From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 29: Twenty-nine



You Shu swore that he did not do such a heroic act as blocking the sword with his own body just to make him feel guilty. Although he did have selfish motives of wanting to get closer to them, he never thought of using this to win people's hearts.

The main reason was that his own body was out of control. When he saw Xiao Weixin was in danger, he subconsciously rushed over without thinking anything. His mind was blank at that time and he didn't have any more time to think.

Oh, he won’t die just like that, will he

You Shu leaned against the tree in a daze, thinking helplessly, feeling a little bitter. After struggling to survive for so many years, it would be a pity if he really died like this. But think about it, if he can leave a glorious and noble image in the hero's heart in the future, it will be worth it. Maybe he can even give himself a title of "Bangsha" after he succeeds.

This wave is not a loss.

You Shu comforted himself. The pain in his chest didn't allow him to think too much. He tried to open his eyes and vaguely saw Xiao Weixin holding his sword and killing the men in black with great momentum. The corners of his mouth curved slightly.

He is worthy of being my male god. He is so handsome even in a fight.

Then everything in front of his eyes became blurry and he fell into complete darkness.

When Xiao Weixin came back holding the sword that was still dripping with blood, and saw You Shu with his eyes closed, his heart stopped for a moment. He quickly stepped forward to check his breath, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Still alive.

But the sword was poisoned, and it would be very dangerous if medical treatment was not received in time. Xiao Weixin helped You Shu up, took out the flare from his waist and sent it out. Ying Er arrived soon. When he saw the corpses on the ground and the seriously injured and unconscious You Shu, he immediately realized what had happened here, and hurried over to take You Shu and carry him on his back.

Xiao Weixin ordered with a gloomy face: "Take him away first."

Ying Er was worried about his safety, but he could only obey orders. He turned around and disappeared into the forest with You Shu on his back.

Xiao Weixin stood in front of the unconscious Xiao Weishen holding a sword, and countless struggles flashed before his eyes. Although he stopped You Shu from assassinating him, when such an opportunity really came before him, he could not control the hatred in his heart.

With just one strike of the sword, the bastard would be beheaded immediately, and he could avenge his mother successfully.

Xiao Weixin slowly raised the sword in his hand, but did not drop it in the end.

His reason still prevailed. As long as Xia Shi was not dead, there would still be no bright day in this world, and the hatred he carried would still not be alleviated. The death of only Xiao Weishen was far from enough.

Xiao Weixin decisively turned around with the sword and slashed his arm. Blood gushed out instantly, soaking his white clothes. He heard many footsteps and knew that the guards had arrived. He held on to the tree and slowly fell down.

Almost no one could believe that someone would dare to sneak in and assassinate during the spring hunt. Such a thing had never happened in the hundred years since the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty. Everyone was in a panic for a moment. Empress Dowager Xia's face turned pale, and she hurriedly went to the emperor's tent to visit him with the help of palace maids and the queen.

Xiao Weixin was also in a panic. Hua Chun was called in urgently. She thought her own prince was seriously injured. She was so scared that her legs were weak. However, when she came in, she saw her own prince sitting in front of the bed calmly. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard him whisper, "Come and take a look at him."

Hua Chun saw that he didn't look as seriously injured as rumored, so she didn't ask any more questions and immediately went forward to check on You Shu. You Shu was placed on Xiao Weixin's bed, with his clothes cut open, revealing a wound deep enough to see the bone.

Hua Chun was born into a medical family. She was specially arranged by Concubine Xian to take care of Xiao Weixin's body since she was a child. Her medical skills were naturally beyond doubt. After a careful examination, she found that the flesh of the wound was black, and knew it was poisonous. She took out the silver needle, disinfected it, and pierced several major acupuncture points. Then she asked Luo Yao to help her take a dagger and roast it on the fire, waiting to cut off all the dead flesh so that she could sew the wound again.

Although Luo Yao usually behaves like a girl in front of You Shu, she is actually very steady when it comes to serious matters. She cooperates with Hua Chun in an orderly manner without any delay.

Xiao Weixin couldn't help, he stood not far from the bed and frowned at their movements. It must be because of the pain, even though You Shu closed his eyes, his brows were knitted together in pain.

Hua Chun held his breath and wielded the dagger, cutting open the flesh on his chest. The poisonous black blood flowed into the basin, emitting a foul stench. However, Xiao Weixin, who had always been a clean person, showed no disgust for the first time. He still stood quietly by the side, his eyes fixed on You Shu's face.

It was easy to imagine how painful it was to have his chest cut open by a dagger. Although You Shu was no longer conscious, the professional habits he had acquired from years of training made him choose to endure it. Even though the pain was so severe that his soul and body were separated, he did not make a sound.

This is the awareness of being a shadow guard.

Hua Chun treated the wound promptly. In addition, the shadow guards usually undergo poison testing training, and their bodies are more resistant to poison than ordinary people. Therefore, she had time to detoxify. If it was her own prince, the situation might be hard to say.

After an incense stick of time, Hua Chun finally finished the treatment. She used a silver needle to sew up the wound little by little, and then wrapped it tightly with gauze coated with medicinal powder. At this time, her back was soaked with sweat.

"How is it?" Xiao Weixin asked her after seeing her put down the scissors.

Hua Chun wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied softly, "Eighty percent of the poison has been removed. There is still some remaining poison that needs to be slowly expelled through recuperation."

