From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 40


In fact, the shadow guards would occasionally fight in private, but they had never caused such a big trouble as today and had to come to the master's presence. A group of them knelt on the ground covered in dust and dirt like a group of trembling quails, anxiously waiting for their fate.

Xiao Weijing stared at the people on the ground with a half-smile, especially those guys he kept in his own house. They were all beaten black and blue. He didn't even need to guess to know that it was definitely the group of people from his seventh brother's house who beat them up.

It would be really shameless to say that four people couldn't beat three people.

Xiao Weijing asked casually: "Tell me, why?"

The shadow guards looked at each other, and no one dared to speak out, because if they told others about the fight just because they disliked each other, they would be punished by their own prince until nothing was left but their underwear.

Xiao Weixin didn't care what they were fighting for, his eyes were only on You Shu. You Shu knelt on the ground in a proper manner, knocking his head on the floor and not daring to raise it, sighing for his colleagues again.

It’s not a good idea to go out today. If I had known, I would have gone on a mission with Ying Er and the others.

"Everyone go down and receive your punishment." Xiao Weixin didn't want to punish Xiao Shu, but he couldn't show any clues in front of Xiao Weijing. It would be unreasonable not to give an explanation when his own people beat their people so badly.

However, Xiao Weijing was too lazy to care about such things. He waved his hand and said, "Did you hear that? Go and accept your punishment."

The shadow guards of Prince Yong's Mansion had all heard about Xie Feiyuan's methods of teaching people a lesson at Prince Ling's Mansion. They shuddered a few times, but could only retreat in shame.

"I knew it would be bad luck if I met them." Ying Jiu muttered softly, "It's bad luck."

You Shu was silent along the way, not because he was angry about being implicated. The shadow guards had been suppressed for a long time and they would inevitably want to vent. Usually, the shadow chief had strict rules and did not allow private fights. A group of young boys had nowhere to vent their energy, so they would easily explode when they saw someone they didn't like. They didn't really hate the shadow guards of Yongwang Mansion, they just found an excuse to fight together.

Xiao Weixin sat in the study for a while, thinking about You Shu who was going to be punished, and began to drive him away rudely: "You have nothing to say, why don't you leave? I won't leave lunch here."

"So heartless?" Xiao Weijing snorted and said lazily: "Your roof is broken and you don't even want to find someone to fix it?"

"If you ask me, your house isn't very solid. It collapsed with just two steps. How many years has it been since you renovated it?"

Xiao Weixin didn't have time to listen to his nagging, so he simply stood up and walked out by himself: "If you don't leave, I will."

Seeing him leave in a hurry, Xiao Weijing rubbed his chin and watched from behind for a long time. He didn't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that his seventh brother's behavior now seemed a little more humane than before. With his harsh temper, if the shadow guards made a mistake, he would have punished them more or less. But this time, he only asked the leader to whip them and fined them some salary, which was considered very light.


Xiao Weixin rushed all the way to the Shadow Guard Camp, where Xie Feiyuan was cursing at those people, whipping them with a whip while cursing. It was unknown what the whip was made of, but it was as thick as a horse's tail, and every time it was swung, it made a terrible explosion in the air. If it really hit a person, it would probably be able to roll away a layer of flesh.

The shadow guards had no idea how long they had been scolded. Their clothes had been torn into strips, and their exposed skin was covered in bloodstains, which made people shudder.

"Stop." Xiao Weixin straightened his posture and walked over calmly.

Xie Feiyuan raised his eyes and saw him, and quickly put away his whip and saluted respectfully: "Why are you here, Your Majesty? This place is dirty and will dirty your clothes."

"It's okay." Xiao Weixin's eyes were still on You Shu.

You Shu's body was covered with as many bloodstains as anyone else's. Even though he was Xie Feiyuan's half-son, he was not treated preferentially. He knelt on the ground with his head lowered. Xiao Weixin saw the faint scar on his chest from the last spring hunt, and his heart ached slightly.

