From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 70


Xiao Weixin has a strong sense of self-esteem. Although You Shu did not actually laugh, Xiao Weixin could see the smile hidden under his calm face.

At that moment, he was furious and felt ashamed, as if he had lost a huge amount of face.

Soon You Shu couldn't laugh anymore.


When he got up and went out the next day, You Shu sighed as he walked, saying that his prince was narrow-minded than a needle tip, and he should never joke with him about that matter again.

Alas, the vain egos of these men.

You Shu didn't reflect on the fact that he was not much better. He walked briskly back to the Shadow Guard Camp. As soon as he landed on the ground, he ran into Xie Feiyuan's stinky face.

"Master Shadow Chief." You Shu immediately stood up and saluted, being very disciplined and not daring to slack off at all.

Although Xie Feiyuan couldn't do anything about their business, it didn't stop him from scolding You Shu severely and then left.

You Shu waited until the others had left before he dared to sigh. In the past he could not understand why Shadow Leader was always so bad-tempered. Now that he had a partner and a nightlife, he finally understood that he was used to being alone and lacked love in his heart.

Fortunately, Xie Feiyuan, who was walking in front, couldn't read minds, otherwise he would have turned around and twisted You Shu's head off.

After You Shu recovered, he continued to monitor Li Liang's movements every day, and from time to time told him what Xiao Weixin had told him to do. Li Liang was also quite obedient, and he almost always did what he was told, without any intention of resisting.

However, something big happened in the palace these two days.

Queen Mother Xia is pregnant.

You Shu was busy enjoying the melon with his brothers. The queen's belly was still not moving, but the queen mother had news. The old emperor had been dead for many years, and the queen mother was actually pregnant. That was a huge scandal!

Not many people know about this, but the Shadow Guard Battalion is an intelligence organization, and everyone knows what they should and shouldn't know. They don't dare to talk much about their masters' affairs, but that doesn't stop them from gossiping in private.

It is said that Xiao Weishen was furious and killed the imperial physician who took the empress dowager's pulse on the spot. He also executed all the palace maids and eunuchs who were present and knew about the incident. He was also going to kill the culprit, Master Yusheng, but was saved by the empress dowager Xia's threat of death.

The information You Shu got from Xiao Weixin was that Xiao Weishen covered up the matter, assigned more people to the Empress Dowager's Taiqing Palace, and forbade anyone in the palace to talk nonsense. After all, if the news of the Empress Dowager's pregnancy got out, the royal family would lose face.


In the study, Xiao Weijing's laughter almost blew the roof off, "I knew that they would never disappoint us."

"If you keep making noise, you'll be kicked out." Xiao Weixin frowned, "This was all planned. There's nothing to be surprised about."

Xiao Weijing supported her head with her left hand and said with sarcasm in her eyes: "It seems that Mr. Yusheng is really a man of means. We were not wrong about him."

"If your whole family were imprisoned and died unjustly, it would be even more cruel than him." Xiao Weixin said calmly, "I just gave him a chance."

Xiao Weijing laughed, "Weiming is having a hard time right now. I heard that he was bullied badly by He Qin in Zhenbei Camp. He is always being bullied by that bully."

"He came to me crying the day before yesterday."

Xiao Weixin also knew more or less about Xiao Weiming's recent grievances, and stared at the inkstone on the table for a long time, "Let He Qin be proud for a few more days, and I will let Li Liang help secretly."

"I heard that the Huzhou rebels captured another county two days ago. I wonder if Xiao Weishen can sit still."

"But I think he probably doesn't have much in mind. Right now, his troublesome nyonya has caused such a shocking scandal, and he is too busy covering it up to care about anything else."

The fact was just as Xiao Weijing had expected. Letters about the Huzhou rebels were sent to the palace one after another, but Xiao Weishen was in no mood to deal with them. The joy brought by Concubine Luo's pregnancy was completely destroyed by the affairs of Empress Dowager Xia.

He sat alone in his bedroom with a worried look on his face, thinking about how to deal with the unborn child. It was originally a matter of a bowl of safflower, but his mother had taken some kind of magic potion and insisted on giving birth to the child at the age of 42, saying that she wanted to leave a child for Lord Sheng.

That Master Yusheng was just a lowly actor. Who does he think he is? If the Queen Mother had an affair with an actor and gave birth to an illegitimate child, it would be a disgrace to the ancestors if the news got out.

Xiao Weishen couldn't do what Queen Mother Xia wanted, nor could he really force her to death. He was so worried that he didn't eat for two days.

When he heard that Xiao Weixin had arrived, he listlessly asked the palace servants to bring him in.

"Brother." Xiao Weixin pretended not to know about this matter, "You haven't been to court for two days. Are you feeling unwell?"

Xiao Weishen raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked tired, "You're here? Sit down."

After Xiao Weixin sat down, Xiao Weishen hesitated and said, "Seventh brother, what do you think... How should I deal with this matter?"

He picked out some details and told half of the story about Empress Dowager Xia, saying only that she was pregnant but not who. He really had no idea what to do. His uncle had been on bad terms with him recently and it was meaningless to ask him about such a thing.

Xiao Weixin pretended to be shocked: "There is such a thing?"

Seeing him so surprised, Xiao Weishen felt a headache even more, "What do you think I should do?"

"Of course you can't keep her." Xiao Weixin stepped forward and advised sincerely, "Royal brother, although the Empress Dowager has had such an incident, you are the Emperor and you shouldn't be so depressed."

"Of course, the fetus in the belly cannot be kept. Otherwise, if it is really born in the future... How should my brother deal with the relationship with the child?"