"Fortunately, he sealed his heart meridian in time, so his heart meridian was not damaged. There is no need to worry."

Hearing Hua Chun say this, Xiao Weixin breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Hua Chun noticed that he also had an injury on his arm, so she quickly stood up and took some gauze to bandage him, and asked in a somewhat reproachful manner: "Why didn't you let Wang Chen and the others take care of the injury on the prince's body first?"

Xiao Weixin didn't mean to stop Wangchen from handling it, but he was so concerned that he forgot for a moment, "It's okay, I got this injury myself."

Huachun was a little surprised.

"I didn't leave any of those assassins alive. Find a way to make my injuries look worse." Xiao Weixin whispered, "Xiao Weishen will definitely come to visit later."

Hua Chun knew what he wanted to do, and immediately wrapped up all the visible skin and flesh on Xiao Weixin's body. At first glance, his injuries were indeed serious.

Xiao Weixin: “…”

There is no need to wrap your head around it.

He gently carried You Shu, who was still unconscious on the bed, into another tent to take care of him. As soon as he lay down, he heard Wang Chen's loud voice at the door announcing: "Your subordinate pays respect to the emperor!"

Hua Chun stood beside the bed with lowered eyebrows. After a while, Xiao Weishen came in and showed great concern for his brother on the bed.

Xiao Weixin was half leaning against the bed with his eyes closed. Xiao Weishen saw the pool of thick black blood in the basin under the bed at a glance, and immediately felt full of guilt: "How is Seventh Brother?"

Hua Chun bowed respectfully and replied, "Your Majesty, the prince is... seriously injured. The sword wounds on his body are poisonous. Although I have cleaned them, his foundation has been damaged. I am afraid he will need to recuperate for several years."

After hearing her words, Xiao Weishen showed some guilt on his face, which did not seem fake. He still remembered that he was the one who pushed the man out to block the sword. No matter how you look at it, it was not a decent thing to do. It was normal for the seventh brother to feel resentful. Even a vicious person like Xiao Weishen felt that he had gone too far. His tone softened unconsciously and he said softly, "You should take good care of your injuries. I will ask the imperial doctors to take another look at you later. I am very confident in Miss Huachun's medical skills, so it would be better to let the imperial doctors take another look."

"Don't worry, I will never let you suffer in vain and will never let those assassins go!"

Xiao Weixin's face was pale and his lips were dark purple. After hearing his words, he nodded weakly: "Brother Emperor, I am fine. But, have you found out the origins of those assassins?"

"It must be the Quzhou rebels." Xiao Weishen said bitterly, "I will definitely wipe out their lair!"

Xiao Weixin coughed twice and spat out a mouthful of blood. Xiao Weishen was worried that if he said more, he would scare him, so he told Huachun to take good care of him and went out with a lot of anger.

After everyone left, Xiao Weixin sat up calmly. He looked thoughtful, wondering who was responsible for the assassination.

Unlike Xiao Weishen, he didn't really believe that this was done by the Quzhou rebels. It wasn't that he didn't believe Xiao Weishen's words, there was no need for him to lie to himself at this time, but the rebels in Quzhou were almost wiped out three years ago, and the few people left couldn't have the ability to organize an assassination.

The Quzhou rebels were the former subordinates of King Yi, who were the most powerful force in the fight against Xiao Weishen for the throne. After King Yi was killed by Xiao Weishen, his former subordinates refused to give up revenge. In the past few years, they had been active in the Quzhou area and attempted to rise up in rebellion, but they were suppressed every time. After several rounds of suppression, they were almost defeated and had long since disappeared.

Xiao Weixin felt that this incident was more like the style of the Western Rong. If Xiao Weishen died at this time, the Western Rong would be the most advantageous. They could take advantage of this opportunity to quickly gather troops and create another border chaos.

Xiao Weixin thought of the proton Na Su Tu again. Did he know something

After thinking for a while on the bed, he remembered You Shu who was still unconscious, so he got up and went to visit him quietly. Behind the tent where he was recuperating was You Shu's tent, which was originally for Qi Han and Wang Shu to live together, but was now used by Xiao Weixin for him to recuperate. Anyway, those two people were thick-skinned and didn't need such a good place.

When he walked in, You Shu was still unconscious. Luo Yao, who was taking care of him, turned around and saw him, and whispered, "Your Majesty, he seems to have a fever."

"Where is Huachun?" Xiao Weixin walked over and sat down on the couch, and sure enough, he saw Xiao Youshu's flushed face.

Luo Yao shook her head and said, "Sister Huachun said that fever is normal and asked me to take good care of her. I can't feed her medicine."

Xiao Weixin frowned, watching Luo Yao repeatedly placing wet wipes on You Shu's forehead, but the little shadow guard's face did not look any better.

Seeing him so weak, Xiao Weixin suddenly felt that all his previous thoughts were unnecessary.

The little shadow guard stood in front of him at the critical moment. He must have been prepared to die. When people are in the most dangerous moment, they will subconsciously make the choice they want to make the most. Even a shadow guard would not be completely without the consciousness of survival. Moreover, he always remembered the firm and powerful back of him when he stood in front of him.

Xiao Weixin felt as if his heart was being gently pried open by something, and suddenly he wanted the little shadow guard to get better soon.

He wanted to try to be nice to him.