From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 56


Zhang Weiguo squatted by the stream, looking down.

He just saw a field eel getting into the mud, it was not too small, he really wanted to go down and take it out, but he couldn't.

The elder brother's warning is still vivid in his memory, he doesn't want to be beaten by the elder brother's fist at all, if the elder brother wants to say beating, it is a real beating, and there is no discount at all.

This is all because a new village party secretary came to their village. The original party secretary is so nice, why did something happen

After staring at the place for a while, he stood up and picked up the bamboo basket next to it, which was half filled with wild vegetables.

In the middle of the basket, a handful of wild fruits that were picked by hand were filled with plantain leaves.

He glanced at the direction of the cowshed. During this period of time, his mother didn't even let him go to the cowshed. She went to help him hand in his homework and bring home homework. He thought he could write less, alas.

He walked around for a while, and saw his elder brother Zhang Baoguo who was busy in the field.

He and others of his age were loosening the crops, wearing straw hats and sunburned brown skin.

The skin color of their two brothers is similar, and the two younger brothers'... Well, it's like the newly learned word, genetic mutation, even though they often sunbathe outside, they are much paler than them.

He returned home with half a basket of wild vegetables, first went to the chicken coop to look at the chickens they raised, and felt for eggs. When he found one, he took it out, and it was still warm.

Tell my mother tonight, don’t eat steamed eggs tomorrow, eat fried eggs, I haven’t eaten fried eggs for a while, fry them thinly, sprinkle with a little chopped green onion, it’s fragrant, tender and delicious!

I took the eggs back to the kitchen, poured out the wild vegetables and picked them, kept the tender ones for myself to eat, and threw the old ones into the chicken coop to reward them for their hard work in laying eggs.

He took the picked wild vegetables to the backyard and put them in the shade before entering the house.

Inside the room, the two younger brothers were at home, they were reading a book, seeing their frowning and troubled faces, Zhang Weiguo raised his eyebrows triumphantly, hehe, they can't figure it out, they are stumped, it seems that they are still proud.

Seeing Zhang Weiguo's return, Zhang Anguo's eyes lit up: "Second brother, you are back, come and have a look, is it right for me to write like this?"

Zhang Weiguo, if there is a tail, it should be raised at this time. He walked over and took a look: "This is correct, it should be like this, but have you forgotten here, I emphasized it to you yesterday..."

"Oh, so, I understand why I always feel like I've forgotten something."

Zhang Anguo suddenly realized: "I will do it again."


When the three brothers finished their study tasks, there was still some time before dark, but it was not long. If they went out to play, they would be back soon, so they stopped going out and divided the work with each other. One washed the wild vegetables, and the other Go pull out the weeds in the private plot, and make preparations in the kitchen.

Su Hui carried a load of fine firewood, that is, branches and leaves cut from tree trunks, and walked towards the village unhurriedly.

She went to the city again today, sold the harvest in the mustard space, and exchanged the rice, fruit, and sauce for money, antiques, jewelry, etc. She now spends money far less than when she started .

At that time, we had to spend money to buy rice, noodles, and oil, but now we have enough space for rice noodles, and we still need to buy oil, but the amount is much less than before.

She was carrying firewood and walking on the village road, just in time to meet Du Gaozhi who was walking towards him.

He was trying to identify someone right now, when he saw Su Hui, after thinking for a while, he remembered who she was: "Comrade Su."

He offered to say hello.

Ordinary people are not very impressive to him, but he pays special attention to special ones. For example, in this village, there are people who can live in green tile houses, soldiers, workers, or people with relatively high education. account.

Su Wei is on the special attention list. She is not very conspicuous now. Without the man who is a soldier, she must not have the glory of the past, but she is also an existence that cannot be ignored.

Let’s not mention the house for now, let’s just talk about her man’s comrade-in-arms, as far as he knows there is one from the police in the town, and one from the convoy who often sends things to them. , I got in touch with the city, and the expensive radio was a gift from them.

Moreover, she can deliver babies and is also a teacher in the village, so she is respected in her own right.

If the village is given a list that is not easy to provoke, she will be included in it, because if she is provoked, it will easily arouse the hostility of the villagers.

He is an outsider in the village, there is no manpower, he has a lot of ideas, he wants to make achievements and go back to the city, but now he has no supporters at all, everyone is watching.

Others are weak.

What you want to do if no one supports it is just empty talk. Now he will deepen his impression in everyone's eyes and gain their support.

The location of this village is not bad, and the population is not bad, which is enough for him to show his talents. If he can win over this person, he will be able to gain favor with many people.

"Secretary." Su Hui nodded slightly in response.

Du Gaozhi smiled and said, "You went up to the mountain to cut firewood and come back." He looked at the amount of firewood on her shoulders, and was a little surprised. The weight seemed impressive, but he didn't expect that he looked gentle, but he didn't look like a person. Although it has nothing to do with being weak, it also has nothing to do with the word infinite strength.

Sure enough, he is a countryman, and he is used to doing heavy work, so he may not have the strength.

