From Living In A Shelter To Apocalypse Domination

Chapter 40: The battle of foothold (below)


Hai Mo really had to admire Yu Guo, he was not only courageous, but also flexible!

Isn't this a lucrative deal

He knows how to provide food, safety, and roads.

It's normal to charge a little price for passing by, and they can keep eating here alive!

This is much more convenient than them!

Haimer's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to have forgotten that he was a prisoner.

"You plan to eat this road here. If we pass by, you will provide security, and even give us some food supplies and accommodation security. The price is that we have to give you some supplies that you can't receive yourself? For example Some rare ones, sugar, spices and medicine?"

Yu Guo snapped his fingers and said, "A sensible person! Hehe, you have a good brain. Then why did you do such a stupid thing?"

"Who knew you still have cannons here? You've seen a ghost here!" Haimo said angrily.

Yu Guo sat on the box, looked down at Haimo and said, "Look at you, you are very interested in this business? If you behave well, I can give you a business license with 12 points a year, and points will be deducted for violations." , after the deduction is revoked, business will be banned, if you obey the rules, I can let you run a place, and that place is the red house."

"Red House?" Haimo looked at Yu Guo suspiciously, and Yu Guo smiled and said, "Yes, the Red House, I cleared that place too. So, work hard here! Let me see your sincerity." .”

Yu Guo patted him with a smile, Yu Guo was about to leave, but Haimo stopped him.

"Hey, are you serious? Are you going to trade this road? How do you do it?"

"Don't you need an inn? Don't you need a restaurant? Don't you need someone to feed your cows? Don't you need to provide you with some fun? These, can't you use a small amount of goods for equivalent exchange?"

After Yu Guo finished speaking, Haimo asked curiously, "How do you make money?"

Yu Guo smiled slightly, and he said calmly: "Monopoly, all business is mine. I feed everyone. To put it bluntly, everyone is my tool for the time being. I'm not afraid to say that, because the current material reserves And the standard is not up to the level of the implementation of freedom. Therefore, I believe everyone can understand whether to live freely and starve, or to be a tool here to eat with me."

"Of course we ate with Big Brother, we did it voluntarily!" Gore shouted first.

Haimo was dumbfounded, and generally speaking, he would not dare to say such a thing, but Yu Guo dared to!

He didn't know where Yu Guo got such courage, but the young man in front of him, who was probably not even eighteen years old, made Hai Mo feel terrified.

That's right, Yu Guo is actually a child, he is not much older than Anna! Hu Guo was only twelve years older than Anna.

However, in the wasteland, people's lifespan is not long, so they get married very early.

Yu Guo is considered an adult.

But also young.

Although Haimo was a little unconvinced, but for some reason, a very mysterious curiosity made him always want to stay and see what he wanted to do.

Because he's unlike anyone else in the Wasteland!

As for the biggest difference, there is light in his eyes, there is a future, there is hope.

And in this regard, he is very confident.

These are things no one else has!

Haimo thought for a while, and Moore whispered, "Boss, we..."

"Don't call me boss, go to work!"

Haimo sat down unsteadily, and Yu Guo knew that he accepted it.

"Gor, arrange someone to watch over them, confiscate all their belongings, and run out indiscriminately. Even if you don't starve to death, it will be difficult to get out of the Wild Dog Wilderness or Green Ghost Forest, let alone the Savage Valley."

Yu Guo's words were like a basin of ice water, which directly wiped out all hopes of the caravan people.

In the harsh wasteland, everything is indeed very dangerous.

So even if they let them run now, they dare not run.

There were a total of more than one hundred people in the caravan. After being attacked, there are still more than one hundred people left.

This is actually more people than Earthworm Town. But most of them are slaves without combat effectiveness. They don't care, and they won't resist, anyway, they are messing with anyone. As long as there is food to eat. And there are only a few who really have free status.

When they came here, Yu Guo gave them food, so everyone continued to work obediently, but changed places.

And these people didn't just hit or scold, they actually thought it was pretty good.

