Dingguo: "???"

Although the mother looks younger than her peers, there is nothing wrong with it, and she is indeed very attractive, but the two of them are not a few years older than their brothers, do you miss their mother? !

They quickly revealed their relationship, but they were both surprised: "You are actually a mother and son? My God, God, I can't tell at all!"

Then he said it's okay, age is not a problem, which made the brothers gasp.

You are ok, but they have!

If the mother wants to remarry, they will not object, but if it is such a young remarriage partner, or a foreigner... Sorry, they are not strong enough to accept it.

Su Hui was amused and said that she had no intention of ending being single.

What is the subject

Is raising a baby fun

Is it fun to do business

No, these are not comparable, let alone compared with cultivation, so forget it.

Originally, they wanted to continue communicating with them, but with this incident, Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dinguo said that their fate has come to an end, let's meet again when we have a chance.

After chatting with them for a long time and separating from them, they bought a lot of cooked food nearby and planned to go back for dinner.

Not long after they went back, Zhang Baoguo came back, carrying a big sack.

It was sent by Guan Shaoli, and since the address was written in his school, it was sent to his school.

Half of them are all kinds of dry goods from the sea.

In addition, half of the things are miscellaneous, and everything is there.

A few days ago they received something from grandma.

It's not something expensive, she gave them two pairs of mille-layer bottoms respectively.

Because they all liked to eat pumpkin seeds before, they specially fried a large package and sent them over.

Grandpa also sent something over.

Adding Sun Qiang and Uncle Sun... it adds up to a lot.

After checking what was there, Su Hui put the things that should be put away and eaten on the cabinet.

"Do you want candy bars? If so, can we squeeze some?"

Su Hui was a little eager to move, and wanted to do it herself.

Zhang Dingguo: "Yes."

Zhang Anguo: "Let's not make some twists, twists are also delicious."

Zhang Dingguo: "We can help."

Zhang Weiguo also came back: "Tomorrow is a rest day. I met Brother Xie today. He said that if we are free, he will come to visit tomorrow."

Su Hui: "With Lin Jingnan?"

Zhang Weiguo: "Yes."

"Come when you have time, let's fry twists together tomorrow." It's not unfamiliar, and it's still lively together.

Su Hui: "Do you want to eat dumplings tomorrow? We can still make some dumplings."

Zhang Baoguo: "Bao, I want stuffed cabbage."

Zhang Weiguo: "I want to eat stuffed eggs."

Zhang Anguo: "Why don't we make egg dumplings, egg dumplings are delicious too."

Zhang Dingguo: "Scallions and minced meat are also delicious." When it comes to food, there are endless topics to talk about.

Su Hui: "Okay, then tomorrow we will fry candy bars, twists, and make dumplings."

Zhang Weiguo: "If you make more, it will freeze." At this time, there is enough food, and there is a natural refrigerator outside.

Xie Rui and Lin Jingnan are the first batch of college students, they have already graduated.

The work unit has also been confirmed, and it is a good place to go. Needless to say, Xie Rui, he is the best in his department at school. Lin Jingnan's school is not good enough, but he did not dare to slack off at school and worked hard to make up lessons. I also got a good grade, and stayed in the capital as I wished, and was assigned to a good middle school as a teacher, teaching Chinese.

Benefits are good.

He was relieved when the work unit was confirmed. He was afraid that his grades would not be good and he would be assigned to a corner.

Now there are winter and summer vacations, fixed welfare wages, and a house, only a daughter-in-law is missing.

Now he and Xie Rui are the biggest problems in the family. They are too old to have a partner, let alone a child. The Chinese New Year is the peak time for marriage urges.

Why don't they take advantage of the rest day to come to them to catch up and talk, it's better than being taken by the family to go on a blind date whenever they have time.

When they came, Xie Rui was carrying two bottles of wine and a basket of fruit in his hand, while Lin Jingnan was carrying a cake and a box of fluffy bread.

Zhang Baoguo and the others are all here. On the rest day, Zhang Baoguo and Zhang Weiguo don't have to be busy.

The same is true for Xie Rui. The annual leave has not yet started.

Fortunately for Lin Jingnan, he is a teacher. Like a student, he has winter and summer vacations. This is also Zhang Anguo's goal. He wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and then stay in school to become a teacher. Do what you love.

But it was not easy for him to stay in school.

This is a premier university. If he wants to stay, he has to perform well enough.

As soon as they entered the door, they were greeted by Dawei, who sniffed and saw a familiar smell, wagged his tail twice to say hello, then continued to lie in the corner without moving, with a lazy smell.

Xie Rui and Lin Jingnan put down their things and smiled: "Dawei still remembers us."

Zhang Weiguo: "Dawei is very smart, of course I remember you, it's not like we haven't seen each other for several years."

"What did you bring here? You don't need to bring anything here. You're so polite. It's fine if someone comes over. Let's talk together."

