From Shadow Guard to Empress

Chapter 80


When he was thrown roughly into the cage, Xiao Weijing cursed Xiao Weixin to death in his heart.

What's the difference between that guy and Xiao Weishen? When it comes to betraying their brothers, each of them is more ruthless than the other!

The rebel guards who threw him in didn't move much, and even looked a little terrified, as if they had invited a huge and incredible Buddha. After locking the door of the cage, they ran away as if their butts were on fire, as if there was a ghost behind them.

Xiao Weijing squatted in the cage and sighed, regretting more and more that he had boarded Xiao Weixin's pirate ship.

Ying Qi, who came here as a temporary guard, was watching the situation carefully. He was ordered to carry out his mission here and he must ensure the safety of His Royal Highness Prince Yong. His prince would not deliberately harm Prince Yong, so he was not in a hurry. However, His Royal Highness Prince Yong was too chattering. He had not stopped talking since he came in, which made Ying Qi a little annoyed.

At this time, in the enemy's tent, Liu Tiezhu was walking back and forth with a pale face. Just now in the tent, the envoy had analyzed the pros and cons with him for most of the day, and then when he found that he didn't understand, he scolded him for a long time, and also called him a rebel. Treason is not only punishable by death, but also will be recorded in the book in the future, and will be scolded by future generations for thousands of years. He scolded until his face turned green, and he couldn't understand how there could be such a scolding person in the world.

Liu Tiezhu was just a rough man, born into a peasant family, and had never been to school in his life. The initial purpose of his uprising was just to have something to eat. Fundamentally, he did not want to go against the court. Although he rebelled, he had never committed any wanton killing in the past few months, and deep down in his heart he was not prepared to really confront the emperor. If it were not for the military advisor pushing him, he would not dare to do so.

So after being scolded by Xiao Weijing, he felt uneasy and his already unsteady determination became even more shaken. It would have been great if the military advisor was here at this time.

Liu Tiezhu sighed deeply and thought of Xiao Weijing who was imprisoned.

Speaking of which, that envoy was really good at swearing. He was completely confused by all the swearing he did. He cursed for a long time without using a single dirty word. Scholars are really scary.

On the other hand, hearing that Xiao Weijing was locked up, You Shu couldn't help but feel a little worried: "Will His Royal Highness Prince Yong be okay?"

Compared to other worries, Xiao Weixin was much calmer: "No."

You Shu wondered why he was so sure, and Xiao Weixin explained: "As you said, Liu Tiezhu is a man without a backbone. If someone hadn't deliberately instigated him, he might not have accomplished anything great."

"I haven't figured out what Xia Maoan is planning yet, but Liu Tiezhu and the others are definitely not on the same page."

"Since Xia Maoan can use him, why can't I?"

Xiao Weixin raised his hand and patted You Shu's shoulder gently: "I heard that the military advisor is not in the camp these two days. It is most appropriate to take action now."

"I know Fifth Brother's mouth. No one is better at sophistry than him. I'm afraid Liu Tiezhu is still doubting whether he is on the right path."

"Of course, I didn't expect Fifth Brother to do anything with just a few words. I just wanted to explore the way."

Taking advantage of the absence of the military advisor, Xiao Weixin launched three consecutive offensives in one breath, each time stopping just enough. He retreated as soon as the war drums were beaten. His completely disorganized infantry method made Liu Tiezhu on the opposite side at a loss, and he had no idea how to respond. He fought with brute force, and had no idea what it meant to retreat in order to advance. He had never read the art of war. He only remembered what the military advisor said not to leave the camp easily, and this was how he managed to defend his camp.

Haoying Qi took advantage of the guards who were dozing off at night and sneaked out of the cage several times to spy on the situation. He found out the direction of the main tent and the deputy generals, wrote it down carefully, and then sent a message to You Shu.

Everything went smoothly, the weather gradually turned cooler, and it was almost September. The situation was relatively peaceful, but when Ying Liu, who was responsible for escorting the food and grass, showed up at the camp with injuries, You Shu was a little panicked.

"I followed the orders of Lord Shadow Chief and secretly escorted the grain transport vehicle. We also took the official road, but a group of people came from nowhere. There were thousands of them. They were all very skilled and brave. Almost all of our people were killed."

"If I hadn't faked my own death and escaped, I would not have been able to come back alive to report."

Xiao Weixin's expression turned serious. He had taken many precautions to ensure the safe delivery of food and fodder, and he had even specially dispatched more manpower. He knew Xie Feiyuan's ability to do things, and there was no problem with the intelligence, so where did these many assassins come from

"Your Highness..." You Shu stood beside Ying Liu and wanted to plead for him. According to the camp's rules, Ying Liu's mission was considered a failure and he should be punished. However, Ying Liu was now injured and he didn't know how he had managed to run here alive to report the news. He really couldn't bear to let him go back to be punished.

Xiao Weixin knew what he was thinking and said softly, "I know."

