From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 30


There is indeed news.

Xie Rui went to the city for a while, and when he came back, he went to find Su Hui.

"I already know how to burn. I have tried several times, but the water and soil are different, so there may be some differences." Xie Rui's eyes are shining.

Su Hui nodded slightly: "How sure are you?"

"Liucheng, it's really not good, I can ask a master to come over and give pointers."

"Would you mind telling me about the process?"

"The first step is to select the soil, dig deep soil and clay from the paddy field, and then step on it to make it sticky and elastic. After that, it is shaped with a mold, then air-dried, put into a kiln, and fired." This process is really rough.

Xie Rui felt that it was not clear to explain: "I will do it for you to see and you will understand."

In fact, Xie Rui can do this by herself, but when she gets along with Sister Su, she always gives herself a feeling of ease. If there is something she subconsciously wants to tell her, and see what she says, she feels that she is a reliable person.

If they want to make tiles, they still have plenty of soil here. There are also carpenters in the mold village, and the kiln can be built by itself. However, before going to discuss it with the captain, Su Hui suggested that Xie Rui try to make some semi-finished products first.

Compared with what he said, Zhang Chengye paid more attention to the reality.

If it can be done, tiles can be used in the village, and there can be an additional sideline business to make money, he cannot disagree.

Try to do it yourself first, indeed, it will also help others to organize their thoughts.

It's not impossible for him to do it. Digging the soil in the rice fields and kilns can take a little effort, and he also has some charcoal and coal needed to make tiles.



Accompanied by the strong wind and the heavy rain, Zhang Chengye couldn't stay at home with peace of mind. He hurriedly put on his raincoat and asked his master to patrol the fields.

It rains too much, and if the ditches are not drained smoothly, it will easily flow into the paddy fields. The more water in the paddy fields, the better. If the water flows faster, the paddy fields will burst, and if it is serious, the paddy fields will be damaged. In addition, their village There is a fishpond, and at the end of each year, the fish are divided for the New Year. If the water level rises too fast, the fish in it will run out and enter the stream.

Zhang Chengye led his people to soak themselves in water outside, while the others basically stayed at home obediently.

Because of the heavy rain early in the morning, Su Hui didn't go to school. In this kind of weather, the school defaults to not having classes.

The school was already leaking, and it was impossible to attend classes in such a heavy rain. When the rain stopped, the roof would have to be repaired again.

At the beginning, because the school was used for children to attend classes, the roof of the school was tiled when the school was established, but the tiles did not mean that it was not leaking, especially when it was in disrepair.

Every year the school has a small leak, and this year the leak is even more serious. However, the village will not agree to spend money to buy tiles. There is no money left, so even if there is a leak, we can only continue to use straw to continue to repair it and make do with it. .

This rain lasted for a long time. It started in the morning and continued until the evening. With such a heavy rain and such a long time, the stream surged. All experienced people were called out by Zhang Chengye and brought them to the Watching in the field.

"Da da da da—"

The raindrops fell on the tiles, making a pleasant sound. Zhang Anguo sat on his small stool under the eaves, watching the heavy rain outside, wondering what he was thinking.

Zhang Dingguo sat next to him, boringly stacking the number cards beside him into shapes one after another.

Zhang Weiguo was reading poems, which were taught by Zhang Baoguo, the catchy ones.

At first he couldn't read all the characters in it, but he memorized them a lot, and he memorized them.

His progress has been rapid.

Zhang Baoguo was copying newspapers.

Su Hui has read the newspaper, circled certain paragraphs and asked him to copy it over, and her original words were: "You can just copy the newspaper when you are free."

What can Zhang Baoguo say

Although he didn't know what his mother meant by asking him to copy the newspaper, he still tried his best to keep those contents in his mind. It doesn't matter if he doesn't understand now, he will always understand in the future.

Su Hui also had work to do. It rained for a long time and the weather was humid. Some things would grow hair if they were not placed properly. There was mushrooms growing on a low stool, which was unbearable.

At the same time, she was still experimenting in the ring space, burning tiles according to the steps Xie Rui said.

Except for the clay that needs to be taken out, she can make the rest by herself. The mold is also very simple. It is only experimental and has a shape. A slight bend is enough, and it does not need to be too standard.

As for air-drying and firing in a kiln, there are different formations in Mustard Space to meet her needs.

It must have failed at the beginning, but after learning lessons and making relevant records, it can be seen from the final product that she is making progress and becoming more and more presentable.

Su Hui checked the moldy and hairy things at home, looked at the time, and went into the kitchen. Because it had been raining, she didn't go into the mountains very much, and she was just eating the stock recently.

