From Living In A Shelter To Apocalypse Domination

Chapter 21: fire suppression


Yu Guo was really worried now. He and Nia quickly climbed up the fence and stood on a high place. When Yu Guo just showed his head, an arrow just hit his helmet!

when! !

Although he didn't hurt his head, it was so shocking that Yu Guo stared at him.

This group of predators is much stronger than the original ones!

Yu Guo shook his head, squatting behind the fence and said in a low voice, "Don't show your head. The opponent's bow and arrow are very accurate. Just wait for me."


Nia nodded, and Yu Guo slid down the ladder and quickly climbed up to the top of the bunker, where it was not easy for the other party to find him. Yu Guo quietly climbed up the mountain, and he saw a dozen looters holding spears and hammers in the distance, and they were about to break through their gates. And there are four archers among them, these people are obviously incomparable to the previous predators.

They are stronger in combat and have better coordination.

However, there was another trap in the back mountain, and they still suffered. Several people sat under the tree and groaned in pain, their legs were bloody.

I have to say, these guys are really difficult to deal with. Yu Guo's gun only has an effective range of 50 meters, and it's a 9mm bullet, which doesn't have a long range.

Compared with the opponent's bow and arrow range, although it is better, he can't hit this position.

If there is a rifle at this time, it will definitely be solved!

But the problem is not now!

If they are really allowed to attack like this, they will definitely not be able to defend.

Yu Guo thought for a while, then shouted to Nia: "Nia, lob! You are twenty-five steps ahead!"

Without even thinking about it, Niya just shot an arrow according to Yu Guo's report.

Whoosh! !

Yu Guo really didn't expect that Niya's bow shot was so accurate!

The bow and arrow fell from the sky and hit the archer directly on the head.

The arrow in the archer fell to the ground, and Yu Guo then shouted: "Nia continues to move two steps to the left."

Nia moved, but Yu Guo still couldn't do it. He continued to shout: "Move again!"

"Finally, after Nia moved, Yu Guo nodded and shouted: "Seventeen steps ahead! "

Yu Guo has a map, he has a scale, and can compare and report points from the scale.

So Yu Guobao points are very accurate!

Whoosh! !

Another shot!

An archer was shot again.

The leader of the predators seemed to have discovered Yu Guo's problem, and he immediately threw a spear towards Yu Guo. The spear flew very high, which shows how strong this guy's fighting power is!

But Yu Guo was not given for nothing, he dodged directly, but seeing the spear deeply inserted into the ground, the strength was really powerful!

Yu Guo shouted: "Niya! One step to the right, eleven steps straight ahead!"

Niya shot here according to Yu Guo's report, and another archer died.

Seeing that there were three dead, the team leader on the side of the looters saw that something was wrong, so he yelled a few words, and then the looters immediately withdrew with a few wounded who were still alive.

These people came fast and withdrew fast. Well-trained actions are very obedient to command. Such predators will pose a greater threat to them! And it will be extremely difficult to deal with!

These wooden doors are basically not a strong protection in the eyes of such predators. Yu Guo was really starting to worry now.

Yu Guo sat down on the ground. He took off his helmet and found that the helmet had been dented. If he was really hit, he was really finished.

[Hidden Reward: Victory in the first refuge guard battle, defense reward: mine*10, grenade*3]

Yu Guo was still a little desperate at first, but when he saw the system's message prompt. Yu Guo's eyes lit up again.

10 landmines and 3 grenades can really deal with it now!

Soon, ten infantry mines and three wooden-handled grenades were placed in front of him. Yu Guo put the grenade on, picked up the ten mines, and walked directly to the fence.

"Open the door, let's go out and arrange these things quickly."

Niya didn't know what Yu Guo wanted to do, but she opened the door anyway, and Yu Guo installed the mine while marking it.

"Remember, the place I marked must not be stepped on. If you step on it, you will die."

"Understood." Niya nodded, she followed Yu Guo to install it, and Yu Guo placed five mines on the road. These are quite powerful anti-personnel mines. They are all deliberately inserted with arrows, so that they can distinguish where there are landmines.

For the other five mines, he installed one in the corner on the cliff side of the hill.

The remaining four are kept for use.

