From Living In A Shelter To Apocalypse Domination

Chapter 105: urban area


After eating some simple breakfast at the Nightingale Bar, Yu Guo saw "Helena" again when he came out.

From this appearance, this woman is wearing a layer of R leather coat, which is equivalent to changing her appearance. This thin layer of R leather coat is worn on her body. If you don’t know it, you really can’t tell it. After all, it’s glued to your body. Yes, it looks like a perfect fit, and it really looks like you're naked when you take it off, but if you look at it during the day, you can see the clues.

But at night, it is really invisible.

"The leader has to go out by himself every day?" Yu Guo looked at her curiously, Bai Lier smiled, and she whispered: "There is no leader or subordinate here, we are all the same, the only difference between me is I need to think about everyone here."

Yu Guo didn't speak, he walked out calmly, Bai Lier asked in confusion, "Is that how you go out?"

Yu Guo looked at himself, and asked puzzledly, "Can't I go out like this?"

"It's just that you were remembered yesterday. If people from the Tomahawk Gang trouble you, don't you think they will?"

"It's okay. I'm here to trouble the Tomahawk Gang. I look for it early and late, and I don't care if it's earlier or later. If I'm early, they can be regarded as early rebirth."


Regarding Yu Guo's speechless speech and his brain circuit that seems to have been kicked by a god, Bai Lier has already planned to give up thinking. After all, if she can study and understand Yu Guo's brain circuit, then This should be called "raccoon of the same feather".

After coming out of the sewer, Yu Guo could see the surrounding situation clearly. There was gray dust everywhere, smelly mud on the ground, and weeds as tall as a person could be seen by the wall from time to time, even in this kind of city From time to time, some mutated beasts will be found. They come out at night, and at night they will break open the doors that have already rotted in search of today's food.

Yu Guo was really speechless. The sewer where Nightingale was located was clean, but the ground was so dilapidated. It seemed that during the war, all the underground equipment had become high-end.

Walking out along the alley, Sena pointed to a road leading to the center of the city and said, "Go this way, during the daytime, this side is safer."

Yu Guo looked in the direction of Sena's finger, and soon he saw a corpse lying on the ground. People passed by expressionlessly. The corpse's clothes had been stripped off, and he was lying naked on the ground. Several jackals were dragging his body. When Yu Guo walked up to him, he found that he knew this man. He was the businessman he met last night.

"Here, don't trust anyone at night, not even a woman or a child. The road that the tour guide leads at night is called a dead end road. Even if you have the strength, it may become like this, and no one can guarantee it. own safety."

Yu Guo glanced at the opposite door, and asked back, "Is this a brothel?"

"Well, indeed, they are open regardless of day and night, and how many do you see at the door?"

Yu Guo looked in the direction of Sena's finger, and saw several disheveled women sitting at the door with dazed expressions. It was obvious that she was out of her mind.

"That's for free for guests, and they can experience it at will."

"On the street?"

Yu Guo asked in surprise.

Senna nodded, and she said calmly: "This is the reality of the wasteland, you still plan to build a kingdom in this kind of place?"

"Of course, what they are like now does not mean that I will tolerate them. Sometimes violence can solve the problem." Yu Guo looked at Sena with a smile, Sena sighed softly, and then she took Yu Guo to Walking forward, everyone walked along this crooked street, and when they reached a square, there was a sudden gunshot. Several people shot a man to death in the street, and then robbed his daughter and his money .

The people around just watched silently, their faces numb.

Yu Guo didn't say a word, he asked instead: "Aren't you considering living in a place under my control?"

"A place you control?" Sena smiled, and she whispered: "No, we can't be too far away from here. Nightingale's purpose is revenge. How can we get revenge if we are too far away from Red Ridge City?"

"Not necessarily, it's just that we haven't reached the level of cooperation yet. If we do, we may allow you to come and leave whenever you want in the future. But I have one thing to ask, which district is the subway station here? "

"Of course it's the Orange Zone. It's the most dangerous among the dangers. Basically, no one will approach it. What's wrong?"

After Sena finished speaking, Yu Guo went on to say: "If, I said yes, if we control the station in the Orange District, set up guard posts, and open up the line of the station, would you like to go to my place? Terminus."

Sena looked at Yu Guo suspiciously, and she asked back: "What do you use for repairs? Projects consume the most materials. When you repair them, the materials consumed are not ordinary."

"What if I have this ability?" Yu Guo pressed Sena, Sena didn't know what to say, she whispered: "If it is possible, I think the leader will definitely agree, in this case, our people will be safe It is even more guaranteed, but you must have enough strength to defend the station. And building fortifications there is not an ordinary amount of work!"

Yu Guo smiled, and he said calmly: "You don't have to worry about this, I will naturally find a solution. And I think the safest way to arrange it is to build the fortifications inside instead of outside, and use the station's ability as a structure The support of the fortifications, and if the tanks are taken away, the heavy weapons of the Red Ridge Corps may be greatly reduced."

