From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 1


The night deepens.

Under the dim candlelight in the room, You Shu, dressed in black, sat at the desk, writing furiously with a charcoal pencil in his hand. Through the tiny flame under the lamp, one could vaguely see the solemn expression on his face, as if he was doing something very important.

'It was sunny on a certain day of a certain month of a certain year'

'Today's mission training was completed 100% again. The Shadow Chief was very satisfied and said that I would definitely achieve great things in the future. He used me as an example in public. Although I was modest, to be honest, I think he was right.'

"It would be even better if the Shadow Chief could give some practical benefits, such as doubling the salary."

The young man under the lamp stopped what he was doing after writing this sentence, turned back to read the content, picked up the charcoal pencil and added another sentence.

'Besides, I seem to be a bit more handsome today than yesterday.'

After finishing writing, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and stretched his muscles, then squatted down and dragged out an iron box from under the bed, carefully put the booklet in it, and could vaguely see several identical booklets in the box, but with different numbers.

After locking the box again and putting it back under the bed, he climbed onto the bed, extinguished the candle with his palm, closed his eyes and meditated for a while before going to sleep. He had a good sleeping and resting habit.

A dreamless night.

The next morning, just after daybreak, You Shu was already up and moving around. He quickly put on the same clothes as yesterday, opened the door and walked out of the small room. He stood outside the door and took a long breath.

The air in the early morning of late autumn was cool and smelled of dew. He felt as if his lungs were full of moisture and his whole body felt refreshed.

Although there were a thousand bad things in ancient times, the air quality was really amazing.

A man wearing the same black clothes happened to walk out of the next room. He saw him and greeted him familiarly: "Ying San? You're here so early today?"

He turned around and saw the person behind him, and nodded in response, with no expression on his face.

Ying Si came over, stretching himself lazily, yawning and muttering, "I heard that today's training will be doubled. I'm so unlucky."

You Shu glanced at him and said calmly, "You were caught slacking off yesterday by Shadow Chief, so naturally you have to double your pay."

"Can't you say something nice? Everyone knows that Lord Yingshou loves you..." Ying Si complained half-truthfully, poking You Shu's waist, "Your waist is too thin, in my opinion."

You Shu slapped his hand away coldly: "Don't touch a man's waist casually."

Ying Si rolled his eyes, "Just act serious!"

As they were talking, the doors of other rooms were opened one after another, and the brothers all stood up and walked out. After greeting each other, they began to train on their own and hardly talked to each other. After all, being lazy would be punished.

You Shu was ranked third in the Shadow Guard Battalion, so his code name was naturally "Shadow Three". Others were also given code names according to their strength rankings, and none of them knew each other's real names. After the training, they went to the small cafeteria to eat together. Everyone was busy and no one had time to waste.

The time that You Shu looked forward to most every day was mealtime, because the chef in the cafeteria of the Shadow Guard Camp cooked very well. The taste was not very good, but the portions were very generous. The meat was never vague. The big elbows, fat duck legs, and braised fish were cooked in different ways every day, and the chef's hands never trembled like the school lunch aunt. For these people who had just come out of puberty and had a huge appetite, they deserved a thumbs up.

The canteen chef may have been a pig farmer before. Today's breakfast includes large chicken legs, two for each person. In addition, there are four steamed buns, two bowls of porridge, three side dishes, an egg, and a bowl of cake. You Shu glanced at his plate and was very satisfied.

Today was his duty day, so he had to finish his breakfast in five minutes. After nodding to the other brothers, he put back the plate that was cleaner than his face and set off to report to his master. His partner today was Yingwu.

The two of them moved forward at a very fast speed in the huge palace, their toes touching the ground without leaving any trace, and they had to complete the handover before the prince got up. Ying Er and Ying Ba had been guarding outside the house all night, and they could only go back to sleep after You Shu and Ying Wu arrived at their posts smoothly.

Before leaving, Ying Er touched You Shu's head and reminded him gently: "The prince is in a bad mood this morning, so be careful not to make any mistakes."

You Shu moved his head uncomfortably: "Got it."

"I told you not to touch my head."

There seemed to be a faint smile in Ying Er's eyes, and then he turned around and leaped away in the yard.

You Shu squatted under the window and waited patiently. He glanced at the time and counted the time silently in his mind.


The next second, the door was opened and a man walked out of the room.

You Shu was a man who knew the rules. As a lowly shadow guard, he was not allowed to look up at his master without his master's permission. But he knew what that man looked like without even looking up.

Prince Ling Xiao Weixin wore a crescent-white robe today, with his long, shiny black hair casually draped behind him. He did not wear a crown like other adult men, which made him look more fragile. He wore a layer of gauze over the robe and a jade pendant around his waist. He was tall and thin, with a noble appearance and an elegant demeanor.

As the most beautiful man in the capital, His Royal Highness Prince Ling is indeed worthy of this title. He has a beautiful face, clear eyes and eyebrows, and is neither as feminine as a woman, nor as masculine as an ordinary man. Therefore, both men and women always have some fantasies when they see him. If he had not been sick for many years, I am afraid that the people who offered themselves to him in the backyard of the palace would have been able to break through the city wall.