These people stayed, and the speed of engineering was significantly accelerated. The walls around the town have been built in just a few days, and the sentry towers inside the walls have also been erected. Above the city gate, three heavy machine guns are placed on the side of the town. The seized guns were placed on the side of the camp.

Although there is no house, everyone feels more at ease because of the wall. Now the entire wall is under the control of Yu Guo, and Earthworm Town is now renamed "Lutoubao".

Although it still feels like a small earth city, it is already quite good.

With security, everyone started to build houses in the original place of the town, but this time was different from last time, Yu Guo didn't allow them to build randomly. Rather, it is the reconstruction of functional divisions. Residential areas, functional areas, commercial areas, and military areas are all strictly separated.

Moreover, the bad smell in the town was gone, because Yu Guo asked them to dig toilets and have septic tanks for farming.

In less than a month, wooden houses have been erected one by one in the small town. Farmland is also classified, and houses are not allowed to be built in areas classified as farmland. The early houses were relatively simple, just small wooden houses, although smaller, but much better than before. And it will be rebuilt gradually in the later stage, but now we need to solve the problem of whether there is any.

So while it may seem plain and simple, this has improved quite a bit. Compared with the crooked shacks of the past, these neat log cabins are all cracked with hay and mud in the gaps.

On the other side of the valley, Yu Guo sent a lot of caravan slaves under the leadership of Ma Han to set up a checkpoint outside the small town at the foot of the mountain, and at the same time there was a guard post on the mountain.

Both sides were blocked, Yu Guo really finished it!

After the establishment of the last supply station was completed, the system finally responded.

[The task has been submitted, the current shelter is level 4]

[Get the upgrade reward Drone Guard*10]

[Get upgrade reward blind box*10]

[Career Change]

[Occupation: Scavenger changed to: Changemaker.]

[Increased occupational characteristics: have your own small armed forces, and carry out control changes in local areas. Each time the number of blind boxes increases by 1, the quality level of blind boxes increases slightly.]

"Mistgrass? The number of blind boxes has increased? And there are fixed arming rewards?"

Yu Guo was really overjoyed that his career had changed now.

What used to be scavengers is now a changemaker.

Although I don't know what the changer means, but this skill feature, first of all, increases the reward blind box every time. And the quality level is slightly improved

In other words, better than the original

You know, the few times he opened the blind box, he almost scolded the street.

Because he has unwrapped bandages that are more than 100 meters long these days.

I don't know what happened these days? Open once is a bandage, open once is a bandage!

Yu Guo felt that the system was going to let him wrap himself into a mummy.

[You have a new task]

[Level 5 Shelter Mission: Build a solid outer wall of the shelter and establish regional traffic. The safety factor reaches 600.]

Yu Guo was stunned, the current safety factor was only 280, and the task of the fifth-level shelter was 600

This can't be done in a short time, and Yu Guo still has to stick to the remaining month to complete the task of unlocking the third-level authority.

[You have a chance for ten consecutive blind boxes, and the ten consecutive will guarantee a rare item.]

[Do you use ten companies?]

"Then why are you thinking about it? Shilian!"

After Yu Guo finished speaking generously, the system suddenly started refreshing the screen!

[Obtain: Bandage*10]

[Obtain: Primary Healing Potion *10]

[Obtain: Bicycle*1]

[Obtain: gas mask*1]

[Acquisition: Biochemical Suit*1]

[Obtain: Battery*1]

[Obtain: Novice First Aid Kit]

[Obtain: Mechanical Exoskeleton: Right Arm]

[Obtain: Bandage*10]

[Congratulations on getting a rare item: Void*1]

Yu Guo was dumbfounded.

This is the first time he has seen such a prompt in the system, rare item? So this is the first time he got a rare item

[Do you use Void?]


When Yu Guo heard that rare items were going to be used, he agreed without hesitation.

Those items that were not rare before had helped him so much, let alone rare items.

[Get a virtual space, the current space size is 100 cubic meters. System reward items can be stored. The weight of items in the virtual space will not be added to the host.]