"It's not worth anything." Xie Rui smiled: "It was a gift from my dad's friend, and I took it for zero cost."

Lin Jingnan: "I also have friends who do this, don't worry, I provide the materials myself, it's not worth a lot of money."

Xie Rui smelled it and looked at a table of flour: "What are you doing?"

"Fried mahua, candy bars, and dumplings."

Zhang Weiguo answered his words and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

"have eaten."

Zhang Weiguo: "Okay, let's eat dumplings at noon. What kind of stuffing do you want? We have prepared several kinds of stuffing. If you want to eat, make it first."

Now they are divided into several groups. Su Hui is in the kitchen looking at the frying pan, Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo are making dumplings, Zhang Baoguo and Zhang Weiguo are holding twisted candy sticks and frying for Su Hui.

Xie Rui and Lin Jingnan washed their hands: "Don't pick anything, you can do anything, fry your own twist, have you made pig ears? Pig ears are also very fragrant."

This is not done, and it is very simple to do.

Lin Jingnan licked his lips: "Pig ears are delicious, and you can also make fried potato chips and sweet potato chips."

There is so much that can be done.

Xie Rui and Lin Jingnan helped make dumplings together. The two of them were not lazy, and they also cooked when the educated youth ordered.

Now what they make is white flour, adding some other flour is for the taste, not like before.

At that time, if there was such a meal, it would be a luxury, but now it is much better, the market is in circulation, and in some areas, it is contracted to the household, which greatly improves the enthusiasm, and imports from outside, the food is not so scarce, and those who have money are willing to improve Take a look at the food at home.

Xie Rui asked Zhang Baoguo: "Have you decided where to practice now?"

Zhang Baoguo: "The final notice hasn't been issued yet, so I don't know where I will go."

His instructor has revealed some to him, but the notice shall prevail.

Zhang Weiguo raised an eyebrow: "Why didn't you ask me?"

Xie Rui: "Aren't you already sure?"

Zhang Weiguo: "Yes, you can ask again."

Xie Rui was a little helpless: "Okay, let me ask you again, have you confirmed your internship unit?"

Zhang Weiguo: "I'm sure, hahaha." He is very satisfied with this job, hahaha.

Xie Rui looked at him and smiled, and smiled too.

I usually feel like an adult, but occasionally I will show some childishness.

Lin Jingnan squinted at them: "Is this interesting?"

Zhang Weiguo: "Yes, of course, you don't understand."

"Come on, you still don't understand..."

Thinking of something, Lin Jingnan: "Do you have any activities for Chinese New Year? Do you want to go skating?"

"Okay." The four brothers know how to do it, and they slipped pretty well.

Lin Jingnan: "Okay, I will go with you when the time comes."

"There is also the Ice Lantern Festival, where ice sculptures are used to carve lanterns into the shape of lanterns. Are you interested in participating? I signed up, and awards will be judged then."

Xie Rui didn't know about it either: "What's the reward?"

Lin Jingnan: "The first place will be rewarded with a notebook and a pen, the second place will have a pen, and the third place will have a notebook. The rewards are not high, but you can join in the fun."

Zhang Baoguo: "I haven't tried this before."

Zhang Weiguo: "Sounds interesting."

Lin Jingnan cheered up: "I told you it was fun..." Don't let him participate alone.

Naturally, there are all kinds of dumplings for lunch. The first ones are egg dumplings, cabbage meat dumplings, shiitake radish dumplings, mushroom and fungus dumplings. In addition to these, there is also a pig brain radish soup.

In addition to steamed dumplings, there are also pan-fried and deep-fried dumplings, which are delicious.

Su Hui is very satisfied with the food. It has been a while since she has been so serious about cooking by herself, and her craftsmanship has not deteriorated.

Su Hui asked Xie Rui and Lin Jingnan, who were satisfied with eating the same book: "Tonight, do you want to make the pot together? There are so many people."

Upon hearing this, the two of them looked at each other and said in unison: "Yes!"

I'm still eating lunch now, and I'm already thinking about the evening meal.

And it was too early to go back, and the family also had to talk about it, so it was better to go back later.

Zhang Baoguo wanted to eat fish balls: "Then we have to prepare the ingredients later. We have fish at home, so we can make some fish balls by ourselves."

Zhang Weiguo is also looking forward to it: "I bought mutton and beef this morning, and you can also make meatballs. Mom, shall we make mandarin duck pot today?"

In the steamy room, there was a lively scene.

During the Chinese New Year this year, Su Hui gave each of the four brothers a passbook, each with 10,000 yuan on it, which became a ten thousand yuan household. In this era, enough to be published in newspapers, the gold content is very rich.

Don't look at the fact that Su Hui bought a courtyard house for more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan, but it is a courtyard house with a large place and a good location. If you buy an ordinary old house, it will cost several thousand yuan.

The 10,000 yuan is the settlement fee for their brothers.

