From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 113: one hundred and thirteen


one hundred and thirteen

After that night, Xiao Weixin was indeed depressed for a while. You Shu did not disturb him and gave him time to calm down. In fact, Xiao Weixin's reaction was much better than he had imagined. At least he did not have a complete mental collapse.

He believed that he would be able to sort out his emotions soon.

He found time to meet with Yang Nanruo again and asked her about Xia Yinxiu, "Is Miss Xia okay?"

"She's fine." Yang Nanruo stood up respectfully, looking much better than when he came to see him the night before. "Thank you for your reminder, sir. When I went to look for her, Yinxiu had just been hung up with the white silk. If I had been a little later, she would have really died."

"Fortunately, there is no serious injury."

You Shu was relieved after hearing her words. "Miss Xia is kindhearted. She must think that it was all her fault for the misfortune in her family. General Yang should try to comfort her."

"I know." There was some pain in her eyes, "It's just that Yinxiu is not a very cheerful woman. It's hard for others to change her mind once she has made up her mind. No matter how much I say, she thinks I am just trying to comfort her."

You Shu could understand Xia Yinxiu's feelings. From the day she came to him, perhaps she had already carried the burden of being a "family traitor" and could not forget it at all times. No one could help her except herself to get out of it, but that would take a long time.

"Maybe she suddenly figured it out that day." You Shu said. He always believed that the strong and intelligent heroine in the original novel would not be trapped in the past so easily. He believed that she would be able to become strong again.

After all, she and Xiao Weixin were originally the protagonists of this book, and they were both extremely outstanding people.

As if infected by his determination, Yang Nanruo suddenly gained confidence, "Sir, you are right. I believe her too. Yinxiu is so smart, she will definitely figure it out."

After Yang Nanruo left the palace, You Shu went to the observatory alone, stood in front of the railing and looked up at the sky.

It is just the end of the first month of the lunar year and the weather has not really warmed up yet. The power of the late spring cold is no less than that of the cold winter, and people are often frozen to the point of doubting life. You Shu only wore a few thin spring clothes, and even with his inner strength to protect his body, he was still a little cold. However, he was used to being hard on himself so that he could stay calm at all times.

Fortunately, the sunshine was nice today. You Shu stood in the sunshine and looked at the white clouds slowly floating across the sky, thinking that he might have to stand here and watch the sky for decades to come.

In his life plan, staying alive was the first priority. If he could live a little more freely, that would be the best. But after all the twists and turns, he could be said to be free, but not free. However, it was his own choice, and You Shu never regretted it.

There were light footsteps behind him. You Shu knew who was coming without turning back, but he did not turn back.

Suddenly, there was a cloak on his shoulders. You Shu turned around and saw Xiao Weixin's face. He frowned and looked at him with dissatisfaction, and blamed him: "Why are you standing here alone? Don't you know to wear more clothes? I know you never listen well."

You Shu stared at him for a while with her beautiful dark eyes, and suddenly smiled with a bit of mischief in her eyes: "I was just waiting for you."

Xiao Weixin snorted, but did not criticize him anymore. Instead, he walked to his side and stood at the railing with him, gazing at the endless palace in the distance. He came back from court and wanted to have a good talk with Xiao Shu. He was indeed a little depressed and ignored him these past two days. He wondered if Xiao Shu felt aggrieved. When he heard that Xiao Shu was at the observatory, he hurriedly asked someone to prepare a carriage and a cloak. Sure enough, he saw Xiao Shu standing here alone without anything.

When Xiao Weixin saw You Shu's desolate and lonely back with his back to him, he suddenly regretted it.

Perhaps even You Shu himself didn't know how lonely he looked at that time.

Xiao Weixin knew very well that Xiao Shu longed for freedom, but he still selfishly trapped him in this world to keep him company. He regretted bringing him into this deep palace with high walls, leaving him to stand at the highest point and watch secretly.

"ten years."

You Shu turned to look at him in confusion, not understanding what he meant by suddenly saying this without any reason.

Xiao Weixin did not give him an explanation, but continued: "Wait for me for ten years. After I have governed the world properly and handed it over to my nephew with confidence, I will go with you."

"Nephew?" You Shu was a little confused. He thought for a while before he understood. "So, the solution you mentioned is... to pass the throne to Prince Liu's only son, Xiao Weixian?"

"Yes." Xiao Weixin admitted, "This is the best solution I can think of for you and me."

During those days, Xiao Weixin had already made all the plans for their future, including what would happen after his death, but he never told You Shu about it. He just arranged everything silently so that Xiao Shu wouldn't have to worry about anything.

