From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 118: One hundred and eighteen harvests


Extra 4

You Shu opened his eyes and looked around blankly, not understanding what was happening for a moment.

The incident dates back to a few days ago.

Ten years later, Xiao Weixin gave up the throne to Xiao Weixian as promised, and then "eloped" out of the city with You Shu on a cloudless morning without telling anyone, preparing to travel along the way.

A lot can change in ten years.

For example, Xiao Weiming and Xiao Yue'er's third child was born. Hua Chun didn't want to live in the palace anymore, so she retired to study medicine. Xiao Weijing was a playboy, but he still got married and got rid of his philandering ways.

Shen Qingyu and Yang Qixian had never married, and they really intended to spend their lives together. Yang Nanruo and Xia Yinxiu had disappeared a long time ago, and they probably lived in a world of two.

The shadow guards would occasionally send back news that Shadow Two had married the daughter of the escort agency and was running a fairly large escort agency, with a very good popularity. Shadow Four had a delicate wife and a childish son, and no longer had the decisiveness of his early years. Shadow Six had indeed written a lot of short stories, which were very popular among the people. Men, women, old and young all liked to read them after dinner, especially the gossip stories about the Emperor and His Highness, which moved people to tears.

Except for Ying Jiu who had no news at all, everyone else lived the life they wanted. Ying Shi also made a name for himself in the martial arts world, and everyone said that he was an upright, honest and righteous hero.

You Shu asked questions as he walked, feeling infinite emotion in his heart. Although they couldn't see each other, he knew that each of them was living well in their own world, which was so beautiful.

He had originally planned to travel around the country with Xiao Weixin, and then find a nice place with beautiful mountains and rivers to retire and live a leisurely and worry-free life.

But halfway through their journey, one day they encountered a mudslide on the road. They thought they might die there, but when they opened their eyes again, he appeared in another place.

If he was not mistaken, this place should be his family's garden.

Even though more than 20 years have passed, You Shu still remembers that there was a garden full of roses downstairs in his house, because his mother especially liked those bright and romantic flowers, and there were roses of all colors in the garden.

Could it be... that he is actually dead again

You Shu stood up from the ground in confusion, but when he looked down, he found that he was still wearing ancient clothes. Standing under this extremely modern building, he looked out of place and felt very uncomfortable.

He walked two steps forward on the green lawn, and soon he walked out of the rose garden. What came into view was a large fountain pool. You Shu stood there in a daze, not reacting for a long time, and even raised his hand to secretly prick himself with a needle.

No dream...

You Shu looked at everything in front of him and took two steps forward unconsciously. His brain seemed to be rusty and couldn't think straight.

Just then, he heard the sound of an iron door opening behind him. He turned around and met the person who walked in. Both of them were stunned.

The key in You Yuan's hand fell to the ground. Her pupils dilated slightly. She stared at You Shu for a long time before she whispered, "Is it... Xiao Shu?"

"Sister." You Shu suddenly took three steps forward and hugged her. He confirmed that she was alive, and his eyes were a little moist: "I am Xiao Shu."

You Yuan slowly raised his hand and patted him on the back, his voice choking a little: "Am I dreaming again?"

"How did you come back?" She was still a little bit unbelievable. "We clearly saw you enter the fire and crematorium with our own eyes. How did you come back again?"

She had too many doubts, but You Shu said: "Sister, I will tell you about this later. I still need to find someone. When I find him, I will..."

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the villa behind them. You Yuan's face changed drastically and she turned around and ran into the house. You Shu followed subconsciously. When they opened the door, they saw a mess in the living room. You's mother and Xiao Yue were hugging each other, looking at the man who appeared out of nowhere in front of them in horror.

You Shu took two steps forward and whispered to the man sitting on the sofa with a sullen face, "Mu Shi?"

Mother You turned around suddenly and was stunned.

Her son died in an accident more than ten years ago, but who is this child in front of her who looks exactly like her son


Half an hour later, the living room of the You family was full of people. All the family members were present. After listening to You Shu's explanation, everyone was still a little bit unbelievable.

"So... you are really my brother?" Xiao Yue was confused for a while, "You traveled back from ancient times? And brought your old man with you?"

You Shu held his forehead helplessly: "You can, you can say that."

"Mom and Dad, this is my boyfriend."

Xiao Weixin didn't say a word from beginning to end. Although he still didn't understand the situation, because Xiao Shu had told him about his life experience before, he could barely remain calm. After listening to his introduction, he quickly stood up from the sofa and bowed respectfully.

"My dear parents-in-law, I am here to show my respect."

After all, they were people from ancient times. Xiao Weixin didn't know how to address Xiao Shu's parents except "parents-in-law". However, this term "parents-in-law" made You Mama at a loss. She had just accepted that her son who had died ten years ago was alive again, and before she could think of anything else, a male daughter-in-law appeared...

Is this world crazy

Fortunately, You Yuan was well-informed and could make the decision on her own. She said without hesitation, "Since we are all family, there is no need to be so polite. Just call me uncle and aunt first."

"Xiao Shu, mom and dad need some time to digest what's going on between you and... your partner, whose name is Xiao Weixin? I'll take you upstairs to change your clothes. We can talk about it in detail over dinner tonight."

You Shu knew that his parents needed some time, and he also felt that his sister was right. Just as he stood up and prepared to go upstairs, You's mother suddenly stood up as well, as if she had just realized something, and hugged him and cried: "Xiao Shu... Mommy missed you so much..."

