From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 27: Twenty-seven



Soon after the first month of the lunar calendar, the spring weather became more obvious. The southeast wind broke through the city gates and blew across the entire capital. The peach and willow trees on both sides of the road began to quietly sprout, the river ice had melted long ago, and the swallows that had flown south returned here one after another. Everywhere was full of vitality.

You Shu likes spring because spring always gives people a feeling of infinite hope.

Although Xiao Weixin ignored him now, he regained his spirit after reflection and continued to do what he had to do. It was not his character to admit defeat. He would get up where he fell and still do his job well.

What's more, the spring hunt is about to begin.

This plot in the book focuses on the fact that an assassin somehow sneaked into the hunting ground and almost succeeded in killing Xiao Weishen, but in the critical moment, the dog emperor actually threw the innocent Xiao Weishen out in order to protect himself.

When You Shu saw this, he threw his phone out in anger, and was beaten up by his roommate in the lower bunk, but he picked it up again. The dog emperor was afraid of death and pushed his brother out to block the sword. Is this what a human being does

Although the dog emperor's attitude towards the male protagonist changed drastically because of this incident, and he took care of him in every way out of guilt and never doubted him again. But that action at that time exposed his despicable and dirty soul, which made people despise him. And that time almost took Xiao Weixin's life. If the sword had stabbed deeper, it would really kill him.

I didn't feel thrilling when I was reading the book, but now I am in it. Although You Shu knows that the male protagonist has an aura, he is still worried. So he took the initiative to ask the shadow leader, hoping that he could follow him to the hunting ground.

Xie Feiyuan was a little surprised. Although Ying San was steady and careful in his work, he was never someone who would take the credit. He never joined in occasions like the Spring Hunt in previous years. Why did he suddenly change his mind this year

However, he remembered that the prince always seemed to be hesitant to speak in front of him these past two days, and they didn't know what had happened. The prince clearly wanted to see him but was suppressing himself and refused to do so.

We are all young people, so if there is anything, it’s better to talk it out face to face.

One was the child of his beloved whom he had watched grow up, and the other was the heir whom he carefully selected as his godson. Of course, he hoped that the two could shake hands and make peace. Both were rare good children. If they could join forces, the road to success would be easier.

When Xiao Weixin heard that Xie Feiyuan had arranged for You Shu to follow him to the hunting ground, he was silent for a while and then agreed.

In fact, he could refuse immediately. After all, this was his palace, and Xie Feiyuan obeyed his orders. He could replace him at any time with just a word, but Xiao Weixin couldn't say anything when the words came to his lips.

Although he tried to hide it, he couldn't deceive himself. He was really...

I really want to see him.

It's just a look, it won't cost you anything.

He deceived himself like this.


Spring hunting day.

You Shu disguised himself and put on ordinary guard uniform, then followed Xiao Weixin's other servants to the hunting ground, which was in a farm outside the city, next to an old forest.

This is the royal hunting ground that has belonged to the royal family since the establishment of the Great Xia Dynasty. A grand hunting event is held in the spring every three years. All clan members, including the emperor, must participate in order to show the majesty of the royal family and to pray for good weather, peace and prosperity for the dynasty in the future.

You Shu simply couldn't understand the ancient people's logic. It was just hunting, but you attacked the people of the mountain god. How could you expect them to bless you? The weather was good and the country was peaceful. For a villain like Xiao Weishen, there would be many troubles in the future. It was nonsense to expect the gods to save him.

A group of people marched out of the city in a mighty manner. Including the imperial guards, there were almost tens of thousands of people, which could be considered a small army. On the surface, the capital city seemed to have no guard force at that time. Smart people knew to steal the house, but Prime Minister Xia, the old fox, was not that stupid.

Instead, there are more hidden forces in the capital than usual, and the deliberate creation of the illusion of an empty city is also to test whether anyone will take the bait. Xiao Weishen has always minded the assassination that night, and he cannot miss any opportunity to set a trap.

Therefore, Xiao Weixin's decision to remain on the sidelines was correct.

Although Xiao Weixin claimed to be sick and weak, he still had to go hunting when he arrived at the hunting ground. However, no one expected anything from him, so he just pretended to shoot a rabbit or a pheasant as a formality and considered the task completed.

When everyone arrived outside the hunting ground, Xiao Weishen began to have people set up camp. They would stay here for five days. This time, almost all the women were present. Such a grand event only happens once every three years, so it is good to let the women come out and exercise.

The queen also came with Xia Yinxiu.

You Shu is looking forward to the sublimation of the relationship between the male and female protagonists here. Although the previous plot seems to have fallen apart, it would be good if it can be resolved here. What's more, the second female lead will also appear. How can he not want to watch it

The people brought by Xiao Weixin had already set up the tent, so he went in calmly to rest. You Shu and Ying Er, who had also disguised himself, were guarding outside the tent. It was almost noon, and the hunting activity was about to begin.

