From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 43


It was close to evening at this time, and some of the quickest workers had finished their work and went home. Su Hui didn't go to the field today, but went up the mountain to collect the pine needles that were convenient for fire and came back.

Zhang Anguo walked slowly with Guan Shaoli, and Zhang Dingguo trotted to report to his mother first: "Mom, mom, uncle civet cat is here!"

Su Hui came out from the kitchen, wiping off the drops of water in her hands, and saw Guan Shaoli: "Long time no see."

Zhang Baoguo and Zhang Weiguo also ran out one after another.

Zhang Baoguo remembered it most clearly, he still remembered what he looked like, and it was he who wrote the letter again, and he called out kindly: "Uncle Civet Cat."

Guan Shaoli laughed and touched Zhang Baoguo's hair: "I haven't seen you for a while, you have grown a lot taller."

Zhang Baoguo smiled: "That's right, what I eat is not fake, look at my muscles."

Guan Shaoli pinched the flesh on his arm, it was not soft, he gave a thumbs up: "Keep it up!"

After exchanging pleasantries, he followed into the house and put down the package.

"I'm here at work, stop by, let's take a look."

Zhang Anguo remembered something: "When Uncle Limao came, I saw Brother Datang, and he ran home."

Guan Shaoli took out some things from the package: "I'm going to visit too, do you want to go there together?" He didn't eat there when he came last time, he just sat down and left.

"In this case, Weiguo, go tell your grandparents, we'll go over there for dinner later. I'll go there later and bring our rations."

When Zhang Jinhua went back, neither his grandpa nor his father came back, but his grandma and his mother were there. He went to the kitchen and successfully found their grandma: "Grandma! I just saw a person enter the village. He is the second uncle." Comrades, now he's gone to Second Aunt's side."

Li Manfen: "Tell me carefully, who did you see?"

After asking clearly, Li Manfen was about to let his grandson go over to see the situation, when Zhang Weiguo came over: "Grandma, is grandpa back? My dad's comrade-in-arms came to see us. My mother said, let's come here for a meal later. She will come later and bring the rations."

Zhao Laidi's complexion darkened when she heard him say that he came here for dinner, and she calmed down when she finally heard that he said to bring the rations. It's two families, and she's not used to it.

"okay, I get it."

Li Manfen quickly ordered the eldest granddaughter Zhang Fenghua: "Go to the field and call your father and grandfather, let them go home early."

Then he told his second granddaughter Zhang Xihua: "Go and pick two more handfuls of vegetables and bring them back."

Finally, the youngest granddaughter: "You come to the kitchen and help light the fire."

Zhang Jinhua pointed at himself: "Grandma, what should I do?"

Li Manfen smiled: "You are at home, they will come over later."

After receiving the message, Zhang Gen and Zhang Quan sped up their actions to put the tail away and go home.

Because the clothes he was wearing today were too shabby, Zhang Gen even changed his clothes, not to mention how good they are, as long as they are not too ragged.

After Zhang Weiguo came back, Su Hui asked him to help bring food to Guan Shaoli's colleague in the car, and he was still driving in the car.

They are all here, although they can't have a meal together at the same table, but a hot meal can still be provided.

Sometimes the village is big, and sometimes it is small. At this time, it is very small. After a while, people who are idle will know who is coming from Su Hui's house, and they will not come to her house to disturb her. On the road over there, from time to time, acquaintances would come up, say a few words, and then strike up a conversation with Guan Shaoli. Although they only spoke a few words to each other, there were so many people, which made the road a bit long.

"Uncle, Aunt, long time no see, I propose a toast to you with tea instead of wine." Guan Shaoli straightened his back and toasted the two of them with a cup of tea.

There is no alcohol in wine, wine must be brewed with grain. Zhang Gen does not have this addiction to alcohol, and neither does Zhang Quan and the others. They always use wild tea or scented tea instead.

He and his son used to be comrades-in-arms, but now they have changed their careers to become a driver. They can travel around and eat imperial food.

Li Manfen seized the time, cut a plate of bacon, fried a plate of sausage, touched two eggs, knocked out the egg soup, added shredded bacon and fried vegetables, and the last dish was seaweed.

Su Hui kept what she gave her all the time, and she was reluctant to eat it, and there was still a lot left, so it was time to take it out now.

A comrade-in-arms is a very strong relationship. When one party passes away, it is really not news to be able to take care of some comrades-in-arms’ families.