"Originally, Xiao Weixian wasn't the best candidate in my mind." Xiao Weixin sighed, "It's just that Weiming was not ambitious enough and refused to listen to my arrangement to find a noble lady as a backer. Originally, his child was the one I valued the most."

You Shu didn't expect that he had thought so much. Yes, Xiao Weiming was indeed the most suitable one. He and Xiao Weixin had a deep brotherly relationship and they trusted each other very much. If he had a child, it would be a happy thing for everyone. However, Xiao Yue'er's birth was still a pity. It would not be good if the future emperor's birth was criticized.

"Fortunately, Weixian is not bad either." Xiao Weixin added, "He is a child personally taught by Uncle Liu. Although he is still a little immature in dealing with things, he is much more stable and mature than his peers. I plan to bring him into the palace to train him well. When he can take charge of his own affairs, I will issue an imperial edict to give him the throne and elope with you."

The word "elopement" sounded inappropriate coming from the mouth of Xiao Weixin, who was once high and mighty and cold-blooded. However, You Shu's eyes were red. It was the first time he realized that he was not the only one who planned for the future, but Xiao Weixin also made such a huge sacrifice.

"Is it worth it?" You Shu couldn't help looking at him. "You've been planning for more than ten years, and finally got your wish and sat on that position, but in the blink of an eye, you're working for someone else, all for me."

"Answer me nicely, do you really think it's worth it?"

Xiao Weixin lowered her head slightly and looked at him, her eyes full of smiles, "Of course it's worth it."

"Actually, you're wrong." He kissed You Shu's forehead gently and said, "Being an emperor has never been my wish."

"Initially, I just wanted to avenge my mother. Moreover, the world has been devastated by Xiao Weishen and the Xia family. As a descendant of the Xiao family, I should make plans for the country established by my ancestors."

"It is not my original wish to be the emperor, but now there is no one who can take the responsibility, so I am the only one who can take over."

He raised his hand and stroked You Shu's face, and said firmly: "Xiao Shu, I have never felt wronged, and you don't have to worry about whether it is worth it."

"I once said that there is nothing in this world that can compare to you."

You Shu lowered her head slightly, and tried to hold back her tears but still couldn't help shedding them. She choked up and said, "The Emperor is really useless, and he only cares about love affairs all day long."

"Everyone has their own aspirations." Xiao Weixin gently hugged him and rested his chin on his shoulder. "If my mother was still alive, I would have only wanted to be a prince who could protect myself, and then find someone who was close to me to live with. That's all."

You Shu hugged him back tightly, "No wonder King Liu readily agreed to support us, so this is how it is."

Naturally, he would be willing if his son could become the crown prince in the future. This deal was a good deal.

"The emperor's uncle is a good person. The reason why Weiming Weijing and I have survived Xiao Weishen's hands all these years is somewhat related to the emperor's uncle. When Xiao Weishen came to power, he slaughtered his brothers, and it was the emperor's uncle who secretly saved the three of us."

"If he had wanted to compete for the throne, Xiao Weishen might not have succeeded back then."

You Shu listened to his explanation and gradually became less repulsive. "It's up to you. Anyway, we are all members of your Xiao family. It doesn't matter who takes the position."

"That's right." Xiao Weixin laughed again.

Suddenly, he remembered something, "I have ignored you these days. Is Xiaoshu angry?"

"I'm not a stingy person." You Shu said, "Have you figured it out?"

"I figured it out." Xiao Weixin nodded. "Although I couldn't understand at first how someone like me could become a character in someone else's book, but then I remembered that you were right, so it's not that important anymore."

"At least I'm hugging you now because I want to hug you, not for any other reason."

You Shu was touched by his words. "Since fate has brought me to this time and space, maybe in a sense, this is no longer as simple as a book. Maybe we really exist."

"You can also understand that it is precisely because we really exist that someone would write our story as a memorial."

Xiao Weixin chuckled. He felt that he really liked to laugh now, especially when he was with Xiao Shu. He always felt happy physically and mentally involuntarily and did not comment on what he said.

Anyway, the final result is good.

The days slipped through our fingers, and in the blink of an eye it was already the seventh day of the New Year.

The wedding was to be held the next day, and You Shu was so nervous that he could not sleep. Due to various rules and customs, he could not meet Xiao Weixin the night before his wedding and they had to live separately. So he could only live in another palace temporarily, and then set out from here early the next morning to meet Xiao Weixin at the high altar, where the ceremony of crowning the queen would also be held.

After tonight, he will really get married.

You Shu really couldn't sleep, so he simply got up and sat by the light, staring at the candlestick with his chin propped up in a daze, thinking about all kinds of things.

Dear mother, your son is going to be queen.

Are you excited or not? Are you happy or not