You Shu was hugged tightly by her. He lowered his head and wanted to pat her shoulder to comfort her, but when he saw the gray hair on her head, he reluctantly put it back.

In my memory, my mother was a person who loved beauty very much. She was always afraid of having white hair on her head. Even if there was only one strand, she would carefully pull it out. She took good care of her hair. But in just ten years, she has so many white hairs. It should be because of herself...

"Mom." When You Shu arrived in front of his mother, he couldn't help but feel like he was back to the time when he was a teenager who knew nothing more than 20 years ago.

Although Mr. You also wanted to hug his son and feel the fact that he was back alive, he couldn't squeeze into the crowd of women, so he had to stand with his future "son-in-law". The two looked at each other, then awkwardly looked away, not knowing how to start a conversation.

By the time the family calmed down, it was already evening.

Mother You held You Shu's hand tightly and was unwilling to let go. She and Xiaoyue sat on the sofa on both sides and questioned him about his life over the years. You Shu was afraid that they would be sad, so he concealed the hardships he had endured and only talked about the good things.

"Although it sounds so fake, I'm very happy that you can come home." You's mother couldn't help but said with tears in her eyes, "Will you stay here in the future?"

You Shu found it difficult to answer this question, so he had to turn around and look at Xiao Weixin.

Xiao Weixin had already changed his clothes. There was no men's clothing in his size at home. Since he was a little taller than You's father, he could only wear his clothes for the time being. He had been standing silently by the side, but when he saw Xiao Shu looking back at him, he said, "As long as Xiao Shu stays here, I will stay too."

Mother You raised her hand to wipe away her tears and said, "Then you can live at home from now on. We have many rooms at home, so we can still afford to support you two."

She did not ask much about Xiao Weixin, although the affairs between two men was not something that most people could accept in this era, but for her, her son had "come back to life" after ten years, and her long-cherished wish had suddenly come true, so it didn't matter whether he liked a boy or a girl.

You Yuan just called back and said calmly, "I asked someone to find a connection and get you two household registration ID cards. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient for you to do anything in the future."

"Thank you, sister." You Shu quickly stood up. He was used to being respectful to his sister.

You Yuan shook her head: "Mom, let Xiao Shu go back to her room and have a rest. If there is anything you want to know, you can ask slowly later. There is no need to rush."

Although Mother You was reluctant, but now that You Yuan was the head of the family, she had no choice but to listen to her eldest daughter and let Xiao Shu go: "Then I will come to see you tomorrow, you should have a good rest tonight."

So, You Shu took Xiao Weixin back to his room on the second floor. He was stunned when he opened the door. The furnishings inside were exactly the same as he remembered. It seemed that someone came to clean the room regularly, and it was spotless.

So, even though he had been "dead" for so many years, his family still kept his room intact, as if they were waiting for him to come back one day.

You Shu rubbed his eyes and said to Xiao Weixin: "I'll take you to take a bath."

Xiao Weixin had never seen so many strange things before. He found it interesting even to just turn on a light. He fiddled with the shower head in the bathroom and then looked at the toilet. When he found that music could be played on the wall of the bathtub, he was shocked.

"Could it be that Xiao Shu was once a deity from heaven?"

You Shu was feeling a little sad at first, but after listening to his speech, he couldn't help but laugh: "These are all very common things, you'll be fine once you get familiar with them."

"After being used to modern life, being an emperor is just like this."

You Shu felt somewhat proud. Xiao Weixin still had more to learn. There were rare things everywhere that he had never seen before.

It had only been three days since he returned to the You family, but the whole family had accepted Xiao Weixin very well, because he was so handsome, gentle, polite and dignified. Mother You liked him very much and insisted on taking them out to buy clothes, and even took them to meet her group of girlfriends, showing off in public.

Xiao Weixin was forced to follow the local customs and cut his hair. Although he was not used to it, he did not want to be watched like a monkey. Then, You Mama took him to the mall and bought a lot of clothes, which were very similar to modern people. Whatever he wore could attract a group of girls to peek at him. The noble temperament that emanated from his bones was not something that ordinary people could imitate.

It seemed that Mother You was eager to fill the lack of maternal love in all these years, and she started a shopping spree, wanting to buy everything. Although Xiao Weixin didn't understand the prices here, he understood better after seeing them more. He roughly calculated and suddenly became unfathomable.

"So, Xiao Shu was indeed a rich young master in the past."

"Will you be asked to support me from now on?"

You Shu heard that he was in a rare mood to joke, so he smiled and said, "Yeah, mom said that raising you is not a problem at all."

He looked so handsome when he smiled that Xiao Weixin couldn't help herself and took advantage of no one's attention to lean over and give him a kiss on the face.


You Shu didn't care about other people's opinions. He interlocked his fingers with his and followed You's mother out of the mall. He stood on the roadside waiting for her to drive out of the underground parking lot. He looked up at the full moon in the sky, and many things came to his mind at once.

"It seems that the moon is the same no matter what time and space it is in."

Xiao Weixin raised his head along with him and nodded in agreement: "Yes."

"Watching the moon with Xiaoshu is the best thing in my life."

You Shu turned his head, looked at his handsome profile and smiled silently.

Whether this was a dream or not, he was satisfied.

Nothing could make him happier than this moment.

You Mama's car drove over from not far away. The road ahead was very bright under the headlights. You Shu turned around and smiled at Xiao Weixin, then took his hand and walked towards the car door together.

After they all got on, the car slowly started again, slowly merged into the tidal flow of traffic, and drove towards the bustling neon lights in the distance.

—End of article—

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