They merged two tables and sat together crowded, the atmosphere is very lively.

Neither party brought up the topic of sensationalism, so it won't be too sentimental, and the host and guest enjoyed the meal.

Seeing that it was almost time, Guan Shaoli offered to leave.

"I'm going back, I still have tasks."

"Don't delay, the business is important!"

Li Manfen packed a large bag of things, all of which were harvested from the mountains this year, and picked the best ones.

"We don't have anything, that's all. You take it back and add some food to the house."

After some refusal, Guan Shaoli accepted it.

At this time, it was already dark, and there were no villagers on the road looking at novelties.

The four children were laughing and laughing in front, and they walked home together. Guan Shaoli controlled the supplementary payment and slowly opened a distance.

"There is something I want to ask you."

"you say."

At the dinner table just now, Guan Shaoli asked a lot about their village, and she had some guesses.

"I have a friend's teacher who is going to be transferred to undergo labor reform. The place is in Li Village. He is a professor at the Capital University. He is a person who is obsessed with academics. He doesn't know too much and is old. I don't know if he can Sometimes it’s convenient to take care of it.”

In fact, there were several locations when they selected the location, but when they saw the familiar name, they settled on Li Village.

As far as Guan Shaoli knows, this village is not bad, the atmosphere is not bad, and there are people he knows who can take care of him.

Enthusiasm for academics means nothing to do with politics.

Su Hui nodded: "It's not convenient to communicate publicly, but I can make it easier for him in private."

Guan Shaoli breathed a sigh of relief: "Please." He took out a small cloth bag from his arms: "This is a gift from my friend, please accept it."

Su Hui looked at him for a while, then accepted, "Okay, what's his name."

Guan Shaoli: "Literature."

"Hmm." The university professor must know a lot.

"What does he teach?"

Guan Shaoli keenly felt something was wrong, was it when he was concerned about what he taught

"… math"

"Mathematics is pretty good and is the foundation of many subjects."

"...Really." He didn't understand.

"Is the time set? When will it come?"

"Estimated in a month."

"Okay, I will pay attention to it, and I will write some information about him in the letter for you, and you can show it to your friends."

Zhang Anguo turned his head, saw his mother and uncle civet cat walking so slowly, and trotted over: "Mom, you are walking so slowly."

After the conversation was over, Guan Shaoli laughed and picked him up: "Then I will speed up!"

"Wow - you put me down"

Su Hui took away the things she had prepared to Guan Shaoli, and exchanged courtesies with each other.

Among them, there is also the mosquito repellent bag that his colleagues are thinking about.

Su Hui didn't know much about the situation in the cowshed before, so she took a special look at it after being asked by Guan Shaoli.

There are two cows in their village. These two cows are the treasures of their village. There is a special cow shed, and they will not be exposed to the wind and sun. Next to the cow shed is the place where those sent down live.

The living conditions... First of all, there is one, the taste is great, it is next to the cowshed, separated by a wall, and then separated by a road, is the pigsty in the village. The smell of pigs is even more ecstatic, enough "authentic".

They are just one room, separated by a wall in the middle, with men on the left and women on the right, and the kitchen in front, which can be called a house with four walls, nothing, the most is straw.

However, because the place where they live was built by someone who was sent down, it is relatively new, the walls are relatively thick, the roof leaks are not too serious, and people can still live there, and the captain here has the highest authority and prestige Highest, doing things justly, he doesn't like pulling people out to fight every now and then, unless someone above comes to check and they have an easier life.

In some villages, when they saw that people who had never had the opportunity to meet were sent down, they asked them to do the dirtiest and most tiring work to reform their minds. It was not counted if they were given the dirty and tiring work. Accepting everyone's rotten egg and vegetable leaves makes life worse than death.

Here, the five of them lived in peace, retaining a bit of dignity.

Now there are five people living in the cowshed, three men and two women, one of them is husband and wife.

The couple's male name is Zhou Fang, and the female's name is Han Mei, who used to be researchers.

The other two men, one was a cadre before, the other was a capitalist, and the last woman was also from a capitalist background, and had been abroad and stayed abroad.

People like this didn't have much contact with the villagers before, but because of the times, now they do the dirtiest work in the village, and they basically don't walk around the village on weekdays. They are bound in that small place and live numbly. .

