From Living In A Shelter To Apocalypse Domination

Chapter 11: Nia is useful?


"Can talk?" Yu Guo was also surprised when he heard her answer. After all, in his memory, predators were basically unreasonable and brutal.

"Nia? What a nice name!" Anna clapped her little hands. She was bouncing around, like a round ball bouncing continuously.

Yu Guo sighed and said, "Niya, since you can understand me, then we have made an agreement in three chapters, and I can take you in temporarily now."

"But I also want to remind you that if you dare to have any threatening thoughts about Anna, I will kill you. Moreover, I can't trust you for the time being, so I will restrict your activities. But I will give you food. And Plenty of room to move around."

When Yu Guo took out the pistol, Niya seemed to understand. She looked at her legs and then at the gun, as if she was really scared.

Yu Guo cleaned up a space, and he arranged Nia in an isolated area with a separate bathroom and separate beds.

Originally, this place was used for confinement, but Yu Guo told her in detail how to use the toilet and bathroom, and explained it. She also really learned to use these.

Because of the injury, she felt much more secure in this room.

When Yu Guo was at home, he allowed Nia to move around, but when he was away or sleeping, he didn't allow Nia to move around at will.

This will temporarily guarantee Anna's safety.

Taking in the female predator, Yu Guo felt that he was really crazy.

How dare you keep such a guy in existence.

But there was no way, he couldn't kill in front of Anna.

Now that the food became tight again, Yu Guo decided to go out to find food instead of just nesting here, but the bandits outside would definitely not leave so easily, they obviously had their eyes on this base.

After all, this place is so safe, and it occupies such a favorable geographical location, it can be attacked and defended, so it can be said to be an excellent place.

Thinking of this, Yu Guo can only think of a way to get rid of them now, but how can he get rid of these people by himself

Yu Guo was thinking, he walked to the underground artificial lake unknowingly, sitting by the lake, Yu Guo looked at the clear lake water, looked at the aquatic plants in the lake, Yu Guo was stunned.

[There are still 75 hours to refresh the blind box]


Yu Guo heard the system's prompt for the blind box, and Yu Guo excitedly discovered

"No, last time when there was a food shortage, the system clearly reminded me of the shortage of supplies, but now the system hasn't reminded me?"

Yu Guo immediately looked around, and finally locked his eyes on the artificial lake.

He thought for a while, and then immediately looked for tools everywhere. After a while, he used a broken broomstick and nylon thread he found in the toolbox, and then took a sewing needle, burned it with fire, and made it into a fishhook. Yu Guo took a self-made fishing rod and dug a few earthworms in the moss by the lake and started fishing.

But after sitting for about an hour, Yu Guo found that there was still no movement.

Anna came down from upstairs, and Yu Guo asked curiously, "Father, what are you doing? Why are you holding a stick?"

Yu Guo smiled. He patted the little guy's head and said, "Daddy is not holding a stick, but fishing."

"Fishing? Just hold it like this?" The little guy squatted again, Yu Guo smiled, and he said with a smile: "You will know in a while!"

Originally, he was just teasing the children, but he didn't expect that the fishing rod suddenly felt a pull.

"Damn it! There are really fish!!" Yu Guo excitedly started to pull the rod. Fortunately, he was strong enough to pull a big fat fish out of the water.

Yu Guo was stunned, and so was Anna.

Yu Guo hurriedly caught the big fish, he and Anna looked at each other.

"Dad? Is this a fish? Is it so easy to catch?"

Yu Guo blinked, and then said: "I didn't expect that there are fish in the water. It was because the motor was not turned on, but now that the motor is on, the water here starts to flow. There are fish in this water!"

Anna didn't understand what her father said, but her small eyes kept looking at the fish on the ground.

Yu Guo smiled and said, "Let's go back and grill the fish!"


Anna clapped her hands excitedly, and Yu Guo brought Anna back confidently. He grilled the fish, and the aroma wafted everywhere.

Nia also stood up curiously, and Yu Guo opened the door, gave her a piece of fish and said, "Pay attention to the fishbone."

Nia looked at the fish and then at him, and then she took it and ate it bit by bit. Anna's little mouth was full of oil, and Yu Guo also ate a few pieces. This was the only thing he ate these days. Something that can be called food.

