From Cultivator to Widow

Chapter 59


To be honest, Du Gaozhi is now being targeted by many people in their village, and Su Hui admires him in a certain way.

That is to say, in the peaceful era, if there was any more chaos, he would have been sacked long ago with his style of making enemies everywhere.

Now he is not covered with a sack, but even she, an outsider passing by occasionally, can feel the gaze fixed on his house.

Although this is because her observation ability and facial acuity are far superior to ordinary people, but as the center of sight, Du Gaozhi has not noticed anything unusual, and in a certain way, she is relatively dull and big-hearted.

Du Gaozhi didn't think there would be anything. In his opinion, what would happen

He is just, standing on the right side, acting according to the rules, just like he is in the city, what can he do

Even if it was because of his own fault that someone accidentally caught him, and someone was behind him, he would go back and beg hard, and it would basically be resolved, just like this time.

But after all, he has learned a lesson. He is not as rampant as before. He was not as gentle as he is now. He just taught a few words without pain. Like before, he sent them directly to reform through labor.

Now it is just a lesson to teach them to respect themselves and have a sense of awe, so that he can establish his authority in this village more smoothly, and he is targeting those who have no power, even if he has the heart of revenge, he has no revenge Strength.

He is naturally relieved.

He still doesn't know that in this village, the centripetal force and cohesion are not comparable to that of the scattered towns. Externally, their village is famous for being united.

His behavior here has already aroused public outrage.

At Du Gaozhi's age, he has a wife and children. They are all in the town. His wife also works at the unit. One son and one daughter. The son has married and the daughter is still in school. His wife usually works at home and takes care of the children. , before I have time to come to the village.

She is not happy about Du Gaozhi's transfer this time. Although there is no evidence, she has heard the rumors. After the daughter-in-law became pregnant, she was even more busy.

But if she is angry, she will still go to Du Gaozhi's place in the countryside to help him with the housework on the rest day. A big man lives by himself, so there must be things that he can't take care of.

She didn't think much of going to the country.

Every time I go there, I have to walk for half an hour. It's not that I don't have bicycles, but after going to that section of road once, the tire blew up, and she was reluctant to walk back and forth every time.

She didn't know anyone else in the countryside, and she didn't know anyone before, and now she doesn't bother to know them, that is, the village chief's family can get her to look up to her.

She came here to help with work, and hurried back after finishing the work.

When Du Gaozhi went back, he did not come to the country as many times as she did. After all, the countryside is not as good as it used to be. They pay attention to rest days. They don’t have rest days here. There is no such thing as a rest day when they go to work in the fields. But if the weather is bad, it’s normal to rest for several days. Sometimes, there is nothing to do.

Since he took office to the present, this period of time is not a slack time. If he wants to go back, he will ask for a leave of absence, but the leave does damage his reputation. He is not happy, so he cancels his work when it rains will go back.

When his daughter-in-law comes, Du Gaozhi will be more interested. He cooks by himself, and the food he cooks is really good. When it's time to eat, you can eat something delicious.

It was because the food obviously couldn't keep up, so he wanted to go back earlier and be with the family.

His wife disliked this rural place, and so did he.

There are no movie theaters, no supply and marketing cooperatives with all kinds of goods, no pork stalls, no place to go to a restaurant for a meal, nothing.

He wants to do something, and go back with the results as soon as possible. It just so happens that the brigade has a side job, which is firing tiles.

He went to several villages around and saw that this village had the most tiles on the roof, and this tile was only started last year. After a few years, the brigade will use tiles in all likelihood.

If he had mastered these tiles and sold them to the town and other towns to increase the villagers' income and tax revenue, it would definitely be a credit. So at that time, after learning that the educated youth spot was reported to be Xie Rui, he did not He would be so excited that he forgot to cover up, if he was caught by him, it would be easy to say.

In this Red Star Brigade, he has mastered the technology of burning tiles. In the case of a crime, he can atone for his crime. He handed over the method of burning tiles, and he can make meritorious deeds. Unfortunately, his plan came to naught, and he got nothing. Also lost face.

With this time, there is defense.

He could clearly sense their defenses afterwards.

His wife was making various noises in the kitchen, and after a while, she came out with two dishes and one soup.

