From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 22: twenty two


twenty two

Shen Qingyu arrived in Beijing very quickly. Xiao Weixin had been keeping a close eye on his movements, but he did not rush out to meet him after the person arrived. You Shu secretly thought that he was really patient. Wasn't he afraid that the person would be abducted by Xiao Weishen

However, it was proven that Xiao Weixin knew Xiao Weishen very well, and he also knew Shen Qingyu. The day before he took office, Shen Qingyu was summoned to the palace, nominally to reminisce about the past, but in reality, Xiao Weishen just wanted to brainwash him and let him control Prime Minister Xia's lineage for him.

However, Xiao Weishen obviously didn't understand Shen Qingyu as well as Xiao Weixin. If others had the opportunity to eat and talk with the emperor, they would have been flattered and flattered, but Shen Qingyu was different. He was also very surprised at first, thinking that his talent was finally discovered by the emperor, and that he could make great achievements when he returned to Beijing. However, as his communication with the emperor gradually increased, he gradually realized that all this was an illusion.

It seemed that the emperor just happened to remember him and recalled him because there was really no one else available. The purpose was to let him fight against Prime Minister Xia's people. As for whether he could do his job well or not, it didn't seem to be important.

At that moment, Shen Qingyu completely fell into a deep pool of despair.

He is proud of his talent. Most people who are really talented have different ideas from others. Ordinary people may seek a position to survive, but some people choose to pursue a career in politics with lofty ambitions, perhaps for the sake of their country or for power. But they all hope to meet a mentor and unleash their talents to the maximum extent, rather than being discarded as a fish eye.

Xiao Weishen only regarded him as someone who could compete with Prime Minister Xia for power. He held his hand and pretended to be intimate to show the king's favor, and was calculating everywhere.

This is not the emperor Shen Qingyu wanted, nor was it his original intention for becoming an official.

Shen Qingyu was in a very low mood when he left the palace. The moon was dim outside and the wind was howling. The early spring night was still very cold. He refused the offer of a carriage and walked back on foot, feeling confused.

He doesn't want to live such a life. Who would want to live in a chaotic and struggling environment

The capital is so prosperous, the emperor must have really forgotten that there are people thousands of miles away who have no hope of survival and are starving. He tried to bring up this matter several times just now, but the emperor easily brushed it off, as if he didn't want to hear those words at all. The palace is extravagant, even the clothes of the palace maids are embroidered with silver thread, the spoons for serving rice are made of white jade, and the ground is covered with pearls. How can the national treasury withstand such abuse

Shen Qingyu was filled with grief and anger, but he had no way to vent it. He was walking on the road in a state of anxiety and did not notice the black shadow that flashed behind him.

In the middle of the night, You Shu followed Shen Qingyu for a long way and waited until the alley was empty before he dared to take action.

After knocking the man unconscious mercilessly with a stick, You Shu clapped his hands and put the stick behind him. Ying Si squatted down worriedly and patted the unconscious Shen Qingyu, whispering, "Did you hit him too hard?"

"Don't worry." You Shu stepped forward, picked up Shen Qingyu with one hand and put him on his shoulder, and said calmly: "What the prince values most is his brain. I won't damage it. This way it will be convenient for you to take him away."

Ying Si followed hesitantly. He really wanted to say that what the prince had instructed before leaving was "make sure to bring the person here safely", which must have meant that they should bring the person over respectfully. But the third brother hit him with a club as soon as he came up, which didn't seem to be what the prince wanted at all.

But it is indeed intact.

You Shu carried Shen Qingyu at great speed. These scholars were usually unable to lift anything with their hands or shoulders, and their arms and legs were as thin as bamboo poles, so it was no pressure for him to carry them. He reached the agreed location without much effort.

Xiao Weixin was practicing calligraphy by lamplight in the secret house he had bought. He put down his pen and let the person in only after hearing a knock on the door. As a result, when he looked up, he saw You Shu carrying someone in, and his eyelids jumped.

"Your Highness, I have brought the person here according to your instructions." You Shu rushed all the way without even taking a breath.

Xiao Weixin looked at the unconscious Shen Qingyu, then raised his head and looked at him coldly: "Is this how you 'invited' him here?"

"I'm worried that his noise will attract the attention of the night watchman." You Shu explained in a low voice.

Xiao Weixin snorted coldly, "Wake him up first, and I'll deal with you later."

You Shu sighed inwardly after being criticized, lowered his head and gently pricked Shen Qingyu's neck with a needle.

When Shen Qingyu woke up and saw him, she was confused at first, but then she was surprised: "It's you!"

Perhaps because he had been thinking about this matter these days, Shen Qingyu subconsciously had a favorable impression of him when he saw him again. He grasped You Shu's hand, as if he had seen a mentor: "Young Master is really powerful. I have indeed been promoted."

You Shu withdrew his hand under Xiao Weixin's murderous gaze and whispered, "Sir Shen, this is my master."

Shen Qingyu was stunned, then he remembered his current situation. Turning around, he saw Xiao Weixin sitting on a chair and looking at the two of them. He didn't look like someone who wanted to win him over. It was as if he was looking at Old Wang next door who was stealing his wife.