There were many people in the Shadow Guard Battalion who were punished, and these methods were just ordinary punishments. Xiao Weixin had never cared about these things before, but now he couldn't bear to part with his little Shadow Guards, and even began to secretly regret that he shouldn't have let them receive the punishment in the study just now.

"How long has it been punished?" Xiao Weixin looked at Xie Feiyuan.

Xie Feiyuan replied: "It was only less than a quarter of an hour ago. I will have to go to the torture room to be punished again later."

"We still need to go to the torture chamber?" Xiao Weixin frowned: "Is the punishment too severe?"

Xie Feiyuan was confused: "Is this heavy? These bastards are tough and can withstand beatings and falls. Just a few whips won't teach them a lesson. If I don't beat them for three days, they will really tear down the roof!"

In fact, he was not wrong. These people in the Shadow Guard Battalion had been beaten since they were young, and they had long since developed the ability to withstand beatings. Even though they looked miserable now, that little bit of pain was actually no different from a tickle to them.

But Xiao Weixin was still unhappy: "I have said enough is enough. I have already asked someone to repair the study. It has been in disrepair for a long time."

"But they broke the rules." Xie Feiyuan was very disappointed. "They just fought with others for a small matter and completely forgot their status! Everything I said to them was just bullshit!"

He couldn't help but swear, and for a moment he forgot about the noble prince beside him. Xiao Weixin just frowned, "Ying San's injury hasn't healed yet, so it's not appropriate for him to be trained here."

"I have lost my temper now, and this will not happen again."

This statement was very clear, meaning that he was not allowed to hit You Shu.

Xie Feiyuan was stunned for a long time. Is this tolerant and generous person their prince

With the master's order, Xie Feiyuan could not continue fighting. He just turned around and cursed them a few more times, asking them to kowtow to the prince and apologize, and the matter was over.

The shadow guard of Prince Yong's mansion almost escaped.

Lingwang Mansion is so fucking scary!

Shadow Four and Shadow Nine managed to escape by luck, and they ran out like rabbits, fearing that if they ran too slowly they would be caught and beaten. You Shu slowly stood up from the ground, walked to Xiao Weixin and whispered, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Follow me." Xiao Weixin turned around and said coldly.

You Shu followed obediently, and the two of them walked in silence all the way to the yard where Xiao Weixin lived. Seeing that he was about to be taken into the bedroom, You Shu stopped.

Noticing the footsteps behind him stop, Xiao Weixin turned around and looked at him: "Why don't you keep up?"

"Your subordinate... Your subordinate is covered in blood, and I'm afraid of dirtying the prince's carpet." You Shu explained hesitantly. He still remembered the man's severe mysophobia, and hesitated to go in.

Xiao Weixin's eyes were somewhat complicated, and he lowered his voice: "Come in if I say so, and don't be long-winded."

Seeing his unhappy attitude, You Shu didn't dare to say another word and hurriedly followed him into the house. Before he even stood still, he heard Xiao Weixin calling Huachun.

Hua Chun came hurriedly from the backyard, and without saying a word she was assigned to bandage You Shu. She saw the wounds on You Shu's body at a glance, and hurriedly went to get her own medicine box, sighing in her heart.

She knew the prince too well. He was heartbroken, and his eyes were different from usual.

You Shu was forced to sit on a small stool with his upper body naked while bandaging Hua Chun. He was in a daze and had not yet come to his senses from reality.

He is... sitting in the bedroom openly

Hua Chun took a closer look at the wounds and found that they were not very serious, just flesh wounds. After a simple treatment, he picked up the medicine box and explained the situation to Xiao Weixin.

"Yeah." Xiao Weixin nodded and sat in the chair, unable to tell what he was thinking.

You Shu had no clothes to wear, so he could only sit there in his underwear, hesitating whether to say anything first.

"Does it... hurt?" Xiao Weixin asked an unclear question after a long while.

You Shu scratched his head and replied honestly, "Your Majesty, I don't feel any pain. This whip only looks scary, and the injuries are just superficial. I have thick skin and flesh, so I will be fine in two days."

"You're lying." Xiao Weixin said softly, "Does the flesh wound not hurt?"

You Shu was stunned, and then fell silent.

