From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 46


Marriage is a great event, but in this day and age, wedding events are generally held in a very low-key way, and there are no guests at the big banquet. Zhao Xialan's mother-in-law opened 4 tables, and invited people from each household to have a meal one by one.

The food is still good. There is pork. It is said that the pork was sent by the man. Their family has prepared a pig for weddings, so they have sauerkraut slices on the table, although the slices are very thin. The quantity is not large, but basically everyone can eat a slice, and each person will also receive a handful of fried peanuts, fried soybeans, pumpkin seeds, etc.

These are common, but because of the thin slices of meat, people who come to eat are full of praise, saying that they found a good family, and there are meat on the table, which is rare, not every family can do it A pig was prepared for the banquet.

Zhao Xialan was very busy, as one of the only two sister-in-laws, she was asked to help in the kitchen and the receptionist, she just said a few words to Su Hui, and was called away.

Su Hui looked at the bride, she had pure joy on her face.

Although all the red clothes on her body are borrowed, red cloth is hard to come by at this time, and what her mother finally bought can only be a red hijab for her, so just like other brides, the clothes are borrowed from others. Wash it off and return it after use.

At the end of the day, Zhao Xialan was so tired that she didn't get up the next morning.

Su Hui sent her medicinal wine. She made it herself, and it was very effective for muscle strain.

As time entered the twelfth lunar month, the taste of the new year became more and more intense. During this period, all pig farmers watched and fed them every day, hoping that they would seize the time to gain more fat.

Looking forward to an auspicious day, Zhang Chengye selected people and drove the task pigs that reached the weight to hand in. After the task was completed, it was their turn and the rest, one after another, some people drove their domestic pigs to town.

No way, they are not allowed to slaughter privately, and they have to hand over part of what they raise to the state.

Li Manfen also raised a pig this year, which weighed more than 120 catties. Zhao Laidi was very proud of it, and everyone praised her for raising it well. She and her daughter hunted most of the pig weeds.

Su Hui was also given some meat, but there was no fat.

Li Manfen and Zhao Laidi were as stingy as ever, they didn't give good things at all, but they gave her a lot of water.

Su Hui is not short of oil, so she doesn't care about fat meat, but she likes the spare ribs and offal.

Well, it's decided, the pork ribs are steamed and stir-fried in water.

Zhao Xialan’s family’s pigs also rushed to hand in. She and the man rushed to the town and came back with only a pair of pigs. They also sold their own share to the buying station. If the family is not rich, they will not keep the meat. I ate it myself and sold it all for money.

So when Zhang Chengye organized people to drive the remaining pigs to slaughter and share the meat, she was very excited. This year's Chinese New Year will rely on the meat that was divided to support the scene.

Fortunately, she kept saving the bacon last year, and she still had it when she entertained guests during the Chinese New Year, otherwise she would be talked about by people.

This year's pork is the same as last year. After the pork is finished, it's fishing. Zhang Baoguo has long been ready to go, and he wants to show his skills. Zhang Weiguo has also been looking forward to it for a long time. Every time this kind of time is their half-child In this paradise, you can not only have fun, but also bring delicious food to your family.

Su Hui got one big fish and two small fish, and the two brothers "fighted hard" to get back half a barrel of small fish and a pot of mussels.

Zhao Xialan made an appointment with Su Hui in advance to go to the town to buy new year's goods. She packed up and went out early in the morning. She didn't bring one of the three children with her. She didn't bring her children to the town unless she didn't want to buy something, but generally she didn't. Nor does she go to town, contradicting each other.

But there is no way, abductors are deeply painful, and the three children are her heart, and she will die of pain if any one is abducted, so she has never brought them to places with many people.

Since more than a dozen children were abducted in the town in the past few years, the number of children brought to the town to see new things in the village has greatly decreased.

Su Hui took Zhang Baoguo with him. He is growing fast now. He looks like a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old. He can help out by taking him to the town.

She was carrying an empty basket in her hand, and Zhao Xialan brought a dozen or so eggs. The eggs had been saved for a long time, because chickens laid fewer eggs in winter, and this time I went to the town to exchange money for shopping.

Every time the Chinese New Year is approaching, the town will be more lively.

Although there is only one place where you can buy and sell, but at this time, the goods inside will be more abundant, and you can find all the necessary necessities for the New Year here.

Standing in front of the crowded supply and marketing cooperative, Zhang Baoguo was a little dazed.

This, so many people? !