Seeing him say that, You Shu breathed a sigh of relief. After entrusting Ying Liu to Hua Chun's care, he followed Xiao Weixin out of the tent. After thinking for a while, he asked, "Who do you think did it?"

"Who else could it be other than Xia Maoan?" Xiao Weixin looked depressed. "It seems that I underestimated him. He dared to trip me up at a time like this. I just don't know where he got all these people from."

You Shu thought for a while before saying, "Does he have such a strong team? Our people are already elite soldiers, could it be that they are even stronger?"

"Let Xie Feiyuan investigate first." Xiao Weixin said coldly, "Also, have someone keep a close eye on Li Liang."

You Shu knew that he was in a bad mood. He had made sufficient preparations, but in the end, the grain transport truck was still unexpectedly hijacked. Moreover, if this wave of grain could not arrive on time, even if it was redistributed from the capital, it would take more than half a month to arrive, but the remaining grain and grass were not enough to sustain that long.

"There must be something fishy going on here." Xiao Weixin stopped halfway through his walk. "The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong. Xia Maoan doesn't have that much ability. Even though he holds great power now, he can't just move people around at will. This matter needs to be investigated carefully."

Xiao Weixin originally wanted to take his time to deal with Liu Tiezhu, but time was running out and he had no time to think about it. He had to solve the problem here and return to the court as soon as possible.

You Shu was also furious. He always felt that they were like toys in the open, being played with without any dignity by a pair of hands hidden in the dark. Could this plot ever be good

As the night gradually fell, You Shu had just changed into his nightgown and was ready to go out to do something important, but before he even left the house, he heard Xiao Weixin's voice: "Where are you going?"

He paused and turned around to see that Xiao Weixin was leaning against the door of the tent with his arms folded, looking at him. It seemed that he had expected him to do this. You Shu whispered back, "I'll go kill that military advisor."

"I don't want to know what other plots they have. I only know that we are running low on food and fodder. If we can't win the battle quickly, we will all be in trouble."

"Kill him and put an end to it all."

Xiao Weixin came over and disagreed with his impulsiveness: "It's just that the food and grass were intercepted, it's not a big deal."

"But we are trapped here and can't leave." You Shu said, "The enemy is clearly trying to waste time. I will kill Liu Tiezhu first, and then take advantage of the chaos to kidnap the military advisor. If I kill the two of them, the rebels will naturally disperse."

Xiao Weixin sighed, "Xiao Shu, you have never been so impatient."

You Shu tightly gripped the dagger at his waist, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Xiao Weixin came forward and whispered, "If you must go, I'll go with you."

"No." You Shu immediately shook his head and refused, "It's too dangerous."

"Don't you think I'm not good enough?" Xiao Weixin frowned, "I won't be a drag."

You Shu shook his head: "But you are the commander-in-chief. You have to be in charge of the army. You can't be missing here."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Seeing that Xiao Weixin was not taking off his shoes, You Shu assured him, "You will be back soon. There will be no danger."

Xiao Weixin was worried, but You Shu was determined, as if he couldn't stop me. He stood there and pondered for a long time, "No matter how I persuade you, you have to go, right?"

"Yes." You Shu gritted his teeth and said, "I regret not killing Liu Tiezhu last time. If I had known this would happen, I should have killed him when he was drunk that night."

Xiao Weixin knew that he had made up his mind, so he had no choice but to agree to take the risk, "If you are captured, I will lead my troops to rescue you."

You Shu nodded, turned around and disappeared into the night.

The enemy camp was heavily guarded. You Shu got the intelligence from Ying Qi and climbed over from the other side of the mountain, avoiding the patrols and heading straight for the main camp. Liu Tiezhu was drinking, and You Shu knocked down the two guards and then jumped in through the window.

Liu Tiezhu was drinking when he suddenly felt someone coming in. Before he could turn around to see who it was, he felt a chill on his neck. The sharp side of a knife was placed on his neck, and a cold voice said, "Are you Liu Tiezhu?"

Although Liu Tiezhu was brainless, he was not a coward. He was not afraid even when a knife was placed on his neck. "I am your grandfather! Who sent you to be a killer?"

You Shu was annoyed by him, so he turned around to face him, and lowered the dagger in his hand even lower. "I have something to ask you, and I advise you to be sensible."

If Liu Tiezhu doesn't cooperate, the worst that can happen is to kill this guy with a sword, and then search the tents one by one.

He was still in deep thought, but he didn't expect that when Liu Tiezhu saw his face, his originally angry face turned into surprise and he shouted, "Benefactor!"

"Why is it you, old man?"

You Shu frowned, and slightly exerted force on the sword he held, pressing him down and whispering, "Don't try to be a relative!"

Liu Tiezhu seemed not to hear his threats, nor to feel the bleeding from the wound on his neck. His face was all smiles, and he looked at You Shu as if he were a living Buddha, just like a dog who was happy to see his owner, affectionate and honest.

You Shu could hardly hold the knife in his hand and couldn't understand what Liu Tiezhu was doing.

Is this guy out of his mind