From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 49: forty nine


Xiao Weixin planned to stay in the temple for two more days. It was a rare opportunity for him to come out, so there was no need to rush back. Besides, he was really annoyed with Xiao Weishen, so it was better for him to hide here and relax, so as to avoid having to go back and face him.

He was not the only one who had such thoughts. Yang Qixian also asked for a few days' leave from the court. He did not like the chaotic atmosphere in the court either, so he simply lived in the next room. At night, Xiao Weixin listened to the monks chanting in the main hall, and soon there was another person beside him.

"Your Highness." Yang Qixian bowed respectfully.

Xiao Weixin responded and turned to continue looking at the monks who were concentrating on chanting. Yang Qixian couldn't just walk away, so he stood with them for a while, and suddenly sighed, "These monks chant and pray all day long, but I don't know if it's really useful."

"What do you mean, General?" Xiao Weixin turned his head and asked him.

Yang Qixian's eyes were heavy, and he sighed heavily: "The soldiers fought outside, and only now we have a moment of peace. If chanting scriptures and reciting Buddha's name were useful, why would we be of any use?"

"The situation in the world is not completely calm yet, but the emperor... I heard that a folk master came to the palace recently. The emperor highly respects him and is busy asking for divination all day long. I really don't understand why the country's destiny is placed on this illusory god or ghost."

Perhaps it was because General Yang was squeezed out by Prime Minister Xia in the court a few days ago and had some of his military power stripped away by Xiao Weishen, so there was some indignation in Yang Qixian's words. For a general family like them who were loyal to the emperor and patriotic, this kind of thing was a huge blow. He was still young and naturally impulsive. He actually blurted out these words in front of Xiao Weishen, which showed that he was indeed straightforward.

"General, be careful with your words." Xiao Weixin advised, "You can say these words in front of me, but you must not tell others. You must know that walls have ears, and my brother is watching you everywhere now, so you must be careful in what you do."

Yang Qixian certainly knew this truth. Perhaps it was because Xiao Weixin's reputation had always been "Idle King", which had nothing to do with those political struggles, so he couldn't help but let down his guard and couldn't help but say something he shouldn't have said.

"I have some friendship with His Royal Highness Prince Ling, and I often hear him mention you." Yang Qixian said sincerely, "People like the prince are indeed rare. I have heard a lot about you and I am a little curious, but I have never found a chance to meet you."

Xiao Wei smiled with difficulty: "Major General, you are too kind. I haven't thanked you for taking care of my stupid brother yet."

"Your Highness the Prince of Qin is not stupid." Yang Qixian looked at Xiao Weixin and said bluntly, "Why do you want him to hide his strength? He is good at martial arts and has a talent for fighting. Why doesn't Your Highness let him join the army?"

Xiao Weixin was silent for a while, with a look of disappointment in his eyes: "Young General, what kind of king do you think my brother is?"

Yang Qixian paused, then continued: "Although ministers should not criticize the king, but... sometimes the emperor does things that are unpopular."

"Even the young general knows this, so how could I not know it?" Xiao Weixin sighed, "Weiming has had the ambition to join the army and make achievements since he was a child, but unfortunately he was born into the wrong family and had to be born into an imperial family. My brother and I, our mother's family is weak and we are not loved by our father. After my brother ascended the throne... What do you think I can do if I want to protect him in that situation?"

Yang Qixian also fell silent. He knew about the evil deeds of the current emperor and did not really agree with him in his heart. However, the children of aristocratic families often had no choice. Their fathers had always taught them to be loyal to the king. Even if the current emperor might be immoral, they had no choice.

As the saying goes, if the king wants his subjects to die, the subjects have to die.

Most of these men who came from the military battlefield sympathized with each other. Yang Qixian saw that Xiao Weiming was a talented person, but for the sake of survival he was buried in the capital and had only been an incompetent prince. He felt sorry for him deep in his heart.

Xiao Weixin didn't say much. He knew Yang Qixian's character. If he wanted to persuade him to change his mind, he didn't even think about it. There were many things he wouldn't learn from unless he saw them with his own eyes.

But what he heard today was enough for him to think about it when he got home.

You Shu searched for a while before he found Xiao Weixin in the main hall. He walked over carefully and saw Yang Qixian there, and hesitated whether to go over. Xiao Weixin saw him, beckoned to him and said with a smile: "Xiao Shu, come here."

You Shu's ears turned red, and he pretended to be calm and walked over: "Your Majesty, I have been looking for you for a long time."

"I'm here listening to someone chanting sutras." Xiao Weixin said with a smile, "This is the Major General."

You Shu hurriedly saluted: "Greetings, Major General."

Yang Qixian didn't know his identity, so he quickly responded, "You're welcome."

People who practice martial arts can detect each other's strength, and this is even more so between masters. Sometimes they can tell whether they can win without even fighting. Yang Qixian is a veteran and good at fighting, but he found that the young man in black in front of him has higher martial arts value. If the two of them fight, he may not win.

In an instant, Yang Qixian's desire to win was aroused: "This young master is very skilled."

"I dare not." You Shu stood behind Xiao Weixin and replied lightly, without any warmth at all.

Yang Qixian couldn't figure out the relationship between the two. They looked like master and servant, but King Ling's attitude didn't seem to be as simple as treating him as a servant. "I think I have some kung fu skills. Seeing that you are very skilled, I wonder if we can spar with each other?"

In no mood.