With the landmines and grenades, Yu Guo also had some confidence in his heart. But he still felt that he had to be more careful now, and he was on duty at night.

At night, Yu Guo and Niya slept in shifts. Now he was afraid to fall asleep peacefully, and Anna was too scared to sleep well. The little guy was really afraid of these things.

At night, the predators still dare not go up the mountain. First, there are traps on the mountain, and second, there are wild wolves in the mountain, so they dare not mess around without authorization.

Hugo and Nia made beds in the upper command room, where they slept in shifts.

Sitting in the combat command room on the top floor, looking at the situation at the bottom of the mountain and the fires at the bottom of the mountain, it is obvious that there are more people than yesterday.

The number of people should also increase. It seems that these predators are very cruel, and they are trying their best to invade here.

Facing such an enemy, Yu Guo must not take it lightly. After a while, Shania woke up, and she got up to take care of Yu Guo.

"You sleep first, I'll watch."

"Can't sleep, let's chat together, just sit here and sleep."

Nia nodded, she was sitting next to Yu Guo, and then she looked at the situation down the mountain and said: "If these people are right, they are headhunters. They are very strong, and we have been attacked by them several times. Wherever they went There was killing and looting everywhere."

"Hehe, that means they didn't meet me. If they met me, it would be their bad luck. I just didn't get a big gun. If I got some big guns, it's just these people, all of them. Forget it, we're here Go to sleep, if you come, you can hear the sound, there are traps and mines outside, once you come, it will definitely ring!"

Nia asked curiously, "Loud? Is it very loud?"

Yu Guo smiled and said: "It should scare you. I estimate that these guys will come to a big attack tomorrow. After we teach them some lessons, we will immediately establish the farmland to ensure our self-sufficiency. In this way In order to continue to consume with the predators, in short, we cannot let them attack."

"Okay, I'll stay at home tomorrow."

Yu Guo nodded, and then the two leaned together to talk, and soon fell asleep one after another.

As a result, just after dawn, a loud noise startled Hu Guo and Nia!

Yu Guo opened his eyes, he shuddered, the mine was triggered!

This killed several looters at once.

Because they came up from the side in a group, when they came up, someone stepped on a mine but didn't move immediately, but squatted there with the others to listen to the leader's command and arrangement.

As a result, just as he was about to act, it blew up all of a sudden.

It was a coincidence that all the hammermen who were about to break the door were killed in the explosion.

As soon as the landmine exploded, the looters outside were also stunned, and they didn't know what was going on.

Yu Guo hurriedly said: "Quick, get ready to fight!"

Niya and Yu Guo hurriedly descended from the ladder of the command post, and then rushed out to occupy the commanding heights.

Because of the explosion, the predators were so frightened that they lay on the ground, not knowing the situation.

Niya shot in the direction of the figure with the bow and arrow, while Yu Guo adjusted the burst with the gun, firing a series of shots at the bottom. And he directly pulled a grenade and threw it out.

As soon as the fire was fired here, the predators who were about to attack were directly fooled.

A few looters who planned to storm the gate, they held shields to resist bows and arrows, and there were two people in front who planned to use them as human shields and guns. As a result, he just ran over and stepped on a landmine. Because they were too close, they hit again, and several of them were reimbursed.

This is the suppression of firepower, the double shock of a grenade and two landmines. The surprise attack team of more than 30 people died in an instant, and the leader of the raiders was the one who stepped on the landmine behind the shield in the second wave.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the predators immediately withdrew back, and they were really hurt right now.

Even though they are a very large tribe, the casualties are still very serious. For example, their tribe only has five or six hundred people. Excluding the old, weak, women and children, there are only more than one hundred people who can fight.

How could they not retreat if they reduced their staff by one-tenth!

The tribes of the predators are not large tribes. In terms of tribes, they basically do not move, and they are also composed of several tribes.

So this kind of large tribe with more than 500 people is really rare. They were really terrified when Yu Guo hit them like this!

Niya was stunned this time, she found that Yu Guo was really getting stronger and stronger, she didn't see what was going on with the grenade, she just saw that Yu Guo could blow up those people to death. The two of them resisted the charge of more than 30 headhunters, it was terrifying!