She cut some meat and some pork offal in the town, and made a pork offal soup, fried cucumber with sliced meat, and a steamed fish.

Du Gaozhi ate very happily. There was no way to buy meat in the village, even if he had money and tickets. At most, it was more convenient to eat eggs.

Now there are fish and meat, which are delicious and much more delicious than his own cooking. Even if he goes to eat at someone else's house, his wife is not as willing to cut the ingredients. When he is full, he asks about the situation at home.

"It's all good, when can you transfer back?" She was a little impatient to run to the countryside this time.

Du Gaozhi slowly picked up the tofu in the soup and ate it: "I want to too, but I can't be so fast."

He wants everyone to produce more tiles and use them to earn income, but if he wants to do this, he has to recruit manpower, and the recruits must be young and middle-aged. If it takes a long time, it will inevitably affect the farming. This is not allowed by Zhang Chengye.

In his opinion, no matter how much money they earn, the real food is not as important. They have been hungry before, and filling their stomachs is the most important thing. As for production, it was the responsibility of the team leader. He had suggestions, but he couldn't force them, which annoyed him.

If you are sensible, you should take out your authority. After he goes back, give him some good words. If you can be transferred to the town, it will not be more comfortable than being a captain in this rural area.

"He is so disobedient, do you want to change to a captain?" She half understood.

Du Gaozhi raised his head from the meal and looked at her: "You think I haven't thought about it, it's not that he doesn't know someone, if there's nothing wrong, it's not easy."

"If you really think about it, can you still find the fault?"

Du Gaozhi didn't raise his head: "You don't understand, he has a high prestige here, and opportunities are hard to find."

"I don't understand." She rolled her eyes: "Forget it, I also have a hunch. I thought it was impossible to go back so soon. You can figure it out. Your grandson will be born next year. Let's see if you can go back next year." go back."

"I know, I know, I will hurry up." Thinking of his unborn grandson, Du Gaozhi felt a little itchy in his heart, playing with his grandson, if he stayed in the country all the time, what fun would there be

He really has to hurry up.

On the mountain, in some remote places with few people, there will be some crops in some places, maybe a pumpkin, maybe a few rows of corn, a few rows of green vegetables, and sweet potatoes and cassava, etc., which are easier to take care of. , but it is not without some improvements like this to improve the dining table at home.

When Su Hui took home the green vegetables that were not grown in the private land at home, Zhang Baoguo and the others wondered if her mother did this. In fact, she didn't do it. She took it from the mustard space, but some people secretly opened up wasteland on the mountain and planted things. up.

It was all their hard work. When Du Gaozhi came, they were terrified, but it was difficult for them to give up like this.

If you give up, no one will continue to take care of it, and the harvest will be greatly reduced. This is not reconciled, so I can only continue to weed and water.

Su Hui has seen such a place more than once in the mountains. Some of the more daring ones will cut out an obvious square. If you are timid, you can use other plants as a cover to clear out only a small area. There are very few artificial traces. Xiao, if you are caught, as long as you don't catch a current one, you can't be convicted.

However, those who have the courage to do so are in the minority after all. After all, if they are exposed, the consequences will be too serious.

Zhang Jinhua and the others did not expect to meet such a place in the mountains.

He, Zhang Fenghua, Zhang Baoguo, and Zhang Weiguo went up the mountain to hunt wild fruits together with bags and bamboo poles. When I arrived at a field, I planted a few rows of sweet potatoes in the field, and there were few weeds around, which was in sharp contrast to the surrounding lush vegetation. However, because the fertility in this place is not enough, and there are weeds to compete for nutrition, the size of the sweet potatoes It's not big, and the seedlings don't look very lush.

"What should we do with this?" Zhang Fenghua asked, and Zhang Jinhua immediately replied: "Let's dig some and go, let's go roast sweet potatoes and eat them."

It would be no good if he went to dig in the village government's field, but this, he dug like this, it can't be said to be stolen at all, because this is something that is shameful.

However, Zhang Baoguo said: "Fresh sweet potatoes are not so sweet, and sweet potatoes that have been put out for a while are more delicious." Of course, he meant that they should not go to this muddy water, and the harvest will not be good. Do you know which plant it is from? If those who live on these, they dig, maybe they will starve, why bother

Zhang Weiguo didn't want to move either, he wanted to eat roasted sweet potatoes, but doing so always gave him the feeling of being a thief.