Su Hui stuffed him with a handful of money and a ticket: "Here, you just line up here, buy it while you watch, and then wait for us at the door."

Zhang Baoguo: "???"

Zhao Xialan: "???"

No, you didn't explain anything, just gave him the money, it looks like the amount is quite a lot, it's a few cents, don't worry about it

Su Hui took her to buy new year's goods: "It's okay, he has his own measure."

Zhao Xialan: "... Well, don't you worry that he bought all the candies and biscuits?" There is a queue to sell these.

"It's okay, let's go quickly, if we go late, the good pair will be picked up by others."

Zhang Baoguo was a little nervous holding a handful of money and tickets.

The money and tickets at home are all with my mother. She rarely gives money, and only gives him food. Only when he gets a good grade in the final exam will he give him a little pocket money as a reward.

He had saved it all, and the entire deposit was only 20 cents.

This is a huge sum of money for a child of their age, and they can buy twenty candies!

But now, he nodded quickly, and he had a "huge sum" of more than one yuan in his hand.

After clearing it up, his body tensed up, and he scrutinized all the people around him.

He heard that it is easy to "lose" money in crowded places, so he should be careful.

As for what to buy... He tried his best to stand on tiptoe and jump over the crowd in front of him, but unfortunately, he was not tall enough.

Zhang Baoguo is a little bored, he must eat more and exercise more in the future, he wants to grow taller!

Su Hui can't post red couplets yet. Someone in the family has passed away, and they have been pasted purple for three years. There are not so many choices for this kind of couplet, and she bought it soon.

Zhao Xialan had more choices, but she didn't get too dazzled to choose a good harvest.

She acted quickly, this is the last picture of a good harvest.

New Year's goods are essential, in addition to couplets, there are also firecrackers.

Firecrackers can depend on individual circumstances, whether to buy more or less, but no matter how poor you are, you will buy a little and listen to the sound.

I bought these two, and the rest is new clothes and food for the New Year.

It takes time to make clothes. Those who are going to make new clothes for the New Year have to get ready early. After all, there is no sewing machine at home, so they can only rely on their own hands. If you want to make finer clothes, it will take time.

Zhao Xialan doesn't plan to make new clothes, she plans to save money, and then build an extra house, saving as much as she can.

Su Hui did it, and the source of the fabrics was naturally funded by others, one was brought back from the city before, and the other was sent by Guan Shaoli.

Zhang Baoguo and Zhang Weiguo are very good at pulling out. If they don't make new clothes, they will have nothing to wear. The two younger ones can wear their brother's old clothes.

Zhao Xialan calculated the amount of fabric Zhang Baoguo would use, and compared it with that of her eldest son. She didn't know whether she expected her son to grow well or not.

Su Hui didn't buy too many things. After all, it was unreasonable to take too much action on her family's situation. After buying some necessities, she followed Zhao Xialan, who was also thrifty, back.

Zhang Baoguo had already bought them, and he was holding a small bag of fruit candy, a small bag of twisted dough twist, and a small bag of candy sticks.

They are all relatively cheap, and the quantity is small, but they cost him more than 30 cents.

Looking at these things, Zhao Xialan still felt that it was a bit expensive, but it was all Su Hui's fault, and she didn't say anything, so the child bought it with all her might.

Su Hui was quite satisfied, she didn't say anything, but Zhang Baoguo couldn't help but know a little "secret" about the general situation of the family, and he also knew that the situation of the family should not be known to others. Yes, so what he buys are common ones, and the quantity is also small.

I didn't buy expensive things all at once, and I never spent all my money without revealing it.

Zhang Baoguo noticed it and heaved a sigh of relief.

Although according to his understanding of his mother, her mother will share with them more delicious food, so there is no need to buy too much, and more varieties may be better. He is correct, but he is still not sure.

Seeing the smile on his mother's face now, he heaved a sigh of relief, and stuffed the remaining bills into Su Hui's hand, feeling like throwing a hot potato.

Seeing the food that my brother brought back, the others were very happy.

Their family eats a lot of meat, but not snacks, especially the ones sold by supply and marketing cooperatives, which are not for New Year's Day, that is, they are given away by someone, such as Uncle Limao and Uncle Sun Qiang. eat.

In this regard, Su Hui is quite strict. After all, it was the 1970s, when there was a lack of food and clothing. It’s okay to have a lot of rice and vegetables. If you rely on mountains to eat mountains, but if you have too many snacks and toys, it’s easy. It is easy for children to think that it is normal to be out of tune with other people of the same age.