In fact, it wasn't really that it didn't hurt, it was just that it was nothing compared to other injuries. In the past many years, he had seen more terrible punishments than this. A few years ago, Xiao Weixin's road to power had just begun. In order to pave a way for himself and place people, their Shadow Guard Battalion was ordered to start planning the first step, eliminating dissidents.

In the interrogation room that day, You Shu and Ying Er took turns to use the cruelest tortures to force people to confess their crimes. The horrifying torture instruments were used on people one by one, and the whole room was filled with the smell of blood. That night almost became his nightmare. Whenever he closed his eyes, he would see bloody and white pieces of meat. He couldn't eat for three days after that.

After seeing the real tricks, who would care about a few minor injuries

But he forgot that he was once a child who was spoiled by his parents and sister. He would cry for a long time even if he broke the skin on his leg as big as a fingernail. But now he can remove flesh and bones without changing his expression.

If my parents knew, I don’t know how sad they would be.

"If you make a mistake, you must accept the punishment. This is what Master Yingshou taught you." You Shu said softly, "I do deserve to be punished."

Xiao Weixin felt a lump in his throat, not knowing whether he should be angry with himself or with You Shu.

He was clearly a qualified shadow guard trained according to the strictest standards, but he felt that this was not the case.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Weixin took two steps forward, gently touched the scar on You Shu's chest through his underwear, and asked him in a low voice: "Does it still hurt here?"

"It doesn't hurt." You Shu shook his head. It really didn't hurt anymore.

Xiao Weixin pursed her lips, a trace of pity flashed in her eyes, and she raised her hand and patted him on the head gently: "From now on, I will never let you get hurt again."

You Shu did not dare to look up at him. After hearing these words, his heart trembled slightly. The words were spoken very softly and gently, as if a warm breeze brushed across his heart, making him feel gentle.

The prince is such a nice person.

The two of them enjoyed a rare moment of peace and quiet in the house. You Shu counted the time and found that it was almost time for dinner. Suddenly, he began to miss the big pot meal in the cafeteria.

I heard that there are prawns today, which is a rare and delicious thing. I wonder if I can eat them when I go back.

Xiao Weixin was still distressed. In his eyes, the little shadow guard was just forcing a smile to hide his pain. He was sitting on the stool carefully, which made people feel pity for him. After sitting for a while, Xiao Weixin wanted to break the silence, so he just found a random topic to talk about: "Come to think of it, you are twenty this year, right?"

"Yes." You Shu nodded, still thinking about the prawns. He wondered if those guys had the conscience to leave a few for him.

Xiao Weixin propped up his chin with one hand and looked at his profile, then asked tentatively, "Twenty is considered adulthood, and men from ordinary families are married."

"Since you don't have a crush on someone, then... do you have any special preferences, or what type of person do you like?"

The question was a bit explicit, but You Shu didn't hear it. There were many cases of men in the Shadow Guard Camp bragging to each other, so he thought it was just normal chatting between brothers and friends, so he answered honestly.

"I don't have any special preferences, but... in the future, when the prince succeeds, if I'm lucky enough, I can meet a gentle and caring woman."

Xiao Weixin was not happy when he heard the word "woman". "A gentle and caring woman... could she be someone like Hua Chun?"

When Hua Chun was mentioned, You Shu blushed all of a sudden, and hurriedly shook his head to cover up his mistake: "No, no, I don't dare to have any desire for Miss Hua Chun."

He just likes people with Hua Chun's personality, which doesn't mean she is the only one.

However, in Xiao Weixin's eyes, his expression was equivalent to confirming the fact that he had a crush on Hua Chun.

The atmosphere turned cold at this point, and Xiao Weixin wanted to overturn the table.

Xiao Weijing, that nosy guy, is right. Huachun's lifelong affairs need to be carefully considered.

Huachun, who was doing embroidery in the corridor outside the house, suddenly sneezed, which made Luo Yao worried, thinking that she was sick.

Huachun shook her head, looked back at the prince's bedroom, and thought it was strange.

Why did I suddenly feel like the prince was glaring at me from across the room

An illusion, right