Regardless of the era, leaders always like to give long and boring speeches at large occasions. You Shu hated them before and still hates them now. Especially since the dog emperor has poor literary talent and only talks nonsense, which makes people's brains hurt.

Whether intentionally or not, Xiao Weixin turned around and glanced at him indifferently. You Shu immediately stood up straighter, thinking to himself that he should not have made any mistake.

Xiao Weixin was also annoyed by those high-sounding words and was very impatient standing in front, especially when the little shadow guard was standing a few steps behind him. He endured it again and again before turning back and taking a look pretending to be calm.

As expected, nothing could be seen through the disguised face, but he still miraculously felt happy.

After Xiao Weishen finished his long and boring speech, he finally asked the officer to give orders and announced the start of the hunt.

Those generals had been eager to try their luck. They were all vying for the first prize and vowed to hunt the biggest and best prey to present to the emperor. Even Yang Qixian was a little excited.

Everyone else rushed into the paddock like wild horses. Emperor Xiao Weishen was the first to run in front. Only Xiao Weixin's men followed slowly behind. After all, his personality was delicate and weak, and it was not easy for him to act energetic in such matters.

Xiao Weixin only brought Qi Han Wangchen and a few ordinary guards into the hunting ground. What his men hunted were also considered his, so after entering the hunting ground, he simply let them do what they wanted. He himself had little interest in hunting and would usually just wander around in the woods and take action when he found something good.

The others were ordered to disperse, only You Shu followed closely on horseback, but he didn't dare to follow too closely for fear of getting angry. Ying Er observed that the surroundings were safe, nodded to him, indicating that everything was normal.

You Shu knew that it was safe here for the time being, but he did not dare to let his guard down. Who knew if the plot would change again

Xiao Weixin knew that he was following behind him, so he didn't turn around to talk, but walked forward leisurely. Soon they met other teams, and You Shu looked closely. Wasn't that the Dog Emperor

Xiao Weishen was very concerned about his reputation and also wanted to hunt a big prey. He wandered around the woods with a dozen guards, and You Shu's position happened to be in his blind spot.

If you start now...

You Shu was not an impulsive person, but he still couldn't help but put his hand on the bow, and his other hand quietly reached for the quiver on his back, his eyes fixed on the man.

From this angle, he was confident that he could succeed. If he could kill the dog emperor here, would Xiao Weixin's life be easier? Would he no longer have to live in fear

If he can get his hands on it...

You Shu's hand slowly tightened around the arrow, and he suddenly made up his mind.

But just as he was about to raise the bow, someone pressed his hand down.

"No." Xiao Weixin came over at some point, pushed You Shu's arm back, and shook his head decisively.

Then he took You Shu away from that place. He did not blame You Shu for acting on his own, but calmly took him into a pavilion to rest.

"You step back first."

Ying Er immediately stepped back upon receiving the order and glanced at You Shu with concern. He didn't know why Ying San, who was always calm and composed, would suddenly act on his own and kill someone. This was unlike him.

"I admit my guilt." You Shu knelt on the ground and pleaded guilty.

Xiao Weixin stared at him deeply and whispered, "What crime have you committed?"

"I... I acted on my own initiative and almost harmed the prince." You Shu said in a deep voice, "If I fail to strike, it will definitely drag down the prince."

Xiao Weixin nodded and asked, "How sure are you?"

"100% sure." You Shu said loudly, "I am 100% sure that I can kill him with just one arrow."

Xiao Weixin smiled, seeming to be very satisfied: "This king believes that you do have that ability."

"Get up."

You Shu stood up from the ground, but still didn't understand what he meant.

Aren’t you angry

Xiao Weixin laughed for a while, then sighed: "Don't act so casually next time."

"You may indeed be able to kill him here, but Xiao Weishen is not our main target, understand?"

"I want to kill him more than you do, but killing him doesn't mean the end of everything. As long as Xia Maoan, the real mastermind, is still alive, there will be another Xiao Weishen. Do you understand?"

Of course You Shu understood, but he didn't think so much at that moment. He just wanted Xiao Weixin to be happier, even if only a little.

Which reader doesn't want the protagonist of his or her family to live a happy and carefree life? Who wants to see the protagonist suffer

"Yes." You Shu replied with his head down.

Xiao Weixin looked at him for a while, then said, "There will be plenty of opportunities to kill him in the future, so there's no rush."

"I want to keep him, destroy the Xia family first, and then kill him."

You Shu nodded. He knew Xiao Weixin's forbearance and realized that he didn't do well enough this time.

Xiao Weixin suddenly said, "Take off the mask."

You Shu obediently took off his mask and revealed his face. Xiao Weixin looked at his face carefully, his eyes unconsciously revealing some unknown tenderness and attachment.

He was so handsome that this face had appeared in his dreams many times.

Xiao Weixin felt helpless about himself like this. The little shadow guard in his dream was really lovely.