You Shu really wanted to refuse. This cabbage would not even enter his prince's bowl, and he didn't want to waste his energy.

Xiao Weixin smiled: "Young General, you are joking. Of course, you are stronger."

Yang Qixian didn't believe it, but he wasn't the type to force things. Since the other party didn't want to, there was nothing much he could say. So he clasped his fists, said goodbye to Xiao Weixin, and turned to leave the hall.

Xiao Weixin looked at his back as he left, and thought to himself, Yang Qixian was indeed conservative at such a young age, but he was not really impossible to pry open. At least he was better than his old man. Given time, he would be able to bring him under his control.

He turned around and saw You Shuye staring at Yang Qixian, and couldn't help asking: "What are you looking at?"

"I am waiting to see when this man will surrender." You Shu replied.

In the original novel, this young general is too positive. He is good at fighting and other things, but he is not very smart and stubborn. How can the dog emperor Xiao Weishen defend him? Moreover, his throne was strictly speaking stolen. What's the point of being loyal to the emperor

"No rush." Xiao Weixin said softly, "It's only a matter of time."

The two of them returned to the room under the cover of night. Perhaps because the temple was quiet enough to make people forget many worries, Xiao Weixin had a good sleep that night.

The next day, he took You Shu around and strolled in the peach forest surrounding the temple. You Shu had no choice but to accompany them.

"Do you know what I'm asking for?" Xiao Weixin suddenly turned around and looked at him with a smile.

You Shu shook his head, "I don't know."

"It is said that Hanyue Temple is very effective in praying for marriage." Xiao Weixin said, "I am also interested."

You Shu's brain worked for a moment, "Is the prince here to seek a marriage?"

"Yeah." Xiao Weixin nodded.

You Shu was puzzled: "But doesn't the prince already have a lover? Why does he still want to...?"

Xiao Weixin looked sad, sighed, and said softly: "Of course it's because I didn't get what I wanted. The person I love always delays responding to me."

How can such a thing happen!!!

You Shu's inner shock was difficult to express in words.

His male lead has already condescended to not pursue a romantic relationship with the female lead, but the guy who broke up his CP is actually going to be so arrogant as to not want him

Who is so ungrateful

"This person must be blind." You Shu resisted the urge to roar. He didn't even know who that person was, but when he saw the prince's gloomy and distracted look, he instantly became angry.

No die-hard fan can bear to see their idol being hurt by love.

Xiao Weixin almost laughed out loud, and said in agreement: "Yes, I also think he is blind."

“And it’s still pretty wooden.”

"Maybe marriage shouldn't be forced, but I still want to give it a try." Xiao Weixin said softly, "I haven't figured out how to explain it to him yet. I'm afraid to move forward. Do you think he will understand my feelings?"

Is this even necessary

You are so outstanding, why do you need to be upset

"Perhaps the girl just hasn't figured it out yet. Your Majesty, don't worry. As the saying goes, sincerity can move mountains and open up new horizons. I believe she will understand." You Shu racked his brains to comfort him.

"Do you think so?" Xiao Weixin looked at him thoughtfully.

You Shu nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

Xiao Weixin chuckled, shook his head and walked forward.

You Shu was confused and unsure what he meant. Why did he suddenly leave again

But... Why did he feel uncomfortable watching Xiao Weixin feeling sad and lost for an unknown woman, walking away alone in the peach blossom forest

You Shu touched his chest expressionlessly, feeling the heartbeat from there, and thought for a long time.

I see. It's probably because the prince doesn't have a couple with the heroine, so it's a little unacceptable to see him with other women.

It makes sense when you think about it this way, there is absolutely no problem.

As a qualified younger brother, should he share the worries of his master

You Shu was thinking about whether he should help out with some advice. Although he had never even touched a girl's hand, he was very good at talking about things on paper. In the past, everyone in the dormitory was fooled by him, a single guy.

After returning from the temple, You Shu kept thinking about this matter. The prince's business was his business, and he also wanted to help. Before he could figure out the reason, Su Tu, who couldn't sit still, came again, but this time he was said to have brought a sincere gift.

Xiao Weixin frowned as he looked at the white creature stuffed into his arms, "What is this?"

"You haven't seen it in the Central Plains, have you?" Na Sutu said proudly, with his hands on his hips. "I got it from Persia. All cats there are like this. The eyes are exactly the same as mine."

Xiao Weixin frowned and was about to throw the cat away.

"It's not for you." Na Su Tu was dissatisfied, picked up the cat and stuffed it into You Shu's arms: "It's for the little beauty."

You Shu lowered his head and met the eyes of the chubby white long-haired cat in his arms. The cat's eyes were also one blue and one yellow, and it indeed looked different from the tabby cats in the Central Plains.

"I don't want it." Xiao Weixin looked unhappy and wanted to beat him out.

Na Sutu laughed, "Just because you don't like it doesn't mean others don't like it. This kind of cat is very valuable. Others can't even get it if they want it."

You Shu was so stiff holding the cat, his hands raised perfectly. It had been a long time since he had held such a soft and fluffy kitten.


Xiao Weixin read the signal he wanted from his micro-expressions.


So he left the cat behind.

Na Su Tu blinked and asked You Shu with a smile: "Now you can finally tell me your name, right?"

"No." You Shu refused impartially.

That Sutu was very disappointed: "Why?"

Because I'm not gay.

A good man doesn't have a mistress, and a real man will never be gay!

I am a straight man who stands tall and upright, just like my prince!