Xie Rui took his parcel from the post office. He put the contents of the parcel aside when he went back, and opened the letter to read.

Take a quick look.

He skipped the greeting and focused on the latter.

After reading it, he heaved a sigh of relief. His family is from the capital, and the two newcomers from the bullpen are also from the capital. They are in the same place, so it is easier to inquire.

When they came, he wrote a letter and asked cryptically.

Now the above didn't say it clearly, but it meant that he was not the kind of person he thought, which made him feel relieved.

During this period of time, he has been observing the situation over there, but he is busy, and other people are easy to appear around him, so it is not suitable for doing private things, and his observation is limited.

It can only be confirmed that the two newcomers did not have any conflicts with the previous five people, and they don't seem to be provocative.

He was relieved a lot.

In fact, he didn't have to go to the countryside at first, but after thinking about it, he still chose to go to the countryside, and he chose this place specially because he could help take care of it.

Just like the educated youth spot, everyone lives together. If he runs a small stove, others can guess the general idea without knowing the details, not to mention that the privacy of the cowshed is so much worse than that of the educated youth spot.

The people before him knew what he sent, and now it was the Chinese New Year, if he sent something there, they would know it too.

Some people just don’t like other people’s kindness, and maybe they are broken. He has a friend’s farm, which is a specially renovated farm. Just because someone understands and sent some food, he was reported and criticized.

Xie Rui sighed, he should be arriving soon.

They are basically activities together, and they are not far apart if they are not together. It is difficult to find a suitable time to send things over without knowing it.

Everyone in the cowshed is also there when the villagers share food, otherwise how can they fill their stomachs? However, in order to reform their minds, what they received was the "castrated" version.

They don't have meat or money, and they come to endure hardships. With these things, can it be said that they are suffering

However, as the big pigs were sent to slaughter, leaving only the sows and piglets, their workload was also reduced, and it was a lot easier. They took the time to find more food.

There is very little food on the mountain in winter, but they can still be found. They avoided the places where the villagers would mainly go. Wenxueqing wore worn-out clothes and searched in the mountains with a tattered bamboo basket.

If you can't find anything to eat, take some firewood and go back.

As he walked, unconsciously, he distanced himself from the others.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound, he raised his heart suddenly, and grabbed the wooden stick in his hand.

Although he has never seen it, there are really wild boars here.

The rustling sound rang for a while, and when he walked away, he walked over hesitantly. There were two things wrapped in dried banana leaves on the open space, and a piece of newspaper that had been cut down, with four words on it: "Shouren Trust"

Literary was taken aback.

It's not like he didn't feel it when he came here. He went up the mountain and received more goods than others, but he had never been into the mountain before. Only when he came here did he know what kind of food he can eat and what kind of food he can't eat under their guidance. Is it luck


Xuexue looked at the two packages with red eyes.

It's right not to show up, and I don't know who entrusted him

Is it my son? Or those few conscientious students

He blinked his eyes, wiped away the sour tears, stepped forward to pick it up, and opened it to look.

There are two boiled eggs in one, a piece of cured rabbit meat about half a catty, and the other is wrapped with a small half catty of brown sugar.

Chinese New Year is coming soon, is this a New Year's gift

Wen Xueqing looked at the two white eggs, looked at them for a while, knocked them, and ate them bit by bit.

This is the first time I have eaten eggs in half a year.

He found a dense place to bury the egg shells, and the egg smell that filled his mouth came from finding a shrub and chewing young leaves.

The leaves have a bad taste, but can remove bad breath.

For the rest, he hesitated for a while, put the brown sugar in his arms, and found a place to hide it when he went back. This thing can save lives when necessary. He planned to take the cured rabbit meat back and eat it together.

I can't hide it, we ate it together, and there was no physical evidence when someone reported it afterwards. On the other hand, he took it back, and he could test them...

It's the Chinese New Year, and I'm looking forward to the letter from home. Zhou Xiaoqing happily opened the letter from home. After reading it for a while, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. She turned pale. After reading and reading, she immediately burned the letter No, she bit her lip tightly, how could this happen, how could their family have anything to do with such a person... No, no, absolutely not, she can't end up like this, how can she get rid of the relationship? How can we draw a line between them

Zhou Xiaoqing walked up and down the room irritably, noticing the movement outside the room, she looked up, just in time to see Xie Rui who was leaving in a hurry, her eyes lit up immediately, and followed...