"Don't spend all your money in marrying a daughter-in-law in one go."

Zhang Anguo muttered: "Who needs so much money to marry a wife now? If you have a house and one or two of the four big things, you don't have to worry about marrying a wife. Mom, you have prepared enough for us."

Zhang Dingguo: "Yes, Mom, take it back."

Zhang Baoguo and Zhang Weiguo didn't speak. I said it before, it's useless. Mom is not someone who easily changes her mind.

Su Hui: "If I give it to you, take it. You should also learn some financial management knowledge."

Not long after the year, the house of the four brothers was completed, with simple decoration, and the necessary solid wood furniture. If they want to live, they can buy some daily necessities.

They are all two-story buildings, spacious, each with a yard, front and back, and there is a certain distance between the four houses, which will not hinder each other's lighting.

The brothers planted some trees in the flower beds, and then covered the beds and solid wood furniture with things, and sealed them up. They planned to visit them regularly, and then left them alone.

This is the wedding room prepared by their mother, and they have no partners now.

Once the new year is over, Zhang Baoguo has also confirmed that he will practice in the capital military region, which means that he can still stay in the capital for a while.

Su Hui wasn't in a hurry to return to the special zone, she first focused on the business here, and planned to settle their brother's matter before going back.

Without waiting too long, the old market was bulldozed and turned into a new market. Commercial buildings were built, and the outer ring was turned into pavements. There were hundreds of them in one breath.

The price of this kind of pavement is not cheap, and it has just been launched, and some people don't know the depth.

Those who are able to buy don't know whether to buy it, and those who are not able to buy it can't afford it. Su Hui bought ten of them in a row and asked the four brothers to draw lots.

Two rooms for one person, recorded under their names respectively. The other two rooms are under her own name.

This one is divided.

They didn't plan to take care of the shop either, they decided to rent it out, the selling price was different from the renting price, and when it came to renting, quite a lot of people came to ask.

Su Hui didn't rent it out, she has her own products.

Renovated, one sells clothes and one sells sauces.

As for the deposit of 10,000 yuan, so much cash, the four brothers didn't know what to do with it for a while.

Putting the money in the bank like this is no good, my mother said it would be a loss, and they themselves feel that it is a loss, but what can they be used for

Do business

They have no time to invest, and what can they invest in

After much deliberation, the most worry-free thing is to buy a house, but it is not easy to find a house.

With this money, you can’t afford courtyard houses and the like. You can only buy houses that are relatively remote.

Su Hui didn't care about this, she only said that it would be more disadvantageous to put it in the bank, and they can do whatever they want for the rest, as long as they don't sell the house and shop foolishly, there is no need to worry about it in the future.

It's okay if the ten thousand yuan is in vain.

The two older ones have wages, and the two younger ones are now receiving subsidies, and they are also paid when they work, so they can’t go hungry.

Su Hui went back to the special zone.

Later, through the phone, she found out what they were doing with the money.

Zhang Baoguo gave 5,000 shares to a comrade-in-arms.

That comrade-in-arms was in the same class as him in the army before the college entrance examination.

He didn't go to college, and then went to perform tasks after training.

During his college years, he went to the battlefield, was injured, and won military merits. This time, his injuries were irreversible and he was no longer fit to stay in the front line, so he came back. He didn’t want to be a drag on the country. It's not like he didn't have plans for the rest of his life.

He can drive, knows a little about the current situation, and bought an old truck with a few people in partnership, Freight.

This is a very good business. Zhang Baoguo felt that he should be able to earn back his capital. If he couldn't earn it back, the car was still there, so it didn't matter if he lost money. He would earn it back sooner or later.

For the other 5,000 yuan, I took part of it to buy an old yard near their school, a mud-brick house, not worth much, but the place is big enough to be used as a transfer for them, and the rest of the money was left untouched.

Zhang Weiguo bought a house.

There is a unit that has built a new house distribution, and some have a small population. With a new house, there are old houses that are willing to sell. This is not far from their department, so he bought a one-story house with three rooms. It's not big, but it's close enough to his unit, it takes only a few minutes to walk there, and the rest of the money has not been moved for the time being.

The same goes for Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo. They had a narrower circle of communication. They each bought an old house near the Capital University, and then rented it out, collecting rent every month as a subsidy.

My mother said that she will not give money regularly every month in the future. They will pay enough at one time. They have school subsidies, but that can only be enough to eat, not to eat well, not to mention buying books, buying materials, and having a shop And this rent, one month's expenses can almost cover it.

Zhang Dingguo still plans to go abroad, and there will be money allocated for going abroad, but the poor have a lot of money, if he can really go out, it is better for him to prepare more money.

Su Hui returned to the special zone and was busy for a while, then Su Zhong came to her with a babble: "Sister, you are here, my parents said they want to have a good chat with you."

Su Hui: "..."

Oh, I almost forgot about it, if they knew the fact that their family had separated, wouldn't they be even angrier