Just as Ying Er said, His Royal Highness Prince Ling was in a very bad mood today. He frowned as soon as he opened the door in the morning and looked displeased with everyone. Even his usual personal guards Qi Han and Wang Chen did not dare to say a word, for fear of bringing bad luck.

"I heard last night that my royal brother went crazy again?" Xiao Weixin stood in front of the door with an uncertain expression. It took him a long time to say this. The maid Hua Chun who followed behind him gently put a cloak on him, but he impatiently threw it aside, and it happened to fall on the head of You Shu who was squatting under the window with the wind.

You Shu: “…”

My obsessive-compulsive disorder came up and I really wanted to tear the cape off my head.

But he didn't dare, for fear of losing his head.

Qi Han lowered his head and said carefully: "Last night... our people... failed."

Xiao Weixin's eyes were dark, and he cursed, "Useless trash."

"Did you leave any evidence?"

Qi Han shook his head: "No, he committed suicide before he was caught, and there is no evidence left."

Xiao Weixin's expression looked a little better.

However, You Shu, who was squatting in the corner and listening to the whole thing, was not in a relaxed mood, because the person who carried out the assassination mission last night was also a shadow guard. Although he was a member of the Earth Killing Team and usually did not carry out missions with the Heaven Killing Team, they all received training together since childhood and had some friendship with each other. It would be sad if either of them died.

For shadow guards like them, who were trained by their masters to kill people, their lives were no longer their own from the first day they came in. For example, each of them had a small medicine capsule in the back of their teeth. In times of crisis, they would bite through the capsule to release the poison inside, and within a few seconds, they would bleed from all seven orifices and die horribly. The idea they were instilled with was that they would rather die than betray their masters, and the safety of their masters was above everything else.

This was what Lord Shadow Chief told them personally on the first day they came in, and he asked them to remember it forever.

Just like the brother who died last night.

You Shu couldn't accept such a life at first. Modern education taught him that all beings are equal and life is precious, but he had been in this cruel era for too long, and after seeing so much killing and death, he gradually became silent. After all, he didn't have the ability to stir up an era, and King Ling could kill him silently with just a move.

Live one day at a time. It’s a life that was given to you anyway.

What's more, if you follow the protagonist, your chances of survival will always be greater.

You Shu never dreamed that one day he would be transported to a thrilling novel, where the protagonist is the Ling Wang Xiao Weixin.

The content of the book is not complicated, it is about the power struggle of the Great Xia Dynasty. The current emperor Xiao Weishen is a suspicious, arrogant and cruel person. The process of his ascension to the throne was very disgraceful. After becoming the emperor, he became even more unscrupulous. Relying on the power of his maternal grandfather's family, he stirred up bloody storms in the court and took the opportunity to kill many important officials who opposed him, as well as any brothers who might pose a threat to his throne.

In this crisis, Xiao Weixin chose to surrender, pretending to be sick and useless, staying in his house all day and unwilling to go out, just to protect himself. Even so, Xiao Weishen did not let him go, repeatedly testing whether he was really sick, and sending imperial doctors to come every now and then to test his condition, and forcing him to drink the medicine soup sent from the palace every day.

Xiao Weixin endured the humiliation and accepted it all, which is why he survived all these years. He made up his mind to take revenge and has been gathering his own power in private. Over the years, he has gradually won the secret support of many people and even met two noble ladies who loved him deeply. From then on, they helped him climb step by step to the throne.

When You Shu was reading the book, he admired Xiao Weixin very much. He had a bad hand at the beginning. His mother was of ordinary origin, his family was weak, and he was not favored by his father. He was often bullied by other princes in the palace. He never had a day of ease. He was just a helpless little pitiful person. But such a character who seemed to be bullied by everyone turned the tide with unparalleled endurance and finally won the battle.

There is no man who does not want to live such a life, holding power and having beautiful women in his arms, surrounded by close friends, and being able to talk and laugh freely and with confidence. You Shu, as an ordinary college student, is no exception. He really hopes that he can make a great career like Xiao Weixin, but he is not greedy. He just wants a girl who truly loves him.

Although he has traveled through time and space for more than ten years but still has not attracted the protagonist's attention, it doesn't matter. Opportunities always come to those who are prepared. You Shu feels that as long as he works hard and excels enough, one day the protagonist's eyes will notice him.

Then he will be appreciated by the protagonist, successfully hold on to the golden thigh and reach the peak of his life. Maybe he will even be recorded in the history books and leave his name in the history. His life is simply perfect.

At this moment, Hua Chun, the maid behind Xiao Weixin, whispered to remind him, "My Lord, it's very cold in late autumn, please wear a cloak."

Xiao Weixin turned back impatiently, "Bring it here."

Hua Chun looked around and finally found the familiar silver fox cloak in the corner.

Xiao Weixin also saw it.

You Shu's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself that this was not good, remembering the protagonist's outrageous severe mysophobia.

"Why don't you come over here?" Xiao Weixin frowned.

You Shu carefully took the cloak off his head, walked up to him respectfully, bent down and handed it to him.

Xiao Weixin refused to take it, so Hua Chun reached out to take it, but did not put it back on him. It seemed that he would not want the silver fox cloak anymore.

It's made of polar fox fur! It's embroidered with gold and silver threads, and worth a thousand taels of gold!!!


You Shu felt a sharp pain in his heart.

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