In her mustard space, there are still two slaughtered hares, a pheasant, and a dozen catties of wild boar meat, and a few pig's feet and bones in the array. The only ones that are alive are raised in the water tank. Fish, fish are much easier to take care of. Su Hui doesn't want to keep other living animals here. Except for fish, they are all slaughtered and frozen, and then thawed out when they want to eat.

Su Hui heated up the soup in the casserole, which contained the big pork bones she had stewed at noon, and put peanuts and ginger in it to dispel the cold.

There is a wooden basin in the corner of the kitchen, and there is a basin of river mussels in the wooden basin. Zhang Baoguo touched them one after another when he had nothing to do. Now most of the basins have been accumulated and placed there, and he has been raising them for a while. Yes, the silt should be spit out.

Su Hui boiled a pot of hot water, then cleaned the shells of the mussels and put them inside. In the scalding hot water, when the mussels that were tightly closed and refused to open their mouths were fished out again, they were easily caught by her. Open the shell, dig out the mussel meat with a knife, throw away the dirty things, cut it into pieces, and pick some mint, add a little pepper, and the fragrant stir-fried river mussels are freshly baked.

This dish is the main course. In addition, she fried a bean, took a cucumber, and a plate of steamed edamame, and made a four-dish and one soup.

Beans and cucumbers are okay, but where did the edamame come from

They didn't have this in their private land, Zhang Baoguo pursed his lips, but he knew that when he asked, his mother wouldn't say anything, just like the green vegetables that their family didn't have appeared here before, she would just say: Guess.

Zhang Baoguo can only think about the three aspects of what was given by others, what was exchanged by others, and what his mother planted secretly. It is impossible for her to poach the corner of the public house. One is that she believes in her mother, and the other is her mother. When he went to geography, he knew where there was free time for her to do these tricks, and he didn't hear anyone saying that someone had touched it. After he had experienced a lot, he didn't ask, and he would just eat in silence, brother Sometimes I asked and helped my mother cover up.

Facing the plate of stir-fried mussels, the four brothers licked their lips when they looked up. They all like to eat slightly spicy food, but they seldom eat spicy food before, and they are careful every time Eat, drink water and inhale while eating, Su Hui said that they will still protest if they don't add chili next time.

This is the normal state of their dining table now. Basically, there are four dishes and one soup every day, and four dishes. Generally speaking, only one dish is a meat dish, and the other three are vegetarian dishes. The meat dish may be fish or meat. , It may also be cured meat, eggs, or even meat sauce, and the other three vegetarian dishes are more, hot vegetables and fried vegetables are the most common, and then all kinds of steamed pumpkins, steamed sweet potatoes, rich ones are not good, they will never Knowing what they will eat tomorrow has led them to look forward to tomorrow's dishes every night.

The portion was just right, and five people ate all the meals and soup.

After dinner, sit for a while and take a bath, and then go to bed after the bath.

His mother often went up the mountain to cut firewood. Zhang Baoguo thought that if his mother didn't often go up the mountain to cut firewood, how could there be so much firewood for them to burn hot water for bathing every day

He thought that he could wash less, so that his mother would not have to work so hard, but his mother would not listen, you say what you want, and I will do mine.

This day should have been as usual, going to bed after taking a shower.

It's getting dark, in order to save kerosene, the lights are usually not turned on, but before going to bed, Su Hui calmly dropped a bomb: "An Guo and Ding Guo are not young, you two brothers can sleep alone in the future."

Zhang Anguo froze for a moment, then ran over and hugged her leg: "No, I want to sleep with my mother."

Zhang Dingguo also ran over and hugged her other leg: "I want to sleep with my mother too."

Su Hui touched the two furry heads with both hands: "How old are you now?"

"Six years old."

"Yes, you are six years old. Six-year-old is no longer a child, but an older child. The older child still sleeps with his mother? Besides, mother knows that An Guo and Ding Guo are very courageous little men, and they are separated from their mother. Sleeping is the first step to growing up, you guys can do it, right?"

The two little men whose self-esteem was aroused couldn't say anything else, they could only pouted and watched their mother move their little pillow and quilt to another room.

There is no such thing as kicking the quilt in Xia Tian. It's enough for her to look at it once in a while.

However, Su Hui was not used to sleeping on the bed for a while. After sleeping with two little guys for so long, it's a bit strange that she is the only one left on the bed now. Habit is really a powerful force.

Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dinguo were coaxed to sleep by their mother in the new room. After they fell asleep, they naturally didn't know that their mother had left. However, when Zhang Anguo woke up in the middle of the night, he habitually stretched out his hand and touched it, but he couldn't find it. Familiar person, he didn't react for a while, it took a while to remember, what his mother said, he is a brave little man, he touched the body of his twin brother Hululu who was in a deep sleep, got off the bed, and solved the problem After getting off the trumpet, he obediently climbed up by himself, but after climbing up, he couldn’t fall asleep and felt uncomfortable no matter how much he slept. He rolled around on the bed, and finally rolled to the side of his younger brother, holding his arm, and finally found He closed his eyes in a comfortable position, and within a minute, his breathing became regular.

Su Hui, who had been paying attention to the movement here, opened the door and came in to have a look. After confirming, she closed the door and quietly returned to her room.

Go back to the mustard space. At this time, Wan Lai was silent. There were desks, stools, and pens, inks, papers and inkstones in the mustard space. She picked up the pen again and began to write silently. I didn't think about it carefully, now, write out the things one by one, and list the people who have experienced it, and recall the state of mind at the time. If such a thing happens again, with her current state of mind, she may not act the same as before. s Choice.

When she came to an end, it was already halfway through the night, she went back to bed, lay down, and fell asleep, and when the sun rose, she opened her eyes for the first time, full of energy, without any lack of sleep.

After a day and night of heavy rain, the sky finally cleared up. The sun exerted its power early in the morning, ferociously grilling the earth, as if it was bound to evaporate all yesterday's water.

Su Hui stood on the podium and looked at the situation below.

She came here early today to help tidy up, and the classroom became more visible, but the situation in the classroom is not very good now, half of the desks are wet and unusable, Su Hui sighed, and asked to come Classroom students go home.

In such a situation, it is definitely not possible to go to class, and the principal also came over: "Look at the weather, take a rest today, and resume class tomorrow when the weather is better." If the weather is bad, we can only continue the holiday.

Fortunately, the learning tasks are not heavy, and I can make up for the lack of a two-day course.

Su Hui moved these tables and chairs outside to let the sun dry out the moisture. The other two teachers were doing the same thing. When they met outside, they showed a wry smile and continued to work.

Not long after, the headmaster brought two people over, carrying some planks to repair the roof.

Su Hui was below to help out, helping pass some things.

The weather was good that day, the sun was shining all day long, Su Hui helped out at the school all day, and finally finished the maintenance.

Facing the children in the audience the next day, Su Hui didn't take out the textbook, but talked about simple geography.

For example, what kind of village is their village, what village is next door, and what is the nearest town, and there is a city above the town... In the novel, I have never left the village, at most I have only visited relatives in nearby villages, or Little children who went to the town to gain knowledge don’t know how vast the outside world is. Hearing her talk about the city, hearing her talk about the capital, the little faces tanned by the sun are full of novelty and yearning, Such a place must be more prosperous than they imagined, right

Seeing them like this, Su Hui's heart moved, she took out the newspapers she had prepared, and some newspapers had pictures on them: "This is the capital city..."

The principal who walked to the door of their classroom stopped outside the window for a long time, looking at the children with a smile on his face.

This is why he asked educated youth from outsiders to serve as teachers. They come from more prosperous places, know a wider world, have a higher vision, and can bring a lot of things to children inadvertently. Give birth to desire, desire will make them study harder.

On the podium, Su Hui mentioned that it has been raining recently: "Hua Country has a vast land and abundant resources. It has been raining here every day recently. Do you think it will also rain in other places?"


"I'm sure."

"Not necessarily, the last time I went to my grandma's house, they didn't take it there."


They chattered about their opinions, Su Hui didn't answer immediately, but waited for them to discuss before taking out another newspaper: "The picture on this newspaper is the frontier in the northwest of our Huaguo ,There… "

The headmaster turned his head and left slowly. Thinking of what someone said in front of him, he frowned, and soon let go.

Her education is relatively low, but isn't she already teaching herself? When she gets a junior high school degree, those people will have nothing to say, right

Su Hui didn't know that someone couldn't bear it and made up her mind. She studied in class step by step, and wanted to get a junior high school degree. She didn't just take the exam.

On the other side, because of the weather, Xie Rui waited for a long time to dry, and he had to go to a designated spot every day to check on the situation. Others in the educated youth spot didn't know what he was doing, but Lin Jingnan, who lived in the same room, knew it well. In the end, it was almost time to raise his hands and feet to show his support. Whatever Xie Rui did, he would diligently help from the side. When he came out of the humble kiln, his hands trembled with excitement.

If successful, what does this mean

It means that their roof can be covered with tiles, which means that he probably doesn't have to go to the ground anymore, but to burn tiles!

Can he not be excited? Staring at the sight in front of him, it was almost burning hot.