Anna bounced and said, "Dad, the fish is delicious!"

Yu Guo stroked her shiny hair, and he said with a smile: "Take a bath in a while, and I can take a hot bath today. Nia has injuries on her body, so don't move around. You don't need to take a bath, go back to rest after eating . You recuperate first!"

Nia pointed to the plate, and she said with some difficulty: "Nia, eat, you. I'm yours! Nia, listen, yours."

Yu Guo frowned slightly, he thought for a while and said, "You mean, after you eat my fish, you are willing to help me and listen to me?"

Nia nodded, and Yu Guo smiled, and he said in a low voice, "Very well, but I prefer to see what you do, rather than talk. Go to sleep first, and recover from your injuries. There are still many bandits outside. We can't get out now, we're stuck here."

"Below the mountain, there are wolves and bandits, be afraid!" Niya still stammered and couldn't fully express, but she should say a plan.

Yu Guo guessed that what she meant was to lead the wolves from the mountain up the mountain, so that the wolves would finish off the bandits then

Yu Guo found out that this is a way!

"Okay, thank you. Let's rest first. This period of time is our inspection period for you. If you pass the inspection and gain our trust, you will officially be a member of this place."

Nia seemed to understand, she nodded.

But Yu Guo is still worried that she will eat people, after all, this is a predator, not an ordinary girl.

Yu Guo sent her back, and then he began to plan how to deal with the bandits outside.

Now the bandits have only discovered one door, and they certainly don't know about the other two. Yu Guo can still go out, but the danger is too great.

Yu Guo didn't take any risks now, and he didn't go out the next day. He set some refitted fishing traps in the artificial lake, but these fishing traps were all things that could hold fish.

However, the efficiency is still too low.

When eating at night, Yu Guo was worried.

Nia looked at him, as if she had guessed something.

"Fish, I will catch!"

Yu Guo looked at her and said, "There is an artificial lake below. If you go down, you will drown. How do you catch your wounds?"

"Don't go into the water, dig!" After Niya finished speaking, Yu Guo was stunned. He said in surprise, "Dig?"

Nia nodded.

Yu Guo thought for a while, and then said: "How about I take you down and you teach me?"

Nia nodded.

After dinner, Yu Guo took Nia down and put her by the lake. She pointed to a depression and said, "Here, dig!"

Yu Guo seemed to understand something, he dug the depression deeper according to what Niya said, and then made a small ditch leading to the lake.

Then a wooden frame and a plank were laid at the junction of the small canal and the depression. A smaller ditch was dug on the other side to ensure that big fish could not get out. Then connect to leave nothing in the lake.

After digging, Yu Guo put water in and put bait in it. This thing can be bumped in from the outside, but the wooden board is larger than the wooden frame, and it cannot go out in reverse.

Yu Guo threw all the bait in again, and added some dried meat and compressed biscuit foam.

Originally, Yu Guo thought that there would be no fish. He thought that a predator would catch fish? What if they could eat human flesh

But early the next morning, Yu Guo found himself slapped in the face. He forgot that this is an artificial lake. After the fish came in from the outside, they also wanted to go out, and they were also hungry!

So overnight, more than a dozen fish swam in the small pond! !

It was only then that he realized that the reason why predators hunted was that they couldn't fish for a long time. After all, there were too many mutant beasts by the water.

When Anna came down with her father, she was stunned.

"A lot of fish! I'll get the pot!"

Yu Guo pulled her and said: "Silly girl, this fish has to be raised. We can't eat all of them. Let's eat them one by one. Moreover, we can only eat the big ones. Let them breed here for the small ones. Let's eat them slowly." .”

"Ooh! I get it daddy!"

[Food cycle supply: fish]

[Current food self-sufficiency has been activated]

[It is recommended to tame Nia the Predator, and you will get a safety factor of 40.]

[It is recommended to gradually expand the fish pond to obtain continuous supply capacity.]

[It is recommended to open up farmland to gain the ability to harvest plants.]

[After reaching, the temporary settlement can be upgraded to a shelter.]

Hearing a series of prompts from the system, Yu Guo was stunned.

"What? Taming Nia can provide a safety factor of 40?!"