His thoughts diverged for a moment, and at this moment, Su Hui, who had no desire to continue talking with him, had already taken a step, and the two passed by.

Du Gaozhi stopped, looked sideways at the other party's unhurried back, and sighed.

"After all, there is no pillar, and it's not easy to do these heavy tasks by yourself." He said this, but his eyes carefully looked at the firewood Su Hui picked. It is a thin branch.

The trunk is not allowed to be cut, but the branches of the tree are fine as long as the trunk is not damaged.

When Su Hui went back, the brothers had already showered, steamed the sweet potatoes and pumpkins, and washed the vegetables, ready to cook at any time.

Su Hui put the firewood aside, untied the rope, spread it on the side, washed her hands and went to the kitchen to have a look.

As always, steamed sweet potatoes, steamed pumpkins, and a pot of corn porridge.

She asked the four brothers who were playing in the living room: "For dinner tonight, what do you want to eat?"

Zhang Weiguo: "Fried eggs!"

Zhang Anguo: "Poached eggs."

Zhang Baoguo: "Scallion Pancake."

Zhang Dingguo: "Egg syrup."

The four people had four different answers, but three of them were about eggs. Su Wei compared them, and among the four, she wanted poached eggs more, so let's make poached eggs tonight.

"Tomorrow we will make stuffed eggplant stuffed with bitter gourd, how about it?"

Stuffed eggplant is to cut the eggplant, cut it into pieces of similar size, then cut it in half, and fill the middle with stuffing. The bitter gourd is simpler. After cutting it obliquely, dig out the bitter gourd seeds in the middle and fill it with the stuffing. It is stuffed eggplant. Bitter melon.

The filling is mainly glutinous rice, plus other miscellaneous things. If you can add a little meat and a little salted fish, it will be more fragrant. Add bean drums and pour a ladle of lard. It is only made during festivals dishes.


Early the next morning, Zhang Baoguo took Zhang Weiguo to Zhang Chengye's unshakeable training. Zhang Anguo and Zhang Dingguo got up earlier than other times to help pick eggplants and bitter melons.

Eggplants and bitter gourds were planted in a row, and the harvest continued.

After picking it, wash it, put it aside, and wait until Su Hui returns from school at noon to continue.

Glutinous rice, then steam the kidney beans, black beans, and pinto beans until they are soft, grind them into puree, knead them into balls with the glutinous rice, add some meat and shiitake mushrooms, and wrap them in bitter gourd and eggplant.

Sufen glutinous rice is used a lot, all wrapped to the limit, stretched to the point where it can no longer be stretched, all four people wash their hands to help wrap, wrap and arrange in a pot, first on a high fire, then on a low fire.

While enjoying lunch, someone knocked on the door, and Dawei's cry sounded.

Someone came at lunch time, either because of something, or on purpose at this time. With a sweep of his consciousness, he found out who the visitor was, the newly appointed village party secretary.

He also had a lunch box in his hand.

Su Hui: "..." What is this person here for

Glancing at the dishes on the table, she stood up: "Someone is here, put the dishes into the cupboard." Apart from stuffed eggplant and stuffed bitter gourd, there were no other eye-catching dishes. Zhang Baoguo brought them in and took a The fermented bean curd comes out of the jar, and then mixed with the strong chili sauce to cover up the smell in the house.

After a while, open the window again, and the smell of stuffed eggplant and bitter gourd will no longer be smelled.

Su Hui walked to the gate of the courtyard.

"It's the village secretary, what's the matter?"

Su Hui greeted him at the gate of the courtyard.

Du Gaozhi showed a polite smile: "Oh, just now I was thinking about the promotion of brick-burning in our village, the support of the town, and the increase of everyone's income. I came here unknowingly, and it happened to be at your house. It's convenient to lend me a bowl of hot water, I haven't had lunch yet." He raised the lunch box in his hand.

A passage highlighted his dedication to thinking about the problems in the village, and also pointed out the key point. He brought his own rations and just borrowed a bowl of hot water.

For this reason, the corners of Su Hui’s mouth twitched slightly: “So it’s like this, hey, branch secretary, you are here alone now, I don’t know what will happen to your three meals after your house is built? And now you If you don't go back to the captain's side, will they wait for you to eat?"

Du Gaozhi: "I told them, I came out with a lunch box, don't worry, as for the future, let's take a step and take a step, is it convenient to borrow a bowl of hot water?"

Su Hui opened the courtyard door and let him in: "I don't have anything else here, a bowl of hot water is still fine."

"Then I will trouble you." Du Gaozhi showed a kind smile.

After he came in, he looked at the dining table first.

Sweet potato grains, a jar of fermented bean curd, and a jar of chili sauce.

Looking at the jar, he knew that these things were made by himself. He sniffed: "Your smell is good, it smells very fragrant."

After finishing speaking, he greeted the four brothers sitting around the table: "Hello."

"Hello, uncle secretary."

"Please sit down." Su Hui took an empty bowl and poured him a bowl of hot water.

They made some soup, but since people came to borrow hot water, they just need to give hot water.