"That's right, the square in front of the station has no shelter. Once you have machine guns inside, it's basically blocked off. According to our understanding, their guns are basically at the limit of 400 meters, and the square's The diameter is 800 meters, 400 meters is exactly in the center of the square, basically there is no shelter. If the newspaper office building and the police station building on both sides can be occupied, there is basically no possibility."

Sai Na introduced, Yu Guo looked at the map, and found that this is really the case, this station square is very large, the most important thing is that the station is on a corner, next to the police station and the newspaper office, and the newspaper office building is the commanding height .

Basically, once it is under control, it is possible to seal off the surrounding area. As for the mixed area behind the station and the mutants and Gu people, attacking from there is almost a dead end.

Yu Guo thinks that Senna's idea is very good, and he has the ability to win another battle with less.

If Hongling City can suppress it, the trade route will open up. In that case, the road ahead will be really easy!

"Come on, let's go back, Senna, can you tell Bailier to delay the action plan, I have a new plan. I need to mobilize teams and supplies."

"Delay? How long does it need to be delayed?"

Yu Guo smiled, and he said calmly: "Delayed until the rainy season, we will strive for a rainy season to beat them until they completely lose their threat to us. Then in the fall, we will slowly deal with them."

"Rainy season? How do you fight in the heavy rainy season? How do you fight in continuous rain? And don't you want to set fire?"

Senna really didn't understand Yu Guo, but Yu Guo smiled, and he said calmly: "Because it's the rainy season, they don't worry about the fire, and the food and ammunition will be very concentrated. Besides, water may not be able to Fire extinguisher. It depends on what is on fire. Let’s not talk about that, let’s go, let’s take a stroll here and experience the interior of Hongling City.”

"City center? Hehe, you might be disappointed. Well, the place in front is considered the city center."

Yu Guo walked a few steps quickly. When he walked out of the block, he found a narrow and crowded shantytown. The whole area was dilapidated and desolate.

Some people sat disheveled on the ground waiting to die in despair.

There are also some people walking dully, like walking dead one after another.

The common feature of them is that they are all wearing shackles, and there are people coming and going in the buildings around the shanty town. They seem to have seen these people with Ben, and these people generally have signs on their bodies.

The most common is a red shield logo.

Sena smiled and said: "This is the area controlled by the Red Ridge Corps, and these people are slaves."

Yu Guo silently looked at those people who looked like livestock, and he looked around the block. There were people guarding with guns. The buildings here became their fences, and they became the livestock in this huge fence. .

But these are already common to everyone, including Yu Guo, a "foreigner".

He has no ability to change the past for the time being, but he always believes that he can change the future.

Yu Guo looked at the slaves and said calmly, "How many slaves are there here?"

"I advise you not to disturb your kindness."

"No, I'm just counting my trophies." Yu Guo smiled. He turned his head to look at Sena and asked, "How many people can there be here? Five hundred? Or one thousand?"

"four thousand."

"..." Sena said a number that made Yu Guo unable to laugh.

In such a narrow and dilapidated place, there are four thousand people living in a crowded place? How on earth did they "store" these people here!

"Four thousand?" Yu Guo was a little surprised, and Sena nodded and said, "Although people die every day, there are indeed a lot of them here. Five years ago, there were eight thousand here, but there was a plague, and only With so much money, they plunder everywhere. The Red Ridge Corps is not really formal, they are just a larger plundering organization."

Yu Guo nodded, he looked at these refugees, and then asked: "So the hatred is deeply rooted, I don't need to do anything deliberately, just give them a full meal, a place, a weapon, and then point them in the direction of the enemy .Then, they will unleash all their hatred and tear their enemies apart."

After Yu Guo finished speaking without emotion, Sena asked suspiciously: "What are you thinking?"

Hu Guo is so different from other people, his logic and thinking are different from everyone Sena knows.

Sena looked carefully at Yu Guo, who was looking at those slaves who were lost in thought.

She couldn't see his compassion, but saw the color of conspiracy. At this time, Yu Guo was exuding the color of a hero in her eyes.

"Hey? Who is this? He has survived until now?"

When Yu Guo was thinking, a woman's mocking voice came, her voice interrupted Yu Guo's thinking, after Yu Guo turned his head, he saw the woman leading several men with sinister smiles, each of them holding hands All with weapons. But no one used a gun. Yu Guo thought for a while and asked: "Senna, is it forbidden to shoot here, and everything is allowed except shooting?"

"How did you see that?" Senna was taken aback for another moment, and Yu Guo laughed out loud. He pinched his knuckles and looked coldly at the Tomahawk gang members in front of him. The feeling seemed to be full. The ferocious beast met its prey and planned to catch it for fun.

"Nonsense, their look of wanting to chop me up has already explained everything. However, it's good to exercise your body."