"Let's go back after harvesting the fruit early, it won't be good if we get lost here."

Hearing this, Zhang Jinhua's mind was also dispelled. He fell and sprained his foot when he followed his friend into the mountain, and he had to recuperate for a long time, while the other friend got lost and went to the next village, which left a psychological shadow on both of them. , Today they went into the mountain not to go inside, but to the side, and the location was also told to the adults. If they didn't go back after a while, the adults at home would know where to look.

"Okay, let's go back early." After that, although he didn't reject going into the mountain, there must be a lot of people. Today, the four of us together, he doesn't mind so much, but in some cases, if there are too many people, he will be worried .

They passed by and didn't care about it. Coincidentally, Wenxueqing also encountered such a place, but the one he encountered was much smaller. It was a nest of cassava. If it weren't for the traces of weeds being cleared around It's human.

He only saw it when he was about to pull it up, and it was neatly arranged in a row. It didn't look like a wild one, it was too neat. Since it was planted by someone else, it was difficult for him to move it.

He skipped this part and changed the direction to cut pigweed, so as not to be seen and confused.

Changed the place, squatted down again, and when he squatted down, his stomach growled. Each of them could only eat three sweet potatoes a day, otherwise they would not be able to survive, and the food would run out. Three medium-sized sweet potatoes a day, one Where are men enough? In addition, he still had to work, so he drank a lot of water before going out, and it was useless to mix the water until he was full, as the water was quickly digested.

Cutting along the pigweed all the way, he met Su Hui in a valley.

Su Hui came here specifically to find him.

Su Hui is also aware of their food situation, he is their family's tutor after all, and she doesn't give money, so it's okay to give some food, let alone Guan Shaoli's request.

Seeing Su Hui coming, he stood up and looked around, um, no one was there.

He took the paper that Su Hui handed over. What Zhang Baoguo and the others didn't know was that Su Hui was also a member of the class, and the application of mathematics was too wide. After Su Hui learned it deeply, he found that it could be used flexibly with formations and spells. Looking at such a university professor who is close to the water, he naturally puts a lot of effort into it. Facing her thirst for knowledge, she is still full of self-motivation at such an age. The instinct of the teacher who is devoted to literature makes him unable to refuse.

After this teaching, I found that she can draw inferences from one instance and is still a genius. I regretted it many times. If she had received this kind of education when she was a child, she would definitely have a place for her at this age. Every time Su Hui heard his words like this, Laugh without saying a word.

In addition to mathematics, she also pays attention to physics and chemistry, which has a lot in common with alchemy and weapon refining.

He took the paper, and Su Hui took out another oiled paper bag. Inside the oiled paper bag was a boiled egg and a handful of dried sweet potatoes. He took the egg directly, ate it immediately, and then crushed the shell of the egg into pieces. , sprinkled it into the dense grass, and ate a leaf after eating to get rid of the egg smell in his mouth. As for the dried sweet potato, he received it in his arms, and when he was hungry, he took it out and chewed two sticks to support his stomach.

Dried sweet potatoes are not uncommon, and it can be said that they have been preserved before.

After all, Su Hui doesn't give her and him food every day, and food storage is essential.

"Here you have to do this..."

After finishing speaking, he remembered: "If you go to the town or somewhere and see these two textbooks, you can buy them and have a look." He said the names of the two books, and Su Hui wrote them down: "Next Go take a look."

Literary Qing nodded. Su Hui's learning progress is very fast, and she has already surpassed junior high school. It is not surprising to know that she has been studying on her own. This knowledge has already reached university. The two books he recommended, one is in English, he hesitated After a while: "If you don't have this, don't force it. It's best not to buy it home, it's not safe."

"Don't worry." She won't keep it at home, but only in the mustard space.

After finishing speaking, Su Ani quickly left. He squatted down again and continued to mow pigweed. After mowing for a while, there was a shadow in front of him. When he looked up, Du Gaozhi was in front of him.

Literary Qing immediately froze.

when did he come Why didn't he hear the sound? Did he see him and Su Hui together just now...