The rations that Du Gaozhi brought with him were rice mixed with fine grains and coarse grains, with sauerkraut in the middle, and a few small cornmeal steamed buns on the side.

Su Huai asked him to eat fermented bean curd and chili sauce, and he served it very steadily: "How can we do that? We can't eat it, we can't take a stitch from the crowd, and we can't eat a grain of rice from the crowd. I have a bowl of hot water and that's enough."

He generously gave half a small steamed bun to each of the children, and he tore it off with his own hands. Zhang Baoguo looked at it with some embarrassment.

The corner of Su Hui's mouth twitched, did you wash your hands

Zhang Baoguo put it back in front of him: "Uncle branch secretary, eat by yourself, we are almost full, if we eat your ration, you will not be full."

Zhang Weiguo added: "Uncle branch secretary, eat slowly, you can't eat ours, and we can't eat yours."

Du Gaozhi waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay." He smiled kindly: "It's not easy for you without your father. Two bites are nothing."

As soon as these words came out, there was silence and no one spoke.

This is different from what he imagined. Shouldn't he say that their family has some difficulties, and then ask him to help, and he will get their support after meeting their requirements

Did he say the wrong thing? Immediately laughed: "Speaking of which, the tiles fired in our village are fine. If it hadn't been agreed before, I would definitely have bought them in our village..." One bite at a time from our village, without the pride of being a city dweller at all. .

The few of them silently accelerated the action of grilling rice.

He already ate half of it, so he quickened his movements and finished eating soon: "We are full."

Su Hui didn't want to continue listening, so she put down the bowl: "Secretary, we're going out to work."

Du Gaozhi didn't complete his goal, he was a little frustrated, but he quickly found a reason for himself.

It must be difficult for the few of them to live. Otherwise, a woman would not go to give birth to find a living, and it is probably forced by life. Under such circumstances, there should not be much mental support. It's enough for him to make any trouble, he stood up: "I'm bothering you, I'm going back too."

Although he didn't get any extra gains, he didn't suffer a loss either. He ate all his steamed buns by himself.

From this point of view, it's not that they are without merit. Life is so difficult, and they hold back even seeing the rare steamed buns.

She taught these children well.

Seeing the back of Du Gaozhi leaving, Su Hui couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, not knowing how to feel, what exactly is he here for

Are you kidding me

In vain affected their time to enjoy the food.

"Mom, he took a good look at our house when he came in just now." Zhang Baoguo frowned.

Zhang Weiguo shook his head: "I don't like him either. He poked his neck into our room a few times, as if he was looking for something."

Su Hui really smiled this time: "It seems that your observation skills are good, keep it up."

Su Hui's tone was a little careless: "Then think about what he is looking for?"

Zhang Baoguo: "... I just want to find out if there is anything unreasonable in our house?"

Su Hui gave him an encouraging pat: "Yes, that's why your captain uncle reminded us not to cross the line at the beginning. It's because of this. The situation in the city is much more serious than in our village. As an informant , They have merit. He just came to our village and needs to do something to build his reputation. It doesn’t matter whether he finds something from us or who he finds through us. He won’t pick a specific person, but it’s easier Those who are noticed are more likely to be noticed by him.”

"It's a stick to beat the first bird, isn't it?" Zhang Anguo thought of the newly learned sentence

Su Hui nodded.

He let out a long sigh like a little adult: "I don't like him."

Zhang Weiguo followed with a long sigh: "That's right, I saw a rice field eel yesterday, and it got into a mud hole. I want to take it out, because he didn't even take it out, but I remember the place. Wish it was still there for the second time, not small."

Zhang Dingguo touched his chin: "Is it getting dark?"

Zhang Baoguo looked at him "kindly".

Zhang Dingguo said embarrassingly: "I'm joking, I remember, I won't go!"

Zhang Baoguo's heart is tired, and the third brother is more worry-free among the three younger brothers.

Coincidentally, what Su Hui was thinking at this time was: Boss is really reassuring.

With him here, how much trouble has been saved for her!

"Okay, the two of you brothers are going to take a nap, and your elder brother and I will go to the field today." Because it took a lot of time to make stuffed eggplant and stuffed bitter gourd.

Zhang Weiguo pointed at himself: "What about me?"

"After finishing homework, feed the chicken, and go play by yourself in the rest of the time, remember not to bring anything back."

Zhang Weiguo said oh, yes, he still has to do his homework, he glanced at his elder brother, he hasn't done his homework today, and he has to go back to the fields to do his homework.

It's really hard work. After two years, he will have to live such a hard life. Every time he thinks of this, he feels a little envious of the two little ones. If he is also this big, he can live happily for several years!

Du Gaozhi, who left, walked to the direction of the educated youth point, and saw several educated youths walking together, he stopped and looked at those educated youths.

Even if he went to the countryside and got tanned, he was still very different from the country people. He could tell it at a glance. He looked at the two brothers of the Zhou family who were walking by with some pity. How could they be boys? If it was a girl , that must be the most iconic pair of sisters in the educated youth spot.

Sighing regretfully, he quickened his pace, caught up with them, and said, "You guys are going to gather too? Let's go together..."