"Your Highness Prince Ling?" Shen Qingyu was surprised.

Xiao Weixin responded lazily and looked up to signal You Shu to go out. You Shu knew that he had something to say, so he quickly climbed out of the window.

Xiao Weixin: “…”

Sooner or later, he will have to deal with his bad habit of climbing through the window instead of going through the door!

You Shu quickly climbed onto the roof and sat next to Ying Si to look at the moon. Today happened to be the 16th day of the lunar month, so the moon was rounder than the 15th.

Shen Qingyu and Xiao Weixin were not strangers. They had met once during the palace examination a few years ago. Later, when Shen Qingyu was sent out, Xiao Weixin even sent her off secretly. They must have hit it off right away. Even though Shen Qingyu had never contacted Xiao Weixin during these years of being sent out, it didn't mean that he didn't miss her in his heart.

After all, some people can be missed for a lifetime after just one meeting, and this is even more true for close friends. Moreover, their ambitions are similar, and Shen Qingyu is more willing to get close to him than Xiao Weishen.

As for the issue of loyalty to the emperor, perhaps the Yang family is the most stubborn in the court. Shen Qingyu does not have such pedantic ideas. He urgently hopes to change everything at the moment, even if it requires paying the price of blood.

"You said... Can Lord Shen go with our prince?" Ying Si was worried, "He looks very noble."

"Yes." You Shu replied confidently.

Ying Si was puzzled: "Why are you so sure?"

You Shu couldn’t just say that he knew the plot and started to lie seriously: “Because they are good friends.”

"What?" Ying Si was a little confused. "I've only heard of good friends. What is a good friend?"

You Shu turned around and patted Ying Si's head lovingly: "You are still young and don't understand these."

Ying Si was touched on the head for no reason. After thinking for a while, he cursed: "I'm two years older than you! Who are you touching!"

There was a hint of smile in You Shu's eyes. Although his face showed no expression, he looked even gentler under the moonlight. Ying Si looked at him for a while and felt a little uncomfortable: "If I were to say, you are indeed good-looking, Lao San. It's a pity that you have to work in the same profession as us."

"What's so regrettable about it?" You Shu was puzzled.

Ying Si scratched his face, "I can't explain it clearly. You know I haven't been to school for many days. If I were to describe you... you should be a young master from a famous family, living a life of luxury and wealth like our prince, without having to live a life of risking your life."

You Shu listened to him chattering on and on, and silently curled the corners of his lips slightly.

In his previous life, he was indeed a half-rich young man. His father started out in the clothing business and worked hard for 20 years to build his own family business. Although he was not extremely wealthy, he had villas, luxury cars, famous watches and luxury goods.

At that time, he had a serious older sister above him and a lively and lovely younger sister below him. He could be considered a young master who had never had to do any housework.

"It's not that bad." You Shu turned his head to look at him, his brows and eyes softened, "It's not a wasted trip for me to meet brothers like you who are friends of life and death."

Although they all wanted to break free from the dark and gloomy Shadow Guard Camp, You Shu felt fortunate to have these friends by his side, otherwise he really didn't know how he would have survived those days.

Ying Si blinked, then suddenly came over and hugged him: "Good brother."

The two chatted idly under the moon. Half an hour later, the door of the downstairs room opened. Shen Qingyu walked out calmly and bowed deeply to Xiao Weixin who followed him out from the door.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I will seriously consider this matter when I return."

"But, Your Majesty, aren't you afraid that I will go to the Emperor to report this and seek credit?"

Xiao Weixin glanced at him and said calmly, "I believe that Mr. Shen will not let me down."

Shen Qingyu smiled.

Xiao Weixin's words were not meant as a compliment, but because Shen Qingyu was indeed a reliable person. Even if he was a villain, as long as he made the slightest move, he would be wiped out by the shadow guards immediately, and there would be no chance to report him to the emperor.

After Shen Qingyu stood at the door for a while, he suddenly looked up at the roof and asked, "Sir, can you come down and see me?"

You Shu was confused. Call him

Before he could reply, Xiao Weixin spoke first: "I am just a shadow guard. How can I stand with someone like Lord Shen?"

"No problem." Shen Qingyu smiled gently. "I just saw him in a hurry last time, and I haven't thanked him properly. Although the prince generously sent food thousands of miles away, the young man traveled day and night and left without even a sip of water."

"I often regret it when I think about it later."

Xiao Weixin's face looked a little unhappy, but he couldn't refuse the talent he had finally recruited, so he had to let You Shu come down from the roof.

You Shu obeyed the order and jumped off the roof to the ground. Shen Qingyu looked at him with bright eyes, very happy: "I have never forgotten what you said, and now I have fulfilled it."

"Thank you very much for your insight, sir."

You Shu waved his hand and said, "Your Excellency is too kind. That was the prince's intention. I did nothing."

But Shen Qingyu didn't think so. He really felt that this shadow guard was different from others. The look in his eyes when he looked at him was so determined and calm that it suddenly aroused his ambition that he was about to give up, and it was easy for people to like him.

Xiao Weixin, who was standing aside, looked at them coldly as they reminisced about the past.

He knew that the little shadow guard's face was always ostentatious.