Xiao Weishen also knew how serious this was. "But my mother is determined to have the baby. I can't ignore her life or death. Besides, the imperial physician also said that if I abort the baby hastily, it might harm the queen mother's life."

"If I had known this, I would not have allowed the Queen Mother to do whatever she wanted all these years."

Xiao Weixin sat on the chair and looked at Xiao Weishen, who was sitting on the high seat with his head down and a look of regret. His eyes were indifferent, but he spoke gently: "Royal brother, don't blame yourself. Since the incident has already happened, the Queen Mother's life cannot be harmed... I have a way."

"It can both save the royal family's reputation and satisfy the Queen Mother."

Xiao Weishen suddenly looked up and asked in surprise: "What method?"

Xiao Weixin hesitated for a moment, then said, "How about we send the Queen Mother out of the palace and find a quiet and sparsely populated manor to live in? We can only bring some of the most caring people in the palace to serve her, and tell the public that the Queen Mother is not feeling well and has left the palace to worship Buddha and pray for the country."

"This way, no one will know that the Queen Mother is pregnant. If the Queen Mother gives birth safely in the manor, no one will know about it, and her life will not be in danger. After the child makes a sound, my brother will immediately find someone to adopt the child. If the Queen Mother misses him, she can go and see him secretly. She will never let him into the palace."

"In this way, my brother can both preserve the dignity of the royal family and satisfy the Queen Mother. Isn't that the best of both worlds?"

After hearing what he said, Xiao Weishen lowered his head and pondered for a long time, and felt that this was a good idea: "Yes! Why didn't I think of it!?"

If the empress dowager is sent out of the palace, no one will see her growing belly, and no one will know that the empress dowager has committed such a scandal. Some servants from outside can be hired to look after the farm outside, and no one will know that the person living there is the current empress dowager.

This solves all problems!

The frustration on Xiao Weishen's face was swept away. He excitedly stepped forward and grasped Xiao Weixin's hand: "Seventh brother, you are really smart! I have been worrying about such a good idea for so long!"

"You're right, I'll do it now!"

Xiao Weixin pulled his hand out without leaving a trace, coughed twice and said in a gentle voice: "I just want to share your worries, my brother. Please don't be so polite."

The shadow in Xiao Weishen's heart disappeared in an instant, and he immediately began to arrange for the empress dowager to move to the palace.

Xiao Weixin, on the other hand, retired after accomplishing his mission, leaving the stage quietly.

On his way back to the palace, he recalled Xiao Weishen's stupid face and smiled silently. Using such a legitimate reason to get Queen Mother Xia out of the heavily guarded palace was equivalent to cutting off the last bridge that connected Xia Maoan and Xiao Weishen, the uncle and nephew.

Without the Queen Mother's support, the conflict between the uncle and nephew will further intensify, and no one will be able to mediate.

What's more, the manor proposed by Xiao Weixin for the empress dowager to live in was secretly controlled by him. All his people were there. After the Empress Dowager Xia passed away, she was far away from the palace and had no one to take care of her, so in the end she fell into his hands.

At that time, life and death will just be a matter of his words.

A hint of cruelty gradually appeared in Xiao Weixin's eyes. He had been waiting for this day for a very long time. He would definitely take back every humiliation that the woman had inflicted on his mother.

Xiao Weishen would never have thought that his seventh brother, whom he thought was sincerely helping him solve his problems, was actually the wolf hiding the deepest. He also felt that he owed him a lot and was planning to promote him.

Thus, the scandal caused by the Queen Mother seemed to be resolved so peacefully. Without the Queen Mother in charge of the harem, all matters fell into the hands of Concubine Luo. She was already domineering and now she became even more arrogant and presumptuous, and gradually she even ignored the Queen.

Xiao Weixin was as steady as a rock, wishing the imperial concubine would act a little more naughty.

On the other side, something finally happened in the Zhenbei Camp.

Xiao Weiming had been working under He Qin these days, and he was deliberately made difficult by He Qin in the name of sharpening his skills, which made him finally unable to bear it and started to resist.

The Zhenbei Camp was full of He Qin's men. Xiao Weiming was no match for four people with his two fists. He was besieged by hundreds of people and was beaten to a bloody mess. He fell off the stage and lost consciousness on the spot.

When Xiao Weixin got the news, he angrily smashed the teacup, and went straight to Prince Qin's mansion without eating a single bite.

You Shu followed closely.

This matter was known in every street and alley, and many people exaggerated it as if they had seen it happen at the scene. They all said that they saw the King of Qin being carried out covered in blood, and that He Qin's men were very vicious and were trying to kill him everywhere.

There was chaos in the Prince of Qin's Mansion because there was no hostess to stabilize the situation. So Xiao Weixin quickly took control of the scene after his arrival and brought Hua Chun with him.

After clearing out all the strangers in the dormitory, Xiao Weixin sat calmly on the edge of the bed. His face no longer had the anxiety and anger he had shown in front of others just now. He even took a sip of tea leisurely.

"Get up and stop pretending."

Xiao Weiming had been concentrating on pretending to be dead, but after hearing what he said, he quietly opened one eye while lying on the bed. When he saw him, he jumped up with a smile, his arms and legs very flexibly: "Seventh Brother, how did I perform this time? Was it decent?"

"Not bad." Xiao Weixin praised him, which was rare. "You have made progress."

You Shu, who was following them and knew what they were doing, sighed helplessly.

As for Xiao Weiming's acting skills, it was fortunate that he was coached by their prince in advance. His brain is also worrying.

After Xiao Weiming stood up, his eyes fell on You Shu again, and he grinned, "Hello, sister-in-law!"

You Shu: “…”

Shut up, I don’t know you, don’t yell.

Who is your sister-in-law.