The place where the pigs are raised is downwind, and it is in two directions from Su Hui's house. She basically doesn't go anywhere, because it smells bad. She first learned the news from herself, and deliberately walked around there a few more times.

The five people in the cowshed are not young, and their exact ages are unknown, but all of them have gray hair, and the trials and tribulations that life has brought to them clearly show on their faces.

Get up at dawn to feed the pigs, clean the pigsty, pick up slop, compost... There are people there all the time.

These livestock are very valuable, and if they are all handed over to these outsiders, the village will not be at ease. There is a small son at the upper wind, and there are people on duty every night, and there are others during the day, to ensure that even if a few of them make trouble heart, can also stop them.

It was because of her special attention that she discovered something else.

Seeing that Xie Rui bumped into someone in a hurry, and then left quickly, she assured with her good eyesight that Xie Rui stuffed something in Zhou Fang's pocket, which was not the size of a grown man's fist. He bent down and blocked it with a bucket. With that, he quickly returned to the cowshed, and when he came out again, his pocket had already flattened.

Is Xie Rui related to Zhou Fang

Although they didn't say a word, this behavior of giving things can't be explained by sympathy, right

Su Hui helped the back pan, looked at the drowsy sky, it was getting late, she should go back early.

After returning home, because it was getting late, Zhang Baoguo and Zhang Weiguo were already busy in the kitchen. Zhang Anguo was waiting at the door of the house. When he saw his mother coming back, he cheered, "Mom, you're back!"

"I've been delayed for a while today, it's late." Su Hui explained, put down the basket, and took off the wild vegetables that covered people's eyes, revealing a pile of dried fungus, two hares, and a nest of wild duck eggs.

Zhang Baoguo made eight-treasure porridge, but this eight-treasure porridge was salty.

He used rice, peanuts, kidney beans, red beans, etc., and gathered 8 kinds.

However, because too little water was put in, the porridge was a bit too viscous.

Zhang Baoguo came to see what was in his mother's basket, and Su Hui also asked, "What do you want to use these two rabbits for?"

Zhang Baoguo didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "One is air-dried, and the other is braised!"

Zhang Weiguo nodded while looking at the fire: "Dried rabbit meat is delicious!"

"Okay, then one will be braised and the other will be air-dried."


Su Hui put on a disguise and got on the car to the city again.

Recently, Xiao Gu's life is going well. Since he helped Big Brother Su and entertained the mother and son, he may have given him a lot of goods out of gratitude, except for his unstoppable various sauces. In addition, there are all kinds of meat, including wild boar, pheasant, mountain rabbit, even venison and wolf. Recently, he brought him a lot of food.

All white rice, the best.

The amount added up made him a little startled.

It happened that he had found a reliable helper, otherwise he would not have been able to bring these to a safe place.

These grains were naturally harvested by Su Hui in the mustard space. She kept enough for herself, and she planned to sell the rest. When the old ones were eaten, the new ones would also be harvested.

Su Hui came to the city for another purpose, which was to collect some items that would increase in value in the future.

Stamps are the best collection among them, as long as the post office has them, no matter which edition you want, it doesn't matter if the quantity is large.

Su Hui also asked Guan Shaoli to help him go to a place where there were local specialties and tickets to help her bring some.

In addition to stamps, there are also special people in the black market who collect all kinds of property.

At that time, she was looking at an uncle who was cleaning the toilet, entered an alley, and took out a bag of fine grains from it.

He used to be a businessman, but later he became a capitalist, and everything in his family was gone. But more or less there are still some things left.

This time, he exchanged a golden ring for food.

Su Hui followed in for a stroll.

She was a new face there, and didn't gain much, and her attitude was much better the second time she went there. The uncle who sold comic books showed her a lot of good things.

Small yellow croaker, gold ornaments and silver ornaments, gemstone necklaces, jade wrench fingers and so on.

Su Hui exchanged money for the gemstone necklace, which was very cheap, less than a hundred yuan.

But it would be more cost-effective if it was high-quality rice, but at that time she had already given Xiao Gu the packed rice.

In later generations, the value of gems and grains will be far apart, but now, grains are the hard currency, and there is almost no market for luxury goods such as gems, not to mention those who own them without justification, and those who can take gems to pack up. You have to worry about whether you will be labeled. To be on the safe side, you can only accumulate dust in the box.

This time, she packed all the extra rice in sacks, and planned to go to the stall owner selling comic books and sell the rice to him in exchange for more good things.